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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1922, p. 8

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WEDDING On Wednesday, March 1, at 15 Yiïctor'Avenue,1 Mimico Beach, a quiet wedding was solemnized when Mary Clara Cobbledick, daughter of Mr., and Mrs, A. Cobbledick of Orono, was united in marriage to Mr. Herbert Herod, son of Mr., and Mrs. R. Herod ýof Mimico. The chariting bride wore a most becoining gown of brown, French embroidered, witli hat to match. . Rev. G. J. MacKay, M. A., officiated. After their wedding trip, Mir. and Mrs. Herod will reside in Mimiro. lis Rhenmatismu and Backache both Gone~ Mr. John Nordin Recom- mends Dodd's Kidney Pil., Saskatchewan Man Tells of Relief From Suffering and GladIy Ad. vises Others to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. Percival, Sask., March 6th. (Spe- cial) -"I am, more than glad. to say a good'word for Dodd's Kidney Pis". These arethe words of Mr. John Nordin, a well-known resident here. And Mr. Nordin is always ready to' give the reason why. "For about ten years 1 suffered dreadfully £rom bachache and nheu- inatism", he says. "Then 1 startedi to take Dodd's Kidney Pis. Now niy backache and rheumatism arel gone. "1 always keep Dodd's Kidney Pis ,on hand in case of need and to every- body with kidney trouble -and bach- ache 1 say 'try Dodd's Kidney Pils'. Dodd's Kidney Pis put the kidneys in shape to strain ail the uric acid out of the. blood. With no uric acid ln the blood there ean be no'rheuma- tiom. Ask your neiglibors if Dqdd's Kid- ~ney Pills are not the greatest of ail j Kidney remedies. I. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922 KENDAL (Received too lato for ast week) Revival services are being held in the United Churchi at Kendai under the leadership of Rev. Elijah Brown, evangelist of the Toronto Confer- ence. Mr. Brown cornes here fnom Temperancevîlle near Toronto where lie held a most successful campaign this month. Good reports of his work corne also from Stouffville. We [are iookiag forward to a splendid ne- iv ..... Mr. J. 1). Fallis suffened a serlous loss on Saturday monning, Feb. 25, when his residence and blacksmith shop were burned, to the ground. The fine which began in the shop had evdently been smoulder- ing many hours, before it was seen by Mr. S. Searle at about four-thirty. The alarm was quickly given but al the efforts of the fire-figlters failed to, save the buildings. Pnactically ail the furaiture was removed fnom the bouse. ... The choit was enter- tained on Friday night at the home of Richard Luxon and a very enjoyable evening was spent., Considerable fun and some annoyance was exper- ienced by some of the young people la fanding their way over the icy roads to Mr. Luxon's home .... Lad- ies' Aid of the United Churcli intend holding a concert and basket social in Mardh. Those who have attend- ed former social evenings given by the. Aid well know that a good time, îs assuned. A Durhiam Old Boy Lieut.-Col. Dr. Henry Turner died in Victoria, B. C., March 5,,aged 94. He came to Canada from Cork in 1852 and lived in Millbrook, Ont., 48 years. H1e was a surgeon la the Prince of Wales Dragoons. H1e located in Victoria 22 years ago.