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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Mar 1922, p. 8

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The Best Ever, CONCERT AND DANCE TOWN HALL, WHITBY Wednesday, March, 8tb by Ben Hokea, starrin g Mr. Johnný Kakalia cf Honolulu, ukelele playei ýand tenor soloist. Mr. Rakalia i one of the best soloists in Americe :7to-day. ilear hlm. -Admis sion to hall 35c, dancing extra Commencing at 8.30 MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S SOL D TO CO0%N SrUM E 4R YOUR CHOICE 0F r300 KINDS Leather, Wool or Cotton-lîned or unlined; also lumberman' s socks. Spring styles for ladies now in stock-many imported gloves. -The Glove &mit Store Manufacturer and Retailer 1 Door East of Statesman Office Rxecharging Batteries at the new Willard tion will be ONE DOLLAR Sta- Our repair prices are the Iowest possible con- sistent with expert work- inanship and quality parts New batteries are now at the lowest since 1913. AIl batteries left at the West End Garage are given this service. TIIURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1922 NEWCASTLE NEWTONVILLE Miss Penrl Cobbledick is under the lier many friends la the village wil doctor's care. be pleased te learn that Murie Mrs.(Dr) Btie enertine onClarke, 740 East, 46th St., Chicago, Mrs.(Dr) Btle enertine onIli., Who spends her summer vaca- lyMonday evening. tiens here, hias successfully passed yMrs. Clifford Brown is visiting her examinations at the Chicago Mus- r friends at Mariposa. ical College in Dramatic Art winning s Mr. H. S. Britton visited Toronto the College Free Schoiarshîp. Muriel over the week-end. is only 9 years cf age and is an elocu- ,a Mn. F. A. Butler, Toronto, was tionist cf exceptional ability. ,home over the week-end. a. Fred Graham made ýa business trip RALLY DAY AT ST. GEORGE'S Lte the city on Saturday. Mr. D. J. Galbraith was down Sun day, Febnuany 26 was ebserved from Toronto over the week-end. as a kind tif Rally Day in St. George's Forean evisis n rceip ofan-Church, Newcastle, the efforts tif the - othrrman Bei isfnreCeiof n- congregation during the preceding othr cr tf mteialforComunty week being directed towards obtain- Hall. ing the presence tif ail the members Miss Doris Spencer is carrying her at the f oliowing Sunday services, wit] nrm, in a sling the resuit tif a skatîng the object tif encounaging more regu- accident.1 lar and systematic attendance in Mr. W. J. Fielding, Port Hope, vis- future. A largely incrensed attend- ited bis uncle, Mm. Bill Jackson, ance tif worshippers and hearty and Beaver-st. spontaneous nesponses at beth mern- Mrs. James Anderson Smith made a ing and evening services were the business trip te Niagara Falls the happy, result and augur well for the first cf the week. future. In the merning the Recter, Rev. J. E Fennîng, took as histext Mrs. Catherine Goulter bas return- the 87th Psalm and 2nd verse "The ed home much benefitted by her three Lord loveth the gates tif Zion mone weeks' visit in Toronto. than ail the dwelings cof Jacob", Mr. H. W. Dudley and family have drawing therefrom a picture cf the returned te tewn and taken up their devotien wbich characterized the esidence at Willow Gardens ancient Rebrew te the sacrificial ser- We' are giad te report that our vice of the temple, and peinting eut venenabie townsman, J. J. Ugiow, the need in this materialistie age tif is semewbat improved in health. greater zeal amengst Christians for Mrs. Ross Shetier is.up from Shan- the worship tif God, and regular at- 'nonvie visiting ber parents, Mn. tendance at Ris leuse on the Lond's and Mrs. Wm. Jennings, Mili-st Day. Those who were calied asý 1Directors tif the Henticultumal So- Christians te be the sait tif the eartb and the ligbt tif the world must needs ciet me onFriay astte om-draw strengtb and inspiration from piete arrangements fer the Spring the corpomate wership tif Gcd-and Flower Show. what, said the speaker, must be the We-are pleased te report that Mr s. result upon the lambs cf the flock, if Chas. Eddy is making stea.dy progress the older members neglect, or are in- toward complete neenver y ,from ber diffeenjt te their duty in this respect. late critical illness. In the evening choosing the stery Mrs. Samuel Purse, Pense, Sask. j of Blind Bartimaeus as bis text the wrtes: I have been taking The In-1 speaker dealt with the subject tif dependent for a number cf years and spiritual blindness and the power tif wouid net be without it. Christ te open the eyes te the things Mrs. J. J. Wrigbt and Miss -Dom- o God. othy Wright have returned home tei "Eimhurst" after a pleasant tweý CLARKE COUNCIL weeks spent la Toroato. