______ - a a j THE GJTi SHO P ELLIOT'S JEWELRY STORE It has been said that 85%7 of the goods sold in a jewelry store are purchased for gifts. For that reason we are very particular about the goods we stock. You want to be assured of the lasting quaility of an article. Our personal guarantee goes with every sale we make. ATTRACTIVE CHINA DISPLAY We recently put on display some very choice Minton China, Crown Derby and Wedgewood which has greatly appealed to the ladies. So great was thje demand for this China that d-upli- cate orders were necessary. GIVE GIFTS THAT LAST ALEX.~ELLLOT It BIRTHS PAl NTON-At the Hospital, Eston, Sask. April 25, te Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Painton, a son. MARRIAGES J Ex-FOX-At Port Hope, April 26th, by ev. C. S. Applegath, Florence Edua, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew Fox and Stephen Jcx, ail of Port Hope. JEFFERY--VANDYKE-At the Par- sonage, Courtice, by Rev. W. S. P Boyce, B. A., B. D., April 26, Mr. Cecil Mark Jeffery and ElWa Etta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. VanDyke, both of Darlington. , SCANLAN-WALKER-At' St. Johxn's R. C. Church, East Toronto, by Rev. G. A. Williams, May lst, Mr. John Joseph Scanlan and Florence Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Walker of Sanford Ave., Toronto. D EATHS LUKE-At Westmore, Oshawa, April 29, Wm. G. Luke, in bis 7st year. BOW EN-At Port Hope, April 29th, Sarah Ann Keeler, reliet of the late John Bowen, aged 84 years. BIC KLE-At Port Hope, April 29th., Elizabeth Pediar, oeoved wif e of Thos. Bickle, in her 7lst year. BRAUND-At Port Hope, May 1, Mary Lethbridge, beloved wif e of Capt. Jos- eph Braund, in ber 79th year. 30, Ettie Gracep olwill., heloved wife of Luther M. Argaîl, formerly of Newcastle, aged 56 years. Elizabeth -Uelen- elde-t- dau tr of Mr. 1 I.. STRAYED "Paddy", a Red Cocker Spaniel, was last seen on Monday, April 24.' Heward for its return to Dr. Storey, King or Temperance Streets, Phone 143w or 143J.WANTED 1-w WANTED-A woman to do washing at home for two roomers. Apply box_503,1 Dowmanville. 18 1w* WANTED-Caretaker for Bowling Green, duties to commence May 1. Apply to Alex Elliot, or ta J. J. Mason, Secre- tary, Bowmanville. 17-t 1TO LET GARAGE TO RENT-Apply to W. F. 'Ward, Bowmarîville. 18-tf TO LET-7-roomed bouse witb bath, also good garden. Apply R. R. Stevens, Bowmanville, phone 175r3. 18-tf FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good land and buildings, immediate possession. Apply J. C. Montgomiery, Oshawa. 15-tf Ii~ "I 1The Shop That Leads1 The Bare Eact& 11 ACMYKn i off Mrs. J.l T.UO VIgg omn ifle Ou -té fgre ol ~vr op~e W G2adnTool fi WATCHIWA KE SPECIAL FEATURE PICTURES COMING TO ROYAL THEATRE The f ollowing special pictures have been booked to run at the Royal Theatre at the rate of one every other Monday arld Tuesday commencng with "Saturday Night" on May 15th and i6th: THE SHEIK BRIDES PLAY FOOLS PARADISE SATURDAY NIGHT BEYOND THE ROCKS. THREE LIVE GHOSTS THE LITTLE MINISTER THE WORLD'S CHAMPION THE GREEN TEMPTATION JUST AROUND THE CORNER MORAN 0F THE LADY LETTY The admission for ail the pictures will be Adults 25c; eidren 15c; re- served seats 30c. Children must be accompanied by an aduit. 18-1 "a p --- - - - - -- - - -- -- - . . . 1 Fi . il! il iiiii il ilici iiii ,-l - Al L- niec f üýý. J. T. Bragg, JEWELEW- --Our àt,&k-ôf-g-arden tools is-vëry complete, in- L 'D ý N