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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 2

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THURSDAY, MAY il th. 1922 tWHY SHOULD A NEWSPAPER MUSIC IS LIKE FRIENDS ______________________FREE PUBLICITY IN ITS Wh1 ______________________ GIV FEECOLUMNS Whl there are many definitions of') _________i taes ai good music, one factor at boet is es- PhildelhiaPape Tels f th D sential in thom ail, namely, that of AND« ens of Requests Which Every permanence. For music, indeed, le 'Newspaper Receives Daiiy ta very much like friends; it takes time1 Th OW a Vil N W , Print Fre Somtin hih ta get acquainted witb reably good1 Will elp orneody lse friends wbose influence and -spirit 'TheBo ninileBuwtWI HeNonitebody Else 1neyer departs from us. Hwbre1 With whicb is incorporated ' thing if e would'b ibuman con-( THE NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT Were Phladoîphia ta pay at com- tacts were imited 'ta acquaintances1 1mercial rates for ail the froe adver- and friends did not exist; and yet COMBINED CIRCULATION 2800 tising whîcb the newspapors now tiis îs precisely the state of, ouiý Cana- contribute gratis the annual outiay diafl popular" musical oxperience. ADVERTISING RATES for that item would exceed the whoie The much beard music of to-day-'is I af thegone to-morrow and its place is taken LeglOffcilMuncialanduov cost o h police department. by sometbing olse equaliy transient. *rament Notices-12c pof noiipareib There ie neyer a single copy of any i The reaiby good, permanent composi- ine (12 ines to inch) f or firat in- of thoce papers printed on any ,day, tians are as losod, or, at best, a baif- eertion, and 8c per line for each sub- of the year whicb does not containopened book. zequont insertion. from one ta twenty items eitber so- Association with goodmusic yiebds READNG MTTERcalled news or editorial, that is a a higher degree of happiness than is READNG MTTERgratuîty handed out for the common secured by contact with wbat is pleas- Roaders or locas-lOc per lune, welfare and £rom which the paper ed ta cail popular music. The ben- ýeach insertion, minimum charge 5Oc; directly and indirectly received not a eficient power of good music can on First Page 'l5c. per lino each )n' penny of profit. ¶nover ho overestimated, and if it is gsrtion. The people of this city neyer ex- gîven the chance, it wîll prove a vital ADVACE OTIES ect a shipyard ta do anything but factor in aur everyday activities. ADACuiTIE ld ships. A locomotive plant lias ________ Every advance notice of any kind 'donc its duty when it constructs rail- A whero the abject is the. benefit or way engines. A bat factory, flour DURHAM FARMERS PURCHASEA convenienco of any person or number Mill, clothîng factory, bank, store, -CHOICE SHORTHORN BULL ,of persons-is advertising, and wilb trolley road and telephane 18 flot bes treated by the publishors as sucli. reckoned upon ta give its time, ser- Four farmers in Darlington town- If noa-instructions accampany the vice or capital for boosting any enter- ship, Durham County, decided tbey notice, advising us who ta charge it prise excepting its awn.1 needed new Shorthorn bubîs and, on to, it will ho charged ta the persan But a newspaper lias dozens of re- the advice of Agricu>turab Represent- phoning or sending it in. quests every day ta print or ta urge, ative F. C. Paterson, pooled their re- COMMRCIA DISLAY ta cammendordmtbeorpo sources in order ta procure a choice Transient rates-front page,' 50e mate something out of which the awa- animal. These four, Thos. Baker, e r of the paper can derive no finan- John Baker, S. E. Werry and H. E. ,per inchi; run of paper, 40e per inch, cial benefit. He is expected ta em- Tink, accompanied Mr. Paterson on .each insertion. ploy bis capital in that way for the an inspection of, same 'of the best TFor a yearby contract apply at the camman welfare. Shorthorn herds of thé- Province and ý0flce. Specal osiions251o exra. A efinaiiy selected a Browndable bull n ores of income.bune is from thofrom the herd of James Douglass ofr CLASSIFIED ADVTS sucso noe n sfo h Caledania. 