AT THE GRAND THEATRE, OSHAWA The World's Greatest Screen Master Piece "OVER TUE UILL" 1%/fA D n Li IlI A Il BURKETON If you want a real treat, corne over to the station and get sorne Willard's Chocolate Coated, Ice Cream Eclairs. They are the last thing in Ice Crearn. We also carry a fulli une of To- bacco and Cigars. C. P. R. Lunch Counter, Burketon, F. Waterhouse, Manager. '7-t ENFIELD Recent visitors: Mrs. H. J. Werry, Enniskillen, at Mr Russel Ormiston's; Mr. Everett Mackey, Brooklin, with relatives here; Mrs. John and Mr. W. Alexander, Northi Oshawa, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. Samuel Bray recently visited in Toronito;- Friday' evening, a goodly number assembled MAPLE GROVE Our League visited Ebenezer Wed- nesday, February 22. Program given was: Instrumental-Margaret Abernethy;- Bible reading-Lloyd Snowden; Topic-"The Purpose of Life", ably taken by Mr. C. H. Snow- den, solo Bernice Hockin; reading -Connie Seward; Instrumental- pleased. ..We welconle Mr. and CARD 0F THANKS Mrs . Gerald Talc ott and f amily £rom Smithfleld to our comxnunity. Mr. Jas. Stanley and Miss Stanley The young people of Maple Grove desire to thank their many friends intend giving their play "I can't for their 'kindness and sympathy to afford it" in the Hall, on March lOtit. them in their recent bereavement Please reserve the date. Particu- and for the beautiful floral offerings. lar lter 78w Mr. Alex. Bllot desires to exprt., i Ladies' Silk and Serg.e Drees. one --4- 1- ----,