Hundreds, and'Thoùsands of people visit Montreal every year. The large tourist traffie has been greaterthan ever this Fali, and even-more people are expected to visit Montreal each succeed- ing year. Theipresent hotels are overcrowded most of the year.> It is next to impossible to the Summer and FaIl "touring months." The 8% convertible debentures of The Mount Royal Hotel Company, Limited, carrying a bonus of 30% of Common Stock, now being off ered, promise to be a very profitable investment. CHANGE 0F TIME BOWMANVILLE, MARCH 2, 1922.' OBITUARIES For the convenience of thie travel- rs. Charles Cornish, Oshawa. ling public 1 arn now making daily QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ____ trips to Oshawa. LeaveWest End Sbitdb aaii The death occurred on Suaday, Garage, Bowvmanville, at 6 a.,m., Sbitdb aainFbrestry Feb. 12, at her home 218 Albert-st., leave corner Kin.- and Mary-sts., Association. Oshawa, of Sarah Ann Hall, beloved Oshawa, at 5 p. m. Saturday leav- . . wif e of Mr. Charles Cornish. She ing Oshawa at 12 noon. Q1Iarn told that artificial silk is was born in Darlington 54 years ago 2 tt Art Cole, Proprietor. made out of Canadian spruce wood. and went to Oshawa about thirty ____________What is the difference between ar- years priotÊ to her death, and was one SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, tificial and real silk? of the best known and highly respect- BOOKKEEPING A Artificial silk is practically the Md residents of the- community. Mrs.. _____same substance cbemically as nat- Cornish, who had heen i11 for some Comnplete Commercial and General Im- ural silk, the resôrt and te tbeo months past, was subject to heart provmen Corse. Sudets ccetedthe chemist baving been calred uon trouble. She leaves her husband an-d at any lime.' Good positions for ail'su 0'h AfA n BIUI N Fa <COL. to convert woodnnln int plnnetwn hrihers 'Frank of ahw~~, LEGE, Oshawa and ÏToronto. Aie t-Msii e petLtin AI uue Ât Lzy,. -Construction is under way, and is beingYY In carried on by one of the world's largestI contractors-Thompson-Strret Company of New York, Chicago and Pittsburg. This Car iighting, startiag, and assures the job being finished on timte. ignition systems. Also al kinds Dividends êjte assured under the operation of Electrical ap'eliances repaired of the United Hotels Company of America,an vruld boswing the largest chain hotel operators on thisanovrued bus wiag continent. etc. Write for our circular describing in detail this attractive offering. D. A. Smnith ' To .A. ack nzi &ÇoLL. Hately'i Garage, Bowmanville 38King Street West, Toronto. ______________ Dear Sirs: Please sead me a copy et the efircular desMring LIT 0-e S8% Convertible Debentures of The MÏouat Royal Rotel Company,! -L timitedl, and oblige.r Name in fulli................................................ cÈ Pull adclress...................................................Yg &CaestrtTooo Is strictly first class la ail depart- ......................................... meats aad unexcelled la the Do- Please write eîearly. minion. A souad business edu- ,ýzv IE? m mmcation is a sure stepping-stone te _____________________________________________________ suc&less, but the imitation kiad ___________________________________________________ isnot. Wby not investigate tbe andÏthe into silk bymechanical pro- William of askatchewan. Mrs. cesses, just as the silk worm within Cor nish was a member of the Cana- -its body converts the mulberry leaf dian Order of Home Circles and at- into cellulose and then spins its co- Lended the Salvation Army. The coon. The artificial silk goods are funeral services were conducted by sometimes harsher in feeling than Adjutant Graves. Interment was the natural, but advanced manu- made a, Hampton Cemetery. facture la rapidly eliminatiag this defect. ________________ Q Hw anmearemoed Ben Williams Field, Oshawa. in Canada's lumber iadustry and what are tbey paid in wages? The death occurred on, Sunday, A There are about sixty thous- February 19, of Mr. Ben eWilliams and men and their wages rua to sit Field, at bis home, 113 Eldon Ave., million dollars a year. There are Oshawa, aftier a painful illne s'f approximately four 'tbousaad wood some seven months. Deceased b as manufacturiag establishments ia Can- been employed at McLaugblin's -for ada outside of the pulp and paper the past two years. Previous to that industry. h~e was night watchmnn at the Rub- Otrober Works, Bowmanville, for seven Q Is it possible for thisOnai years, and for some time1was employ- municipality to obtain free trees ed with the Hydro Co. Deceased from the Ontario Goverameat Nur- was bora in Lancashire, Manchester, sery and to get free supervision of England, and came to Bowmanville the plaating work? tweîve years ago. His friends in A At* the last session of the On- England will regret deeply to hear tario Legislature, provision was made of bis deatbad be was there kaown for supplyiag to any municipality to the public largely as a' Dramatic whicb previously bas corne into pos- Reciter and Humorist, baviag com- session of aa area of waste ]and free mitted some 12,000 lines of poetry tree stock from the Goverament and prose to memory. He leaves te Nursery and supervision of tbe plant- moura bis loss, hîs sorrowing wif e la iag work at the goverameat expense. Osbawa, two brothers Cbarles and 0It is also provided that tbe timber Tom, and oae sister Anale, ia Eag- from such land at maturity shall be land,' one brother Harry in San Fran- the property of the municipality. cisco. Deceased was 5'7 years of The goverament gets nothiag Out :age, a Baptist, and life abstainer. of it except the performance of a The funeral service was beld in Osh- highly important public duty. awa Baptist Cburîpb on Wednesday Q Is tbere mucb lîklibood of at 2 p. m., coaducted by Rev. J. L. lumber and werod products la general Harton Intermeat took place ia becoming cheaper in the next five Union Cemetery. years. _______ il__ A Thebe-e-prTaniac iy-aowelZ- bcov --ana izma Parke±ppil Il Measures in TeaQualityw 100% of its Seling Cost &'5STANDARD" THE WORMD QER ff2eitRm1 The Dominion tradition is to make the finest I possible piano and seil it at the lowest possible --rie-and .uion--the--easies passib1e -terms&- AeIL zaQ0y rp1