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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1922, p. 6

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SASKATCHEWAN WOMAN RECO VERS Found Health by 'Taking Lydia L Pinkbïam's Vege- table Compound, Melaval, Saskathewan.-"I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound advertised for women's trou- bles and when a friend recommended it to me 1 tried it and it bas done me so rnuch good in the two years in whieh I have been taking it that 1 find I arn a different woman since then, I recommend your Vegetable Compound as much as I can and you may use my letter as a testimonial." ---Mns. Wm. J. THomAs, Melaval, Saskatchewan. These letters recommending Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ought to conv ince women.of the great worth of this niedicine in the treatment of aliments to which they are often sub- ject. Mrs. Thomas writes thae she is a different woman now. If you are suf- feiing from troubles women often have, gr feel ail run down, without any arnbtioa or energy for your regular 'work, take Lyqia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compodnd. It is a nataral restorative and should help you as it has Mrs. Thomas and many, many other women.1 This medicine lia8 been heling slek women nearly fifty yee.s-sýurely a long record of service. Renews 3Streng9-th!a IWhere there is need for a build- ing-up tonie after I Iprostrating illness, [SCOTT'S EMULSION I Itaken regularly, usually speils renewed trongth and vigor.I Scott & Bowne, Toeeate>. Ont. ~-ALSO-MAKERS OF-S (ablets or Granules) FOR GSTO L 20-13sk THE g4LIFTUP"I (Patented) ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS are designed in conformity with the science of Anatomny.. The "LIFTUP " a patented invention vith non-slip elastie lnde beit. gentis- supports the abdomen and i's vers- beneficiai for use af ter an oper- ation involving an abdominal incision.1 Most effective in relieving thos physical ailments £rom which many1 women suffer. WRITE for auseful binte an fiting end slil-mensurement. FREE. Tise gesrine Patented *'L!FTUP" îfa DIAS CORSET made onis- by VOIT. F PPHONE M«AIN 3700 I'r NESTLETON March meeting 'Of the Nestieton Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. W. Philp, Wednesday afternoon, March 1, and was, Grand- mothers' Day. They were very yvell represented, there being eîght grandmothers and one great-grand- inother present and a total of twentv- f Our. After much planning and discussing about the sale of tickets for the two quilts it was decided to hold a concert in the Foresters Hall the seventeenth of March and the persons 'holding the lucky number tickets will receive their quîlt. The next meeting will be held Wednesdav afternoon, April 5th., in the Forest- ers' Hall. Corns are painful growths. Hol- loway's Corn- Remover will remove them. 1A Stitch in Time % Quick action is the only hope when kidney disease appears. There is a whole train of cread- fu1ly., painful and fatal ailments whic soon follow any neglect te get the kidneys right. Among others are rheumatism, lumbago, Bright's disease, hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure. In Dr. Çhase's Kidney-Liver Pis you wi11 find a, treatment which is both quick and thorough. Mr. C. E. Raymus. Lindale, Alta., writes- -1 was a great suserer f rom lidney cisease andt lame back for more than a year. A f riend of mine ane day told me of Dr. Chase'& Kidney-Liver Pills, and acting upon his advice 1 tried them. After I had take n oe box 1 fek hetter, se 1 continued until 1 had used fîee boxes. By this trne I felt as weIl and strong as ever, and arn glad to recommend Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pilla ta anyoae suffering as 1 did." Dr. Chase's Kiclney-Liver Pis, one pli a d'ose, 25c a box, ail dealers- or Edmanson, Bates& Co., Ltd., Toronto. Wonderful recovery of a cmy aH This la one of the many strikirig 'toi cq aire publihiog owhat the D i1) 1). ipL. le accomplishios amnour CanadiLn su1er(i Cases from your owin neighborhood wihe oa,ý on application. "I was laid up ail wiinter vit' w, j- inig eczema. 1 trieci every doe i reachý Both hands, arms andi legs t' ,-ay knees were a sight. 4 have e iis-i - ottles of D. D. D. and am- ,ïIioâe~ ýerrible diseasa. D. D.D. is c, rtairle cheap sfter the slntors."