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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 12

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The N w ateId THJTRSDAY, 1M'AY llth, 1922 GOIN', HOME TO MOTHER NEWCASTLE l'in goin ' home to mther, goin' home Mrs. Thomas Barrie is, indisposed. to stay, R. W. Gibson, Toronto, spent Sun- I'aint seen dear old.mother fer many day at home. a long, long day. Biggest Day in Bowmanville, Wed- She'll be sîttin bytthe winder, Jest nesday, May 24th. like she uster do, Mr. Gordon Ryan visted at Mr. W. -A-listenin' after the wissel of the F. Thomas' recently. seven f orty-two. Mr. Ray Carr, Belleville, spent the _Yes, 'goin' home to mother-goin' week-end with hisfamily here. baek to-day, , Miss Francis Gibson, Oshawa, spent To throw my arms around bier an' the week-end with her parents. kissthe tears away, * We are glad to see Miss- Laura She's bin watchin' an' a-praying fer Walton out again after her r-ecent iii- hier boy to corne, ness. So l'm packin' up my fixîn's an' goin' Mr. and Mrs, John Fligg, Peter- home, bi gum. boro, spent the week-end with friends in town. 1 Yes,,goîn' back tol mother, an' woriit Miss Janie Singer bas returne d she cry witb joy,, home from a pieasaat visit with To- -When she hugs me to hier bosom, an ýronto friends. sez, "Thank God. my boy, , M.Ls cagln saa J knowed -the Lord's hear me, an' srent sdaylagwn shaofwMr bring ye safely back, pn udyi onageto r -An' mercy, 'ow ye've grown , ,'w ye've Fred W. Fligg. grwýJockl" Mrs. R. Parker was called to Tor- grownonto the first of the week oing to So 'm goin' home to mother-fer 1 the death of a friend. know she waitin' there, Miss Stella Blackburn bas taken a1 A sittin' by the winder, in thebig old position on the teaching staff of Bow- rockin' chair,,1 manville Public Sehool., An' listenin' fer the wissei of the We are pleased to report that al seven twenty-two,1 our sick people are evidently on the A good three hours, or longer, afore ron-d to complete recovery. the train is due. Miss Johnson, a professional nurse from the Dept. of Education, is visit- CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL ing the schools in this district. ________The maiority of the farmers in May lst, 1922, regular meeting of this section report spring seeding council, members ail present, Reeve completed and the seed'went in in 'T. F. Bruce presiding., fine shape. Minutes of last meeting read and Mrs. Henry Rageny and, ebildren adopted. have returned home to Toronto after 1On motion of Couns. Jobb and spending a f ew weeks 7with Mr. and Fergiison, that Mr. Morrison's bill be Mrs. John Douglas. returned for further information. When is that long, talked of mem- Moved byCouns. Ferguson and orial going to take somne definite Jobb, that Mr. Quade's tender for f orm? Why not have a meetiag eaul- drawing gravel be accepted for 25 ,ed and g et it started?, y<ls delivered at Blaekstock for $65. Mr. W. H. Gibson bas planted a Moved by Couns. Devitt and Fer- large cherry and pear orchard on bis gusontbatforme moton fiin-f arm, west of Trickey's Corner, forai- wvages for men and teams be rescind-erykonateCmrnFr. cd and raised to $5.00 for team and Mrs. (Dr.) Farncomb bas returned $2.50 for man. from. Hiiisdale, Micb., after ae visit Com ofAgrculura Soiet aI fwith bier daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Mc-, pin.fgr oerct randoct-ad-Evoy, wbo bas, been in poor healtb. on motorntf ouns. e ttrnstandb;lBanker J. S. Montgomery bhad a thatotbe ioneof gans.Dttofa$250 anvisit from Inspecter who found every- tha thy gve grnt f $50 ndtbing in good shape Some say bie ,not more than $300. recommended 'Pud' to- take a holiday Moved by Coutis. Devitt and Fer- for bis beàltb's sake. ýguson that H. Walrer be Road Comn- Mrs. F. W. Riekard, bier three littie .-missioner, a saiary of 30e- per br. girls and the maid were ail taken iii .By Law duly passed. last week and have been under the Moved by Couns. Jobb and Fergu- dotor's care. Latest reports are .son that Clerk put up notices'stopping that they are recovering. garbage being thrown in rond allow- Work bas started on the Provincial ance between Blackstock and Cad- Highway and Contractor Chenery mus. has a gang of men, putting in a cem- Moved by Couns. Devitt and Fer- ent cuivert at the corner of King and guson that Clerk notif y Mrs.' Arm- Beaver Sts. strong to remove enclosure on con. 9. F. W. Riekard is adding several Moved by Couns. Jobb and Fergu- acres of new orchard to bis aiready ,son that Reeve communicate with W. large orchard. Evidentiy our farm- ýE. Thompson re gravel pit. ers are optimistic regarding the fut- Orders signed as foliows: ure of the fruit industry. 