- Dr. Henry, A. Turner, iMillbrook, is a- son. Another son and two daughters reside in lActoria. DO'4U"MINION PIANOS Have a tone-a tone exclusive to Dominion instruments-that for haif a century has entranced music loyers. Sold on easy terms FJ. MITCHELL Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville NEWCASTLE Mrs. H1. W. Dudley le indisposed. Mr. Haroldi Gibson le on thesick list. Mr. T. W. Jackson visited the City aset week. Miss Jolinson, Toronto, le .visiting Mrs. H1. S. Bitton. Mrs. Thos. Liddell, Grimsby, le vis- iting friends in town. Mr. Fred Graham lost a valuable young hiorse last week. 1Mr. Hawthiorne, Toronto, ie visiting at Mr. James Clark's. Mrs. Ransom Clark remains lana very poor state of health. Miss Frances Gibson bas opened an office in, the Parker Block. Mr. Virtle Wilson visited Oshawa fniende over the week-end. Foreman Alex. Adair lias severed hie connection with the C. P. R. Mr. W. Nellis, Grimsby, is visîting at Mr. D., J. Gibson's, "Hazel Del"'. Mrs. James Moffatt, Oshiawa, visit- ed lier -sister, Mrs. Chas. Wilson last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson vis- ited friende in Port Hope over the week-end'. Mr. Cecil Cowan lias taken a posi-, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY CLARKE TOWNSHIP OFFICERS Newcastle EHorticuiturai Society heid Pathmasters for 1922. te regular mon hiy meeting in the Town ______ ftall, Thnrsday'evening,, the hall - heing Sde olhrt2T .Jns packed. Manager Scott began looking 1 idnyLch ,2T .Jns -o bis "Standing Room only" sign. Presi- 3 T. Johnston, 4 George Payne, 5 R. il it Dr. J. A. Butler wae in charge, and Rutherford, 8 B. Samis, 9 N. Samis, aftLer the generai business was finished, the meeting proceeded with "the goofi of 10 A. H. Brown, il Leslie Allen. 12 lie society- business. Mrs. J. Anderson G. Wragg, 13 W.- A. Adams, 14 S. Sm ,th, one of the delegates to the Pro- J. White, 15 'George Law, 16 F. B. vincial Convention beld in Toronto, gave a splendid report of the meetings and no Lovekin, 17 W. Couch, 18 S. Kaight, doubt the members will make good use 2 OS. Buriey, 21 R. Payne, 22 C. off the informal ion bronght home and s o Reid, 23 W. Laing, 24 T. A. Reid, 25 ably imparted by Mrs. Smith. The re- port was foiiowed by a splendid program Geo. Stapleton, 26 Geo. Graham, 27 by the foilowing artists: solos, M ss E. C. M. Eddy, 28 W. A. Gibson. 29 Tnrnbuil, Mrs. Geo. Honey, Mrs. Chas. .n. Midltn 0F ih,3 Cowan; Mise E. Hancock, a humorons!~ dltn 0F ih,3 reading; Miss Sadie Bennett, banjo solo; J. F. Osb7orne, 32 James Stone. 33 Mrs. (Dr.> Bntier, a paper on gladiolasiG H. Campbiell, 34 H. E. MilîIson, culture. Mrs. E. C. Fisher accompaniedj 35 0.. Cowan, 36 James Burley, 37 soloiste in bier usual capable mannor. A -1 gnessing contest was staged for wbicb L. Buckley, 38 Wm. Neal, 38 1/ H. C. prizes were given . A glass jar filledIBowell, 39 L. Todd, 40 E. Bullied,l with heans was passed arounfi and each 41 W. J. HalIowell, 42 W. Farrow, person was asked to guese the number43LBraal44G W. ade, mn the jar. Correct number was 813, and 4 .Braal 4G .Wd1l tIrst prizo went to E. C. Fisher with al 45 0. Coatham, 46 W. J. Lycett, 46/2 gnose 837; 2nd prizo, Councillor W. N. jW. Sherwin, 47 W. J. Hall, 48 A. Buckley, 871. Firet prizo was loaf ofi bomemade bread donated by Mrs. J. R.I Saunders, 49 W. McKay, 50 F. Cor- Fisher andi hnd prizo ½ 2doz hune donated ishel, 51 JohnHenry, 52 P. Morgan, hy Mrs. Geo. Jamieson., Mrs. J. Ander- 53 J.G. Cochrane, 54 1. E. Chap- sou Smith and Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck were mn5GoSeda 6Go an appointed a program committee for the a,5GoSklng56 e.Ci, April meeting, and the singing off God 57 Joseph boy, 58 Geo. Mercer, 59 Save the Ring bronght a very pleamant H. Hoy, 60 S. Bryson, 61 Jas. Wan- aud profitable evening to a close,. flan, sr., 62 E. Patterson, 63 Charles Morgan, 64 Angus Watson, 65 James *'THE LOSTPRINCESS" Bail,ý 66 W. J. McMillan, 67 Geo. Quantrîl, 68 L. Bell, 69 F. W. Hall. tîon wîit n.Mr. Ed. nuar jin1the N'ew- castle Garage. ~~~A very unique entertainment was giv- 70 -Wes.,Pat te rs on,- 7 1 J. Tte caste Grag.Io in Alexandra Hall on the evening of Jos. Pollard, 73 C. barris,T Mn. James Clark lias rented the Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 28th, by the young Thoraton, 75 S. M. Billinze. 