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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 9

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Especially if- You are interested in getting a better per.. centage of crearn frai-n a given quantity of rnilk. That's exactly what the. Simplez Se- Parator does for you. mhe increasedi quantîty of crearn fron the s arn, 1quantity Of rilk tels the ta- ry-plainly-andI unrnis akably. Lot us send yo-in your copy. D. Derbyshire Compaq, KINlG ST. EIOCLVUÂLE, ONT. Prices Change GET YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED Men's Soled an~ Heeled .... $1 75 Men's SewedSoe and Heels. . 2 10 Men's Heels Rubber or Leather -50 Women's Soled and Heeled nailed ..................i 25 ýWomien's Soled and Heeled 1 sewed.................. 1 50 Women's Heels, Leather....... 40 Women's Heels, Rubber....... 40 Boys' Soled and Heeled, nailed 8-13 ...................1 25 Boys' Soled and Heeled 13 ta 5 1 50 Girls' soled and beeled 8 ta 18 60 Girls soled and beeled 13 ta 5 60 Girls' Heels 75c. Patches 15e Up. Toe Caps from' 50c up, sewing- by Machine 50c per hotur. (W. Humpage THE REPAIR MAN, KING-ST E Concrete Cernent W Ork I am prepared ta do aIl kinds of cernent or concrete work. IBOWMANVILLE, MARCH 30, 1922. IRISH N IGHT AT LB CLARKE COUNCIL1 Town Hall, Orono, March '7, 1922.1 Regular monthly meeting, ail mem"- bers present. Mr. Frank Allia, Reeve, presiding. Severttl communications were read and filed. Holman-Patterson moved thaf Council grant requcat C. N. Railway ta close certain streets la Orono and open others. Carried. McKay-Patterson mnoved tha.t Clerk advertise for man and team ta work grader and man ta operate samne. Carried. Holmaa-McKay moved the Coun- cil take over Npwtonville Temperanýce Hall for a Communify Hall. Laid over ta April meeting. Chapman-Patterson moved thaf request for deputationa expenses for waiting on C. N. R. authorities ask- ing for better freighf and passenger be nat entertained. Carried. Treasurer ack. receipt of $20 for pollîng booths. Bis passed for payment: Cavan, boundary work, over- paid....................$12.50 Hope, Clarke'sdsh«re**undar work 1921 .............. 114.55 H. Holman, cedar........ ... 36.25 L. Bell, do... ............. 60.00 E. Hawke, do............... 10.00 M. J. fiolman, expenses Good Ronds Assoc'n, Toronto . . 8.00 R. Allun, work an beat No. 93. 6.00 C. F. Awde, Sehool Attend. Officer................... 6.50 Municipal Warld 450 dog tags. 16.08 Dr. Tucker Electrie Ligbt, Hall 3.37 King Edwarad Sanitarium, maintenace of A. Sturt, twa montbs ..............98.00 Wm. Allen attend, Hall meet- ings..................... 21.70 W. J. McKelvey refund dog tax 2.00 Council adjourned ta April 4, WASH THE EYES - PAT THE FACE! Heire's How ta Have That "Healthy Colo1. of Youth" That Ail Envy. Ladies of West Durham How mucb time- do you spcnd on making yourself beautiful? How mucb money do you spend la a vain effort fo purchase beauty in boxes and cana? Did you ever purchase any beauty that was satisfactory? Were you ever satisfied witb the re- suits of an intensive but short cam- paiga for beauty? 0f course, yau were nof. Beauty is nat ta lie acquired by whirlwind campaigna, neither la ifta be pur-, chased at any store la the land. It« is farbarder than that ta acquire. Beaufy la a goddess wbo requires from bier subjeets daily worship. An hotu' spent in a manner pleasing ta the goddesswill be prolific la won- derful results. Contrary ta the, custom of the gode of aId, this goddeas demands good works from bier devotees rather than adoration or sacrifices. How ta be Beautiful Would you become anc of beauty's devotees? Then practice faitbfullyi The, Very Best Evening the White Shielders Have Yet 'Enjoyed. The Wbite Sbield Club is a