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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Apr 1922, p. 3

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0o~B YSONE-MAN- IPI>FORD TOP Inludiag Sales Tax. No Windshield Back Curtain with two lights for Pords $3.50. Deck with quarters at- taehed, (no ide curtaina) $5.25. F. 0. B. Orilla or Alexandria-our option. Cash with order. Serial number oi car requred. Âddress Dept. 8. CARRIAGE FACTORIES LIMITED Oila Ont. Canada. 15-4 C. C ..Biyîcyclesi are -sold by harry Allun Just West: Royal Theatre FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Saturday, April 22-Mr. T. Piper, will seli by auction at his residence, Bonnett Floral Co. faim, Duke-st., Bowmnanville, ail of his household furniture, piano, carpets, linoleum, curtains, etc. Sale at 1,30 p. m.. Terrts cash. See bis. Jas. Benntt, Au<,îineer. ch irop ractiVc (Spinal Adjustns.nts) Remove the Cause of'Diseane w'ithout Medicine or Knif e. Chir- otpractors have remarkable nue- , est in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Aithia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kidney T'roubles. Nervousneus in many f orms respond readily to Chiro' rractic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simaca, St. N. Oshawa Phoano 224. CO.AL QIL' and CIASOLINE Hi. E. Smiïth Successor ta Jas. Elliott When starting to use your coal ohl stovo Don't Forgeet to ring 318 temporary number.> Phone orders promptly attended Superior Service and ReIiable, Goods Cannot Lie Sooner or later their true character, will develop, in satisfaction to the patient. It is grati-, fying to Mr. Mit- chell to note that much of lis in- creased patronage is coming from par- ties to whom he lias been recommend- ed by pleased pat- ients. Our years of pract- ical experience plus only first quai- ity framles and lenses-not fact- ory !eft-overs-îs the guarantee be- hind every pair of Mitchell Glasses, R M. Mtchell Co. Druggists & Optometrists Bowmanville Ont. The Whole FamiIy Will be pieased wib the work we do hn SHOE REPAIRING We can mend Ladies' Flne Shoes, and Men's Working Boots. Wby not look over the'shoos of your famnily and bring us those that need mending this week? WE SELL CHILDREN'S , SCHOOL SHOES G.W. Hlmpage The King-st. E. Repair Maua 1>Bowmnville Tire, Repairing by Modern Methods Yourworn or injured tire wil receive skiled attention ha ou Vulcanizing Sbop and its if e wil be iengthened. Wewili repair it according to modern method--the best methoda known to the tire ha- dustry. Ail materiai that we put into youî tires wiil be the beat mater- hais procurable. Bring han yonr woin casings- there may be mileage, in them. If there is, we will see that you get it. If youî tires are nt wortb repairing, we'ii tell you. WE SELL TIRES' Jamieson Bros, EXPERT TIRE REPAIRERS ý 1-owm auvifl, Ohawa i SPORTNtES WHAT IS SUNSHINE A little gold amid the giay- That's ýSunshiine; A little brightness onthe way- That's Sunshine; A littie spieaýding of the bine, A littile widening of the vie,, A lî-ttie heaven peakinýg through- That's sunishine. A littie looking for the light- That's Suashine; A littile patience through the night- Tha's Sunshine; A little bowing of the will- A littie resting on the il- A littie standing veîy stli-. That's sunshine. A littie smiling through the tears- That's Sunshine; A littie f aith behind the fears- That's Sunshine; A little folding of the hand, A littie yielding of demand, A little grace to understand- That's suashine. -Ohio Chranicle. Mrs. A. R. and Mis. W. H. Dun- das, were in Bowmanvlle yesterday, on account of the death of the late, John M. Wright.