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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Mar 1922, p. 5

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When is a Tire Worth Repairing Many matonists discard their tires tôoasaon. They f arget that verý often a casing, tbaugh aid, can be made ta yield up a lot of additianal mileage. As tire surgeons of long expenience, it's aur job ta get ail the mîleagE possible from aId and parthy-wora casings. We've the equipmeat; aur workmen are highiy trained speciahiats, and every job receives aur personal and careful attention. Befare buying a new tire, bring the aid , one in ta us, for examinatian. If i t's past repairing profitabiy, we'hl tell you sa, 'and you'll be nothing out cf pocket anyw ay. BUY YOUR NEW TIRES FROM US J A MIESON 'B'ROSk.0 BOWMANVILLE: STATESMAN BLOC K EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS OSHAWA: JACKSON'S GARAGE Prices Are Down Buy Now There is nothing gained by putting off buying. Prices have reached bottom. We are in a position to give best service at lowest prices. TRY SOME 0F THESE SPECIALS Navel Oranges, per doz ..............................i.....30,c Corn Flakes, per package ..................................1c Fresh Marmalade, Oranges, dozen ...................145c Choice Tapioca, 2 lbs. for ..................................25c Tollet Paper, 4 rolls for ...................................25C Fancy Biscuits, 6 varieties, lb ..............................17c Peanut Butter in bulk, lb.................................. 25c Tiger Catsup, large bottle ..................................20c Lobster, ½ / lb. tins, only a few left ..................30c Fresh Dates, just in, 2 lbs ..................................25c Cake Icings, reg. 20c lb. for .............................. 17c SPECIALS IN OLIVES THIS WEEK Ail lunes of Olives at Reduced Prices WATCH OUR WINDOWS If you are looking for a big saving in meats watch our windows for Saturday Specials. Lots of people are saving money every week by taking advantage of -this sale. C.M. tC"AWKE"R & SO')"N BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILL.E 1 1~ BOWMANVILLE, MARORI 30, 1922.1 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Edit r's Note: Having spent two weeks in Victoria the Beautiful in the summer of 1910, we can recal i swveet memory the many motar trips given us by aur hast Dr. S. G. Cleis- ence, in and around that finest of residential cities in this Dominion. At that time Rev. Capt. and Mrs. Frank were stationed at Agassiz, B. C., where we spent a f ew days very pleasantly wîth aur cousins. Rev. W .C. Frank, Paston of Hamp- shire Road Methodist Church, Victor- ia, B. C., -writes: Dear Mr. James,- Permit us ta say in renewing oui y subscription, that we still appreciate il the news coming fram home in your paper. It seems ia thîs busy world that there is tao little time for cor- ,respondence witb aid friends, so the old home paper contiaues ta be an aId time friend who neyer fails us. d We are glad ta know that you are still able t0 do your bit in the con- structive life of saciety. The power Lof the Press is tremendous and if the gmýan behind is aclean, moral, Christ- ian character, we ought ta be ex- ceedingly glad. Whatever criticisrns we may have la aur minds negarding you or your paper, Mr. James, I think we ail feel that you have been trying during the years of your service ta the commun- ity, ta stand f or the best things, and I do think that in these days when the pagan, materîalistic and selfisb inter- ests are putting up such a fight for the control of the press and even the pulpit in some cases, that a little bit of credit now and then given ta whom it is due, would help'men ta continue the goad work. There are plenty of people ready ta "knock",' and while healtby citicism is always belpful, I believe that if the members of the forces of rigbteousness would get out and do more consistent "Boosting", greater things would be accamplished for God and humanity. The old scripture writer said, "God laves a cheerful giver", and I wander if He does not love a "Cheerful Booster". We are liking Victoria very well.