Royal Dental Co ing ouetdh Toronto, hav- l1ines of Mo ver and Timoth yaàl ways in stock, - EEIL Branl, Shorts, Ground Feed, 0O1 Cake, C)otton Seed, Meal and etc., at lowest m ark et pics Complete lune of Garden Seecls including New Brunswick Grown Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Govern- mnenit ndspected. Hogg &' Lytie, Limited. Phone 203 Oshawa siuspect -your- battery s'tUp to the -mark. Ontarîo Battery -SERVICE -- Wa.,ker oe- nlso,~1a bis nlative Highland costur down the bouse wýith bis Sv Rijghand Flinl- and othi 4ces, surprised his frields his ngili-ty and skili. I certainly stands alone in as an in structor in Terpsie. other--fine. art.=iNe.w& . .wtOIl a Asthma Cannot Last when the Moffatt Motor Sales greatest of ail asthma specifies is Bldg--- Bowmanville- used. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy assureïýdly diserves -this ex- alted titie. It has to its credit1 Repreentig Wilard thousands of cases where other pre-ý ReprseningWilard parations had failed to benefit. Wt Storage Batteries brings help to even the most severe cases and brings the patient to, a condition of blessed relief. surey suffering from asthma Is neediss wh,,-en a remedy like this is so easily Bêcured. .Bedlngt.n &"SaleeAÀgot,-T ront o LEONýARD0, lmn., MIrm,, 70 51h Av., N.YCity JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville, 1,Iec MM M R 1 A Yuare not expermeut- Ing wl en 0"L«vE leA, ouuse Dr. E~ZEMhs els Oiut- ment for Eczema and 8kmn Irrita- tions. It relieves at once and grade- T aill heais the skin. Saxnple box Dr Chase's linent free If you mention this C~per and send 2c. stainp for postage. 6W0. a x-dealers or Edmânson, Bâtes &'Co., Ltle.Toronto -MEIE? -CIY OEU? LO'. >J~E CEVÀD 70 A, M. I STAIS.nXD Af rir7;BCO A.L14. ntoneiou Scklealr dfor, di lon.PUt-in-llsY. TfoIedo. Dtroit and othePoints. ~trv tikouredorbtwe Bfal miCevlut re g goo e rnprain o orjtamr, unr ike.aet rt ... st ,aje,,y for tickets via CO& B3L-. N- T.urist Atmbl lt- 010.00 oun "-i, ith.2 d,y. etrolimit.f, r -ar ot exceding 127 iuch wh lbau - toed~ctfozziUe tfxat of Thie Gmt sENDE em nae jt fave reïtýA1.0 AES ýtfrou , page Plcfoeia rfd~iipt-ebu1t r Tho Cleveland & Buffalo Troait Company me -GreatShip 8E EA 1NID B % Ê--" -the largeâý and Most eostly peseenger Steamer en inland vectreof lienworld. Sleeping epatr, 1500 paeegrs. ORONO ORONO 1- -! ' 0. 1 FINI, PiE