AN EVENING WELLSPENT Methodist Choir's Gif t to Two Members. The members of the Methodist Cholir hiave enjoyed many pesn gatherin, ïind perhaps none more Ïco' ~ida -y -,vening -whien at the concluaos of choir practise the nieàmbers. w-srded their way ta the homie f-1 ris Florence E. Morris, Horsey>sýýt.4f( --wliere a very joliy time was spetit. Mr. W. B. Tapson caiied the cactipany to order and re- questcd Mis;r. Greta Wickett to read an addvess ta ;otwo members of the choir, Miss TVorris and Mr. G. W. Gar- ncer, wbo ar&- the prinicipal partici-r pants in a Ii1appy event of the near future, tý Miss Elizn-ýbath- Painton on behaif of ýthe mem1s»eis, presented them with a silver tea pot and silver servîng i tray nccomprniniied by the good wishesS of ail the rxeinbevs. The recipients a briefly thani-cel their fellow-members for the beau-tiful gifts after which a r very happy -ine was spent in music, 0 garnes, etc. ]Lunch was served by the P l ies and the choir members depart- d éwisbing tUfe bride and groom ta be, ahl good thir-is for their future lifeý c andbappiness. S a 'ïW4EDDINGS IV Goe-riy-Dustan P aý St John's Cluurcb bas seldom ever B looked prettiýr than on Saturday last Nwben the inarage was solemnized at t: 11 a. m.À of Màiss Mary Madeline a, Dustan, daug'ghter of Mv. and Mrs. T W. H1. Dusban, and Mv. William w Ernest Gery, son of the late Mv. and Mrs., James Cerry, Viewfirth Ho, B Thurso, Sco tland. The wedding music was plamred by Miss Gertrude W~ Cnwker, orgnitnist, and Rev. C.. p. a, Muinbead, 17ector of the Church, G ofliciated. 'Tte bride was given in miarriage by ber father and wore a M navy bloc tailored soit witb fiowered B bat ta match and corsae bouquet of M~ ,violets and s-w%,eetheart roses. Miss te Elsie Mingay, Tronto, attended the la bride wearing brown beladed crepe o1 witb honey d ew taff eta bat and car- vied sunset ro>ses. Mv. George Weir m of Toronto, a ssisted the groom. The p. ushers were r4v. R. R, McNichol and S( Mr. T. A. D ustan. After the cere- th ilrony n buff et luncheon was served ac v y te home of the bride's parents, Quee-st. 'Pelegrnms of congratula- tion weve received fvom a nomber ofm frîends. Th e bride and brîdegroom t ]efi-atr 4n- & ~h~dann car s for the G. T. P.. where they took the Pl 1.56 p. m. train for n trip, ta Buffalo, di Cleveland and Detroit. On their re- Pl turn they wIl reside in Bownnnvile. la Among theout-of-town guests were, M. and Mrs. Reginnld McNichol, Mv. te and Mrs. R.- H . Nott, Miss Mingny Wl Miss Mather aind Mr. W. C. Mc- ai Kinnon, .Toronto. t ar ve g] j YOUNG PEOPLE'S DANCE G( wl Dv. and Mrs. Frank C. Trebiicock w, gave a most enjoyable young people's F. dance for their daugbter, Marjorie, m, in their new borne on Kilbarvy Rond, North Fovest Hill, Toronto.' Arnong Ci those present were: Miss Jessie Ram- hi js&Y, Miss Margaret McMurtvy, Ms Lula Fraser, Miss Margaret RitchIe, 2 Miss Doris Fitzaimrnans, Miss Helen v Milis, Miss Dorotby Jngbam, Miss n Margaret EntQn, Miss Grace Arm- et strong, Miss Mary McClellan, Miss w Charity Smith, e4iss Dorothy Brand-W ô fMiss Darothy- Fenwick, Miss Mar- Ci gavet Morton, Miss Marjorie Sinclair, us Miss Margaret Eolss, Miss fleatrîce a Devitt, Miss Charlotte Hamar Green- sP Wood, Miss Jua Hamar Greenwood, at Miss Mossie Smith, Miss Victoria L Camnpbell, Miss Ruth Harris, Miss t Kathleen'Tait, Misos Evélyn Clark, s M1iss Margaret Ilnglis, Miss MrjofieM Thorold, M. HaTry Ramay, Mr. Ai-m fred Ogden, Mr- CliffordliSrith, Mr. se, Hugh S. Ritchie, Mv. Alasdair Fraser, Mr. Douglas Holliday, Mr. Gardon M] Sparling, Mv. Harm Millar, Mv. Wm. th Wilson, Mr. Sanfovd Goodhuild, Mv. ou. Fred Inghnm, M:r. Lawrence Bulloch, its M. Warren SnY-der, Mr. Kenneth Brake, Mr. Hug-h White, Mv. Haît- n ley