'W. G. Pbilp, Sec-Treas S. S. It's about tîme our "City Fathers" Ne. 6 ............$170.00 woke up to the fact that living on T. Hyland, Séec-Treas* S.*S. 'King St. is aimost unbearabie on ne- No. 3.................. 400.00 count of the dust menace. Get busy F. Baiiey, 9490 ft timaber ... 348.451 feliows and give us a dose of oil. Municipal World bianks . .. . 11-80, The Directors of the-IHorticultural C. Venning, services assessor, 84.82 Society met at the home of Mrs. J. Forder, road commissioner, 20:70 Frank Branton on Frîday last for, the Receipts $1263.40 Gov. Grant on transaction of general business. It -Toads. was decded to bold a faliShowýA about W. Beacock, the middle of August. Fuil partie- Cierk. ulars later. Word bhas just reacbed town that Miss Ida Hancock, a former citizen, TAKE NOTICE now residing at Dodsland, Sask., suf- fered a stroke of paralysis and bier Ail accounts owing to the estate of brother bad bier removed te the bos- the late E. C. Fisher must bo paid be- pitai. Her many friends here wish fore June lst. After wbich date her a speedy recovery., ail unsttled accounts wiii be piaced Mr. Raymond Massey, Toronto, ae-1 in the bands of my solicitor for col- companied the architeets to make an lection. inspection of our new bail. Mr. Mas- (Mrs.) Laura M. Fisher, sey was anxious to see the works as Executrix. hie is leaving for Europe in a few Newcastle, May lst, 1922. 18-t days on a business trip and expects to be away for tbree years. 1E. C. lloar's garage was broken in- to on Friday nigbt last and about $150 wortb of tires and equipmnent MEDICAL stolen. The matter was placed i ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. tbe hands of Detective Boyd, and be- Graduate of Trinity University, aiso fore the sun went down on Saturday of Royal Colege Physicians, Edin- he had succeeded in recovering tbe Iburg. Speialty-Diseases of wom- entire lot of goods. H1e expeets to ,en and eblidren. Offie-Parker'u land the guilty parties bebînd the Necastle. Hors-8 te 10 a.- m., 1 i fellows andà are aý credit to temseives te D . m., and by appointmcnÏt.I and the firm they represeat, Aûwing to the strike it isi impossible to get immediate delivery, but I have a suffi- ,cient, quantity on order tot "bta1,e care of ahl my custom- Make sure of your next -winter's coal by bookingi your order early. Geo. Jamieson Nectl Some people seem to bave the idea that the young trees on the street were put there to tic borses te. It ho about time th#. our Municipal Fath- ers made an exampie of some of these offenders. One of the maphes just 3outb of the Angli'can cburcb is completely ruined. What is the use of having by-laws on the books, wben no attempt is made to enforce them, even after repeated violations? Orono News of hast week re portcd that work on our new hall was held up pending the- arrivai of the stecl. Just to enliglten the inhabitants of that neck of the woods we would let it be known that things bave been go- ing with a rush iii order that, the "Sbteel Gang" wouldnet be held Up. At the present time tbree cars of steel are already on the greund and a lot of it bas aiready been placed. Newcastle people tbink that "The ýNews" had reference to the steel for t'ne Orono Clock Tower, as that work appears te be eld up for some reas- on or anether. pendentgi NEWCASTLE Biggest Day in Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 24th. John Anderson bas returneci home from Detroit,' Mich. 1Mr. W. G. Hay spent the week-end at Mrs. Frank Bennett's. Mrs. Jack Hall, Toronto, is visiting friends and relatives bere. Mrs. Neil MacKenzie, Toronto, is visi.ing with Mrs. H. Britton.' 1Mr. J. J. Wright and family bave returned home from Toronto., Mrs. Woodcock is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Wm. Jamieson. Mrs. Jake Morris bas been iii the past week but is now improving, Mrs. W. G. Hay bas returned from Toronto and b îimprovîng since ber[ illness. Miss Marjorie Mackenzie, Toronto, spent the week-end with ber sister, Mrs. H. Brittonf. Mrs. Moise bas returned home after a pleasant two weeks' visit with ber daughters in Hastings. Mr. Ciff Pappineau, Osbawa, spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pappineau. George Cordon wbo bas been living with Mr. T. M. Gibson, "Wiliow Hil11" bas gone up to, Niagara where be wffl join forces with bis brotber-in-haw la the operation of a fpýrm', Mr. Wreford F. Soucb, Registered Optometrist, ýwill be at Anderson's Drug Store every Thursday with a complete uine of optical goods and modern office, equipment ready te conduet a most scientifie eye exam- ination. 