'For Sale,,Wanted, To Rent, Lost sale of the paper and the other from and small advt of similar character- the sale of advortising space. A Real Bull 2c per'word, frst insertion, minimum Whatever in the paper doos not at- The animal chosen was a yaung 50c; lc per word each subsequent in- tatrnost u sntapoi-bat e months, aid, but a real sortions, minimum 25c. able thing for the owner financialy. bull ail through, one of the firet of Advertisements sent without in- Wbatover in a paper takes up the Browndaie variety ta be import- etructions wibi be inserted 'until wrt-space where an advertisement might ed by Durham county. Hie cat the ten orders are received for their dis- be prinited ie a direct and immediate Dringtan quartette $600, and hie lacss. Very littie of what is clled wns worth it.: A f ew yearc aga this ,continuance. "civic booting" ever brings ta a animal would hav<e been in the $1,500 Above rates include both The newcpaper a ingle reader. Cor- clase. As a resuit of this littie -co- James Fapers. l tainly fia begging proposition does. operative move several more groups M. AJAMES & SONS Publishers. Armenians always require ' relief' are contemplating similar purchases. - Bowmanvliie, Ont. 50 it seems and tbe papers are expect- Group purchasing of bord sires, as Xembers-"Canadian Weekly News- ed ta prînt columns of appeals. But pointed out by Mr. Paterson ta the papers' Associations" and "Selectp i esnwudee bn fbyn writer a f ew days ago, aliows average ed Town Weeklies of Onitario"p. a newspaper just ta read an article farmers ta buy as good bulîs as the asking bim ta contribute maney ta higb-class speciaist maintains, and saome one 6,000 miles away. at the samne time caves a lot of waste. An account of a prizo figlit, base- In ordinary cases one bull is sufficient bail game, murder, election, elpe for the combined'bords of haîf a doz- LEGAL ment in bigli socialcîrcbes, a horse en farms, and instend of haîf a doz- M. . . OUDB.A., LL.D.. raceabtl o 'o ebt nC en scrub, or even fair bulle, allows BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY gress, wauld'soul papers. Readersthgrutapcasaralyhoc mnoney to bani on Farm and Town would buy ta cee that sort of thing. anim 1al. Property. Royal, Bank Building, Yet the Philàdeiphia papors givo Circuiating S ires Bowmanville. Phone 351. daily. many1 columns of apaceo an Teei nte dat .o h ______________ ____ white paper that'caste them dearly tao hr sante danaoo-h the boasting or begging or prornoting group systeffi. Wben the bull bas propositions. And lot Philadoîphians Ceen intbe bnnds of one graup for a W. F. WARD, B. A. remember that such je not the casecul fyac isedo edn BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY everywhere. hlm ta the slaughter bouse because. of 1 . iefu, ip 1Vmay hi-nrelu±ap(va Money to loan. Bonds for sale. ,Offices: Bleakley Block, King' Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Phones - Office 102, flouse 343. e T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For terms phone 12, "Greent Court", Argyle Street. 49-4m* MEDICAL M. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M.1 Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years Attending Phy- 4àician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmeli "Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks, Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow-i >anville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. tiraduate of Trinity MedicalCollege, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, former residence'on Church-st., ,Bow-j manville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL' DR. J. C. DEVITT 'Gaduate of Royal Dental .,College, Toronto. Office, Kîng-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6, p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone -0. oue- ioe 0. 