MeNain,' Mxi Jack Ross, Mr. b Charles Snydev, Mr. Vernon Allison, re] Mv. Reginald Challener, Mr. Walter Li: Harris, Mr. Rob«Ert Parker, Mr. Ed. fai Long, Mr A. G. Donad, Mv. George M( Nodwel and Mr-. Strachan Clark. wl ve; ýxcellent refreshments, served. Aftýer Mi w-algilng sanie hyinns, Pastor DeLve do: closed dings with prayer. hr. Mi >.nd Mn. Talcott and ber moth«er, gr, Mds. Binmn*i, vill be greatly, miss.ed an, r'-om ths !cmiunity, and the 'best me P-vihes of zil loilow them ta BO--w- on manville T LOCAL AND OT'HERWISE Easter Sunday April l6th. Mrs. H. M. Lunney visited in Tor- onto last week. Yau boy for less at McMrtry & Co., Fviday and Satuvday. Mv. and Mrs. E. S. Senklev have been visiting friends in London Mr 's. H. Brock bas been visiting ber sister, Mvs. W. C. Rosevear, Ca- bourg. Mv. and Mrs. W. Scott, Coiborne, spent the week-end with Mv, and Mr1v. R. E. Yates. We are pleased ta ieavn that Mv, L. A. W. Taie is recuverinig from bis recent serions illness. Mv-,. L. St. Clair of Bostonu, Mass., .s visiting ber niece, Mrs. H. M. Lnnney, Goodyear Club Hotel. Dingman & Edmondstone wisb to, announce that tbey wil bold their Spring Miliinevy Openings on Fridayl and Satuvday, Mavch l7th and l8tb. Enebve Party in Fovesters' Hall, ['bursday, March 2, by Companions if the Forest. Admission 25e. Good prizes., Good time. Evevybody orne. 1Don't f orget Haddy & Co's. display of Spring Mîllinevy. on F riday, and Saturday, March 3rd and 4th. Yoo viii find a large assortment at moder- ate prices. Miss Florence Cox, dnngbter of Mv. and Mvs. A. F. Cox, Oshawa, bas passed ber Junior Piano Exarnin- ations with honors, pupil of Miss Bambrîdge Our citizens ave pleased ta leava that Mv. Win. Trewin who underwent n operation in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday last, is doing as weil as conld be expected. Mv F. H. Bounsail, Proprietor of Bounsall's Monumental Art Works, was in Toronto iast week attending annual convention of the Marbie and Granite Association of Ontario. Mrs. Levi Annis, Messrs. Arthuor W. and Cea. F. Annis, Mv. A. H. vrent, Mv. and Mrs, John Percy and Wv a nd Mrs. R. T. Stephens 'at- .nded the fonerai of their aunt, the ate Mvs. David Roberts at Cobourg )n Wednesday., The Wornen's Canadian Club will neet on Monday, Marcb 6 at 3.30 ?. m., in the Methodist ýSnnday chool Roorn. Prof. D. R. Keys of -e Toronto University wili give an iddress on "American Humor' Mvs. Frank Oke, Mvs, Frank Jack- nan and Mrs. Alex. Colville attended âe presentation of "The New Min- ster'" at Whitby on Fviday night and )ronounce it a splendid success under irection of Mv. A. H. Frnncis. The fLny wns given two nights and drew .vge audiences. Mr. and Mrs. William Painton at- ýnded the funevai of bis nephew, Mr. Jilliarn A. Alexander, nt Port Pevry, >n Saturday. He was n veteran of îe il 6th Ontavio County Battalion Ld eied in Toronto, Hospital aftev a ry short iliness from spinal menin- tis. H1e was' a son of Mr. and Mm. eo. A Alexander, Port Pevvy, and ns 26 yeavs of age Mv. Alexander as an officer of Fidelity Lodge, A. 0& A. M., Port Pevvy, and a charter ember of Fidelity Lodge, Toronto. The Qnavteriy Tea of the Mission ircle of the Metbodist Chuvcb wns Ad on Tuesday evening, Febvuary I, at the home of Miss Marlon Mar- is with 27 present. After the busi- fls session, Miss Miidred Cale play- Id an instrumental solo and Mvs. L. )hn Brooks gave a veading, bath of vhich wýre rnuch enjoyed. The asing exercises were foilowed by the isal sewing period and vefveshments id an enjoyabie social tirne was pent. The March meeting will be , the borne of Miss Minnie Webbev, ,ibevty Street. Might ns weli be dead as ont of tyle, e0 the old saying goes. Attend illinevy Opening of Dingrnnn & Ed- ondstone