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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 2

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BOWMANVILLE, MAY 25th, 1922. - THE E61TOR TALKS -The greatest eve nt in newspaper LEGAL circles this month so far is the sale of M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLà.D The Simcoe Reformer, the printing plant, stock-in-trade and good-will by BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY Mr. Hal. B. Donly who has for 48 .Money to boan on Farmi and Town years had to do with that paper to Froperty. Royal Bank Building, Mr. P. George Pearce editor and pro- flowmanville. Phone 351. prietor of the Waterford Star. The __________ - ____ 1__-- Reformer is one of the very best W. F. WARD, B. A. newspapers in Western. Ontario and BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY his many frîends in newspaperdom will sincerely, conratulate Mr. Pearce Money to boan. Bonds for sale. on becoming proprietor of it. Mr. Offices:- Bleakley Block, King Pearce will have associated with him Street, ±Bowmanv1ie1e Ontario. Phones:- Office 102, House 343. music T. W. STANLEY (London College of Music) Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- ville Methodist Church, is prepared to take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult- ure. For terms phone 12, "Green Court", Argyle Street. 49-3m* MEDICAL B.à. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronito. Four years Attending Phy- siian and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, 'Bow- rnanville. 'Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. 0., C. M. G'raduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, forirer residence on Church-st., ,Bow- imanville. Phone 259. 44-t DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Oraduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.ý daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto U'niversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King-st., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phono 22. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL, Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practice in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in all its branches. Office-King-st., Bowmanville OPpostte Bank of Montreal Phone 301 his two energetic sons Clendon, a practical printer and linotype oper- ator, and Bruce a university graduate in Arts and within a year of his graduation in Law. With Mr. Pearce's successful experience of many years la journalismn, aitho only now la the prime of 1f e, and the strong support of two sons so well equipped educationally for the bus- iness and editorial management we prediet for The Reformer a record equal to any time la its long history. His fellow-publishers will be sorry to miss Mr. Donly from their annual gatherings, but hie says 43 years is long enough to have ýbeen shut in with, paper, ink and types".* "Frank- ly 1 am tired and have coma to greatly desire a-change", Mr. Don- ly says la lis announc ,ement of the sale to Mr. Pearce. To many of us the word Economy lias oaly oae meaning, whule in fact it lias various shades of meaning. Ecoaomy la living means, perhaps, living within one's means, or it may mean careful use of money not &pend- iag it for things that are not really needed. Mark the wide difference here batween' things wanted and things needed. Most parents are sinners hare la their discipline of children. They allow them to get or get for them things then want but do not need. Some familles are poor alI their days at home for this very reason. "Spara to spend" is good advice. It ia well' to thiak twice or three or four times la somne cases, before spending a dollar needlessly that someone has worked hard to earn. It is wall to remember, too, that a "dollar aaved is two earned". During the late world war thora was ia Canada a "'reigu of extravagance". Girls working la munition factories and other- industries whare big wages were paid fanding themselves pas- sessed of "oceans of money", began to spend it on thingu they wanted but didn't need and one saw thousands of working girls better dressed, or more stylishly dressed than ladies of wealth. Economy cut no figure with them. The future rainy day never caused them a serlous thoaght. They had the money and were going to spend it on things thev wanted , 1 Canadian "Save the Children Fund" is now feeding daily 76,000 Russian youngsters, and after close investigation we have reason to be- lieve that it is being done in a most efficient manner. It is hoped that through additional funds this number can be raised to one hundred thous- and with the certainty of being able to continue the feeding so long as it remains necessary. Hand or send your contribution to Mr. F. R. Kers- lake, Drugist, Bowmanville. GREATER TEA CONSUMPTION IN GREAT BRITAIN Thle reduction of theEiiglish duty on tea by four pence a pound will undoubtedly res 't la greater' con- sumption on the part of the 'public of Great Britain, which la now by f ar the leargçst tea consuming coun- try in the world. This increased de- mand'will tend to raise the present abnormally higli market, and an in- crease la cost of teas throughout the world may be expected. ABOUT OURSELVES In these daysý of high cost of. pro- duction and higli over-head expenses, every manufacturing industry must provide against non-productive time. As shown in Mr. W. R. Davies' ar- ticle last week on The Cost -of Pub- lishing a Newspaper, tlw operating expenses have wonderfully increased, hence it becomes absolutely necessary to take advantage of every oppor- tunity to speed up production and keep down expenses of operating. Like thousands of other country printing offices in the years not so- very long ago, newspapers were folded by hand and on publication day the editor's whole family, in many cases, helped with the f olding and mailing. When the girls and boys got through Higli School and lef t the old home for college, uni- versity or to establish homes of their owa the publisher was, per force of ciîrum4âýices, d*iven into purhas- ing a folding machine. But like aIl other fast running machinery the folding machine wears, out and when the day comes that re- pairs are often necessary it'is the part of wisdom to replace the old machine with a new and modemn one. This is what we have done this month. The old Eclîpse f older that has done excellent service f or many years has been replaced by the latest'improved No. 2 Mentges Newspaper and Period-. ical Folding Machine installed by The Toronto Type Foundry Company. This f olding machine enables us to insert two or four pages extra and is equipped with a trimmer that cuts the pages and turnu ont a nlcely f old- ed newspaper. It il only a f ew months ago that we installed a new five thousand dollar Mergenthaler Linotype or typesetting machine, so that The James Publishing Hlouse is being kept up-to-date in the matter of equipment and facilities for turm- ing out printing with ."neatnesa and despatch". A TOWN SUPERVISOR The Town of Walkerton has a paid Supervisor and the Walkerton Tale- scope speaking of him says -_"When the Town Council appointed a cap- able gupervisor last year at $1,500, somo people thought it was 'too much' The expérience of the one year1 proved to anybody who was in touch with the, .facts, that the. town neyer got better value for any dollar it ever spent than it did for Supervîsor Scherer'a aalary. It meant a great deal to the town to have a capable man on the job last sammer when so mach important construction work sach as the storm sewers were being put down, and we have no doubt the~ Supervisor will ýe a valuable asset to the town the coming year in con- nection with the pumpffingstat.lon Order now. WE ARE NOW SELLING Best Manitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, 'etc. Always best quality and right price. CHOPPING AND CRUSH4ING We are, prepared to do ail kinds of chopping and crushing on short notice. Prompt motor delivery to Bowmanvilie and Oshawa. CHAS. rHORN POULTRY NEWS Without a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town Including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash FuI-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-0 Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and Hen Charcoal Qyster Sheil, Grit, Baby Chick Grit Lowest prices at ail times and special prices for large quantities. PIIONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE To corne to rny store and select your meat per- sonally? Then use the phone-225-and your orders will be attended to just the same as if you stood in front of our counter. It dosen't make any difference whether you live in the country or town. the meat prornptly. We see that you get Why Not Try The Dudley Meat Shop? 1~ 1 EXTRA GOOD Direct from the growers at Essex, free from diseaseand of good germinating quality. Al the leading varieties.

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