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jay have re- Clarke Gouncil met on 'Feb. 7, turned home te Cannington ' after Reeve Allun presiding, ail members spendingp a month with their.daugh- present. ter, Mrs. J. Scott Montgomery.! Minutes read and adopted. Miss Dewers' many friends wiii be The usual By-laws werc passed. muchpleaed t lean tht sh is Tenders were accep ted fer supply making satisfactery' progress te re-ocdr1 coeyfto e eetsv n J. E. Hawke, Lesknrd 20 pces 50c coriery no. H. Roiman, Newtonviile 35 de 50e ea Jurles.W. R. Neal, Dicksen's 30 do 65e ea Miss Ethel Aluin suffered a very C.' Carson, Kendal 30 do 55c ea painful accident on Friday. Wie G. W. Waddeil, Orono, 30 do 60e ea hanging eut ciothes she slipped on1 McKay-Chapman. That, this the ice and severely sprained ber Councii secure membenship in the On-' ankie. tarie Good Roads Association, pay Mn. AIf. N. Gewan, Nakusp, B C., affiliation fee cf $5.00, and app oint in sending in bis nenewai for 1P22 Deputy Reeve M. J. Rolmnan ns dele- says, I appreciate your papen eut gnte te attend convention in Toronto here in the west and enclose my Ion March 1, 2 and 3. Carried. subscription. Patterson-Ghapman. That this Mrs. John Douglas acomipanied Gouncii meet as a ccmmittee tif tbe hem littie ganddaughter Donotby whole, on the ground wbere the wonk home te Toronto on Wednesday last is te be done, and examine bridges on and at the same time bave a look at lots No. 31, 'Con., 7, Stalker's Mill. her new granddaugbter. Carried. Mn. A. A. Colwili reports an un- Helman-McKay That the Audi- precedented demand for pure bred'tors' Report be neceired, adopted, and hogs, and te back up bis statement he finally passed, and that 100 copies tells us be bas sblpped even eighty thereef be printed, and that, ordens head since the New Year. b e drawn on Treasurer for the sum tif $10 eacb as compensation in full Mn. R. W. Gibson is home fromifon services rendered. Carried. Toronto recuperating frem the sevene Rolman-Gbapman. That this injuries he sustained by faling down Council beiieving it expedient fer the a flight tif marbie stairs in the bank convenience tif tbe public that there b1uilding wheme he was employed.: sheuld be some one te issue Manriage The Mapie Leaf Trie were geeted Licenses in this district, we therefore by a full bouse wben they appeared recommen.d the appeintment oif cur here iast week. They are undoubt- Clerk te said position. Canried. ediy one tif the best Concert Gem- McKay-Patterson. That Thos. panies on the Ganadian Circuit. Falls and A. V. Soper each receire a ti'refund tif $2.00 fer dog tax. Ganried. Mr. and Mms. Thos. Pattersonof Bis wene passed and paid: Orno, anneunce the engagement oif Imperial 011 Go., freight bar- their daughter, Elva A. Pattenson te rels netunned $ 5.88 John W. Berry tif Oreno. TJhe man- Corporation of Newcastle, niage te take place quietiy la Manch. larke's share oif boundary Mr. ei.G are, wftGu- work 100.66 Mrs Ge. . Wrrn, wit Cr-Corporation Manvens, do 2.18 ent, Sask, writes: We rery much G. F AwdsrieasSho enjey neading about what our old At. dane, serice as6.boo friends are deing. The Jappeain-jW RAleatn tHl ance tif the papen is very mach im- . Al22.00n a Hl pnve.W. J. Stutt, 15 Iorads gravel 1.50 Mm. A. Cobbledick, Orone, announ- S. Ralliday, 10685 lbs ceai 85.56 ces the engagement tif bis yeungest J. E. Richards, 2 iamps bail 1.00 inugter, lane, te Mr. R erbert Rer-I McKay-Rolman. Gouncil ad- od, son tif Mr. and Mrs. Robent Jeurnate Tuesday, Apnil 7, at 10.00 Rerod, Mimico, the marniage te take a. m. Garried. place ealy in Mancb. Jno. Rickaby, Franklin