-Peti'r ŽSr7 car, Ft. Burwell. Ont. TIe lrst drop of Dý D. Dand the its'h, coe. Youw inoney back if the first bottied i, qoý relieve vou. $1.00 a bottie. Tr, 1). D. JURY & LOVELL, DRUGGISTS RHEUMATISM? If you area nSuýTerer, Heed This Collinu ood, Ori ure that I write 'L"t is witb plans- this note of com- an"ndation. I sut- fered with mu.scu- la r rlheumatism for three years and have basa eoinple1ely cured "fta Ytl- ing a few pack- o f Dr. ieses An5urie .db5ecs and. Dr. Pierc'e's Golde;i Mý "lic ai Discov- ery sfter doctci:,, m xdiainelýs tali to do s y hcod 1 Pi4 -9"vfree t' '1 r *-ýS , ' W ': 'tsm fo. -yhich I niA t 'sî j tank 1Dr, 11cr o and hi.,a c nDiccse, llrs. K ru ood ('cc, tiox 41. Sesid i 0u to lia :. , , .sloî tory i Br.Jg ho,,. tO fr r pkg. of y ~o' Ph " s" ie lm] ad a ,VIL Y for Pie~rce s - i 'IDiscover Lad ,vi -ýboth fc' Atha owes lis ý,,) 'Ol(0( ' t,-s Sp~lencid c.' l. ~ Bni I~' . aia.as a f siti. hles h:,I, ,Îii c Cro.iiic i 'Os. ûalaitrous.,'e&,d't just jLopt'Fgettins: wotr'ie evey yeaareven mth1 ct rdandi t-'L cC7y reoied racoçsojw o te .' Sc: taniglits he woulc c Mg o hr I uscd to h Wal"sd LAsXi ehwie mor in Lst t alil s aei cvi, ccl hlm to try tht c h'eîMdicaj DIScovery TRIP TO .JAPAN LExtracta Fs-om Lette-s Received Fs-rn Dr. and Ms-a. Norman Found on the Voyage. (Continued from last week) Decemnber 19, 1921. For the first time since leaving Cal- gary we are havîng a very fine day. It was se warm last nigbt that we had te kick off the clothes and open, the port hole. This morning thie sun 1rose at 6 :45 and we were glad to get up and walk the deck without ove- coats. Expect to reach Yokohama at noon and lose haîf our passengers. rMay mail our letters via the "Em- press of Russia" which leaves soon. Sinca crossing the line we have had two very bad days but have net miss- ed our meals. Wa left the Aleutian Islands on the night of the lOth and s-an into some vary rough cold weather. Every hour or so there would be a snowsterm and then the sun migbt shine a f ew minutes and then it would blow again and make the tip o! the ship bob up and down 20 or 30 feet at least. By December 14 wa were close enough to send a wîreless message to Saoul saying we were coming. Naxt day we got some news about the Peace Confer- ance. Not. until the 18th did wa sight land again and not until thatj day did we sea any other vessai o! any kînd sinca laaving Victoria, B C. So you sea that we had lots of chance te get acquainted with the' passengers la a full two weeks out of sight of land. Next cabin to us lives a preachar, named Ross from Okalona, Arkansas, bound for Shanghai, China. On the othjer sida are a doctor and bis wif e fromn Winnipeg, Man., bound for Pe- king, China, fis wîf a bas bean in bed ail the time eýicept acouple of hours, so ha has is hands fuIllMost of tha time. Naar us also is a maiden lady from Toronto bound for fionan, China, wbo is chaperon to a young lady from Petrola, also bound for Honan via Shanghai. Than thare is a party of four Germans bound for Shanghai, who cbum with two Dutcb people-man and wifa-bound for the East Indias. . An apple-growar from Oregon is taking a trip acrosa the ocean for his health and a holiday. Ha ate s0 much he was sick f or tbrae days. Then thare is a Yankee from New England who calmly informad me that, MeGili Unixý,ersity had neyer played f~ootball before this year. Ha got roundly roasted by the Canadians prasent and has been the subject of many jokas sinice. To-day ha is in a great hurry to gat off so one of the boys has taken bis suitcase out to tha middle of tha deck and everybody is standing around te say geod-bye and sea the fun wben ha fands it. Thara is an anothar Amarican, a rathar quiet failow from Long Island, and a girl bank-taller frOM Van- couver, wbo is simply ruaning wild much to bar discredit espacially witb ladies. An Australian sits naxt to the commander and saems welh in- formed on ahi subjeets. The ship surgeon is a fniandly old man from Medicine fiat, Alberta, who is tak- ing a rest by going to sea. A suaent profassor from Hiereford, England, and a youag Englisb couple whom I do not know; a Japanase commercial traveller is vas-y sociable and intelli- gent and makas tbings livahy in the dack gamaes by taasing the Amarican lad who tries to boss everything. A baby in the second cabin is very popular with avery body. Thasa are some of ourtravelling companions. 