-Cobourg Sentinel- Ready For Spring rSewing Have a Singer Sewing Machine to help you with your work. EASY TERMS Sold on easy terms--$5 down and $3 a month. Repair work of ail kinds done. Russel Hobbs At J. T. MolIon'a Store King-st. E. Bowmanville i BASEBALL NOTES An Oshawa merchant la encourag- ing, bail players to steai by off ering a box of cigars to, player wbo holda the stolen base record for the season. Officers of>the Peterboro Basebahi club bave signed anagreement witb the Peterboro A. A. A. for the use of Riverside Park by the Central On- 'taîho League team. The baIl situa- tion ha now back to normal. Ted Large and Cecil Osborne bave ýbeen named as umpires by the Bow- manvilie Club. We migbt infoîm the first mentioned gentleman that many a large man bias been made to feel quite smaîl bef oie ble got tbîough witb an umpire's job.-Guide. Secretary Nott of the Central League is about to issue a 15 page' folder containing a record of the Cen- 1ral League, as well as the big Leagues, and other basebali dope, aiong witb the schedules 'of the Leagues. It wili be basebaîl from cover to covor, says Jack. Frank Williams, a soutb-paw from Verona, is going to work ha B elle- ville and, will try out with the team. 'They also announee that ail the talk -about Tommy Wilson of Perth, was wrong. Wilson would bave perhaps say, but for f amily reasons dechded like to have gone to, Belleville, they not to move. Jake Sohomon whll lead the Petes again this year and it is more prob- able some new biood wiil be injected into the uine-up. The Examiner says:- "At this stage no one is sure of a place and new bhood will be wel- comed. Tbere is unusuai opportuni- ties this season for ambitions yonng- ,sters to speak ha to the big Central loop and the way is wide open to If Lindsay players continue to leave the northeîn town it will be up to Mili Dedman and Jimmy Anderson to don the uniterms. Jack Stark, Lloyd Chambers and Elgin Bates, al' members of hast year's team bhave gone to Bowmanvîlle, and Jack On- lette, the idol of the Lindsay fans has gone to Montreal to tîy out ha one' of the semi-professionai leagues. And do you know tbe Lindsay Post nover says a word about these de- partnres.-Port Hope Guide. Dame Rumor also says that Belle- vile is having trouble negotiating the troubiesome waves this season. Goyer, their clever southpaw, lias departed for Guelph, and "Peeney" Mils john- ed the ranks of the bene-dicts and is said to be indifferent about playing this year. However, witb the city to choose from, and with the Chamber of Commerce, and the Grand Tiunk behind them, the Quinte' lads wil likely be found true to colora and will no doubt trot ont a fast team. Three Lindsay basebaI1 playeurs, Jack Stark, Lloyd Chambers and El- gin Bates mounted the train for Bow- inanville on Wednesday. Probably that, explains Bowmanville's request for, additonal certificates. Jack Stark, it is said, lias located there de- flniteiy. Bates did the bulk of the catching for the Noithera Town last season and bis services wii be great- ly missed. Chambers also was a val- uable man for the Greybirds, baving taken a tuin hn the box occasionaily. -Oshawa Reformer. Apparently Lindsay and Port Hope will bave to dig down deep into their jeans if they are to compete witb other clubs ha the Central League. I'alk about Bowmanville being the wveak team., Hucli, say it la a whis- per! The iubber towa bas'been 'ont afterplayers-this Lindsay knows for a f act-and good positions are being offered for bail playerà.- About thé only job Linldsay can off er lis one at the Provincial Plowing Match, and that does not come off tili October.- Lindsay Watchman-Warder. 1.0.0. 1F.' The menibers of Florence Nightin- gale Ldoge, No. 66, 1.. 0. , F., are requested to meet at Lodge Room on Sanday, April 3Oth., at 10.30 a. m., tu attend service at Disciples Church. 1. 0, o. F. choir under direction of Bro. R. M. Mitchell will have charge of musical service, Cream Wanted!1 Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours If we fail tO cal on you we would appreciate a phone cati or write us. Orono Creamery Co., ORONO FOOTBALL ACTIVITIES Everytbing is ha îeadiness for the opening of the Oshawa & Dhst. Foot- ball Association. Schedules for- the eastern and western sections have been approved. The eastern division wii coasist of four clubs, Bowman- ville, Solina, General Motors and Regiment, wbile the western division wili be composed of six clubs, Whit- by, Pickering, Brooklih, Claremont, Goodwood and Ashburn. 