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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1922, p. 6

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kAthma No Longer Dreaded. The dread of renewed attacks from as- thiua has no bold upon those Who have learned to reiy upon Dr. J. D. KelIcgg's Asthma Rernedy. So safe do they feel that compiete reliance is placed 'on this true specifie with the crtainty 'that it wiil always do ail that its makers dlaim. If you hvm- not yet leariied how saf e you are ---ith this preparation at hand get it tcz3-day and know for yourself. Nowi7 Can Du Al! He- 1.usework AIone Because LydÎa I ZT -lam's Venetable Com~pounded Her Jaoe.per, Mina. - 'II saw in the paper abot=zt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Copound and took 111MT1it ecauselIwas hav- gSu1pains in my stomachand through myback that 1could flot do my work, I had tried other mced- _ iines, but none did me the good that - your Vegetable Com- Pound did. Now Iamn able to do ail my work alone while be- fore I had my daugh- ter stayiug at home to do it. I have told a number of friends what it bas doný for me and give you permission to use :may letter as a testimonial. "-Mrs. JES--E PETERSEN, Route 1, Jasper, Mina. Thnerè ijerio better reason for your try- ing 1U-ydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Coin- pour--,d than this-it bas belped other won--xen. So if you sufer from displace- men-ts, irregularities, backache, ner- vou e es or are passing through the Uharige of Life remember this splendid rnedicine. What it did for Mrs. Peter- sen i-t inay do for you. TýLeVegetable Compound stands-upon a fo-lendation of nearly fifty years of servNýee. Alter taking 1000 lU 100 lABL[IS S«-ýys they are IlarmIess lars. (Dr.1 Shurtleff, of Ccaticook, says "I '.i:=ust have taken 1000 Zutoo Tabts. After trying every remedy within reach, 1 discarded thern ail four years ago for ZUTOO, which I have taken ever since. I find the tablets a harmIess and efficient rernedy for ail kinds of headache." 25 cents per box--at ail dealer&. '1 BOWMANýJILLE, MARCU 2, 1922. A CAVAN FARMER SUICIDES WiIIis Carr Endsa His Lif e By Poison. The death from poison, seif-admin- istered of Willis Carr, promineat farmer and stock man of Franklin, in Cavan Township is reported. Hie was fifty years of age and lived with bis mother, aged eighty-five. Satur- day be drew al bis savinga from tbe bank at Bethany and on Sunday did bis chores as usuai. Sunday nigbt be took the poison and died shortly a£- terwards. The aged mother walked some distance tbrough snowdrif ts and a blizzard to telephone for a doctor, wbo found Willis dead When be arrived.1 PIEDICAL INSPECTION 0F PUBLIC SCHOOLS In view cf the increasiflg need for efficiency la everyday life , everyone la fuily agreed upon the fact, that we owe the cbiidmusi of to-day as good a physical equipment as can possibly be provided. To this end, the De- partmeat cf Education of Ontario bas cevised a plan, wbereby, the country as well as town chiidrea may receive efficient medicai and dental inspection at a minimum cf expense. 1Briefly the scheme la this: A physical examination cf al achool chîldren îs made by the Department'a physîcian and nurse wbicb is as ther- ough as circumatances wiil permit. The parents are ne ified cf the fiad- ings and urged te consuit the f amiiy physician lu such cases as treatment je thougbt te be necessary. Follow- iag which survey, a form cf per- manent organization la urged whîch is as f ollows: The union cf not more than 40 classrooms into a unit, se called for the purpose of engaging a schol nurse. This nurse would de- vote ber entire time te these scheols, would visit each echool every three or four weeks, examine the eilîdren and draw the attention of the parents to conditions fouad, visît the home in a child's absence through ilînese, and in caseocf an epidemic would be a moat valuable aid la its suppression. The total ceai is estimated at $1,600.00 per year, this amount coveriag the nurae'a salary and trans- portation. Divided among 4~0 ciasa-rooma would make the cost $40 per class-room. The Provincial Government gives an annual grant of $10.00 per class-room, te every rural achool and to every achool in town or village which unîtes with rural achool boards in a group em- ploying a nurse thus reducing the coat>to $30.00 per class-room per year. During the years 1919 and 1920~ some 27,000 childrea were examined and cf these 80% found to have one or more defects. Ia cases where a nurse was employed about 65 % of the defects were corrected, where ne follow-upnurse was employed only 10%o were corrected, thus showing that a great deal cf the value cf the initiai examination is lest unleas fol- iowed up by a permanent nurse. As a result cf many years cf thought and experiment, this plan is the one urgedI for adoption ini small urban centres by the educational authorities. TWEED CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL A SUCCESS Editor's Note :-As the question cf Consolidated Scheols for Ontario is being discussed quite freely through out the the country, and oniy a very few have se far been estabiished our people know litile or nothing about their advantages. For the benefit cf our readers we insert the fcllowing report cf the Tweed School which shows their experience. The foiiowiag is the account of the, establishment cf the Tweed Consoli- dated Schocls by the Secretary-Treas- urer cf the school: Tweed Consoifdated School was put in operatica Sept. lat., 1921, with an attendance cf about 210 pupils. The moon n'as accelerated1 or speeded up la her orbit, until it gain- ed 12 miles ahead cf ita schedule I time, and n'as considerably off its beatea path. A hole n'as burned in an Atlantic cabie two miles beneath the surface and several bundred miles, frcm shore. At a place in Swedea and in New York, electric switchboards were burned eut during the night by stray eiectric currents, but wireless telegrephy and telephones weIte n no way interfered with se f ar as ob- served. What, therefore, is the matter with the universe? There is somethiag eut of gear, surely, but what? Did the five years cf excessive cannonnding and terrifie intonations cf huge shelas, with accompanying drum-fire and barrage, cause our ter- restial and moon disturbances? Were they sufficient te make the moon speed up 12 miles abead cf its regu- lar time, and wcbble ont of ber true orbit? Could those things have pro- duced our earth's aberrations? At firat blusb, this would sure be an in- signîficant cause for such far off phenomena. But the two (shahl we say cause and eff ect?) are at ieast concurrent. We ail know the effect cf casting a tone in a pond, and the ever widening circles cf waves it pro- duces. A gun fired produces a smm- ilar phenomena in souad wavea which expaned til bat in space. The cannonading la the war, did the anme thing, only on an immenseiy increased scale. But would these thinga be sufficient, and if se hon', to cause the deflection cf the moon, and the electrical phenomena on the earth that teck pince la 1921? Scientiats, wbo are conceded te bec into the mystery, but without satis- facory resulta. Tbey have argued accurate, have speculated and delved that aia spots were te blame for ihese disturbances, and when asked, why the sua spots? have biamed them upon Jupiter, the largeat cf our planets, about 1000 times larger than our earth. Sun spots appear in cycles cf about il years, which hap- pea to correspond with the time re- quired by Jupiter te complete its jeurney areund the sun.- Other scientisis bave held te the electron theery, and assert that electrons, thrown off by the action cf the sun spots, bombarded the earth in such immense quantities as te up- set the earth's, electrical equiiibrium, and aIse that cf the meen. Prof. M. 1. Pupin, one cf the greateat physic- ista in the wcrld, holds te the electron theery, and says: "After it la proven defiaitely that sun spots.ýwere elect- rie, further research n'as conducted and it was found that their appear- ance was nccompnnied by a greatly But how do sun spots originate? Science bas been impotent so far to account for tbem. They tell us that the sui! is net a solid body, and that parts of it revelve about the axis faster than other parts. Heat s0 tremendous that it baffles ail efforts ab measuremeat by man, causes ton- gues of fire or flame to shoot out with a rapidity of 500 miles an bour, to a beight of more than 300,000 miles. Itis denied that the sun is a bot body and merely cooling off, for if that were true, tbe sua would bcecoid in about 3,000 years. If it were a fire, there wouid be a failing off of heat very notîceable by this time. The