on Mavch 17 and 18, and e the; latest New York styles. Mv. "Bert" Jeweli, son of the late r. W. E. Jeweli, bas joined up with he insurance agents, baving taken ut licenses ta solicit insuvance in ahl is branches, including fire, life, sîck- ess and healtb, accident, automobile, îrglnry, tonnado and bail. He will present the aid and rellabie Sun Âfe of Canada, so favournbly known or its broad policies, liberni settle- ients and fair dealing. Mr. Jewell il be connected with Mvs. Eclitb V. cobell's insurance, conveyancing and1 al estate office, wbere be rnay beî iola Cailan, a piano solo; nand Misses [laise Thickson and Ruby Seweii in iano duet. The nccompanists wevet ls Ruby Seweli and Miss Gwen- olyn Williams. A short reading by 1 less Haycraft concluded the pro- r. na. Refresiments were servedJ na social hour enjoyed. Next 1 ieting at home of Mms T. C. Jewell m nMarch 81. "Graudmothers" Pro- an1 ate prices. Wbile attending the Canadian Girls in Training Confevence in Bowman- ville, Mvs. Petley was goest of Mvs. Charles Bagneîl and Mrs. (Rev.) S. C. Moore. Mrs. C. A. Edrnondstone was in Toronto Monday attending the Spving Millinery Openings and getting ideas f ov the local apenings on Mnveh l7th and l8tb. Do not fail ta hear next Sunday Rev. Dr. Barber of Victoria Coliege, Toronto, who will preacb Educational sermons in the Methodist Cburch at Il a. m. and 7 p. m. Misses Ivene Francey, Kathleen Lancashire, Marguerite Russell, Edith Deyell and Jean Rusel nttended the C . G. I. T. Conference in Bownnn- vile.-Millbrook Reporter. Do not fail ta rend the article by Mv. Chas. M. Bie la this issue on "The Sgn and Moon'". It is of special interest to teachers, students and other tbinking pensons. Bowmanville and Dalingtan town- ship Sunday Sebool Convention will be held at Maple Grove on Tuesdny, Mavch 14. Mn. T. F. Harrison, Treasuver and Business Manager of Ontario Religions Education Council, will be present H1e is an expert in Sunday Sehool management. Mv. and Mrs. W. E. Gilbank, Bow- manville, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughtev, Ethel R., ta Charles Alexander Prout, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Prout of Bowrnanville, the marriage will take place quietly in Marcb. This is ta remind yon that Ding- man & Edmondstone will hoid their grand Millinery Openings on March l7tb and lStb. Millinery Openings at Diagman & Edrnondstone's, Mavcb l7th and i8tb. The mnny friends of Miss Doris MeConneil who took the part ot Hel- ena so well in the Higb Sebool play on Tbnvsdny and Fridny nigbts will be interested in leavning that she was apenated on in Wellesley Hospital an Monday morning for car trouble and that latest reports say she is doing niey. 1er aunt, Mns. B. M. Wavnica nccompanied bier ta Ton- onto. The Oshawa Reformer speaking of a recital at Bishop Bethune College on Satuvday said: Mrs J. B. Neale of Bowmanville,, cbavmed bier audi- ence with two gronups of songs, and Mrs. D. R. Morison's sympathetieý accompaniment added mueb ta the pleasure of the afternoon Bath ar- tists neceived large bouquets of pink and white carnations, grncefuliy pre- sented by two littie pupile. Wbile engaged taking out wood on is farrn an Davington town line, Mr. John McCullough, a weli known farn- er wbose address is R. R. No. 2, Osh- awa, met with a paînful accident wbieh wili confine hlm'to bis borne for some weeks, Mr. McÇullough was riding on a liuge log about 40 feet long when the log jarred and ie was tbrown off, striking bis lef t leg against a semail stnmp of thvee or four luches in height. The leg was fractnred below the bip and medical attention was secured. THÉ ONTARIO PUBLIC SCHOOL DEFENCE LEAGUE Public Meeting in Opera House, Sunday Evening. A public meeting of ail those in- terested in the Separate School ques- tion will be held on Sunday evening aext, Marcb th., at 8.30 o'clock la Opera Hanse, Bowmanviile. Mat- ers of vital interest toalal Public School supporters wili shortly corne before the Ontario Parliamient and -we must be pnepared.