ý It is a beautiful cîty, and I suppose considered ta be the mast congenial climate in the whole of Canada. StUR, perhaps it might be just as well to whisper that softly ta the people of 'Vancouver, or penhapa somne other places. We are in the suburban district of Oak Bay, just a few minutes walk from either Oak or Shoal Bay. On a dlean day we can see, Mt. Baker ta the east in ail hîs snaw-capped maj- esty, wbile ta the south the Olympic range rises from the sea wîth its wonderful panorama of beauty. Wben this was shown ta one of the Amer- ican tourist ladies, she was heard ta remark ta ber companion, "I don't see why the people of Victoria rave s0 much about their scenery whea the mountains belong ta us". Great numjýbers of taurists came ta the island every yean, and there are some very fine auto drives ta be faund here. Victoria bas an abundance of w-ell paved, well kept streets, and while this bas caused some difficulties in financing duing these lean years, yet the tax rate is not as higb as that of same of the langer cities of Canada. We are enjoying aur church wonk here, and particularly tbe Sunday School, on Religiaus Educational De- partment. We have a very fine Sunday Schoal with a good staff of teachens and officens. We find a scarcity of leaders for our Teen Age groups, but tbat is nat an uncomman difficulty in these days. I tbink the C. S. E. T. and C. G. I. T. work is going an ta help the church of the next generation salve many of hier social prablems. I am only sorry tiat I arn not a boy just stanting life again wîth ahl the advantages that, the boys are enjoying to-day, witb the helps ta develop dlean maahood in thougbt, word and deed. I must tell you about this defiaition given by abay, of a "balyman". I was telling this gnoup that the word "whole" and "holy" came from the samne roat, etc., and finally sad- "Now wbat is a holy man"? One boy said, "A boly man must be a man who is aIl there". Now, I believe that definitian is a goad one, and if aur yaung people grawiag up to-day can be led ta folw the four-f aid program which is based an this, "And Jesus increased in Stature and in Wis- dom, and in Favon with Gad and Man",-we shahl get a class of Christ- lans who will be more "Ail there", in aIl of the vaniaus callings of ife, ta the great benefit of aur world social structure. We are bath feeling pretty well at preseat. I have just been shut in the bouse for two weeks witb the mumps. 'It seemis ta be quite a fashianable thing here just naw. I always thaugbt it was a sort of, "children's disease", s0 perhaps I am getting back ta second cbildhood, eh? We hope you are feeling well, alsa Mrs. James and aIl the rest. Wben you want ta knock off a bit and take a vacation, came out and se,- your SUDDEN DEATH 0F JOHN COOGAN Cobourg Sentinel-Star The funenal of the late John Cao- gan, who died very suddenly an Wed- nesday evening, Manch 15, took place on Saturday afteraoon from the fam- ily resudence, Tweed Street, ta St. Michael's church and cemetery, Rev. Father Corkery canducting the ser- vices at the church and cemeter-v. Knights of Columbus, cf wbich de- ceased was a member, attended the funeral in a body, six members of the order acting as paîl-bearers. De- ceased, was a menuber af the Co- bourg World staff for 36 years, 30 of whîch he was fareman. Ris death came as a great ehock to his many friends in Cobourg, as he was de- servedly popular owing ta his oblig- ing manner and neyer failing court- esy. Hie was 50 years of age, and had resided in Cobourg ail his lîfe. In addition ta his widow, formerly Miss Mary Murphy, he is survived by a young family of two sons and one daughter, as well as by his aged mother, Mmý. John Coogan, one brother, P. J. Coogan of New York, and three sisters, Sister Irene of -Lindsay, Mrs. Charles Carroll of Balt- imore, and Mrs. J. N., Grosjean of The Gully, who have mnuch sympathy in theii great and sudden bereave- ment. John Coogan learned print- ing under tuition of that Master of Art of ail arts, Mortimer Wallace Williams who was himself a graduate of The Statesman Office, his tutor be- ing the Master Printer the late Wil- liam McKowan for over 35 years foreman of this office and who died in 1898. MRS. FANNY BLEWETT , Over 80 Years a Resident of Clarke. Another of the old pioneers of the township of Clarke is gone, in the persan of Mrs, Wm. Blowett, who passed away in her 89th year at her daughter's, Mrs. J. Greenwood, resi- dence, Orano. Mrs. Blewett along with her parents, Foster and Mary Hutchison, came from Sydney town- ship, and settled on lot 29, 8tli con. un the year 1834. Mns. Blewett was horn in the township of Sydney, June 17th, 1833, and died February 27, 1922, aged 88 years, 8 manths and 10 days. She was aone of a family of 10-six boys and four ginls-who have ail