'Wilson McManus farm and will move Peuple uf St. George's Chnrch. Tt con- 77 R. H.Aln78Og,9 teeat once. s sted of songe and dialogues and an .Aln 8Og,7 threOperetta' eutitled "The Luet Princes", bins, 80 W. Patton, 81 R. R Mn. E. C. Beman shipped a car of whicb wae admirably presonted under 82 J. Tebble, 83 W .J. Me clice spy apples to the Toronto mar- hoieable directorship of Mrs. W. H. And- J. J Cochrane 85, Geo. Pol ket lst wek.erson, the musical portion being ln charge ket ast eek.off Mrs. A. Farncomb. The opening num- C. Penwarden, 87 W. J. Pi Mrs. J. J. Wrighit and daughten, ber wae an illnstrated song "An Old-fasb- G. H. Luxon, 89 H. Davis,9 MiseDortliy ar vietin MnGor on oed Gardon", sweetly sung hy Mrs. F. Tamblyn, 91 F. Sheppard, 9' MissDorthy ar vistin Mr GodonBranton, a tableau off an old time lover Wright at Orono. and bis sweetheart heng arranged in the Mn.J. . 1111eBuke ail, a ckgronnd. An amusiug dialogue well North Boundary la . J.wR.oventhe weeks end ,ues f carried ont by Robert Crothers aud Reg- jBigelow, 93 R. Allen, 94 R.1 in twn verthewee-en, ges iof ld Le Gresley followed and a very.1 1Wm.Brws.2T.W Miss Ella Turnhuli. leasing duet by Mrs. Scott Howard and1Boner,2TW Mrs. Jamieson. The interludes hetween, 3 E. Webb. Mns. H. S. Bitton has returned acte' were enlivened witb songe by Mr. home from a pleasant visit witli ler Conway Baird and a reading by Fredl etBud1 parents in Toroatonderson, Miss 55dbe Bennett rendered Ws oudr parntsin oroto.great assistance at the piano wbilst aý 1 N. Rickard, 2 F. Black Mn. barry Wynn, New York, vîsit- trio off girls, the Misses Mabel and Lida Jno. Sandercock, 4 Raymond ed at Mn. T. M. Gibson's ,WilloW Lake and Nellie Thomas, sang populari bi" ve ti weken.songe. I Poundkeepers for 192 ,Hill overthe eek-ed. u the Opeýretta itseof the stellar roles Mies Mary Wetlierell, Oshiawa Pubi- off the Prince off Japan and.tho Princes No. 1 Wm, Milligan, 2 lic Scliool Staff, spent the 'week-end Alaska were excoîkon ly acted and eunn Buri.ey, 3 W. J. Hallowel by Mrs. John Pouathau and Miss GladysCasn5LBrbl,6 under the parental roof.j Matchett, as wsas also that off the Fair Cro,5L Bnaal Mn. and Mrs. Henry Ragen and Q,,een by Mrs. W. Jamieson. The var- ISopen, 7 R. Luxon, 8 A. Sa the eekendions other members off the cast played1 9 Jas. Lippett, 10 F. 'Perrin,11 family, Toronto, spent the we-n hir respective roles w b hmuch credit Layton, il T. C. Andrews,, at lier fatlier'e, Mn. J. Douglas. j to themeelves aud the chioruses, partie-L 3~ . al 4T A number of farmers in this dis- Song- sud 'Weddiug lu Rlondike" were 15 G. Cala, 16 A. J. Bigeloi trictare ispoing o ther suplussung in a biright and spirited fashion.AIWih 18Cr en t,9 liay. Price is quoted at $17 per' very Prefty- Fairy dauce wss one off the Wih,18 alTnat ton. features, thie wicked Ogre was properîyj1 Bnown, 20 Lorne Bell. terrfyiug<, sud the lively antice off hees, Mn. Wilson MeManus lias purchas- wasps, aritnisud other dwellers in Fenceviewers f or 192 ed Sid bolland's house on Beaver-et.. Fairylaud aiýl added to the happyv efffect. No. 1 W. J. McCuliough, The final ecene represeutefi the Court of and le moving lis f amily Up from tlie tbg RKing sud Quecu off the Rlondike, V'ayne, Jno. A. Bannie. farm. parte taken by Mr. Hloward Gibson and bolmes, G. Wnagg, Norma: Miss Cura Bntier, respectiveiy, sud le -.hoMdleoW Mr. Rd. Alun lias punchased the courtiers sud rmaids off hour, soldieresud Mdltn .A Rose property on Mili-st., and intends sailors, the court jeeter, the cook, sud [H. Davis. 