"BUY DIRECT BUY YrOUR GLOVES AND MITTS DIRECT FROM MARER, IT PAYS We have the finest imported French Gloves for lac3.es, aiso gloves and mitts for men. 300 DIFFERENT KINDS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE The Glove & Mitt 'Store ManufactUre# and R*tailer 1 DoorEast of Statesman Office GOODIRID A y It wouldn't seem like Good Friday if you didn't have a good big supply of TOD'S HOT -. BUNS Our supply of Hot Cross J3uns ran short last year.--order early and avoid disappointmenit. HAVE WAGON CALL AT YOUR HOME THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner 1 Bowmanville Your Insu rance Policy Is only worth what you will get if you have a loss We stand behind every policy wo write., That is why we are so particular to have everything right. Sa there will be no ispute over the settlement when a loss accurs. AUTO INSURANCE LOWER RATES We are now in a position to off er lowerrates in the'same aid reliable companies. This district bas a good record, there- fore, we can off er complete protection against accident ta per- sans or praperty for a trifie compared with the risk every auto owner runs. At present low promiums we endarse what a sensible man said ta us a f ew dayý; ago: "A man is a fool who carnies bis own risk". J. J. MASN&SON Real1 Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville Courteous Service H% -courteous attention extended by members ofthe banks'stiff where you keep your ac.. ducting your banldng business. Standard Service is essentially courteous service as rendered by every, branch of this Bank, from the Manager to the latest recruit on the staff. STANDARD BANK or cANAflAm TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTYTHREE MILLIONS ~Bowmanville Branch, - - . H. W. Lapp, Manager Blackstock Branch, -- - E. A. Preston, Manager' Newcastle sud Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager HOGG & LYTLE, LIMITED, OSHAWA SEED GRAIN Seed Oats, Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Seed Rye Stock complete. Ask for prices. Ce'nLO VERS & TIMO"THY Ail kinds and of finest quality. Ask for a price on our Feeds-Corn, Qats, Shorts, Cotton Seed, and Oil Cake, also on Oats, Corn and Peas ground together. iilogg & Lytie, Limited. Phone 203 Osâhàwa. lu We Know Batteries! Repairing batteries may look easy-but it isn't! To be succeseful, a ne- pair man has to know juet how to handle the plates that hold the active mate- rial that keeps life in the bsttery. Ho has ta know how ta take cane of the in- sulatons that keep 'the plates spart. Ho has ta know when it is cheaper for you to buy s new battery than to have the old one repsired. Bring youn battery in to Headquanters - no matter whether it's a Willard or flot. We'll tell you what it needs, if snything, how much the cost wiil be-and whether repsirs will psy or flot. Ontario BatterY SERVICE Moffatt Motor Sales Bldg Bowmanville Representing Willard Storage Batteéries MR. S. SNOWDEN IN ENGLAND LOCAL LEGAL CASE veaiing sa many calves lu England as they do out hene lu Canada. Tbey Swene lice caives from a week ta 12 days aid sud they wene worth fram $10 ta $14 eacb ta maise. Thene weno_________________ sevenai reuewed caws, sai!ew gaod fat THE PENNY BANK Foi some reason Bowmanville schools are falling a littie behind in deposits in the Penny Bank, the aver- age for January and February being 31 cents. Cornwall heads the list with 93 cents, Guelph 80, Cedardale 68, Gat 59, Fort Frances 54, Hespel- er 67, Newmarket 44, Port Hope 39, Renfrew 41, Lindsay 22. Bowman- ville deposits for January were $152. 27 and for February $120.79. We hope to see a considerable advance during summer mantha. ASTHMARA-A le Smokig-ne Sprmyiu-SUR Just SwuIIuw a Capullu RAZ-MAH la Guaranteed te restore normal breathlng mucua gatherintis in the bronchi. tu ,glve hulh.of quiet l.p; conitai» »a t= rildrug. 81.0&yud- Éot'& T rial U at sur agencle. or it wempletous, 142 King W.. Terot. Sold by Jury & Lovel SHORTHANO, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPI NG Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any Urne. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL., LEGE, Oshaw;t and Toronto, Yongeo & Charles Streets, Toronto Is strictly first class in ail depart- ments and unexcelled in the Do- minion. A sound business edu- cation is a sure stepping-stone to success, but the imitation kind is not. Why natinvestigate the subject? We will gladly send yau our large catalogue which cantains complete information. For your sake send for it to-day. Students admitted at any time. Our graduates are eminently suc- cessful. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Ovr Pro5e0t0s P.Mcntsh -Mhef Pr-cihl forer ad y peBwmailen o S awat Wil b ypesdt- oniu n ac ther e r o adi oeor Gents. Gv arme tte, aie dyeing ar GN . hureton.who astout Or usue.Evralfrent clss fiesb andt and will b aneupervsonlly looe L ou is C ow_ -g al 9 tel Poe Coleg -317 a T oto_ Sight-Sen n esigo l Reserve Judgment in Darch v England's Best. Thompson 0Ouly one case was hoard at the 1 taok train on March 8 for Hale- quarterly session ai! the cauuty court worthy, arriving at 2 p. m. I visited1 at Cobourg an Tuesday, ai! Darch v. the, market, as I did on a f ormer oc-l Thompson. Albert L. Dsrch of Bow- casion, aud met came cousins and manville, suod F. Thompsou aof Baw- some Eiuglish friende that seemed su mauvilie, for $500 damages on bo- glad ta make tho acquaintanceofai a hal! of his daughten, a minor. On Canadian. Afiten about 2 haurs, I Decembor l2th last, plaintiff was boarded the train for Bude when 1f driving east an Kîug-st., Bawmanviile, started out t0 visit my cousin that I when he was rua into by de! endant, had only callod ta cee same 2 weeks who was coming south on Liberty befone. Sa as I lengthened my visit street. The plaintiff's car was run was able ta corne back again ta pro- inta by defeudant's car, and pushod flong my visit here. I had such a againct a telephane pale, and hic car delighti!ul time in this mast beauti- damaged ta the extent ai! $500. Hie fui place. I was mot at Bude Sta- daughtor had her face cut by glace, tion by'my cousin's aniy son Wîli, and her face is permsnently diefigur- and we had a drive in their' car up ed, *hile Mr. Darch alsa sufferod in- ta the town and cailed at Mn. Silli- juries ta bis back. Bath claimed fant's Office and had a chat. We then they had the right-oi!-way, and that went an ta the house which le ane the ather was ta blame. Judge Ward magniicent residonce on Dawnview- reserved judgment, sa that ho could st., facing the -cea. Here we were go ta Bawmanvilie and look over the served with a hot dinner for althaugh scene ai! the collision. it was evening, cousin kept it wanm for me, thinking 1 wauid be there. WL OT HNIGO Accarding ta cuctom about 9:30 p. m. WELWRHTHNIGOER table was again set with a variety ai! gr .Bbon h el nw tenipting eats, inciuded scaided RaeW.Bbntewlkon cream, biackberry pie and real Erig- bsns uhrt nteUie lish cake. We retired about Il :'30 States, believes there le no hope for and I i!ound a bat water battie foar a the solution ai! present day unreet jbed i!eliow. Next oin Wiil taak ecp in teapiton ai! the prin- me far a short look araund the Ses ciples ai! Chnstanity ta everyday if e. ICoast and araund the tawn. Being 11e sys: "I arn convînced it wili be riythat day I wrate same and rest- the labour situation which wiil bring rainy ria mrin rcivdtaan end aur present porîad ai! pros- led esme froniday fmannngleciyd dperity and thraw the nation ultimate- ltteredira home fmoynd tandly inta chaos., The saiving ai! the contaîued good newc. Later Wili aorstainil hlyaqeto aud I went ta the son shore, climbed ai! religion. The wage-worker wili up an ail the high points ai! racks and neyer be satisfied with higher wages saw came wanderi!ul siglits, indeed. and charter hauns, any more than you There le a break water built over 100 and 1 are satiefied with mare profite years ago, when meni had ta do the and a bîgger house. Things nover work without the suitable toals they did satisi!y anyone and nover will. have ta-day and this was a wander- Satisfactian and contentment are fui construction. Saw the laak-out miattens ai! religion. Cammunities post where the mon take it in turne and industries, where right motives at night ta watch passing chips as are paramaunt, have no codions lab- this is a very dangerous coast. There our prablems. When bath employ- have been, numeraus shipwrecks at or and wage-oanner hanectiy believe this coact. that we are here in this worid ta serve athers, the labaur pnoblem will My cousin taid me ho remembened be solvd-but not tîli thon. We when a ship drifted in an the Rocks employons shauld learn ta givo up, wheu the mon were all loet in'sight and labour should wake up. Hawever, ai! several hoîplese Peaple au the nither ai! us will do it excopt as we shore. They cauid hear them crying are actuated by neligiaus motives. i!or help but no man dare attemPt ta Bath groupe are largely actuated by go out ta help them, as it would selfish motives at the present timo". mean certain death, the wsves were running ca high, We next visited the large Englieh Church and grave- Warms in chiidreu,, if they be nat yard. I was surpnised ta see s0 many atteuded ta, cause convulsions, and names common ta the names familiar oiten death. Mother Graves' Worm ta us in Canada. We saw the lift Exterminatan wîll protect the chiid- locksat the river where they let the ron from these distressing afflictions. smali bas laden with menchandise Many have been rolieved ai! corna an coal through ta port irom the ses. by Halloway's Corn Romoven, It Thon off for home, a good dinner and bas a power ai! its own that wiil be a rest. f ound effective. * In the siternaon we went forana____ waik out ta see same country. We went thraugh the very aid village ai! cattie and