1 The journal which for a century and a quarter bas beon regarded inj aIl parts of the worhd as the great- est nowspaper published is the London Times. But so far as booming any- thing in London goos, the Times might ns weil be printed in Tokia. It devotes but littie of its rosources and capital ta that sort of thing. It may be contended that it is a newcpaper's legitimate business ta urge and beg, and boost. But it ie not more the function of a newspaper than of a magazine and magazines thrive by publisbing only such ar- ticles ns their editars believe thle pub- lic wishies ta rend. The magazine trios, and does se- cure circulation by interesting its rendors and so gets advertisements. t publishes fia Belgian, no Polisb, nar Armenian appeals, nover urges bot- ter street paving and cieaning; does not coax people ta contribute for the support of 'hospitals and colieges; makes fia demonstration for snving babies, swatting the fiy or any of thase public thinge which daîly news- papers are constantly askod ta help. Every newspaper gives more'of its service free than ahmost any othor in- stitution that ie not an ondowed char- ity, whie at the samne time it volun- tariiy for wbat it deems ta ho the public-good, refuses ta accept profit- able advertising. Who can ostimate, therefore, the sum total of sncb a policy, day in and day out, adbered ta by aur newspapers?-Corn Ex- change, Philadelphia. RICE LAKE LEADERSHIP 1 TRAINING CAMP DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE An event of considerable interest Tooto ta ader boys 'and' leaders of boys' Honor gradunte in Dentistry aciiteoropntedfroh cmn University. Graduate of the Royal citesi pandfrheomg Coîbege of Dental, Surgeons of On- summer,, wbea a Tuxis Training Camp taria. Office Kinig-st., Bowmanville.' wihh be held on the shores of Rice Office phone 40. flouse phono 22.I Lake from Juhy 10 ta 17. The Rotary Club of Cobourg bac chosen a fine site DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, and is ofering the camp for the above Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- purpose, as well as for the use of sim- vorsity and member of Royal Colloge ilnr arganizations througbout the ,of Dental Surgèons. Licensod ta summer. The camp wihl provide a practice in Ontario and the Domin- great apportunity for the mon and ion. Dentistry in ahl its branches, boys of a considerable district ta get Office-King-st., Bowmanville together for a week of camp hf e, OppoiteBank-ofMonteal sport nnd work outs an the Tuxis PhosteBne 301 nrel program; the underlying idea being, Phon 301of course, ta prepare those attending for live and succesesful eadership among boys, in their respective coim- munities. C. E. Plewman, the welh, FUNERAL DIRECTORS known Boys' Leader is ta hoe Camp F. F. MORRIS Co. Director. The district covers the torritary Most complete equipment, Sunday from Napnnee and Picton on the ,and'niglit'cails promptly attended ta. east, ta Whtby and Oshawa on the Bowanvblephoos 0 ad ~ west, and extends north ta, Campbel-? Brandi, at Orona. fard and Peterboro,-Rico 'Lake be- ing quite easy of access and very central for the whohe area. Very succeesful and enthusiastie camps THEO. M. SLÉMON, AucTiONEERt have been beld in other districts in Frarm and House Sales a Spolalty. recent yeare, and great satisfaction Terme moderato. le being expressed on the formation A-f Enniskîl1en P. 0. Phone 197-nS. of the Rice Lake Camp. A commit-t tee, ropres enta-tive of the district, is --,-~-in charge of dietails, and expeets ta VETERINARY have some interesting announcement DR F T TGHEta make in the near future.' -ÊT2ERINARY SURGEON. Day or-_ ____ Night Cails Proniptly Attended Tc. Tanbac should ho in every home. Office, King-st., W., Statesman Block, It'a tho world's greatest fam!fly medi- r-,WTnIanvillo. Phone 243. cine. Jury & Lovohl.' around and thus the -services of a few good sires brought into a caunity are retairied for the natural 1f e of those sires. When the group purchasing and circulating system of handling sires ie fairly generally adopted only about 20 per cent of the sires maintained to-day will be necessary, and in dis- Mposing of the 80 per cent it is to be hoed thai- ail thpe crubs, both of the grade and pure-bred variety, are taken.