preceded ber ta the better land, except one brother, Foster, now of Seaforth, Ont. Foster is 110w in his 82 nd year, and the youngest of the fam'ily. They were ail blessed with long if e: George 87; Elizabeth 73; James 71-,Jane 80; John 80; Wil- liam 88; Mary Ann 83; Robert 78. Having been bora in a Christian home and brought up by piaus parents, they ail, in eariy if e, gave their hearts to Gad, and joined the Methodist Church. There remain to mourn the loss of a much revened and be- loved inother, three sons and three daughters: Almond of New Toronto; Arthur of Newcastle; Wellington, Mrs. J. Greenwood, Mrs. Thos. Brad- ley and Mrs. Wmn. Walters of Orono. -News. OBITUARY Mrn. Samuel Hooper, Ty'rome There passed to. rest on March 2, 1922, one of the oldest and very high- ly respected residents of Tyrone- Margaret McFeeters, beloved wife of Mr. Samuel Hooper who was daugliter of Archibald and Isabella McFeeters of Darlîngton. She was born in November, 1845, and fifty years ago on May,15, 1921, was united in mar- niage ta Mr. Samuel Hooper, and shared la the joys and resiponsubîlities of a happy wedded 11f e through these years. She lived a quiet, faitbful, consistent Christian if e for aven fonty years she was a member of the Methodist Churcb, and was as regu- lar in her attendance as her health would permit. For severai years she had be:en affiicted and bore it ail with Christian fortîtude. Funeral services were conducted in the Meth- odist Churcb, Tyrone, by her Pastor, Rev. W. T. Wickett, a large con- course of relatives and fniends being present ta pay their last tribute of re- spect to one who had lived in the community for so many years. A lovi.ng husband and one son, L. F. Hooper of Tyrone, and thnee daught- ers--Mrs. W. J. Cann, Salem, Mrs. H. A. Fessnt, Edgeley, Sask., and Mrs. P. F. Whittingham, Edgeley, Sask., mourn the loss of a devated wife and mother. Messrs. J. M. Mc- Feeters, C. W. McFeeters, Oakville; V. A. Hooper, Toronto; W. H. Hoop- er, Pontypool; D. A. Hooper, Tyrone, and Frank A. Werry, Darlington,t were her bearers. Interment was in Bethesda Cemetery, there ta await the "Resurrection of the Just"'. TREMENDOUS ADVANCE IN p 1TEA PRICES The Tea Market has advanced since las,' May fuily 15 or 16c a pound i London, Colombo and Calcutta. I BOUNSALL'S MONUMENTAL ART WORKS' ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grade* of ~VERMONT BLUE- MARBLE I elily no cemetery caretakers5k as 9agents preferrnagta, oeil my own goods thus saving the purchaser ethe agent's commission.A Calil Hsolicited. F. il. Proprietor. Phone 326W IiOUNSALL l BowmanvIllo. 1,Box 64ý li Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the estate of Jane Squair Pýinch, late of the town of Bowroanville, in the County o! Durham, a widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Sec. 56 of Chapter 121, R. S. 0. 1914, that ail persons having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Jane Squair; Pinch, deceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of December 1921 are re- quired to send hy post prepaid, or de- iver to the undersigned, W. F. Ward, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for the'i Ex'e"utors, W. B. Pinch and T. C. Jewell. ý on or before the l2th day of April, 1922,1 their Christian and surnames and ad- dresses with fu particulars in writing of their dlaims and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them duiy verified by statutory dociaration. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said l2th day of April, 1922, the said, Executors will proceod to distribute the, assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard, oniy to the ciaims of which they shall thon have notiice and the Executors wil flot ho hiable for said assets or any part thereof to any porson or persons of whose dlaim notice shall not have been received hy their said solicitors at the trne of such Dated the 22nd day of March, 1922. W.. B. Pinch, T. C. JeweIl, Bowmanvhie, Ontario, Executors. W. F. Ward, Bowmanville, Ontario Solicitor for the said Executors. EXECUTORSe NOTICE, To Creditors and Others IN TEE ESTATE 0F Joseph Brittain, deceased. The Creditors of Joseph Brittain, late of the Town o! Bowmanvilie, in the Coun- ty of Durham, Customs Officer, who dled on or about the 12th F'ebruary, 1922, and ail others having dlaims against hjm or entitled to share in his Estate, are hereby notled pursuant-to the Statutes In that behalf, to send by post prepaid, or other- wise