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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1922, p. 6

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Footwear for the AnniversaryV Just a few weeks to anniversary time and the whole familv will have to have new shoes., My stock.is complete with lovely footwear for these occasions. Here is a chance to get in on some good values in Children's Shoes: MISSES Il TO 2 Patent 1 or 2 Strap Slippers ....$2.75 to $3.50- pr Brown 1 or 2 Strap Slippers .... .$2.50 to $3.25 pr Black Kid, Oxford ........................$2.85 Special Brown V Patent Oxfords ................$3.50 Pr GIRLS 8 TO 101/2 Patent 1 or 2 Strap Slippers ....$2.25 to $3.00 pr Brown 1 Strap Slippers .................$2.25 Pr Brown and Paient, Oxfords ...............$3.00 pr CI-ILDS 5 TO 71/2 Patent and Brown Strap Slippers $1.75 to $Z.50 pr INFANTS 3 TO 5 Patent and Brown Strap Slippers $1.75 to $2.25 pr W. CLA UDE I VES CASH SHOE STORE Farmers' Attentin READ then BUY We have just received, several varieties of TIMOTH Y AND CLOVER SEEDS which we are selling at greatly reduced prices MANGEL AND RAPE SEEDS We have a sffiendid assortment of small seeds, also Dutch sets and MijItipIier Onions. NOW IS THE TIME For you to give these your special attention as we are giving them ours. C. m. CAWKR V%& dSONI BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE *VERANDA CHAIRS With re&ul bottoms,, finished natural or paint- fit any size verandah and pocket book special $4.50 ê4.90 WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bowmnanville HAMPTON THE'BEAUTIFUL Hampton bas the ieputation of be- ing the prettiest village in, these parts-and it's rigbt too, Bei-t Jen- nings bas the means for ýmaking every bouse and b>uilding in the vil- lage and township more Ibeautifuil and attractive. Paint w1il do it. and Bert bas just reeeived a big shbip. ment of brand ne-w paInts and, oi Furniture Dealer Ontario 'I direct from the manufactureras. Yes, you can now afford to paint- for Beit'a prices are lower. Wbat about a little wall paper te make the interior of your home moi-e inviting?, Ask to see samples wb.n yen buy that can of paint. 14-t Be it known, aise, that A. B. J*n-1 ningas pays the. higliait mar-ket price for eggw.'i Summer meeêtinçs to be beld at the f ollowing ladies' homes. June-Mrs. J. J. Smith; July-Mrs. W. T. Taylor; August--Mi-s. J. W. Yellowlees; Sept- ember-Mrs H. Tink; October-Màrs. A. J. Reynoldu; November-Vri. S. E. Wer-y. Bigg..t Day in Bowîmaawill., Wed- a.sday, May 24tL, DARLINGTON Miss Evelyn Hoit, Toronto, was home on a visit. :Mr. Geo. boit was a visitor with relatives at Pickering. Mr. Levi Bartlett bas returned to hi s'home at Nestleton. Miss Stella Blackburn, town, visited her brother Mr. Mark Blackburn. Mrs. R. b. Goode and daughter,, Doi-othy are visiting relatives in Toi-- onto.1 Mr., Cedric Parsons, was a recent visîtor witb relatives in Whitby and Pickering. Miss. Mabel Dowson, 'Providence, spent the week-end witb ber cousin Miss Bernice Allun. 1Mrs.A .Trenouth, bampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Metcalf, Oshawa, visited at Mr, Roy Metcalf's. S. S. Anniversary May 2lst.. Rev. Capt. Ernest Hai-ston, Camborne, will preach afternoon and evening. HAMPTON NEWS Motber's Day wil b e observed in the services bei-e on Sunday next. Rev. W. T. Wickett, Tyrone, gave a fine address on "Consecration" at the League service on Friday evening. Mi-s. Annie Wilkinson wIýo lias spent the past ten montbs with ber brother Mr. Jas. Jebson left last week for Montreal wbere she sailed on Sat- urday by tbe White Star Dominion Lîne "Canada" for Liverpool thence