- Speakers--Rey. J. W. Rae of Or*no,. County Chair- muan, local ministers'and others 'wlll apeak. Major General John Hughes, Chairman for Bowmanville. irîcudine bed-roorn, dininiz-roorn oavi kitcho'i furni1il-e. Sale at 1 P. M. Terms cash. Thea. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Tuesday, March 14-Mr. Horace Hockley, lot 28, con. 2, DarIington, wiil sell ail of his fatm stock, lim- plements, etc.' Sale at 1 p. mi:. James Bishop, Auctioneer. BIRTHS *tHATELY-In Bowmanville Hospital, Feb. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hately, a claughter. 30 BANLETT-Jn Victoria Hospital, Cal- gary, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Banlett, (nee .l Aima Blair), a daughter. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Town Council meets Mopday March 6th. ! St. Patrick's concert la St. 'Paul' lecture roorn on March l7th. Monday, March 13, is the date ci the Rebekah's Euchre. Don't misý it. 9-2"7 Mr. A. M . Hardy had his fingerî badiy crushed in the rnacbinery ai Goodyear Works on Friday, If you have a man friend in New York'City be sure to rend Mr. ThomaE D. Neelands' letter in this issue, Miss Olive McVittie, Blythe, haý again re sumed her position with Ding- tman & Edmondstone, Milliners. Mrs. W. B. Short and Mr. FMil Tiiiey, Toronto, spent the week-end witb Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Tiliey. You wiil ail be giad to rend the splendid letUers of Dr. and Mvi. Norman Found on their trip to Japan, page 2. Miss Catherine Wavnica, Brighton, spent the week-end with ber grand- parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Wash- ingt on. The Wonîen's Hospital Auxiliary wili hold their regular meeting on Fviday, March 3 at 3.30 p. m., la the Council Roorn. Bear in mind Evangelistic Cam- 4aign to begin la Bowrnanvie Meth- odist Churcb on Sunday, March 26. Particulars next week, Might as well save ail you car in these strennous days. Then par- ticipate in Friday and Satuvday bar- gains at McMurtry & Co's. Thé newest in Milinery wili be on display at Dingman & Edmondstone's Millinery Openings, Friday and Sat. uvday, March l7th and l8th. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau and cildrea of Oshawa, spent the week- end at the home of the latter's father, Mr. H. Latbrope, Liberty-st. Don't forget Haddy & Co's. dispiay of Spring Miiinery on Priday and Saturday, March 3rd and 4th. You wiil find a large assortment at moder- 1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Y>St. Paul's Churcb, Rev. D. W. Besý minister. il a . m. -Self Contro] [, 7 p. m.-Uncrowned Kings. 2.3ý p. m.-Sunday School. )f St. John's Church, ist Sundayi ss Lent March Stb., Rector, C. P. Mài w head. 11.00 a. m.-Holy Con rs munion. 2.30 p. m.-Sunda It School. 7.00 p. m.-Evening Song Plrencher the Rector.11 W Meffhodist Church, Rev, S. C is Moore, B. A., B. D, Pastor. Edi cationai srevices on Sunday when Re F. Louis Barber, M. A., Ph., D., But Isar of Victoria Coliege, Toronto, vi preach at both services. Dr. Barbe is an exceptionaily bright and effeci )P ive precher who will hè heard wit id real pleasure and profit. Aitho not an Anglican, oniy b Lbaptistu, we are in accord with thi s. brief description of the signîficanc 1of Lent :-Frorn'the eariiest times o the Christian Church, a period o ifasting bas always been observed bE 1fore Enster. The rule by whicl i- Lent is made to begin on Asb Wed nesday, and to extend over fort: ydays, excluding Sundays, dates