15-tf. Sir John Aird, general manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Lady Aird and their daughter, Mrs. [Cameron of Toronto, speat Friday at Dr. Alfred Farncomb's and took home witb them 500 of the Doctor's young pure bred asparagus pats. Among the many stahwart young men wbo arrived ast week from the Old Land and secured situations on Ontario farms are Mr. Ned Buckiey at Mr. W. H. Pearce's, bis yeunger brother at Mr. W. H. B. Chaplin's, and Mr. Fred Shaw at Mr. Lorne Cob-, bledick's. The Missionary program for May la the Methodist Sunday School was, conducted by Mrs. Norman Aluin. Readings were given by Alfred Gma- ham, Miss Laura Harris, Miss Katb- uine Cummings, and Miss Eleanor Cook; recitations by Master John Rickard and Mr. Clarence Allun and vocal duet by Misses Beatrice and Grace Bragg. Attendance was un- usually large and program fuhI .of la- terest and instruction. NEWCASTLE EPWORTH LEAGUE ANNIVERSARY AND CONCERT Sunday, May 14tb Anniverary ser- vices will be conducted la the Metho- dist Churcb, momning and evenhng by Rev. R. G. Carruthers of Blackstock. Monday, May istb, at 8 p. m. a concert wilh be given ha Sehool room, consisting of solos, quartets, readings, i etc. Generai admission 25c. Re-' served seats 30c. Plan of bail at H. Bonatban's.111 NOTICE Newcastle Lodge of the Sons of England will bold its annual cburch parade on Sunday evening, May 2lst and,-attend divine service ha the Pres- byterian churcb at 7 p. m. Bretbren of ahi neigbboring lodges are cordiaily invited to attend and be present at the 'Newcastle Iodge rnom at 6.30 p. m. Service wiil be conducted by the mînister, Rey. S. G. McCormack. Let there be a full turnout of the local brethren. 19-1 LAKE SHORE, Miss Etta M. Holmes, Oshawa, spent the week-end at borne. Mr. Wm. Andrus visited at Messrs. Cecil Robinson's and W. J. Oven's on Sunday. Now we are well away at the seed- ing. Grain ho sprouting and the pastures are coming on. Smiling Bob is very busy trying to belp, a haif a dozen people with their spring work-all at the samne time. Chickens, goslings, etc, are arriving these days and giviag the bousekeep- ers added cares and responsibihities., Cowanvihhe Loyal Orange Lodge will meet ha regular session at Cow- anville Lodge Room on Wednesday evening, May l7tb. Mr. John, Hendry is now busy breakhng in a new man straight from. the ohd land wbom lie secured through the Ontario Employment Bureau. It is witb deep regret that we re- port the death of, Mrs. L. Argali at bier home in Oshawa., Mr. Luther Argaîl, one of our old boys bas deep- est sympathy: of ali bis friends on the Lake Shore in this bis time of sad bereavement. Our Anniversary on April 3Oth was a huge succcss. The weather was splendid. A large number of in- terested people gatbered and heard a very interesting and 'instructive tahk by Rcv. H. S. Spence. The se- lections readered by the Newcastle Metbodist Male Quartette were wehi received and much apprcciated by ail. Mr. S. Baskerville who was the firot Superintendent of our Sunday Scbool thirty-oae years ago was pres- ent and enjoyed the event very much. Miss Sarah A. Thompson, for years teacher of the "teen" giri's chass and Miss Swim, a forme~r regular attend- er, were aise present. We are ai- ways giad to welcome back oid mcm- bers. Bi31ggest Day in Bowmeanvill,, Wed- neiday, Mai, 24th. BENEFITS OF GRAWING GROWING ' EEIT A Standardizing of Farm Products Gctting the V2ry decst From This Necessary for Best Market. B eauti.ul Fkower. Instances of the FolIy of Net Gmad- Location and Soil Suggested-Early ing - Selhng by Description vs. Sowhng Desirable,-7Good Support inspection - Butter Exportation and Frequent Picking Necessary. Tu Ne Zeaaad.(Contributed by Ontario Department of (Contrtbuted by Ontario Department et Agriculture, Teronto.) Agriculture, Toronto.> Loëation.