to her home in Yorkshire, England. We wisb ber a pleasant and saf e voy- age. Mvr. and Mrs. Roland Vîrtue, Osh- awa, at J . J. Virtue's; Mrs, Gunn, Oshawa witb ber parents Mr., & Mrs& Jno. Clar-ke; Mrs. Geo. Taylor who has been in the West the past year has returned home; Mi-. and Mrs. Jno. Truli, Bowmanvifle, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edgar and daugbter Joyce, Oshawa, Sundayed at Mr. E. Trull's; Mr. Frank Pascoe and sisters, Zion, at Mrs. Thos. Pascoe's; Mr. EIner Wil- bur, Solina, at Mi-. L. T. Pascoe's; Miss Edna Cryderman with fiiends in Bowmanville; Miss Reta Kersînke bas been visiting relatives in Toronto; Mr. b. Sinale, Lillie and Carnie, Osh- awa and Mr. Clarence Smale and friend, Toronto, at Wm. Smale 's. Biggest Day in Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 24tb. ZION Mr-. Jos. Chant returned to North Bay. Zion football team played Eldad teain on Tuesday night. Mi-. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Bernice at Rev. W. W. Jones. Most of the farmers bave finished seeding but women are still at their job "housecleaning".. Mr. b. G. Pascoe at Toronto; Mr. Mr. S. G. Chant'bad a very success- fui raisîng on Frîday moi-ning. Mi-. and Mrs. J. G. Langmaid and Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Ebenezer, motoi-ed to Peterboro and spent Sunday at Mi-. Frost's. Ladies' Aid beld an "At Home" at the chai-ch on Wednesday nigbt. Pro- gramn consisted of borne talent and assisted by Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Eben- ezer, Pi'oceeds $11. The League box social was quite a saccess, making over $43. The bigb- est bid being $3.50, Reford Cameron parcbasing it. Gai-net Beckel and Tracy Glaspeil were the auctioneers. Gai-net ceitaînly bas missed bis caîl- ing by beîng a farmner., League new officers are:- Hon-President-Rev , W. W. Jones Piesidnt-A. T. Stainton Vice-Presidents-T, r a c y Glaspell, Florence Caineron, Walter Vivian and Coi-a Ci-use. Seretary-Fred Cameron Treasurr-:Hîlda Lnngmaid Pianist-Flo-ence Cameron. Biggest Day in Bowmanvile, Wed- nesday, May 24th. SOLINA Mr. Edwin Annis continues poorly. Mr. Arthur Milîson bas'a new car. Epworth League bas closed for summer monthi. Master Tom Baker bas had pneum- onia but is mucb better. IMr. Norval Wotten is in Bowman- Hospital witb pneumonia. He is do- ing nicely. Several from here attended Quart- erly meeting services at Hampton Sunday morning.-1 Kersiake' s Drug Store Phone 49'ý Bow'inanviII. HAYDON NEWS Tempérance program -was given here on Sunday morning, in charge of T~emperance Superintendent-Mr. Clarence Avery. A helpful talk was given to the Juniors by Mrs. Henry Ashton on "Our Tongue", Miss Mabel ]3eech and Miss Annie Trewin favored with a duet; readings were given, by Miss Vera Siemon and Mu. A. Beech. League service here on Sunday ey- ening, was well attended, ,with new officers in charge. The President, conducted the opening session. First Vice-President-Mr. Clarence Avery, took charge of the prograin. Bible lesson was read by Mr. Leslie Grahamn Topic was splendidly taken by Mrs. Milton Siemon and Miss Mulholland Reading by Mr-. Cecil SIemon; A short talk by Vice-President on "Consecrat- ion" ;Roll eall had hearty responses. Mizpah benediction closed. Biggest Day in Bowmauville, Wed- nesday, May 24th. TYRONE Mi-. J. H. Werry and Miss Florence attended the funeral'of their cousin, Mrs. B. McCartney, Toronto, on Mon- day. Mrs. T, Gardiner bas returned to hier home after spending the winter witbh er daughter, Mrs. T. Hodgson, Lindsay. Sorry indeed to learn that Master Teddy Woodyard bas' contracted Scarlet fever. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. 