Allin, The S. 0. E. B. S. beld a very Chenk. Reere. successful At Rome in St. George's Parish Hall on Tbunsday evening, af The many friends tif Miss McWil- vemy pleasanttîme was spnent in 1a,- spe-nedet-PfOhaaT- W. S. SCOTT xishes te no tify the public that on Wednesday, March 8th at twelve o'clock, be will seli by pub- lie auctien ut Lot 13, Concession 6, .East Whitby on M. Doolittie farm, one aille south of Coliumbus, bis entire stock and f arm implements riz: HORSES-4 Registered Clydesdale Mares, 2 heavy draught geldings, rising 6 years, 2 heavy draught geldings, ris- ing 2 years, l'herse colt cf 1921, heavy draught, 1 driving mare, 1 black herse,j generai purpose., CATTLE-1 pure-bred Shorthcmn cow, W th bull caîf a. foot. This ccw, was bought at Dryden & Millar's sale of 1921. 1 pure-bred Shorthorn bull, aise pur- dhased at Dryden & Miller sale, 10 first clasa milch cows, 7 fat butchers cattie, 1 fat cow, 6 yearhings, 2 calves. PIGS-19 pigs weighing about 140 lbs., 1 sow du, at time tif sale, 1 sow bred 6 wee ks. Aise Q 10tocf cloyer hay, 10 ft. of an-, Experience is a Dear Teacher rHere's Timely Advice for Readers of The James Papers Which May HeIp You. 1 The following is anextract from "The Board of Trade 1News" which is the officiai organ of The Toronto Board iof Trade, Aîter describing (with illustrations) a certain building and giving a statement of the unsatisfactorily worded in- surance policies covering same the writer states that in case of fire the assured would in al probability have great difficulty in collecting insurance and concluded as fol- lows: "The experience cf the owner of plant has been given heme simply te illustrate how much better this plant mîght have been built and how necessary it is that one should seek the counsel cf a competent insurance man before undertaking any changes in a plant and before accepting fire insurance policies. Such service may be had for the asking at any time, It i, net sttfficient that a man has been in the insurance business haîf a 1f e time or that he is a jolly good fellow for yet a deserving chap, te warrant trusting the handling cf your insurance to him. He must be com- petent and he must have had the training which gives a man the, re- quisite knowledge. An agent should be engaged as one would employ a lawyer to handle important business. Sometimes it is necessary, if the best service is te be secured, te give te the agent information about your business whîch it is fnot necessary to disclose to either your lawyer or your banker. Gare should be taken te entrust the handling cf one's insurance only to the hands cf a competent and conscienticus man or firm". The insuring public should realize that it is a matter of great importance to'know that the wording of their policies are correct in every particular, 50 that there will be no question of satisfactory settlement in1 case of fire. We give special care to every risk with which we are entrusted, and the fact that after having had about 100 fires during the last 5 years and in no single instance bas the wording of any of our policies been questioned by any adjuster, or one dollar of insurance withheld is ample proof of our success. It pays to have proper protection. Don't treat your insurance lightly. Whether you now carry insurance or not it will be tîme well spent to talk over this subject with J. J. Mason & Son, Insurance Brokers & iReal Estate Agents, Bowmanville, MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, ýIso of,, Royal Gollege Physicians, Edin- burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- en and children. Office-Parker'a Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Graduate Medical School and, Hos- pital of New 'York and FeIllow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton'a Residence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., and by appointment. f\otce Io Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F the Estate cf William Rickard, la.e cf the village of N ,ewcastIe, in the County of Durham, a farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to~ Sec. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. 