cbam- elein-like affair. On Buras' Nigli if was pure Scotch; on certain niglitE it is Englisb tbrougb and through, and always and ever it la Canadian. But on tbe nigbt of Tuesday, March 21st, it was feal emerald-green Irisb. Tbe meeting was -held in fthe bungalow which was beautifully de- corated with sbamrock, green harps and white shieldas. The first part of the evening ahl enjoyed a rare pro- gram of, Irisb sangs, recitations, monologues and stories by members of the club, assisted by several good ladies of the town. Rev. C. P. ~Muirhead, Rector of St. John's, had the unique honor of being the only ..an who bas ever acted as chairman at the Mothers' Club, and a splendid lîve-wire chairman be made, too. If bis accent was flot Irisb, if was the anly un-Irisb tbing about hlm that nigbt; and alI tbe mothers were con- vinced tbat be must at some time have been, in Ireland long enougb ta have kissed tbe Blarney Stone. After the splendid progrnm and games, refreshments werýe served downstairs. Here again Ireland was pronouncedly present, for the invit- ing sandwiches and cakes were ail green-and-white; and- the centre- piece of cacb table was an Irish pig made from an Irish potato witb an cmerald-green stock or bow round bis neck. As the party broke up and the mothers in their briliant Irish cost- umes prepared to leave, all unifcd in declaring that while they had enjay- cd wondcrful times cvery wcck, Ir- ish Niglit had been really the best yct.ý The National Antbem as usual was the êlosing number. The Club now numbers consider- ably over anc bundred members, but the White Shielde 'rs would be glad ta receive many new members. The only qualifications for membership are that one sbould lie a mother, aý truc friend and good comrade, and bel rcady ta enjoy n goad social hour or' fwa aone cvening in ench week. A BOWMÂNVILLE BOY'S JOB Divisional Officer Brigadier Edwy White (Advisary Board News, Milwaukee) FBrigadier and Mrs. Edwy White, Divisional Commanders of The Lake Division are now on their yearly fur- lougb. Their tbree weeks vacation will be spent resting for another year's work. The Dîvisional Commander of The Salvation Army bas a unique position ta f11l: Througbhlhm aIl the Corps in his jurisdicfion are'supplied and main- tained witb officers. fie gives ecd officer general supervision and in ad- dition aids hlm Wltb bis presence whenever it is necesaary, Tbis oversight is social as well as spirit- ual and econamie, taa. 1The finances of the entire Divis- ion are administered through the Divisional office thus assuring a max- imum of safety witb a minimum of THE LATE JOSEPH HENRY, Who dîed in Orono on Saturday, January 14, 1922, aged 70 years. A sketch of his if e appeared in this j oùrnal at the time but the above haif-tone portrait has corne to hand since and we gladly publish it even at the late date. ORONO From The Neiis David South hasa taken a position in Bowmanville. Fred, Agnew and family are mov- ing to Peterboro. A. Beal' has bought the George Henry residence. Colin IBrown, Leskard, has had muscular rheumatism. Clifford Winter will take a course at Moler College, Tor'onto. Mr. W. H. Barrett visited his son Arthur, at Weston Sanitarium. Miss Edna Renwick is reported iii in a private hospital in Toronto. Arthur Allun bas gone to Frank- ford as book-keeper in a factory. Messrs. Williainson and Patterson shipped 24 horses bought from Clarke farmers. Mrs. John Lorriman is home from Western Hospital, Toronto, after ber operation. Dr. Harry Armstrong is visiting bis brother Charlie G. after some stomfach operation at Mayo Brothers' Institute, Rochester, Minn. Mr. T. J. H.'Allen, Leskard, bas bougbt the G, H. Linton 'farm,, 100 acres, at Dunharton, price reported $15,000., This is an historic York county farm. Mr. William Seymour bas