-An open, sunny posi- Gradtag 0f farm produets lu ne- tion in the garden suits them very cesoary for the enlargement 0f mar- well. Close up to a building or near kets, Lt is based upon knowledge of to a close board fence faciag the what the consumer wants. Lt gives south is flot. a gofi place for themo the consumer off farm products the as the intense beat off the sua In- kind, shape, size and quaiity of pro- duces attacks off insect pests. Ail ducts desired. t bri:ngo incrcased east, west, or iorth exposure chose returns to farmers and effects sav- to a fence is flot so objectionable ings to the nilidiemen. except perhaps a direct northern en- Ia the production of farm pro- posure. Near tû an open wire fene- ducto, unavoidably widely varying or trellis fence is not objectionable. shapes, sizes and quaities og pro- 1airA richi loam,. 'd,çtg Proghtint exstecé. So-Adeep, fil dt iit rebro5gtednto stenc te soil is best., If the ground is poor 5Fduct sent ýo a ëetaîin market wiil or gravelly or heavy dlay, fig , meet with the approval off the pur- trench the lengthî r quired from 1?- chaser. Standnrdizing mnenas that a o1 inhsde adabu l) grade of product will be the samne t 5tce npadaot year ha and year, out, in thisway inches wide. Fincee about tvro iaehc; confidence in grades may be built up. in depth off welh rooted barnyard The Folly of Net Gading Instanced. nmanuire or cow inn'rel the bot L t must be remembered tnat 'con- tom off the trench, thoni 11ii thetr, h aumers, like farmers, are engaged, ln up with well enriclied hoarmy s -il. business. They are net able te sort Deep digging i ncessary for w Producto. Thereffore, wben they pur- chase ungraded products they have peas even.Ii good soil. Never s_- te bu., thhngs they don't want, and sweet peas twice ini suce .sildflin t.- this resulto la waste. Gradiag ef samne soil; a part of the soil ut leasý farm products would mena a redue- should be renewed everyyear. Pr,. tien ha tho cost off marketing. Fer example, eut off 2,600 cars off apples pare trench or ground fo~r e.eet ' appearing, on a Chicago market wth- the previeus flu if u~zbe la a pcriod off tbree meatho ha the fail When te S >1v. £,ow-; s early _i, of 1914, it was ffound that 410, carus h prn s h ,rý~d c.un b wcre unfit for sale; and net oaiy worked. The seed n ay Le soaked was this truc, but they aise depressed the price off apples. The freight, lukewarm water hbefore ssowing cartage and labor of haadliag had six or ohgltht u. sto .-,sten gel' .î been paid for the purpose off start- ination. lng 410 cars of apples on the way te How te Sow.-Make rn drill, abu market, which nobody wouid accept, two taches i dePtrh. Sew the s, dtd not want, and couid flot use. about two luches apart. Cover Wit Or te take butteri Investigations nearhy two inches off fiat oeil ( 1 have dcmoastmated that hack off grad- Speneer type of Sweet Peas ho t ing has resulted ha serious loss te best kiad te sow.) mlddlemcn. La the ètate of Kansas Thnîing.-1 hîn the plants wher, fer instance, one-fifth off the butter about six haches in height to thre( rcccived was paid for at the rateet or four haches apart. 27.1 cents per pound,-tbe ruiing Support.-Wide meshed chhcke:r price fer btter-thougb this 20 per wire five f cet ha hehght, maple brush- cent. had te be reworked before It wood or coarse twiae may be used ceuid be used, by consumers. For for support. Netting muade 0f coaixý this. butter renovators paid 20 cents twhne makes an ideal support, bettý. Per pound, Be that there was a losa than wire, as the plants dling t: of 7 cents per pouaf. No middleman it better than to wire. can long stand this. Waterhg-Water thoroughiy in The problem of financing the sale very dry weathor. Draw a drill a, off farm Preducts ho important. By f ew haches deep and about four grading farm' producto finance hu haches ffrom the row on each side. faciiltated. Suppose n farmer bas a Pour wnter into these until the carlead of a certain grade off pro- grouad ho thoroughly seakea. Wnte:- duct. He may go te the bank and tng ha thia.way once e.very week or say: "I bave a earload of 'No. 1 ton days ho far more henoftichal tha:i apples, 1 waat to borrow some frequent light surface wnteriag3. moncy." The bank manager under- Spriakie the foiagO with water un- stands whiat this means and ho pre- der pressure frein a fine oprinklcr pared te advýaace moaey. But if the every day in bot dry weather to ke'ep farmer goes to the bank with un- dowa tasects, su:cii as green aphiL gaded producto the banker immedi- and red spider. Sprinkle tne uncri ately asks, "What kiad? Who grew stde off the foliage espoctaliy. To- them? Are they goof or bad?" He bacco and soap solutiene2 are aloi) may even require that tbey be in- good for insect pestO. uPected, and ha the ead the farmer Picklng hloon. Keep ail the wil net get as satisfactory advaaces sprays off bloom picked off every se- as though the products was graded. coud day to prevent seod f rom fforiii Description vs. inspection. ing. If seed ho alhowod to fformn, tho3 Gradag educs te sîîia cotbhoom wil ho tnfeî - r and the fiower- by e ntg saebyescriptelin rathertagsenson ef short, du-ntion. by nabingsal bydesripionrater Ferthizers.