1Great Waî Veterans (Oshawa), wili not be repîesented ha the Oshawa and District Football Association this year. Tbey find it impossible to round out a team which would be ha any way satisfactory and have de- cided to stay out for this season at least. The, eastern and western sections of the league wili now be of e quai strengtb with five teams each. Several of the Veterans' best play- ers have signed to play wîth other teams. The Morgan brothers will lino up with Generai Motors, while Harry Woods will throw ha bis loti with the Regiment along with two orl thiee more. Sgt. Major Green basl eighteen players on bis list and is not backwaid ia stating bis inteantion of landing the McLaughlin Cup. BUSINESS SOLD I wish to announce that I bave soid my blacksmithing business at the cor- ner of King and' Ontario Streets to Mr. Walter Margavram, who bas beeni my assistant for some time. 1 am takiag this oppôrtuaity of tbaakhng my customers for their loyal patronage wbile 1 bave been ha bus- iness here and bespeak for Mi. Moi- gaviam a continuance of youî pat- ronage. Ail accounts owing me should be pahd by May 1, 1922, for after that date they will bc placed in other hands for collection. T. H. Brookham. CLARKE COUNCIL Clarke Council met on April 4, Reeve Allia presîding, ail members present. Minutes read and adopted. Mr. Walter Fariow's'tender to op- erate grader, man and team to go on anme at $7.50 per day was acepted. Temperance Hall, Newtonvil*e, as a Community Hall, was brouglit up again, but not enteitained; also the Memoîhal afair, but no action taken. Request of Orono Horticultural Society to plant fiowers or sbrubs around the Town Hall or anywhere they deem fit in the Village, was granted. Agricultural Society was granted use of that part of Park Street, that ha situated in the Society's grý,ounds. Miss Cassie Hallett wajýs granted permission to build a verandah on Sabra Street adjoining ber bouse. John H. Morris, having collected Taxes for 1921, save and except $128.85, whicb sum bas been rétura- ed againat the properties, and- for wbhich sum be receives an abatement, b-ýis bonds are reieased, an.d an order drawn on Treasurer for $175.00 as compensation in full. Tbe Ceik was instructed to draw attentioln of Ontaio Highways De- partment and demand that the oid walk removed in Newtonville be re- turned or replaced as soon as possible. Wilfrid McKay was refunded $9.04 tax-coiIected in error. Mr,. Cody's tender for 10 M 1~of 6 in. cedar plank at $38.00 per M, Mt bis mili, lot 2, con. 6. Was acpepted. Bills passed and paid were: W. F. Kerr, Stenograpbei's fees......... ...........$26.65 W. Farrow, cedar for culvert 21.00 C. Carson, cedar at Kendal . 51.50 C. Tennant, cutting swamp id 3.00 S. Cuttel 'acct. ý.............. 7.00 W. Allen, attend, meetings 13.40 J, Rickaby 3 mos.sl... 105.00 W. A. Cody, 820 ft. cedar. 16.00 King, Edward Sanîtorium, A. Stuit .............. 42.00 W. Neal, bridge............ 19.50 C. F. Awde, School Officer . . 2.00 Council adjourned te, Tuesday, May 2, at 10 o'clocký John Rckaby, F. Allia, Clerk. Ree D)ominion Stores -Ltd. CANADA'S LARG£ST REkTAIL iROCERS BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 'E BEST BKuUMS V~ALUE 39uc IN TÇOWN Choice Breakfast 41b< BLUE ROSE. i Coice Fancy BACON C RICE iP ITAPIOCA C Machine Sliced liaIba, D3 lb's. 2 w' GilIett'e Lye, 2 tins 29r, Saniflush 30C Snrow Flake Ammonia, 2 packages 151*ý Washboards 57re Rinso, 2 packages 1&.1 Cloth Lines 30e Castile Soap, 3 bars 10e Washing Soda, 21/2 Ibs. 10lo Soap Chips, 2 lbs. 35c pealifte 8 GOLD, COMFOR-t, SUNLIGHIT,SURPRISE AND P & G SOAP 15z>3bars $1L00 2 LES. FRESH BULK F RESHI GROUND 39e lb COCOA 2cCOMMRE ,5 LB. PAIL DOIMESTIC 3 LB. PAIL 8 le55c SHORTENING TCLARD iiLS.PURE CANE 100 LES, 68C SUG AR PUFFED l SHREDDED 