4-W. Sieep, moiginto tlie village in tlie near ave the court cat, dieported themeelves. Geo. Quantril. 5-H. Best, moigThe costumes sd tbroughout were ton M. . Hl. 6R future. charming" sud p7cturesque, sud much D. ton,. .. . .'. 6-Rn. ,Messrs. Graham & Burley are la credit muet ho given to Miss Belon Faru-D.BlA N.Rbns the village witli their wood sawinz comb wbo dosigued most ut those worn by Allia, Jas. Bungess, F. Ard. outft. ob syshucingwoo lethecors The program closed wîth a E. Mîlîson, Chas. Reid,, W.A outft. Bb sas bckin Woo !Stableau off "Britaunia" the chorus mean- now a lost art. whil,, sini.ggone verse off "Rule Britan- well 9-F. Hill, W. J.1 Mn. and Mns. banry Allin, Bow- na" and coucluding wth God Save the Moffat. manville, and Mn. and Mrs. Norman X k Allinanad famîly spent Sunday-with! iMrs. William Rickard. NEWTONVILLE Directons of tie bonticulturai So- CRWIH AYD ciety held a meeting on Monday even- Mr. W. R. Lapp visited Torouto fionde ATWIH LD ing to complete arrangements for the .:..Mies Eliza Thompeon se homo from Spnng loen ho onMadi 7. visting Mrs. Adoiph Henry, Orono, Mrs. Mrs. Elïzabeth Archer Sprig Flwer howon Mrch1. -Thos. Stanton, Pontypol, was there. too Mn. Tom McMahon, a former New-_.r George Holman, Toronto, home lizbt rhr io caste boý an nowattedingTor-withqinsy.... Mes Clara Jones, Orono. izbtArh, do castl boyand nw attnding Ton-ibheen gneet offlber sieter, Miss Hattie1 late Rolit. Archer, whose onto University, spent tie week-end Jones.... Mrs. James Laing bias- toflsilit-t name was Elizabeth Egento wlth bis friend, Mn. Volney Moore. le ... .Miss Lizzie Barrie, keeping bouse iteodl duie n for bier brotbor-iu-law, Mr. Abel Culver. th i èe auhe n Suashine Organized lass of Mei- Ham itou Tp, recentiy cailed on fionde Robent Egerton and E odiet Churcli las arrangedwith Mapfle boere... .Mr. Samuel Smith, sr., is Out Leslie. She was bora in Grov DraaticSocity t preentaftera tussie witb la grippe ... Miss Mag- Groe Damaic ocity o peset .Robinson, Orono, le vieiting Mr.1 heNothof Ireland, CounVy tie drama "I Can't Afford IV', here Cecil Robinson. .... Mies Florence Lock-j managi, comiag with Vie fa on Tuesday, March 21st. 10-t hart bas a posit'on in Port Hope IB0- i s country in 1844 and set iital.... .Mr. Fred Nesitt bas bougbt the At Simcoe Street Methodiet Pan- Reid bomestead east off Clarke Cburch. Cartwrighit, where la 1852 sonage, Oshiawa, Marci 6, Rev. J. H Congratulations, Fred. Ladies. phease married Vo Vie late Robt. Ar( Mcai ofcitigte ariaetook nogen.. Wedding belle bave been ringinez 50 fnom Vie North of Ineland, MeBin ffiiatngthemariag agin ...Mr.Wihis Jodnes and father G3. place of Miss Flornce Robinson and W. Jones recenthy motored to Bowmaxs-î of Armagh. Aften their n Mn. John Turner, boti of Newcastle. ville .... Mr. Arthur Walker. Zion, win tMn. and Mrs. Archer. settled The young couple were unatteaded. . supply ýprogram at Epwortb Leagno th 5s haîf of lot 15, concession 1, nek.. M. Nomn ip er ig teBaudto Our citizene were muci pleaeed Vo triend r. omniperskiteTornto wniglit, wlere alllien children repeat their offer off St. Valentines nigbt Thomas were bora. Hene Mri see our venerable ownsmaa, '-Mr. . ... Mrs. W. J. Fleming, Bowmauvilhe, lsere coatinued Vo live until aboi John Ugiow out for a walk on Mon- guest off Mrs. S. J. Arnott. years ago ,wien cie wentm day morning. Mn. Uglow bas been son James and daugiter Elizal criticahly iii for several weeks but ORONO the home on lot 15, conce&î apparently will soon be is former_____ Reach, wliere sie passed pe, self. . 