bac] ntowards the close of the sixtb century eThe days of Lent commemorate th, f orty days spent by Our Lord in th, Lwiiderness in fasting and prayer. Thi iseason of Lent, therefore, should bi used by ail Christian people as t time of seif-denial, in pleasure, food dress and self indulgence of everý kind. Especially is thîs necessarý in these days, wben s0 many seem t( think that self-indulgence is th( qwhole object of life, and are giviný sfoul rein to the enjoyrnent of pleas, ove, food and tbe foulies of dress Lent is a cali to repentance and ho miliation before God, to bonest beari searching as to the sincerity of oui religious profession, and to the fui« surrender of our whole being to God. THE LATE MRS. STANLEY The foneral of the late Mrs. JameE Stanley who passed to rest on Son- day, February 19, took place on Wed- nesday from the farnily residence, Qoeen-st., service being conducted by bier pastor, Rev. S. C. Moore, The bearers were six nepbews--Messrs. N orman Belîman, Milton Welch, Mer- kley Clark, John Balsdon, Geo. Gown- lock and R. L. Osborne. Deceased iwas the daugbter of the late 'Thomas and Susie Merkiey Belîrnan and was born in Bowmanville 75 years ago, where she bas lived eitber in town or in the township of Darlington ail her lif e and was very familar witb the early history of the place and could recount some very interesting events of the earlier days. Sinice retiring fromý the farmi about two years ago, they purcbased the corn- fortable brick residence on Qoeen- st., frorn Miss Burk. Shortly after ,moving ta town she contracted Flu and neyer fully recovered from. its effects. Besides bier sorrowing bus- band she leaves one daugbter, Miss Susie Stanley at home. Their only son Arthur, passed away a f ew years ago. Arnong the relatives present from a distance were: Mrs. Emma Piper and Mr. George Gownlock, Lon- don, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs W. J. Stan- ley and farniiy, Mr. and Mrs. John Balsdon, Mr John Powell, Pickering; Mr. Norman Belirnan, Toronto; Mr. ,and Mrs. Milton Welch, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark, New- castle. CATTLE'BREEDERS MEET Live Stock Improvernent Association Formed. A meeting of importance was heid in the Cooncil Ro-om, Bowrnanville, on Monday wben some tbirty men discussed the Live Stock situation of the County and the Township of Day- lington particolarly, and decided that it would be in the best interests of ail the farmers that a Livestock Irn- provernent Campaign be launcbed as soon as possible. Ail were agreed that the average quality of the cattie in the township was not wbat it migbt be and that rnocb could be donei to improve the standard and efficiency of ail breeds. The Provincial Department of Agriculture is prepared to assist theý local organization in attempts ta er- adicate scrub bus in the county andi definite work will commence in a Scrub Bull Campaign simiiliar ta what is already being conducted in other counties. A coonty organization IN MEMORIAM Attend Euchre on Thursday, Mardi 2nd in Fovesters' Hall. SHECkLETON-III loving memiory of parted this lite, February 24, 1921. Bowmanville, wns in town lnst week, The hcavenly gates were open wide, accompanied by Miss Heeley who is~ A loing voice said 'come", condocting cormounity nursing work Anti with farcwell unspoken, 'omaviean siteetn Hie gently entered home.inBwavle nds trsig This day brings b-ack SaS menories, 0f une who bas gune te rest, Anti those whu th*nk ut him to-day, Are those M-ho loyet i hm best. But we hope again tu meet imr, W hon this day ut lit c la ficti, And -!ith juy we there shahl greet hlm, W here nu fareweil tear ta shedi. SadlY Miazed by Wife and Children, CLAYTON-In cati anti loving memory ut Levi Marquî'i (DiR-ki t'iaîton, who Mas killeti in action un March lat., 1917. 