10:30 a. m.-Sinca sighting the coat we have sean many fisbing ves- sais and two large fraigbtars. Wa an now sea faintly the cone of Fugi 'tama, the sacs-ad mountain o! Japan nearhy 100 miles away. The country we can sea coasists' o! low hilîs, wooda.d at, the top but bara beiow. Occasionaily we can sea a house. This moraiag the Hindoos are out taking the air for the first tîma as far as wa know sinca laaving Van- couver. Wa would not ha surprisedi if it did tham good, I forgot to taell you about the fahlow who came trot- ting down the dock an hour aftar the boat was supposad to leave with some baggage for oaa o! the passengars. fia was about 30 seconds too hata! I forgot to tell you how good tbay used me at Vancouver when thay f ound I ýhad bean imposad upon at Oshawa. They sent a young fallow with me to sea that 1 got ahi fixed up and I made good use o! him s0 that I got ahi my business done in about an.hous-. I also forgot to tell you about a joily preacher from Cape Breton wbo has a church in the North of Kora. fis wif e has hean in Mayos for nina IN BUSINESS is based an right training. We give -persona! i ndividual instruction. Shorthand,. typewriting and business methods. Over 20,000 graduates. Eleven schoals ini Toronto. Start at anytima. Write for complete ENFIELD Church Choi- Sumptuously Entertain- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Fred L- Smith. Friday 24th ultimo the members of the choir of, Enfield Methodist Church were right royally entertained at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Smith, eight concession, 1Darlington. Mr. Harold Ormiston was the jovial 1and capable teamnster of the occasion, and with a wida spaclous slaigh com- fort?,bly fitted with seats covered by bufi'alo robes, and with tha belîs'jing- ling marrily on his fine team of spir- ited -horses (who ever saw an Ormis- ton, driving a poor horse), the choir enjoyed avary minute of the sleigh rida-to many the first, and probably the last, of the season. Arriving at the splendid home of Mr. and Mrs, Smith, the jolly company was soon seated around the well laid table which f airly groaned with the weight of the good things. After doing full justice to that most sumptuous ra- past, ahl repaired to the drawing- room and engaged in ganial conver- sation for an hour or so. Although it was inopportune for singing consîdering the great quantity of viands so recently stowed away, yet the choir acquitted themsalves most crajitably-so the listeners said-in a short practice. Games and amusement stunts of various kinds occupied the remaining hours of the evening, during whieh Mrs. Smith passed around great quan- tities of dalicious mapla czeam taffy and glossy red-cheeked 'ýNorthern Spy apples, all of which, in sm unaccountabla manner, mysteriously disappeared. It is needless to say ,that each one enjoy~ç hersaîf and himýsalf most thoroughly, and before daparting in the wee sma' hours, Mr. Fred L. Bray tendered the thanks of ail presant to the host and hostess for the very dalightful social tima to- gether, which could not soon be f or- gotten. Mr. and Mrs. Smith both suitably raplîad, saying tl4at they enjoyed ex- tending thair hospitality as much as thosa present enjoyed partaking of it. The company then wended their ,way homeward, awakening the achoas and aIl light sleapars, by the singing of many favorite songs, the chief of which was that ôld stand-by of many such happy occasions-"For They are Jolly Good Fallows". Tanlac's world wide f ame-'is 'due to its menit. It does the work. Jury & Lovaîl. The world must choosa batween keeping up a disturbance and keep- ing down expenses. and Coughs Blown to atoms Every trace cornpletely remroved by the World's most powerful preparation Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Fully guaranteed to give yon relief or money refunded. 40 Doses for 75o Sold by ail druggists or by mail f rom W. K, BurklsyLasit, 142,Mutssi St. Tarente SOLD IN BOWMANVILLE BY F. R. KERSLAKE 20More Men Wanted To Fi Positions in Early Spring No expenienca necessary, $125 to $200 per montb, operating gas tract- ors, driving motor trucks, cars and farm power machinary, or autg and tractor machinary, city and country garages. Steady work. We have a plan whereby you can work in our shops to pay for part o! your train- ing. Undar this system, you can soon be trained, ready to accept one of these big paying jobs. This spe- cial off er is good f or a short time only. ' Day and evening sessions. Don't dalay. Write or caîl for full particulars immediately. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL, 163 West King Street, To ronto. A LOUD C ALL te gain thaefIaaring o! evary am- bitieus person is what we wisb te maka. Wa want te telhlyou, that if yor dasira te be a, Success in Ithis W orld's BUSINESS you must ba a master of soe particular work. THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE, taaches you aIl Commercial Stud- ies, and prapares yen te rapidly gain Success. Positions naeconstantly await-, ing eus- graduatas. It's net tee latefor you te make your start RK1 EýUM AT ISM NEURITIS vs. SCIATICA 'r.R..s Rheumatism and simîlartroubles invariably yield to tisi T.fl.C,s (Templeton's Rheumatic Capa sules) treatment. Many doctors and many htandreds of druggiste from coast to coast will coniirm this truth. The hundreds of tes- timonial letters in our files show that T.R.C.'s have successftUly treated Pheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritia, Seiatica and acute Neiu- xalgia. of ail kinds. But the beit,, evidence in yeur own experience. Il you suffer we want you ta try this guaranteed non-.injturlou remedy at our expen.se. Drug- gistesesll T.DC.a $L.OO per box. For Pree Trial write, T.I..C. Go., 56 Colborne St., Toronto. Sold by Jury & Lovel MEN'S, LADIES', CHILDREN'S GLOVES S0%LD DIREËCT TO cONSME YOUR CHOICE 0F 300 KIND-"S Leather, Wool or Cotton-lined or unlined; also lumberman's socks. Spring styles for ladies now in stock-many imported gloves. The Glove & Mitt' Store Manu facturer and Retailer 1 Door East of Stateiman Office' FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS and so reasonably priced, too. Delivered fresh from our greenhouses to your home. S. J. Jackman & Sons Fiorists and Growers Phone 80 Bowmanville à ESTABLISHED 1857 j Importer dIrect of SCOTCH-AND SWEDE GRANITES and onis- the beat grades of SVERMONT -BLUE MARBLE ,i 1 amples- no cemetery caretakes Sas agents prefers-lng, te oeil my own Sgoode thus saving thbe purchase, Sthe agant's commission. A cail1 soliclted. Double action-Goes farther-Try it and you'll be delighted with the resuits. , ORDER FROM fOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCER' 50 Look for this Trade Mark w/zen Yo u Buy Kitchen Utensils Would you buy a can of saljnon if it had no label? Or a bag of flour? No, certain ly flot! Then be just as careful when you are buYing kitchen utensils. Purchase onlY those articles of Ena- meleci Ware carrying the SMP trade- mark. It is your safeguard-and your guarantee of quality. Ask for Diamond Ware is a three-coated ena- r meled. steel, skiy blue and white outside with a snowy white lining. Pearl Ware Îs, a two-coated enameled steel, peari grey and white inside and out. There is Always Somiething Doing Our bakery department is alWays helping some- body. It may be unexpected visitors, an after- noon tea, a party or just the regular m'eals of the day, Our large and varied assortment of fancy and plain baking is always at your service.. Why flot take advantage of this service? The Cash & Carry Phone 97 Bakery i3owmanville Have a Beg Store in a Sall Town T ERE are such stores, that hold the trade for'miles around,, some of them buit up without largely in- creasing capital. The merchant huys smal tandas-dizad stocks o! the very best, selles-s, the sarne styles that are being shows-sin the big citiez. Ho is particular te get the styles that ns-e advertised, that bis customers will, look fer. If it is wearing appas-el, lie prob-' ably dees net carry thie vas-y smaîl or vas-y large sizes, prefeir-, ring )those for whl9i4 there will be most demand. When well dlsplayèd, an advestlsement i the local paper stazts them seiling. The mes-chant looks upon the manufactures- or jobber as bis warehouse Once a week, or oftenerfho checks up what new stock os- odd sizes hei need,4 and o-d-s them by Long Distance S8hipment is often mrade the samne day by express, pas-col poas% or freight. Qulek douives-y becomes possible. Customêrs an en th usiastie to find tbey can buy what they want i their home own. Ileputatien grows rapldly, and the--yearly turncweri- croses neltabl.

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