1tMr. n- ....rrvrntn n,.nthe , e wnrhsr nfter a hrief iilness. F A movemeat is on foot Vo "fi and nename Vie ohd drill shed gr, and eveny resident on former dent of Newcastle and Vie surr ing district le iavited Vo sugi suitable name for wbat ias b, long known as Vie "drill grounde. A.1l communicationi connection should be sent tc. J. E. MaVclietV, Secretany of VhE icultunal Society, noV laVer Viar 1, 1922. Lenten services wene held i George's Church on Asi Wedn at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 in the iag. On Friday evenînge Lent at 7.30 o'clock a senies o tera sldes will be sbown er "The Men Who Cnucified Jesus companied by a lecture and epersed with appropniate prayez hymas. The eubject for F Manch 10, wili be "Judas Isci Ahl who may desine Vo come ane cordially invited to be preser tiese services.. ~xU"Iend bere .... Miss Tins Beer was tahoen iii2naed9 er, eann nXoundsrocently and >s lu a critical condition....22dagd9yereaii ronsMessrs. Milton _Tucker and Floyd Cuttehi hast lier faculties. ber husbi rnesi- were homie from Toronto over SundaY.... deceased lier corne 31 yeans, round- Mies Eliza Thompson. Newtouviile. visit- died on Januany 22, 1891, ai gest a 'd, Mrs. Adolph Henry and Ms. Stauton. of 82 years. Mne. Ancien ean 50 Ratbieen Staples and Viola Gildullan were hast sunviving member of a fE shied" down ffrom Toronto for week-end .. . .Mrs. sevea, three brothers and four in hs Wm. Beacomn accoînpauiod ber sister, She was the motien of ainec Mre. Granger. to Toronto..Mr. Becom D Mns. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Graugor, Toron- ail living aind ail of whom w le Hon- to, were at the uerai off William Boa- sent at Vie funerai service, Ln May co', ou Monday.... .Mrs. John Green, sons acting as pall-bearers. two members off the ffam ýly sud ber mother, Mr$. McMullen, are ill.... .Mr. childrea are: Thomas, Man ia St. Robert Fielding le homoeffrom six weeks' Mary (Mrs. Colwill), Coldwa îsit witb bis danghter, Mrs. J. Wes1eyDavid, Port Penny; Joseph, reay, Jewell, Buffalo, N. Y....'.Mr. Oscar Scott even- b as retnrned ffrom Maple Lake, Muekoka_, 1wriglit; Dr. Robent, Port during wbere ho speut two monthe witb bis son. 1 Elizabeth, Cedan Cneek of lan- ... .Mrs. Joseph Chapman, former rosi- 1 Samuel, Hope; Rebecca (Mrs. dent off thie distr' ct, se critically iii at C ntîtied home off ber daurhter. Mrs. Artbur,[ian), Carke; James, Cedar [SI', ac- Weicb, Dariington . .. .Mr. Thos. Littlee le (Reaci).- She is survived inter- k.l He suffered a slight stroke but bisj grnd-children and 10 grel- ýr and Tome daughter off a former Orono boy, cildren, makiag 39 livingé Friday, Mr. ilobt. Toms, Pickering, passed away ants. Mns. Archer was a w( ,aiot". on Feb., 25tb. The late Wmn. Connei remankable iadusVny, a faitli: e motiade déeased bis sohe iegatee.... most dvtdmté,kn egb ,t at evening at tbe beautifful farm home off siacere ChisVian, being a me Mr. and Mrs., Walter Sberwin, new Vie Preshytenian Chunci at corners to the district, hy a numbor ut During Vi er tç ie the Methodist people who gatberod to eyasVe ie )ns are rv bm ocm.Mr. Geo. Mitcbell, MUe, Mn. and Mns, Ancier, ws .ebble. 72 74 W. A. ;76 9 L. Robi- Robinson. laliev. 84 olIard, 86 ltton. 88 90 A. J. 92 A. J. MEDICAL ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity University, also of Royal College Physicians, Edin- burg. Speciaty-Diseases of wom- en and childreni. Office-Parker's Block, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity University, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Post- Oraduate Medical Sehool and Hos- pital of New York and Fellow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. MeNaughton'e Rosidence, Newcastle. Hours-8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., and by appointment. N\otice Io Credîtor's IN THE MATTER 0OF the Estate of William Rickard, late of the village of \ ~wcastle, in the County