0,11,ta aIl persons having dlaimsà or demands against the estate of the sad William Rickard, deceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of December, 1921, are! required to send by post, prepaid or de- liver to the undersigned Solicitor, D. B. Simpson, K. C., at Bowmanville, as So- the will of the said deceased, on or be- fore the twenty-fourth day cf March, 1922, their Christian and surnames and addresses with fuit particulars in writîng- cf their dlaims, and statement of ther accounts and the nature of the securittes (if any) held by them duly verified by statutory declariition. %'1 AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-fourth day of March, 1922, the said Roy Rickard as such executor wiil proceed te distribute the asmets of the said deceased among the parties en- t tled thereto, having regard only te the dlaims cf which hm shall then have notice, and the said executor wili flot be liable for said assels, or any part thereof, to any person or persons cf whose dlaim notice shah flot have been received by i»m or bis said Solicitor at the time of snch distribution. Dated February 27th., 1922. ROY RICKARD, Exeçutor. D. B. Simpson, K. C., Solicitor for the said Executor. Bowrnanvlle, Ontarlo, Another Car of Coal In, We now have ready for immédiate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes,,also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We have for sale Portland or Super Cemepit ui, any quantÎty desired. Fred tGraham PHONE 332j NEWCASTLE KENDAL Mr. Thos. Patterson, Orono, Mr. W. H. Butson, Sundridge, xv,s in this section looking for a pair of >horses. They offered Mr. Geo. Luxtoin $450 for a pair of 3 year old filies, but he, turned it down. COAL I have on hand a supply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut and'Stove size. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle -lm-.-. - - - -- --------- Namel Varnish :ceu the purchase of one new 15c brush (mere- iy t, i n sure a fair trial) during our CHI-NAMEL )EIIONSTIlATION. (Dates given below. l If laiger ean is desired, coupon will apply as 25c against purchase Drime H. C. BONATHAN Hardware Newcastle [cýed Themf Plenty Neyer stint the chuldren -on bread, particularly if it isý Britton's Home-Made Bread. Every loaf of Briton's is cram full of nourishment-good for grown-ups as well as children. Bread is the cheapest and best food. Eat more bread. H.S.BuTO Baker & Grocer N ewcastle I _______________________________________________________________________________ RIGHT UP-TO-DATE We'me net geing te let those city folks put it tirer us-not if we ean ehlp it. Up la Toronto they're been faiiing tirer each other te get ESKIMO PIES. Net the erdinany pie vriety, but a coating tif chocolate in which. is delicieus ice cream. We.'ne going t.j have Eskimo Pies starting Saturday. You caa eat a whohe one. Takce one home for eveny member tif he family. Grocer RWALTON F ]ROST WIRE FENCE IWhy not use the best fencing-FROST-price Iguaranteed. COMMUN ITY PLATE - - ------ --- - 4 W% MUSIC EXAMINATIONS Pupils of Miss Mary Souch, Hamp- ton, xxho wrote ,on Music Examina- tions are as follows: Junior Piano- Annie Williams, Solina, Pass; "Ele- mientary Piano-Margaret McKes- stick, Solina, Pass; Elementary Rudi- ments-Annie Williams, Pass. Miss Eleanor J. Bale, Oshawa, pass- ed two music pupils from iere at the VId-Winter Consorvatory examina- tiens: Miss Mildred Souch, Hampton-, elementary singing, honors, and Miss, Eleanor Wood, Bowmanville, passed, anme subject. silage, 300 bushels of mangolds. Al, he implements necessary to mun 150 acres. Most cf the implements are nearly new p:nd ail in excellent condition. TERMS-Hay, ensilage~, roots and ail* sums cf $20 and under, cash, over this amount 12 months' credit on ail bank- able paper. 5% off for cash on credited amounts. NOTE-Due tothe large amount cf stock and impiements te seil, the sale wiil start 'promptiy at tweive o'ciock. Any person coming from a distance will be met at Oshawa C. N. R. 8.30ý a. m. train, also G. T. R. at Oshawa. GEORGE JACKSON & SON, Auctioneers Newcastle

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