resigned as section foreman on C. N. R., Co- bourg, and moved baick with bis fam- ily to Orono. fier father, Mr. Wm. McLeod is already bere having bid good-bye to the County town. Mr. Robert Martin was taken criti- cally ill at home of bis daughter, Mrs. Williams, Oshawa, Saturday week. His son Mr. W. J. Martyn, and Mr. John Morris motored up to find he had taken a tura for the better. Mrs. <Dr.),McElroy visited frienda at Port Hope .... Mr. and Mrs. A. THE HORSE AS A MOTOR Olid FDobbin Something More Than a Mere Machine. HIe Is Largely a Seif-feeder -Does Not Eust Wlen Resting - Rias H-orse Seîise - Eeep an Annual lnventory--low to Select the Breeding Ram. (Contributed oy (Ontario Departmnent of Agricultur~e. roronto.) The horse is, and will continue to be, the principal farmn motor for an indefinite period. There are ap@roxi- mately 1,500,000 horses in Canada, ail of which are used as a source of motor power. One and a haif mil- lion may flot seem to be a laîge number, but it wc were to place tüe borses in the Dominion head and tail la one long parade line, they would reach from Halifax te Vanicou- ver. So there is some horse tlesh leLt laý Canada, notwithst tnding state- ments to the contrary by people i terested la the mnufacture uf ol anical motors., About the Faim Hforse. The farm horse as a faim 'moto: differs from the mechanical fart:' motor la that it is self feeding, scR maintaiaing, self reproducing, and self controlling. These qualities give thec horse a tremendous advantage over the mechanical devices used for feld work on tice farmis and for haula;ge on the rodds. The Roi-se Largel.y a Self Feeder. Self feeding uneans a lot. There is nu carburator on the horse; nor arc spark plug required. Greenu grass, good dlean hay and oats, the pr o- duets of fthc fields in which the boise labors, prodiîee the energy that keeps Up thec horse's body, and keeps hium going as a motor while labor is be- ing performed. The Animal Motor a Reliable Unie. Within the boise' s body 'cavity tliere is a wonderful self maintala- iag nmotor. The heart, the longs, an~d thc digestive orgaus maRc an engine combination of great efficiency. T1lte hidden motor made of flesh, blood and tissue keeps tiglit, and malies its own repairs. Furthermore, the horse motor develops pep, or plnecý ia reserve energtzing substancestbt may be used on demand. The mccbeL- anical miotor wben at rest does not improve nor grow stronger as dous thec horse, but frequently wastes or rusts. The higli cost of gasoline, 011l aad, mafor mechanie-service, together wifh' the f00 frequent negleet that is accorded tractars on many farms, l4as reacfted f0 fhe advantage of the faithful horse. Old Dobbin Ras Horse Sense. Old Dobbin is also possessed of horse, sense. eo mechanicaý inofor yct deviscd bas posses,,sed tUns fonc- tion. Fuel for tbe horse motor is grown on the farm, an-jd ail prothts remain on the furm., Thetre is 110 fax on it ither-Lionel Stevenlson, Sccrefary Dept. of Agr iculture, Toronto. SMART HANDBAGS JUST A RR IVED The ladies will find-them a very smart, ac- companiment for their new spring suit. In any shade or shape desiredl, real leather tooled, al manner of fitments-vanity mirror, puif pockets, memo tablets, coin-purse, etc. -Comparing our prices with similar goods be- ing sold in Toronto we are 25%o to .50% lower. Our prices for these new hand bags run from $2.50 to $6.00., 1JEWELER ALEX. ELLIOT BOWMANVILLE F Mason &DaIe's IHardware / F or Cleveland Bicycle and. Bicycle Sundries Phone 145 New Wall 'Papers PRICE SPECIALS FLORAL TAPESTRY-WALL PAPER Single rol SO-Floral scroll treatment in rich blue and mulberry, with black color arrangements on a grey background. Suitable for living-rooms or sitting-roorns.

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