deliver to the undersigned Execu- tors, on or before the 24th day of Âprii, 1922, their chrIstian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions and f ull par- ticulars of their dlaims, accounts or In- terests, duly verifled, and the nature of the securities, If any, held by them. Im- mediateiy after the 24th day of April, 1922, the assets of the said Testator wihl be distributed among the parties entltled! thereto, having' regard oaly ta daiîms or interests of which the Executors shall then have notice, and aillothers shail be exciuded from the said distribution. The Toronto Generai Trusts Corporatlon, 83 Bay Street, Toronto, Executors. Malone, Malone & Montgomery, 85 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors ta the Executors. Dated at Toronto this 2lst day of March, 1922. 13-4 MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS, addressed toa the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fni- day, the 2lst of April, 1922, for the conveyance of Ris Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week on the route NEWCASTLE R. R. NO. 3 via Port Granby from the lst of July next. Printed notices containing further information as 'to conditions' of pro-i posed Contract may be seen and' olank forms of Tender may be oh- tained at the Post Offices of New- castle, Port Granby, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toron- to. A. Sutherland, Post Office Inspector. j Post Office Inspector's Office, Toron- I to, March 4, 1922. 11-3 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS and so reasonably'priced, too. Delivered fresh Irom our greenhouses to your home. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists anid Growêrs .i honc bû BowITanv ille r CHIROPRACTIC If you are sick and have tried everytbing and did not receive any help, try chiropractic "spinal" ad- justùnents and get WELL. "KI-RO-PRAK-TIK" means ta do by hand. It is spinal adjustments of any of its sublexations, relieving pressure on nerves, thus allowing natîure's rdstorative powers ta do their full work ta secure HEALTH. We do not treat we remove The Cause, and Nature Cures. C. W. PAXTON, D. C., Bowmanville. Office next door ta Greenaway & Elliott's on Division Street. NAME ---------- --- ----------------- A D D R ESS ------------------------- --- (Fre e cns given only toa duts-one ta a farnily.) ame m m m 1l"3 M un l m mg M 1 4 MT It Pays T o Give The Poultry Special Attention To make your poul-try a paying proposition they must have special care. We have the best line of poultry supplies on the market including: WOODHOUSE CONDITION SUPPLIES QUAKER QAT FOODS FULL-OF-PEP SCRATCH FEED FULL-OF-PEP DRY MASU QYSTER SHELL, GRIT, CHARCOAL H. O. STEAM COOKED CHICK FEED SPECIAL PRICES ON WHOLESALE ORDERS 0F ALL KINDS HARRY PRONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE 'DOMINION PIANOS Have a tone-a tone exclusive to Dominion instruments-that for'haîf a century bas entranced music loyers. Sold on easy terms FJ, MITCHELL Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville For re-finishing in color where zj you do flot care to go to the -- - trouble or expense of removing the old finish. Apply Johnson s Sani-Spar Varnish Stain right over the old finish -it gives à A wonderful resuits on furniture, I floors, woodwork and ail in- terior and exterior surfaces. Stain a,.nd Varnish at One Time One coat of Johnson's Sani- <~s~ Spar Varnish Stain gives you k1~* your colon and a beautiful, $ %j glossy, durable finish. It dries 4 dust-free in 2 hours and hard over night. Saves time, mon- Sey, labor and material. Made in Natural and four shades- Light Oak, Dark or Golden Oak, Walnut and Mahcgany. Wil Not Turn White Use Johnson's S an i -Span Varnish Stain for renewing all intenior work-furniture, woodwork and floors, It is flot affected by ammonia, aicohol, steam, hot water, 0 perfume, toilet water, etc. Use it also for extenior work 7 -window sills, porch furnu- ture, outside doors, screens, etc. It wvill flot tunn white. FEEOFE Bring coupon belôw to our store and get Free a quarter- ~'~ pint of Johnson's Sani-Spar Varnish Stlain (shp-de desired) --- or use the coupon as a 35e credit on a langer can of John- son's Sani-Spar Varnish Stain, Sold and Recommended by :Mdsn% Dle - -fl ý35SeFREE Coupon- jM.Dealer: - Please give me a 35e can of Johnson's Sani-Spar Varnislu Stin FREtE or apply this coupan as a 3 5c credit on a larger 3

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