1)i IKEL LOGr.2S CORN WFIEAT .14c WHEAT L~2C FLAKES7 3,for PICNIC ') L PASTRY FLOUR )gC LARGIE'BO TT HAMS ~lb 24 LBg. SA(CX, CAeTSUP LE 23c PLEASANTLY SURPRISED About f orty members of Provi- dence community met at the homre of Miss Lena Bragg, Thursday evening prior to hler mariiage to express their regrets at ber departuie from theý neighborhoo.d, to extend their wishesý for a long and happy wedded life, and to present ber withi gifts to prove their deep regard and appreciation of her services in the past. The company was called to order -by Rev. W. T. Wickett and the fol- lowing address was read: Miss Lena Bragg, Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Friend,-It is with mingled feelings of regret and pleasure that we your friends have assembled here to-night. Regret-because, ia leaviag this commnity, you are takiag wîth you a genial, sympathetic manner, a kind- ly countenance, and willing hands that we have learned to love so much. Several years ago, you were an act- ive member ia the church choir. Fol- lowhag this, you ably peiformed your duties as superintendent of the Home 1 Departmeat in the Sunday School, and for the last f ew years have fahth- fully fulfilled the position as organîst in oui churcli. Therefore, your friends ia Providence will not truly know your worth, tîli you have gone leavhng a vacancynone can fil. Pleasure-because you have ac- accepted this ideal position--the Home maker-our country is no better than its homes, but we f eel that "as the days go by and your new home is completed 'and occupied by true citi- zens, this dear Canada of ours will be far ýricher. Thus, we ask, you to accept this electric reading lamp and salad bowi as a siight token of oui appreciation of your services, and of our sincerest friendship. We pray that God wll abuffdantiy pour lis blessing on your united lives and ever be your Guide and Comforter. Signed-M. H. Wight, C. J. Smaie. Short speeches were made by the following-Messrs. Geo. Wight, si., Milton Wight, Clarence Smale, Fred! Blackburn, Melbourne Wight and Rev. W. T. Wickett. Suitable re- plies were made by the bride-electi and ber father, Mi. S. S. Bragg. A pleasant boni of conversation with some refresbments closed an enjoy- able evening. RAILWAY TIME 1TABLE,'« -%R BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eas4. Going West D Express 12.33 a. m. x Express,8.42 a. m. Express 4.22 D *Express 9.18 a. m. Express 5.38 D D Express 10.35 a m Pass'ngr 10.02 x " Passenger 3.09 p m Passenger 7.06* x Local 7.14 p. m. Passenger 7.13* D Mail 9.58 p m. Passenger 8.116 x x Passenger 1.18 p m Passenger i 6*I *Sundays only; x Daily except Sun- day; ! Flagged.___ Canadian Pacifie R ailway Going East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.50 a. m Express 2.36 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. mi.* Local 10.08 p. m.* Express 4.40 p. m. Express 12.20 a. m Express 7.42 p m* *Daily except Sunday.' C. B. Kent, Town Agent. Canadian N'%tianal Railway., West Beund East Round *Dally except Sunday. A Permanent WallI GyprOc is the new improve muade of wood but of, gypsum. fire-proof and will not shrink or 1 Let us send you oui- free bc JohJIn A. Holg: BUILDER SUPPLY Phone 153 MY LATEST HIT I've been in love before, but not So "desp'rately" as this! U've loved a comely matron and I've loved a daity miss, But neyer lias a. heart bçen plucked Fiom out my breast tili now This f ascinating, capthvating Creature knows-just how! She dresses very simple and ARare fragrance wraps ber round. Asubtle somethng thîhhls me wben She moves or makes a sound. Her grace s she inherited- Her mother is a peal- My fascinating, captivatîng Brand new baby girl. AUCTIONEER WILL T. BAKER, Hampton, Ont. Live Stock a Speciaity. Live Stock and faims for sale. Phono e - lïà;,e- - Without Plaster ed wali-board. It is not i.Gyproc is absolutely rwarp. okidet and samples. ate & Son Y DEALERS Bowmanville I e.

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