'lero sieep on in that long row Of graves where Plantiers Poppica grow, The larks with hcarts undaunted sing, Anti rich in voice their musc fling. Wherc guns have scattered ticath beiow, But love with prouti vet wistful eye [,eeps vigil where yc sleeping lie In FlanSers Fields, Stili morenow la your fight our own The turch that from your hands wasi thrown Shahl not be qucocheti but heid on high, The faith yc teach us shaîl not Sic, Thcn take your rest ln siomber deep, Doubt not that we the tirst wîll kecp, Nor tiream that yc in vain have died, Through sommer chine and winter snow, Slccpwhere the drowsy poppies graw, In Pianders Fields. Satily misseS hy Mther, Father, Slstersi ýmd Brothers. -or .,,., reope in tis wor. Friends of Mrs. Muirhead were very pleased to see bier looksng so well.- Star. Now that we have installed some more machines we are in a position to do considerabie large machine work, as well as ail kinds' of small repairing. F. J. 'ratcliff Temperance-ýSt. S., Bowmanville 9-4 Brighter and Stronger El ectrie Light Bulbs Cai on Mason & DaIe's llardware and see demonstration, SCULTHORP-A,ýt Port Hope, Pcb. 25, Henry Albert Sculthorp, aged 81 years. y REYNOLDS-In Oshawa, Atm Poole, widow of the late Joseph Reynolds, in her, 9lst year. WOOD-In (Clark e Fbruary 22, Lloyd e Lewis, beloveti son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,S. Wood, ageti 10 months. e ROBERTS-At Cobourg, Feb. 26, Mary aJane Rosevear, widow of the late David Roberts, Esq., in her 86th year. I C KEL L-In Bowmanville, February Y 26, Shirley Irene, in14ant daughter of SMr. andi Mrs. H. Alfred Bickeil, aged 3 months. e HONEYWELL-Accidentally killed by falling tree, Fcb. 25, Smith Honeyweil, Grafton, beloveti husbanti of Emily -(Millie) Horton. * HOLLIDAY-Passed away suddenly at his residence, Brookiin, Pcb. 21, Daniel Holliday, Clerk of Whitby Tp., beloveti thusband of Ellen Roberts, in his 76th r year, DINGMAN-At La Gloria, Camaguey Co. Cuba, Samuel Charles ]Zingman of *Bowmanville, Ont., aged 97 years. Brother of Warren Dingman, Bowman- ville. GLASS-On February 22, after a linger- ý ng ilîness, Charlotte Walker Glass, daughter of the late Robert Stewart and Elizabeth Walker Glass of Port HIope, and *beloveti sister of the late David Walker *Glass o f Toronto. FOR SALE Church, brick, 55 by 36 feet, sheds and grounds by auction March 4th., Enniskillen P. O. Durham County. 8-2 Theo Siemnon, Auctioneer. WANTED WANTED-Board and room, centrally 1located. .Apply to Miss Shaw, Milliner, dlo Statesman Office, 9-1* WANTED-Dining-room girl, wanted at once. Good wages. Apply at Bow- man House, Bowmanville. 9-tf WANTED TO RENT-Sniall farm with- in 2 miles of Bowmanville, 10 to 15 acres with option of purchase. Send fu par- toulars to Y. J. W. Drawer B, Bowman- 1 FARM HANO WANTED-For general work, one with experlence preferred. Will hire for 8 months from April lst. Apply 'IF. W." cla Statesman Office, Bow- TO LET TO RENT-Frame House and 31h acres land, fruit trees, good stable. Apply to James Veale, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, Phone 139-23. 8-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Brick bouse con- taining 5 rooms and summer kitchen on Queen-st. For particulars apply to Mrs. Geo. Frank, Ontario-st., Bwonhn- ville. 8-tf ARTICLES FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE-Quantity of Timnothy Hay., Apply to W. L. Barton, Bowman- ville. 8-3w' FOR SALE-Few Barred Rock Cocker- eia. Good laying s:rain. $2.50 each. Alan Campbell, Raby Head Farm, Bow- manville R. R. 2, phono 183-r5. 9-2* FOR SALE-Cream Separator, 2 to 5 cows capacity; new; bargain; one three humner McClarys 011 Range (Florence blue dame), bargain. Cliffard Caverly, Con- cession-st., Bo.wmanville. 