of Durham , a far mer, deceased. NOTICE ie hereby given pursuant to Se c. 56 of Chap. 121, R. S. 0., 1914, that ail Persons having claimas or demands against the estate of the sai d William Riekard, deceased, who died on or about the eighteenth day of December, 1921, are required to send by piost, prepaid or de- liver to hoi undersigned Solicitor, D. B. Simpson, K. C., at Bowmanville, as So- licitor for Roy Rckard, the executor of the will of the said deceased, onor be fore the twenty-fonrth day of March, 1922, their christian and surnames and. addresses with full particulars in writing j of their dlaims, and statement of the r,( aceoun, s and the nature of the securities (if any> held by them duly verified byl statutory declaration. AND TAK.E NOTICE that after the said twenty-fourth day of March, 1922, the said Boy Rickard as sucb, ex ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- t tied thereto, hiiving regard only to the dlaims of which hoe shail then have notice, and the said executor wili flot be hiable for sald assets, or any part thereof, to, any person or persons of' whose dlaim notice shall not have been received by hlm or bis said Solicitor at the timne of sucb distribution. Dated Februpry «27tb., 1922. ROY RICKARO, Executor. D. B. Simpson, K. C., Solicitor for the said Executor. Bowmanville, Ontario, Another Car of Co*i1 In We now have ready for- immediate delivery Scranton Coal in Nut and Stove sizes, also soft coal. FRESH CEMENT We- have for sale Portland or Super Cernent in any quantity desired. Fred Graham f ~ tUl iR goodforOt muuw 25 Can of Chi- spontite purchase of one new 15c brush (mert- y t,, ,, sure a fair tria) durlur ont CHI-NAMEL IFI'ONSTRATION. (Dates given behewI If luiger cni desired. coupon will apy as 25c~ asainst percisse prie. H. C. BONATHAN Hardware Newcastle [cd Thle m Plenty Neyer stint the children on bread, particularly if it is Britton's Home-Made Bread. Every loaf of Briton's Ws cram full of nourishment-good for grown-ups as well as children. Bread is the cheapest and best food. Eat more bread. H.S. BIvK1 luT TNI Baker & Grocer Newcastle on west 1,Cart- n, except rs. Arch- )ut seven R L h wihher U-OD T beth to sion 3, eacefully i'ebruary We're flot going to let those city f olks put it over us-not ng to the and pre- if we can help it. Up in Toronto they've been falling over each , having other to get ESKIMO PIES. Not the ordinary pie variety, but tthe age. was the a coating of chocolate in which is delicious ice cream. We're- 'amily of ir sisters. going tuj have Eskimo Pies starting Sa1tùrday. You can eat a children, whole one. Take "one home for every member of the family. vere pre- ,her six . The nchester; R. ,WALTO""N ater; Dr. h, Cart- Grocer Newcastle Perry; (Reach); SMeMil- rCreek by 20 at-grand- descend- oman of FR9 1u wfe JL-OS*"T WIRE FENC"E or, and a ember of Why not use the best fening-FROST-price Cadmus. at Cad- guaranteed. Al Makes of Batteries 'are Welcome- Here! Some' drivers of cars not equipped with 'Willard Batteries think they ought to go to the service station that sold the battçry. Not at ail! The safest rule is to goto the place that gives you the best attention, lias the most skilled workmen and seems to be best equipped to give battery service-the place that deserves the titie of "Battery Headquarters". That's the kind of battery station we have always conducted and always expect to conduct. Corne ia and we'll show you how near to 100 per cent we are in skiil, courtesy and promptness. Onitareo Battery 1 COAL I have on hand asupply of the best SCRANTON COAL both Nut and Stove size. Sheds at the G. T. Ry. Phone A 1220 Geo. Jamieson Newcastle

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