generaily nccepted theory la that' gravitation produces continuai contraction, or the falling la of the outer parts of the sun, and that this, la tura generates enougli beat to compensate for what la given, off. The earth's atmosphere absorbs about one half the radiation which cemes te it from the sun. The sun's "atmospbere", if we may s0 caîl it, appears to be divided by several layers of -gases and vapor-, ous matter. The white bright por-- tien visible to us, is tbe photosphere. From it cornes the light and beat we feel. The other layera above it, are the "reversing layer", about 1,000 miles in tbickness. The upper por- tion of the chromosphere is in violent agitation and from it arise the red prominences wbicb are àa-notable feature of a solar eclipse. But nîl thîs is f ar from explaining why the moon sbould be 12 miles la advaace of its usuel schedule. This may be due to the earth's attraction, to the tides, or to gravitation, but science bas flot solved the probiem with certninty, tbougb it la kaowa that Jupiier's satellites faîl behind when Jupiter ia at its greatest dis- tance from the earth. But science fails to show why we had such an exceas of temperature and electrical disturbances as we had in 1921. RKIIE U"MATISM SCIATICA e - . Have YOU given up?7 Have you resigned YOsrself to that old, gnawing pain that nothin g seems to relieve ? Do You think be- cause you cana't go to Hot Springs or take sOmle exPensive treat-, ment that you have no other alternative?7 We have many cases considered hopeless, tried everything, baths, seruma, elec- tricity, who found recovery in using T.P. C.1-s. (Templetons Rheumnatie Capsules). We have SLAUGHTER SALE 0F MARMALADE 1 PHONE 65 PROMPT DELIVERY BOWMAN VILLE Ifyour oven is slow to heat you will find Egg-O just as slow to act- its double action inaures leavening with a slow or hot ov-en. ORDER, FRQM YOUR NEJGHBORHOOD GROCER S49 Always Good Every time you buy "SURPRISE", --rviAetahhe,.rhihtrsoilLhtu.Lr o Headache Recurring headaches usually corne from an exhaustion of the nervous system, and they do net disappear until the vigor of the nerve cels is restcred by such up- building treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Temporary relief by use of powders is often obtained at an enormeus expense to the nervous system and the general health. Get the nerves right and the headaches will not retura. Mrs. W. J. Pearse, Nunn St., Cobourg, Ont., writes: 'My system becanie run-down and I suffered- greatly with pain in my head, This was so severe that 1 would have to bind a cloth tightly about my bead so that 1 could get my work done. A friend advised the use of Dr. Chase's'Nerve Food, and after taking the irst box 1 found quite an improvernent in ny con- dition. L contioued using tbcrn until 1 bad taken about seven boxes, and they srenghened and buit up my system 5pleodidly, completely relieving the pain in my bead." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Lirnited, Toronto. limi 1 1 mma 'HE SUN AND MOON emitting, la addition to its lîght, a ________flo-W Go c ctrcns, Parts of which im- By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., and LL. B., jpir.ge u-oa the earth, but wbich are Denver, Colorado. o3uil icnuly strong to disturb, for &amrIpie, Our communications sys- That there is something wroag or . -.. Then the sua spot cornes, askew witb nature iý- w'ýe' fromn a ilsagnetic in character, and the flow aumber of recent pr- ýonra, too of electrons from the sun la great- manifest and posî'Ive o 1 e îgnored. iy increased. These faliing upon the It la r' ,orded - -aroing 1921 earth produce the eff eets meationed: there were ' 6 -grees of excess Dr. Frank Schlesinger, director of of temperaý, or above normal. Yale University, agrees with Prof. This coiaclI with ,great sua spots, Pu,-iia in bis eleetron tbeory. Hel the greatesi knowu to astronomy. believes that sun spots'are the cause One measured 150,000 miles in cir- of many eartbly lus, and tbat Jupîter cumfereace. is at tbe bo' tom of the trouble. Beli1ng overstocked with Marmalade we ýare clearing out our entire stock at Less Than Haif Price Don't go to the trouble and expense of mak- ing marmalade this season when you can buy at these prices. SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY AROHrlIE "TAIT

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