-Globe. A DEPENDABLE PAPER When you subs'cribe for a news- paper there are twa essential points ta be taken into consideration. First make sure that you subscribe for a paper friendly ta your interests, one whose friendship has been proven, Second, a newspaper that is fearbess. edîtorially, always dependabie and with farm mnarkets reports that are as nearby accurate as possible. Such a paper is The Farmers' Sun, Tor- onto, o-wnel, and ,publisSed three times a week by the farmeérs in the interest of the farmers, 156 issues for only $2.00. You shouid have this sure friend in yaur home. 18-1 [lnsurance Agency. AIl lines of IH1RE, LIFE, ÂCCIDiENT, SJCKNESS,1 AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE. Edi th- V. S'cobeli, 2nd door, west Bowmanville Agent1 of the "Bit 20", Ontaiol.1 Ready'For' Spring Sewing Have a Singer Sewýing Machine to help you withi your work. EASY TERMS Sold on easy terms-$5' down and $3 -a month. Repair work of ail kinds done. Russel Hobbs At J. T. Molon',e Store, King-st. E. BowmanviIIe BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT Annual Meeting-at Newcastle on May l8th. The Annual District Meeting of the Bowmanville District will be held at Newcastle on Thursday, May 1Sth, ,sessions being held at 10 a. m. and 1. 30 p. m. Superintendents are ro- questod to forward S. S. and Young ýPeople's Society Schedulos to Rev. W.-W. Jones, Hlampton, and ail other schedulos ta Rev. R. G. Carruthors, Blackstock.1 S. C. Moore, Chairman. A. M. Irwin, Financial Secretaryl SAVE THk CHILDREN FUND These contributions bave beeni miade to the Russian Save the Chilýd-1 ren Fund since the iast report by Mr. F. R. Kerclake, Treasurer, Druggist, Bowmanville: Proviousiy Reported........ $132.75 Mrs. T. ',Woodley............ 2.00 Knovak Club............... 5.00 Busy Workers Class, Mapile Grave.................... 7.00 A Friend...................1.00 A Friend. ..................1.00 Try Again Class............ 5.00 Golden Rule Ciass........... 5.00 F. C. Vanstone.............. 10.00 H Davis................... 2.00 Mrs. R. Lindsay....... ..... 1.00 $171.75 No need ta, suifer with carne, or ta run the risk of paring them. Re- move them suroly and pninlossly witb Roloôway's Corn Remover. b -- 1'~ We Are Specialists This is an age -of specialists and specialists in we are PLUMBING TINSMITHING STEAM FITTING You receive unexcelled service when you leave your order with us. We have the largest staff of plumbers ' in town who are able to do efficient work promptly ýand satisfactory. Gjreenawavy & Ellîott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or rnight Bowmanville Au to Accidents 'Every Day It may be your turn anytime. Pr'otect your- self against damage suits. The cost is a mere trifle compared with the risk. Our companies, with complete organization and capital,- assume everything forý you. 'No worry. No loss. It is more important1 even than fire insurancé. Many have been financially ruined over one ac- cident. he courts allow big damages. Don't run the risk yourself. way and talk it over with us. REAL ESTATE Several good houses for sale. storey brick dwelling for $ 1000.00. Corne in any- A bargain, 2 JJ. MASON'& SON -Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50 Bowmanville WE bSELL, AT HAMPTON FLOUR MILLS. Best Manitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, C ereals, etc.. Always best quality, and right price. DON'T BUY SEED CORN until you have seee1 us. We are expecting some' -I very choice seed corn almost any day. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do ail kinds of chopping and crushing on short -notice. CHAS. HO"RN'. .Phone 129r6 Hampton SPECIALS THIS WEEK IN WALLPAE Suitable for any room in the house for lOc per Rol Floral designs in pinks and blue, also small patterns for kitchens and kitchenettes. Jnspect these bargains early as we wil be un- able to duplicate themn at this low price. W.,T.ALLEN, -Big 20 Bookstore OBITUARY The death of Ettie Grace Colwill, beloved wife of Luther M. Argali, 105 'Prince Street, occurred on Sunday, April 30, by which Oshawa bases one of its most highly estoemod residents. One wbo was ever devotod ta ber home and ta churcli work, she gained 'he deop respect of a wide circle of friends by whom she will ho sadly missed. Mrs. Argall had made ber home bore for the past twenty-two years, coming from Newcastle wbere, she was born 56 years aga.I For several years she took an act-, ive part in ahI branches of church , work, having been à prominent'mem- ber of Simfca e Street Methodiet Churcb,, Altbougb ill for came yenrs, her death came oas a severe, shock ta friends and relatives. Be- sides ber husbnnd sbe leavos one daughter, a brother, Mr. Albert A.' Colwili and one sister, Mrs. R. B.1 Aluin, Newcastle. Numerous floral' tributes testified ta the great re- spect in whîch she was beld. Tboy' included wroatbs and sprays from many dopartmients af the Cburch, Cedar Lodge A., F. and A. M.;, Col.' R. S. MeLaughiin; toaching staff of Mary Street 'Sehool, Mary' Stroet Home and Scbool Club, Mr. George Morris and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Hezziowood and many. others. I The funeral services were hd ITuesday afternoon from the family; residence, and interment was madeý in Bowmnnvihlo Cemetery. Rov. J. ý H. MeBain, Fastor of Simcoe Street' Churcli and Rev. Capt. John Garbutt, jLondon, a former pactor, con.ducted. the sevie. The funeral was, largely attended. The paîl bearers wero, îMessrs. E. W. Drew, W. A. Luke, D.; M. Tod, J. N. Thickson, George' Morris and John Gibson . -Reo rmer. Fou r Mlig Sares Are ÀAdvncig If you read the Papers you wMl have seen'that the Shares of Millng' Compantes have recentl~y shown a st ady odvance. The reason for this is thje fact that the Flour MillUng lrdustry' has corne through the greatest perio.Lof business dejn ess ton mithout a/,fectlng ilts earning potceTs op ,educin1î its clvdend rates. In the cose of the Copeland I'lour Mills, Limited, the busiress.stnc- theM ili commenceci oflerations has eX-e o'ed all exo)ectajtons. Oreters are far aheaci of 'bcexepected-the quality of thc P'our is excellent and they are mlling at a cost per barrel cons/der- ably under the wiginai estimate. AU of whi ch he'/Js ta ma/m for good dtividends on lhe Comm on Sha: es, now being given away as a boîîus to buycrs of the 68% Pre ferreit Shares. And Rerne'mber, the, Mapl, Leaf Miltng Common 1 S~ha, es ichich gve noic morth about $1,96 each were ori{flnally bonus aes Our offering of Copelarid Miltinq 8% Prefeï,red, Shar s at lhe arese t ni cee of $100 with 30% in rommon Share is nomv laujely subscribed. We recoinmend iran to )v, i soon if you wish to be cer- tain of secue nq an allotint Wfflle inmediate':' for Prospectus. 60 KI[NG ST. WEST. LMT.DTORON"T. Local Representatives A. N. McMILL"AN & CO. Bowmanville Runa Easier Ski*ms mCloâser Pays for itself in extra cream deliver- ed, in time saved, ini more depepidable, longer life. You don't waste a drop of cream with an Empire-Toronto. And youdon't have to fuss and fume and-care for it as if it were a deli- cate,, complicated machine. It's sturdy andefficient and stays o the job. Its big feature is the Emipire Million Dollar Bowl-highly perfect- ed - self-balancing - self-centering. Ail dises interchangeable. The Empire-Toronito is the great- est Separator investment on the market. Act Quickly - get the full facts-save money by seeing me now. CHAS. HASTINGS, Hampton, Pump Maker 'Phone 350-13. 1

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