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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 11

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Parisian tligh Class Tailor formerly of Bowmanville 110W at 207 COLLEGE ST., TORONTO SWill be pleased to continue and accept orders for Ladies' or Gents' Garments, also dyeing, through our Bowmanville agent, Mr. G. N. Thurston, who bas our samples. Our usual first class fit and workmanship will be guaranteed and will be personally looked after by myseif. Louis Cowell Phone College ,3217 W Toronto BiARG'mmAIrNS IN- Cali at the West End Garage, Bow- manville, this week and see extra special- values in used cars. McLaughlin Touring Car 5-passenger IVcLaughlin Touring Car, electric startei and lights, demountable rims one spare tire, all in good condition. A Snap $375.00 We need the room and cars are beinz sacrificed -accordingly. Three Ford Cars We also have three Fords which we are clearing from $ 225.00 up YOurs frSrieon Ail akes of tteries You can't expect your battery to go on without sere\ýý.e any more than you can expeet your tires to stand up without air or yotir motor to work without oiu! Battery service is our business. We have the equÎpment, the skill and the knowledge that enables us to make your battery last longer and, serve better. We always recommend Willard Threaded Rub- ber Batteries, but don't be led to believe that you can't get the Wilard Standard of Service unless you have a Willard Battery. We have only one grade of service here at Battery Headquarters- and- everybody--receives- it--on- the- sanie basis- whether he's a Willard user or flot. Ontarjo Battery Service Moffatt Motor Sales Bldg. B-wmanville Representing <Willard Storage Batteries 200 More Men Wanted To Fi Positions in Early Spring Na experience necassary, $125 to $200 par month, opeTating gas tract- ais, driving matai trucks, cars and faim p oweri machiaeîy, or auto and tînctor machineîy, city and country garages. Steady woîk. We have a plan whereby you can work in oui shops ta psy for paît ai your train- ing. Under this systein, you can soon be traiaad, ready ta accapt ana ai thasa big paying jobs. This spa- dil off ai is good for a short time only. Day aad ave'ning sessions, Don't delay. Write or call for full particulars immadiately. HEMPHILL'S MOTOR SCHOOL, 163 West King Street, Toronto. Victoria befora -Vancouver aven ex- isted. Theirs was ana of several fortunes made out of those strenuous days. Some wera hast again, too. Some Wild Time. Going back tifty years and mare cannt beaccompiished without a CARIBOO PIONEER DAYS Robert Borland, Bowmanville Old Boy, Tells of Early Days in GoId Diggings. Editor's Note: In the praseat James Block Mi. Frank Borland carried on business la tbe piesent Statesman Office, fils eider, brother Robert weat to tbe Cariboo Country in 1862 during the Gold Boom. He was la Vancouver City recoatly and The Daily Worid iaterviewad Mi. Borland aad pubished the story wbich we give herewith whicb we obtaiaed' from Mis. J. C. Rowe, Chuîch-st., sister of Robart Borland aow la ber 82ad year. "Bob" Borland is an optimist. Hea is conviaced that tbe Caîiboo wil again produce gold. fiera is what lie says: "Gold? 1 mind how Caîiboo Cameron came out with 800 pour.da in dust; and 107 pouads was wasbed out by one man la a day on tbe Diller dlaim at Williams Creek. There was lots of goid la that country then; lots takea out of it, and a good deal af it is left to-day if a man oaly kaows where to look for it". With the naines of Col. Bob Steven- son and Cariboo Cameron must be forevai chroaiclad that of "Bob" Bor-. land, miner, rancher, pioneer and trader, la the vivid hostox'y of the Cnriboo goid rush and the early days af what later became the f amous Cariboo Trail. It is more than fifty years siace the goid rush ended and the stages on the Cariboo Road have been long relegated to the scrap beap; the old pionears are gone, too, ail but a very few of them, "Bob" Borland is among the very last of the aid guard. Hie is la Vancouver at present on a few weaks' holiday trip. At eighty-tbîee yaars of age this old-tim er preserves a streagtb of frame and bodily vigor which n much youngeî man migbt well envy. fils spirit, too, 15 stili indomitabie. 1 "Going ta seil my ranch", he an- nounced on arrivai here. "What, and settie down la Victor- ia?" he was asked. "Victoria!" Utmost coatampt was- registered an his rugged countenance., "Settie down? I'm going to go pros- pecting again next spriag". Sa he is. Borland, like al aid timers af the Caîiboo country, bas a strong belief la certain minerai areas paîtly prospected during the boom days but neyer fully developed. Next spring he is going ta re-open ana af bis old prospect areas, a piece of grauad baif a mile la length, virgin unwoîked channel on a northern creek, from which lhe expects large returas, a" the grouad above and be- low it is very rich. Fifty Years Back Gaiag back fifty years or sa the firm of veith & Borland, genaral mer- chants aud ranchers, was the Most important la the country. The part- ners were kaown ta everyone. To a, great extent tbey wera instrumentai in developing