~1,/ » e Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAM-YES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, OINTARJO, APRIL 27, 1922. $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. N.1 EXCLUSIVE, ARTISTIC, BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Our exceptionally attractive showing will be a revelation to those who seek charming Spring apparel in fashion's newest modes, whîle our moderate Drices will further enhance the. popu- larity of this store. A tru]y beautiful assortment of Coats-Skirts-Dresses-Blousesý-Silks -Taff- etas-'and the finest range of Voiles ever shown in town. Shop in the mornings, if possible-we can MEMORABLE SERVICES Great Ingathering and Very General Rejoicing in Metlxodist Church. Sunday last was truly a memor- able day in the 11f e of Bowmanville Methodist Cburch. The oldest members do flot recali any previous services so permeated with religîous f ervor, spiritual uplif t, futuire prom- ise and generai rejoicing. Yes, it was a sight to giadedn the hearts of parents, pastor, teachers and al others present. The services throughout the day were in charge of Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., the pastor, who ap- parentiy was very happy in his work. Unusuaily interested and enthusiastic- congregations crowded the large auditorium morning and evening, and nearly 500 attended the Sunday Schooi in the afternoon. 1At the morning service, which consisted of a baptismal and reception service, foliowed by the Sacrament of the Lord's Suppeï', the results of the recent revival services were gathered in, high-water mark in the history of 'the church being reached in the matter of members received, bnptisms administered and communi- cants served. Ten aduits and five cbildren were baptized and 48 chidren were re- ceived into junior memberahip by the pastor, assisted by Rev. E. A. Ton- kin and Rev. W. H. Spargo. Then the pastor and bis officiais publiciy received' into membership by the right-hand of fellowship, 96 aduits on profession of faith and 22 by let- ter of transfer and stili others are to follow and 88,persons publiciy re- newed their vow and covenant for fulier and more faithfui service. MOFFATT MOTOR SHOW .Grand Exhibit of Cars and Acces.. soriesm-Big Attendance. 1 The Moff att M otor Sales Garage was the busiest pince in town Satur- day afternoon and evening when citi- zens thronged the building almost continuously to view the grand dis- play of Oldsmobiie and Oakland cars and auto equipment. The garage was transformed into very attractive show-rooms with special iighting eff ects and palms, plants and paper, decorations added to the beauty of the show. jA POPULAR PROMOTION A very complete assortment of cars wa.s on exhibition inciuding 4 and 8- cylinder Oldsmobiies, Touring and Sport Model Oaklande, as weli as Oldsmobile Truck and Samson Tract- or, Among the accessories were the Willard Batteries shown by the pop- >lar and accommodating represent- aâtives, Messrs. Geo. Edmonds and Geo. Sisson. Their exhibit included the first battery which has ,recently been made in Canada for a Royies- Royce car. Fred Jones was also on t-o.Ca.H nesn0 . hand- with a fine display of lnlricat- "-eut.DCur ham. H. Anersn . C, ants and oîis of the British American Dra eiet Oil Co. The Goodyear Tire & Rub- Ofca noneetbsbe ber 'Co. display needed no introduc-!mdeoffciaI aonementob ajbee tion F-irbnks-Mose ng'ines Ch as. H. Anderson, 0. B. E., former- were in charge of John Shearer. 1yo omniiadnwrsd Many favorable comments were ai-. ing at 761,Coîborne Street, London, se heard of the artistic work done by Ont. etecmin fteDra Miles Knowies in repainting and de- t., met th omand of Lthenrant corating used cars. 'Regien.Twihank of iet et Among the out-of-town visitors at Cossone.Thotheepointment ofad the show were noticed Mr. Moyse, Lp-ossibletrugtea Prt Hemeto Chief Engineer of General MotorsHetreaPtHo. and Mr. Kîrby, Oldsmobile General His many civilian and military Sales Manager of Oshawa. Messrs. friends in Bowmanville and through- Roger Corbett and Andrew Moffatt out Durham County wiii rejoice with of the Moffatt Motor Sales Ltd. from Col. Anderson in this deserving and Oshawa, were also down for the big popular promotio n.! show. We are informed these two It will be remembered by many of latter gentlemen who are at the head ou r reaelers that for 10 years previous EASTERTIDE WEDDINGS Hoar-Bragg The marriage of Miss Helena Mary, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bragg to Edwin Charles Hoar, New- castle, son of the inte Mr. and Mrs. William Hoar, Providence, was sol- omnized at 3.30 p. m. on Wednes- day, April 19, at the home of the bride's parents, Providence, in the presence of about forty-five guests, Rev. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, officiat- ing. The ceremony took place in the drawîng-room under an arch decorat-, ed with evergreens, siiilax and white belîs. The bride who was given in mar- niage by hier father, looked charm- ing in a gown of creamn Canton Crepe with radium lace trimming and veil and carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses, sweet peas and fern. The wedding music was piayed by Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Newcastle, cousin of the bride. During the signing of the register Mr. Otto Bragg sang "Bridai Dawn" accompanied by his sister, Miss L. L. Bragg. After the ceremony the guests were ushered to the dining-room which was decorated with Daffodils ad Smilax, where a dainty luncheon was served by four girls friends of the bride, Misses Mileta Hoar, Mabei Barrie, Elva Bragg and Rowena Bragg. The happy couple left on the even- ing train amid showers of confeti f or a short honeymoon, the bride travelling in a navy tricotine suit with bat to match and sable fur. The useful and beautiful collection of gifts to the bride inciuded a hand- some piano from the bride's brother and a substantial check from her fa'her- ENTRANCING SPRING WEARING APPAREL Suits- 2036 - - ý77