1The fi-at of the garden fiowers- tulips-madýe the school'roomn cheery on Sunday afternoon. Tbey were grown by Miss Clara Woodley. Basebalis being greatly enjoyed by the young ladies of the community on Tuesday and Friday evenings. They will soon be ready to challenge any team in the townsbipý. Special meeting of Women's Ia- stitute will be beld at the home of Mrs. T. Finlay on Wednesday, May 17. Annual election of offilcers. A large attendance is requested. "Faitbhi Jesus Christ will unlock the impossible doors", John il1:26, was the keynote of a very belpful ser- mon £romn Rev. W. H. Spargo on Sun- day morning ln the absence of Rev. W. T. Wickett. A basket social was held under thei auspices of the Sr. League on Wed- nesday evening. Besides local talent they were splendidly assisted by Miss Vera Slemon, Haydon, who recited several excellent numbers. Proceeds $12. 50. Visitors: Mrs. Walt, Oshawa, and Mr. Bruce Honeywell, Toronto, at Mrs. W. R. Clemens'; Mr and Mrs. Dyke, Toronto, at Dr. Biette's; A, F. Annis, B. A., Toronto, at Mr. A. W. Annis'; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Me- Laughlin and Miss McLaugblin, Osh- awa, at Mr. John Hodgson's and Mr-. B. F. Gardiner's. Tbey have just returned froin a delightful trip through the- Mediterranean Sea, ,ouchng ail the main cities along the way and bringing home to their relat- ives here many valuable presenta, Monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was b:eld May 4tb, Splendid pro- gramn was given consisting of a read- ing by Miss Florence. Werry covering some of the work of oui- Missionaries in Canada taken froin the Blue Bock; an instrum~ettal by Miss Gladys Collicott; a letter rend by Miss E. M. Werry fromn Miss E. I. Tbompson, B. A., China; duet by Mrs. S. V. and Mrs. S. T .Hoar; a solo by Mils. J. C. Dudley and the ýfollowing were elected for the coming year- Secretary of Associate Helpers-Mra. David Hooper; Canvasser for the Ont- look-Mrs. W. Brent; Watch Tower Heralds, Japan-Mrs. H. McRoberts; China-Mrs. H. Curtis; India-Mrs. H. Collicott; Temperance-Mrs. H. Hills; French-Mrs. E. Wight; The Wbolf, World-Mrs. T. Henry-, Stran- gers within our gates-Mrs. W. W. Lock; Austria-Mrs. Byron Farrell; Mite Box Secretary-Mrs. L. Good- man. Biggest Day ini Bowmanville, Wed. nesday, May 24th. Your Duty as a parent demnande protection of your little one'% vision. Poor sigbt not only retards pro- Opp ortunity Men's socks in broxvn or green heather, cashmere, a real bargain 49c per pair Men'.s balbriggan underwear shirts and drawers. 75c a garaient Men's fine shirts, ail new patterns, prices ranging from $1.50 to $7.00 Men's, work pants in a heavy cotton $1.95 Boys' Jerseys for summer, long and short sleeves, only- 50c each Granulated sugar,ý Redpaths 12 Ibs 80c Seedless raisins in bulk, 27c per lb Canned apples, blue bernies, sliced pineapple and plums -Your choice 25c per tin Polo and Ivory washing soap 6 bars 30c Shredded Cocoanut - 25c per lb Handy and Star ammonia 3 pkg 24c Ceylon tea, the best value in town At 39e per lb PHONE &11 Knocks Openthe Doors to McMurtry's Big Store WHERE BARGAINS AWAIT THRIFTY BUYERS There is always somaething new appearing in our advts each week that will ap- peal to you and at the sanie time be a great saving... . Here are a f ew of the specials, offered for FRIDwAwYr ANDu SATURDKU'AY, MAY 12 & 13 Why Pay More When You Can Buy For Less Cotton Crepe in blue, pink and white, -Reg 35e for 25e 36 inch cotton cashmere in navy, rose and cardinal, reg 45e for1 39C Children's rolled topped Hose in romp- er Nlue, cordivan and white, prices 40c to 45c Children's Chamibray Dresses in pink and blue, with braid