the region about Wil- liams'Lake and Keithley Creek, as thay were always willing ta grubstake a man, ta bold out a heiping haad ta the hungry and penniless praspector. They toak achance on bis "striking it good" for repayment. Bob Borland and bis paitner owaed stores at Williams Lake, 150-Mile flouse and at Keithley Creek. They owned the famaus ranch at 150-Mile and aiso the Williams Lake ranch, subsaquently seliing out. Boriand's ranch, which he is accupying at pres- ant, at lKeithley Creek, is ana of the oideat places of crawn grant land la tha country. It is the centra of some af the finast moose hunting in the province. "Bob" Borland and bis partaer own- ed the famous mule pack that used ta carry go]d and prospectais' autfits la and out ta Lilooet la the early days. "Sevaaty mules", Bob raecolects, "and we have caîriad la a train a-si much as 22,500 pounds".. A Hard Trek "I've carried many a 1 00-pouad pack myseif, giub and blankats", he gantînued." You kaow I wauidn't be- haeve naw that I ever did it, except kaawing it. "I came in la '62. The big rush startad la '59 and lasted 10 yeaîs. Came up by Harrison Lake, and ovar the Douglas Partage. "Say, do you know theîe's as good a piece ai wagon'îaad trail as yau can find anywheres la the province right an that crossingy to-day, hiddan away A Deli*cious Food RornanMeal is a -deiicious- cereal-and more. It's the biggest value in nourish- ment you. can buy - re- lîeves, constipation and indigestion - properly balanced in health-giving, qualities -- and can be served -in a variety of <ways. brakes appetizing muf fins and geais, delightfiil puddings, and the finest porridge you've ever tasted. ONE SERVING - NE CENT Get it at yourgrcr 7-3 cloudiag of recolection, but wîth Bob Borland, it is only momentary. Names and incidents, experiences sad trite, grinm and humorous corne back to himi as quickly and clearly as though they might bave happened yesterday'. Hie was asked if he could remember aaything of the "bad men", the tales of Iwhose crimes andî misdemeanors tbrough those stormnyc days, are remembered by some to- day. "Well, I kept out of trouble, per- sonally", hie said slowly, "although I cail to mmnd one day la '78 when I was coming dowa into Baîkerville. 1 was carîying the mails. I had been carrying the mail quite a time thea. A f ellow cornes out of that bouse 'we called Half-Way flouse, out of Ques- nel, and 1 tbiaks by tbe look of hlm hie means business. Well, 1 bad $10,- 000 with me, but I tbink hie won't get that, as 1 was riding a boise that notbing ia the country could beat for action, and 1 knew if I touched bier with the spurs sbe would just jump in the air right over hlm. However, hie cornes out witb one band ail the time under tbe kind of cape they wore la tbose days, and talks a bit, and thon 1 moves on and looks back and sees hlmi standing there al la tbe road for a long time. "Coming into town I sees Sergt. Lindsay, wbo you may remember came out with old Colonel Moody, and a big man witb a big voice tbat nover gave a d- for nobody. I speak to himi about this man and they telegrapbed a description up for the sergeant to get hîm. So the ser- sergeant went out after hlm. Plenty of Thý.ills "0f course we had a lot of bad men la the country tbose days altbough I mind tbey were ail pretty scared of McLean, wbo was Hudson's Bay fact- or at Kamloops. McLeaa was under Governor Douglas, who was governor and prime ministor and nearly every- tbing else, and McLean was after everyone who dîd anytbing wrong. Hie bad some boys of bis own who were a bad lot, and two were hanged, but that's something different. "The Indiana thought McLeaa had a charmed lîfe and ýtbat nothing could touch hlm. As a matter of fact hie woîe a shirt of chain mail, but tbey thought hae was the devil himself. I mind how he chased out two men wbo rrobbed Clegg when bie was carrying out gold. Hie followad one ta Lii- looet and got him ln the town. The other got off down tbe Tbompson and tbougbt lhe couid swimi across, but was drowned. AIl this happened withiri a day after the robbery, which is good justice and a lot quicker that we get now. But McLean went up to sub- due the Chilcotin Indians, and, they did not know bis reputation, sa they shot hlm- first thing and killed hlm. I guess hie didn't take bis chain mail along that time", Murders were numarous occutren- ces, said Bob, usually for moaey. Lone Tree and Mission ]Road, Spec- tacle Creek and Murderers' Gulch are wall known in the annals of Cariboo Road crime history. At, the hast named spot, in the month of May, 1862, a Frenchmaa and two Jdwsl were coming down wlth about $50,- 000 la gold. "The Fienchman had $10,000", relates Bob. "Hie had been buying stuff£rom us. The Jews had about $20,000 a piece. Thay were ail three killad, nobody kaows. by whomn, anid'the gold must bave been buried there, because whoever was responsible for the killing could neyer have packed it out, but perhaps they could have moved it up a littie. it was said that they buried it by the river under, some big rocks and I know old Berry went looney trying ta fiad it. Hie neyer f ound it". Stage Rob.ries "it was by tbe