-A waterhag once or than sale by inspectionor by ýsampie. twhce withliquifi manure solution te- Sale by inspection requires that pro- wards the end off Auge ot will help te ducts be sent te some central point, keep the plants vigorousanad produe- and that people go te sce those pro- tive late ia the 'season-The late duets. ILt ho easily seen that this hn Win Hunt, O. A. Cellege, Guelph. an expensive way of seiling. And net________ only ho, this true, but it ho easy te over-estimate the requirements off Silo, Facts. buyers on a certain day, wbich me- In the silo you can store cern ha suits ln fioodiag off the market, with a form ia which prncticaliy every conséquent lowering off price. Saie paricle can ho eaten. by description ho made possible Siage gives the effect off pastur- threugb advertistag, but befere ad- age iii wîater; ittho both palatable vcrthslug cau be succesoful producta and succulent, andi it also nids diges- must be graded. Net ail advei-tiztng tion ha the diry-feeding season. le economical, but t bas its place Animais f ed silage are net more lu effecting more efficient methods subjeet te tuberculots, do not lose of selling. their teeth more quickly, and are flot Graded produets always brhng bet- shorter-ltvod than animais fed other ter prices te farmers. Agriculture la common kiadso of feed. stïli the main industry ha Ontario, The use off the silo offtea makes it and this menas that we must expert possible te save cern that, would thé surplus Off farm products. Lu o therwîse, Uc lest by froot. finding markets for this surplus we A good silo shouhd ho round, air- corne into competition with New Zen- ttght, water-proof, have walis that lanud, Denmark, Holhand, Austraiha, are smuuth inside, and be stroug and and Ulnited States. Most off these durable. countries, certaiahy the first four A silo shouif Uc piaced where it uamed, enforce rtgid inspection off will give the greateot.convenieueýý ln preducto for export. Wby? Bec'ause feediag and where tt wl ho lenot cx- gmnding hs the basis off eniargement nnpsefto extromoly e old iwinds. ia Great Britain. What was the rer suit? Dishonest people stole brands of quality produets and shlpped in- ferior butter under these branda. This had à bad eff ect. t was then found necessary to have Goveramont inspection which would extead rlght back to the producer, so that inter- for butter could 5be traced te its source ai-d the cause remioved-.,i J. CIoke, Dopt. Farm Nýoah Up to Date. From the time of Noah whe,(n th'e dove brought the green back, homn- tng pigeons have been 0fi- constant service to mankind. That, weli-bred stock of this breed 15 de irbl i shown by a liesokoarh 1-1m i co Counlty, Va. 11e ists 22 lhem-- inig pigeons off pure breeýdiaig amoung other live stock enroiled la tUQ BB*t- toe aîrea Why? Well principally because it takes me when 1-\wanit to go, and brings 'me back-every time! Its ail car'-no fancy h1rills-and it gives real value for my money. Ini case something does go wrong? Pshaw! I, have Chadburni Motor Co. to fail baêk on'for ser- vice and three other. places of the same standard. CHRAD B URN MO0TO0R Co Oshawa Service stations: Hately Garage, Bowmanville, E. C. Hoar, Newcastle, H. Cowan, Orono, J. M. Howland, Sales representative, Bowman-' ville, Hately garage or phone 158 or 44. WEKENDS PE CI1AL'S You'll want to share in, these sppcials: Picnic Hiams, lb .................................... 25c Breakfast Bacon, lb .................................3U Canned Corn, 2 tins for ................25c Large Bottie Catsup ........... ........ 25e Infant's Delight Soap, 3 for ...................2U Grocer RWALTON Newcastlý LET BRITTON DO YOUR BAKING Fresh baking every day-plenty of variety- goods delivered. H. S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle 7.JRCH'SWATER J SOLD IN NEWCASTLE BY H. C. BONATHAN j Here are a few things you will be wanting right now: Stock Tonic, Sulphur, Saîts, Saltpetre, etc. FOR THE CHICKENS Raise your chicks the Pan-a-cea way for fine healthy birds. Buy some Baby Chick Feed, too. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle

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