8-2' *FOR SA LE-Several pure bred York- shire Sows due from lst of March te let of April; also some hog pige 4 months old. Apply te Wm. Haiys, lot 20, con. 2, Clarke, 2 miles east of Newcastle. 6-tf I* FOR SALE-Mare and horse, rising 5 years, sound and quiet, general purpose, good drivers. Will bc sold reasonable. Barn 40 x 25 will be sold worth the money Mlso hog millett seed. Arthur Bellman, Bowmanville R. R. 4, phone 189-rl2. 9-3 FOR SALE-White Wyandotte Cook- erels, Keller and Martin Strains, $3 and $5 each; 7 Barred Rock Cock Birds, $5 each; also Thompson's strain Buf aend Brown Leghorns. Apply R. H. DlilIng at Harry Alin's Grocery, Bowmanville. 7-3w* HATCHING EGGS-S. C. White Leg- borne. My breeding pens this year are yearling hens, mated with strong vigor- ous cockerels. These hens, from the Oldham Farm special pen of 1920, aver- aged as a flock 191 eggs each from 29th October 1920 to October 29, 1921. 1 shal have a llmlted number of eggs for sale at 10c ea=. T. E. Flaxman, Duke-st., Bowmanville, phone 318. - WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Combined Standing Field Crop aund Threshed Grain Competition for 1922. West Durham Agriculturai Society in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture is again off ering valu- able prizes in the above competition which is open to al £arners who be- corne members of the Society. The acreage required ta be sown f or grain wili be five and the crop selected "Banner Oats", Crop will be judged in field and also the tbreshed grain in the bins, Entries must be received by the Secretary not inter than April lst., -e--n-prizes-ar-oVfered1.&ht175;- 0-d BOWMAN VILLE I ,! U Short Talk On Store Service PARTICULARLY ADDRESSED TO WOMEN SHOPPERS: The main function of this business, as we see it, is to bring to the women of Bowmanville and vicinity. the best variety of dry goods obtain- able, also the newest and most charming creations of master fashion designs in ladies' ready-to-wear. And flot only must everything shown' at Mason's be authorative in appearance-it must be thoroly wefl made and of the soundest mater- ils. But this is not enough-prices must be reas- onable. Actual comparisons are not aiways possible- but women have corne to realize that Mason prices ARE reasonable; that every dollar spent here brings the maximumof real satisfaction. In this connection it might not be amiss to mention that recentiy We checked over our entire stock from basement to roof and marked doxvn al goods to present.,day prices-this means a very heavy loss to us-and an equaliy desirabie ad- vantage to our customers in loWer prices and great- er values. 11 The Mason price polîcy has combineci happiiy with the other principles on which this business, is conducted to win. the favor of discriminating patrons. It has contributed largeiy to the success this business has enjoyed. We have aiways considered the customèrs in- terests and our interests as mutual., S. W. Maso &So La4ies' Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone 106 Bewmanville MARRIAGES EILAKE-ARNOLD-At Mthodist Par- sonage, Newcastle, Pcb. 22, by Rey. Wm, Limbert, William Blake, and Jesse May Arnold, both of Clarke. GERRY--DUSTAN-At St. John's ChurchBowmanville. on haturday, Peb. 2,S by Loy. C. P. Muirhead, Rector, Mr. W'fliam Ernest Gerry of Thurso, Scot- !,ano, andi Miss Mary Madeline Dustan, daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. W. H.. Dustan. GUNN-CAWKER un Saturday, Feb, 25, a. St. John's Rectory, Bowmanyille, by the Rev. C. P. Muirhead, the marriage of Gertrude May Cawker, daughter of Mrs. W. R. R. Cawker of Simpson Ave., to John A. Gunn, both of Bowmanville. PHONE 145 i Branum