trimming, Special at 75c Clark's stranded embroidery cotton, in ail shades 13 skeins for 1 Oc Watch the window display for1 child- ren's and Misses' white dresses at very s7pecial prices, Cottor. Middies in navy, cope n and white, reg $2.95 for, $1.69 Ladies' f ancy coflars, in ail styles, 1 While the last 49c each Children's white embroidered silk bon- nets Special at 95e Double mesh hair nets, in ail shades 2 for 25c Be sure and see our -range of work shirts before buying Prices 75c to $2.00 Hatchway no button athletie under- wear,- $1 .50 a garaient Men's cotton socks in black and brown 4 pr for $1.00 Men's work boots, guaranteed solid leather A special at $3.95 per pair Men's fine box caîf dress shoes and ox- fords at $5.95 Eagle Brand milk, Jellies in glass moulds, 27c per 'tin ail flavors Scratch feed for chiekens 10 lbs 35c Mince meat, Wetheys, in pkgs, 2 for 29c Potatoes, fine cookers 25e per pk We always have a fine variety of fresh fruits to off er at special prices. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 241 j BURKETONI Farinai- are busy aeeding Good atteadance at Sacrament of Lord's Supper Sunday morning. C. G. I. T. Class will meet at Mm. Waterhouse's Monday at 7.30 p. m. Recent trains have improved the grass and everytbing ia getting a green hue. Missionary evening at League. Miss Rhoda Aver-y in the chair. Ev- erybody ceome. C. G. 1. T. Classaraie organizing a basebaîl teain. May they bring to tbe village laurels during tbe coming seas- on. Mother's Day Sanday. Those whose mothers are living wear a colored flower while those wbose mothers are dead wear a white one. Special mus-, ie. Biggest Day in Bowmanville, Wed- nesday, May 24th. ENNISKILLEN Mr.George Preston spent the week- end in Lindsay. Mrs, A. Tamblyn, Orono, is witb ber daugbters, Mrs., H. J. Werry and Mrs. W. J. Stainton. -Mi-s. Mowry, Toronto, visited at Mrs. Biner Herring's; Master Leslie i-eturning home with, ber. Anniversany services of oui- Co-Op- erative Sunday Scbool will be held as f oliows: Sunday, May 21 sermons will be pi-eached at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. R. P. Bowles, Chan- cellor of Victoria College, Toronto: Special inging by the scbool Col- lection in aid of school funds. On Wednesday May 24-Victoria Day-1 tea wiil be served at 4 p. in. At 81 P. m. The Fax Fan Co. of Toronto will give two hours of real enjoyment; 1 Chai-acter songs, duets, readings and musical sketches. Company consists of Jimmy Fax, bumorist, the original and oniy Jimmy; Maymie G. Mason, pianist and entertainer; Chai-les Stan- ley, baritone and Lina Crane, sopran- o. Ail services to be held in large tent. In the afternoon a League gaine of football will be played be- tween Whitby and Énniskillen. Admission-Adults ýtea and concert 60 cents; tea or concert 40 cents. Chîldi-en tea and concert-40 cents,, tea, or concert 25 cents. 19-2w.1 Biggefit Day in Bownianville, Wecl.. nesday, May 24th. 1 $2.90 Extra Values in Men's Furnishings, We Deliver the Goods at- These Prices Mc.Murtr y&CoLd .~ A- i On Mother'sDay Let This Be Your Message "Mother -o-day we corne with heart full of exquisite memories and hands filled with fragrat flowers. More cIeýrIy we see with < each pssing erht we owe our ALL to you. Neyer can we foretourdet__!!! ever hope to discharge it. «So to-day we bring flowers i token of our love eternal, We choose themn for their beauty and fragrance - emblematic of your' another-love. And we wear thern ourseves i honor of the one înW.ersal holiday'- Motber's Day!> Buy'Direct from the Growers-Goods Delivered. S. J. Jackman& Sons Phone 80 Bowmanville

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