same sheep sud pige, aiea Paughiii sud visited the chunch which came tare hage. The live stock je is euppasod ta be ane ai! the aidest in auctianed aven lu those markets. Eugiaud. The Rectons' names are There were lots ai! rabbite, oggs, but- postod up inside, datiug back ta ton sud great quantities ai! fieh. We samethiug aven A. D. 1200 sud tnatted homo ta got back fan dinner right dawu ta the prosont occupant. by 11.45 a. m., as I had ta beave by Someofai the carving ai! the sente is the 12,40 train for Plymonuth. truly wanderfui; the work that is A shart run ta Exeter bnaught me doue au the ciliug is aIea vory grand., on the main lino fan Plymouth. It Au aldid ou door 1 suppase sevenal wsss avory wot day raining ueanly al hundred yeans aid is uearly nusted aiternaau. We travelled aven the dawn but stîli takos the'place ai! a tnack where a man wac run aven only door. sai!ew haure befone, sevorng hic head fnom bis bady. 1Thon wo wont au ta Stratton-s We passed aioug aide of! the ses vory quaint aid village, the frontcaedsneonuraydnsd stroot winding sud sa narraw in saw severai baseout fishing and stili. places that with difflculty cauld mat- it was naining. We reached Ply- aniste paes by) with 2 cars. Weii,.we mouth at 4 o'clack, caught a bue and I lokedanaud ud gt cme iowwas soon, out home where I enjoyed cardesuad saw a Mise Margaret tes sud recoived home lettons. 'Wed- Treleven, sister ai! Robert A. Treleven uesday I went ta Liekeard ta eay ai! aur tawu ai! Bowmauvillo. 0f good-bye ta my cousin Mrc. Blanl, course we had ta goinside when ghe sud daughter Ida, the young lady we losrned that I was i!rom Canada sud have beard my son Lloyd speak ao knewhon roter Rben. Wehadmuch about since ho was avenseas. a splendid chat. 1 found hon very Cousin W. J. Blank was coming aven i!iendly sud intelligent. She had ta cee me off au the train next day, visited Bowmauvilie -when hon brother but they live corne 18,miles distance. Robert had the mîchap ta break a leg Aiter I had dinuer at cousin Blank'a same 17 yeans aga, sud wae a gueat Mn. and Mri. B. and Ada taok me at ýthe marniago ai! Mn. sud Mrs. out for 'a walk to, skow me a very Narman James. It being eveniug ascient spring of water wbich in we neturned homo tired, it being came manked. by s huge eim tnee grawing waik for me. But by this tîme I dinectly aven the spring. After a was gtting ta walk woil. Noxt day 3-mile walk sud a drink ai! this fam- we wituesced a game ai! football ous cping water- we returned hame piayed at Bude between the home again ta eujoy tes fanr the aset time team sud Piymouth-a rosi gaad with cousins Mn. sud Mrs. Blank. game. Whîeper it law, but they sure Aften bidding Mrs. sud Ada Blank can shaw aur qanadian baye how ta goad-byo, I left for Keybam ta pack play football. Next day wae Sun- my trunk, sa as not ta ho toa busy lu day sud I hada walk anound with the mrnng. my cousin sud ta church with ber lu the ovoning, theins beîng the finest (Ta be cantiuued.) Mthodiet Chunch I saw in Cornwall. Monday marning I taok train for a_________________ visit at Barnntaplo in North Devon.---- This beiug l3th aof Msrch, I chauged trains at suhaponad arrived at XY Barustaple about 2.30, taak a cab ta 1.i iY our C11hild Miss Deivep'sa istor ai! RePv. R. A. Keep down seling expens'-. Station-ho-Station rates are Persron rates. ,',.ter 8.30 p-nm- day rat2ý. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station "Use the Bell to Seli." lowcr than Person-to they are about halt the La: -44UM9à1l>,THE NEW ROUTE WINNIPEG SASKATOON PRINCE RUPERT BRANDON CALGARY VANCOU VER REGINA E.DMONTON VICTORIA AN'D ALL WESTERN POINTS CHOIGE OF ROUTES Leave Toronto 8.45 p.rn. daily. Standard Sleeping car Toronto to Winnipeg via North Bay and Cochrane. Through Tourist Sleeping car Toronto to Winnipeg on Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays and Leave Toronto 10.35 p.m, -'The National" Mondays. Wednesdays9 and Fridays via Sudbury and Port Arthur. Solid through train with Standard and Tourist Sleeping cars. Coaches, Colonist car and Dining Car Service. Connection at Winnipeg for all points West. Cream Wanted! Prices of Creami are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone cail or write us, Orono, Creamery Co., ORONO You can use sweet milk, Sour milk,ý b'uttermilk or water with ORDER PROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROE This Way to îRight ab your elbow is your Long Distance telephone. With it, you can talk with any of 12,000,000 telephones in Canada and the United States. "Cle-r the Way!" Long Distance secins to sav-here's an important message! The custorner is favorabl.,)y im- pressed before he knows what the message is abitut. And Long Distance gives you-the right of way into every man's office. He can ignore youi advertising, your letter, or even your travelier, buzl ignoire a Long Distance cail? Instirictively he reaches for the tele- phone! 1 WMEM m- n-_