place they called Spectacle Lakes", continued Bob. "Old Tait was drîving the stage acros s the" bridge. Hie was driving six horsas, got held up and reiieved of $2,000 la a leather bag. Thera was another $2,000 la a ranvas sack that they didn't ask for. Saine thing happened later with Billy Parker. Ail jthey asked for was the ion box where the gold was usually carrîed. There was nothing la it. "I could recollect lots more cases", hie continued. "They killed a man inamed Blassing when Baîkeiville was la its prime-Murphy and Blessing were just walking Up the road-and then Wallace kilied a Chink on bis THE FARMER FEEDS THEM ALLI The King niay rule o'ar land and sea The 'Lard may live îight-rayally, The Soldiar ride in pomp and pride, The Sailor raam o'er the ocean.wida; But this or that, wbate'eî befall, The Farmer, ha must feed them ah.i. place just above Quesnel. T'wo of tbem camne inta b is store aitar bis money and bithlm on tbe head. With bloodpauîing down his face hae was stili able to grab bis gun and shoot one of them. The ather gat away. Theîe's lots mare cases, but what is the use? Cariboa is nice and peace- fui now, and I guess those days wihh neyer coma again, nat for that coun- try at aay rate". Orono Lodge, A, F. & A. M., No. 325, at the regular meeting, Match 9th, received an officiai visit £rom Rt. W. Bro. J. T. George, Port Hope, D. D. G. M., who was accampaaîad by W. Bras. Marks and Saundaîs, and 1 11ev. J. E. Elliott, Part Hope. The fiîst degrea was demoastrated by W. Bro. R. Z. Hall, who was highly coin- mendad for tbe splendid mannen in wbich the work was put on by himseli and officaîs. .Taalac bas been pubiicly indaîsed by mare weii-known men and womaa than any medicine an eartb. Jury &1 Lovehi. Chiropractic (Spinal Adjustm.nts) Remove the 'Cause cf Disease without Medicine or Knife. Chir- apractors have rernarkable suc- re" la remroving the cause cf Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumathsm, Lumbago, Lame l3ack, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases,, Stomach' and Kldney Troubles. Nervoumnesa ln many forma respond readily to Chiro- Dractlc. Examination Free at OfiRce. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa Phono 224. A Ail of our used cars are in good running order. been recently overhauled. They have also been painted-and now look like brand new cars. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JAMES, PROCTOR & REDFERN L.TD. E. M. Proctor, B. A.Sc,, Manager 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can. Bridges, Pavements, Waterworks1 Sewer- age Systems, Incinerators, Schools, Pu--- lic Halls, Housings, Factorles, Arbltrý1' tions, Litigation. Our Fees.-Usuaï, paid out of the money we save aur aller; o igt & Charles Street, T orontc, Is strictly first class in ail depart- meats and unexcelled lii the Do- minion. A sound business edu- Ication is -a sure stepping-stone to success, but the imitation kind is flot. Why not investigate the Isubjeet? -We will gladly send you oui large catalogue which Scontains complete information. For your sake send for it to-day. Students admitted at any time. Oui graduates are eminently suc- cessful. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 0IN BUSINESS is based on right training. We give -personal individual instruction. Shorthand. typewriting and business methoda. Over 20,000 graduates. Eleven schools in Toronto. Start at anytirne. Write for coinplete prospectus. P. McINTOSH. Chief Principal SHATORONTO Used Car Each has attractively We rnust have the room for our new cars coming in and are sacrificing used cars for quick sales. Don't buy a car until you, have first seen our stock of used cars. Corne in and see how easily you can make your pocketbook buy a car. GOING TO HAVE YOUR CAR PA1NTED? >If so, we can give you a first class job that will make your car lookas good as new, and the cost is only trifling. WE CAN ASSURE YOU SATISFACTION Mofftatt Moqtor Sales- Ltd. OSHAWA BOWMANVILLE Il, BATTERY REPAIRS that save you money TF your battery is in need of repaire, .bring it here for an inspection. We --wýIl reportt upon--the- battery"s--condi-- tion and furnish an estimate of the cost of repairs, if needed. Whatever make of storage battery you have now, Prest-O-Lite Service is at your disposai. We are equipped ýto repair alniakes of storage batteries. Our moderate prices will prove a reve- lation to you. As long as there la a spark of life in your battery, Prest-O-Llrte Service wiIl prolong its usefuineas. We neyer try to mceli you a new battery while the old omele worth repalring. F. W. KIRKENDALL, NEXT BOWLING GREEN BOWMANVILLE OUR GRADUÂTES are prepared for ail emergencies and responsibilities business life may bring to them. The courses of instruction at THE BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE are especially thorough and pract- ical. No matter what your vocation in, if e, we feel sure you will neyer regret having taken a business course here. Write for Our prospectus. C. P. FUJLTON, Principal. While Prices Are So Low LUKE, BOYS LIMITED West End Garage Bwanil Buy Bowmanville

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