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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 3

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Are You Prepared FOR THE GREAT WHITE SEASON? If There is Anything in White Shoes You Require WE HAVE IT Ilere are a f ew of our leading'lines: Sport Oxford-White with Black Trim. 2-Strap Sport Shoe-White with Brown Trim. i .Strap Buckle-IRlapper. 3-Strap Buckle-Cuban Heel. -SalIy Sandie-Lo'Uis Heel. i-Strap Button-Cuban Heel. White Oxfords-Rubber Heel and Cushion Sole. Men's Oxford or Bal-Sport. Also a full range of Children's Canvas Shoes. The Coii,,Peila d ho Stor BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO "yessr I Drive a Focrd.," -Why? Weli principally because'it takes me when I want to go, agndbrings me back-every tirne! Its ail car-no fancy frills-and it gives reail value, for my money. In case something does go wrong? Pshaw'! I have Chadburn Motor Co. to fail back on for ser- vice and three other places of the same standard. CH'qADBU"RN MOTOR Co. Oshawa Service stations: Hately Garage, Bowmanville, E. C. Hoar, Newcastle, H. Cowan, Orono. J. M. Howland, Sales representative, Bowman- ville, Hately garage or phone 158 or 44. How's You.-r attery Pulse 'Today? IF it is low, let us precribe the right tonie. No matter iwhat make of battery you have ini your car, corne around to us. Our job is to keep your battery in commission. You will get an honest expert diagnosis, of it, and a real recom- mendation of what to do.1 1 At the right time, you will find it to yonir advantage to exchange the old battery for a new Prest-0-Litc. There is a correct size battery with Prest-O-Piates for ail makes of cars. Pull up where you se this sign Prest-O-Plates, the great- est sdvance in battery mak- ing; the plates o! unusual hardness, combined with pe- culiar porosity; plates with quick deiivery of power in cold westher, and great non- buckling, heat - resisting strength in suiÉnmer. Drive around and get our diaguosis. It is free. F.. W. KIRKENDALL Temperance-st. Bowmanville THE OLDEST SEIRVICE 10 MOTOLUSTS The f 100 percent. Canadian Battery BOWMANVILLE, MAY 25th, 1922. BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT Annual Meeting at Newcastle. The annual meeting of Bowman- ville District (Methodist) was held in Newcastle Methodist Church, on Wednesday, May 17th, There was a large attendance of ministers and iaymen, each circuit beîng fully represented. Rev. S. C. Moore, B. A., B. D., Chairman of the district presided with1 Rev. G. T. McKenzie, Secretary. Whie some of the reports present- ed do not show %large increases in the various departments of the1 church work, yet altogether they1 clearly indicaýe that the congrega-i tions have held up well under the4 prevailing strenuous times.1 Spe ciai attention has been given throughout the district to intensify t h e s p irit u l lie o f th e p e o p le ; a n d 1 pole are howig a keener interest in tegetwork o! the church. The Sunday Schools, the Epworth Leagues and, other young peopie's work show marked improvement. A considerabie increase in church mernbership was reported. The finances of the churches are in a fairiy healthy condition, some de- partments showing increases. it is thought that the people have done weli to hoid up under the trying con- ditions o! the past year. Ris brethren regretted the absence of their worthy and weli beioved, 'Rev. W. C. Washington, M. A., through iliness, and the following resolution was unanimously carried: Moved by Rev. E. A.TLonkin, sec- onded by Rev. W. S. P. Boyce and heartily supported by Rev. W. H. Spargo, and resolved, that we express our-deepest sympathy with our dear Brother W. C. Washington, M. A., in this bis protracted iliness, and we pray that he may be sustained by that ab ounding grace and truth which he has preached to others throughout theTmany years of a long and success- fui ministry. Carried by a ýstanding vote. A resolution expressive of kind re- gards and weli wishes to Rev. E. W. Tink, B. A., B. D., was also4 passed. Rev. Mr. -Tink, at the end of this year is asking to be left without a station for a short time, that hie may assume a special position on the place of the Chicago Evangelistic Institute. Rev W. T. Wickett of Tyrone, was elected to the Conference Sta- tioning' Coinmittee. Rev. W .S. P. Boyce of Courtîce, was named as ai- ternate. Next' annual meeting Wiil be held in Orono. Conferences delegates were eiect- ed as foll.ows: M. A. 3James, F. C. vanstone and J. A. Holgate, Bowmianviiie. J. W. Borsberry, O. M. Alger, A. R. Goyne, J. Baie, H . Lynch, Osh- awa. R. E.- Osborne, R. P.. 2, Bowinan- ville. F. G. Kerslake, Hampton. A. L. Pascoe, R.. R. 1, Hampton. W. - J. S. Rickard, R. R 4, Bow- mnanville. John Stewart, Kendal. Thos. Smith,- Orono. H. G. Macklin, R. R. 6, Bowman- ville. J. A. Werry, R. R. 1, Enniskillen. J. G. Marlow, Biackstock.- Alternates eiected were: A.l E. Rundie, R. R. 2, Bowman- W. G. Rundie, R. R. 4, Bowxnan- ville. J. J. Bruce, Nestieton Station., S. Jose, Newcastle. A. Jackson, Kendal. WESTERN WEDDING MacKay-Stoclc, The marriage of Miss Lilian May Stock, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. A. C, Stock, Gidden, Sask., formerly of Tyrone, Ont., and Mr. George Mac- Kay formerly of Tiverton, Ont., was soleninzed at 8 P. m. on Wednesday, April 26, at the home of the bride, iu the presence of about twenty guests, Rev. J, Lyali of Glidden, officatîng. The bride who was given iu mar- niage by bier father iooked charming in a gown of white georgette with bead trimmiug and veil and carried a bouquet of carnations, hyacinths and f ern. The wedding march was played by Miss Irene' Farreli, cousin of the bride. During the signng of the register Mrs. A. C. Hayden sang "Perfect Love" accompanied by Miss Farrell. Aer h eeoyteget a llnsurancel Agency. Ail lines, of FIRE, LIFE,j ACCIDENT, SIC-ýKNESS, AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN- TEE, Edith V. Scobeli, 2nd door ýwst 'Of the 4B;g 20p, Bowmanville Ontair4o., f Paeonies Large Roots. Fine varieties. 40e each Best varieties, 60e Dozen Shruhs, Fruit trees, Per- ennials, Gardens Planned and Planted. Delivered in town Brookdale Nursery Co. Phone 7 Bowmanville One of the Few Investmens That Can't Go Up in Smoke is Fire Insurance Fire insurance is an investmneut that protects your investments. It pays a bigger percentage o! profit than any other kuown lu- vestmeut. . We wili tell you al you want to learu about insur- ance o! ail kinds, TORONTO DURHAM BOYS CLUB Resolution of Sympathy Passed to Mrs. W. H4. Elliott and Family. The last meeting o! the Durham Club for this season was held at the new home o! Dr. aud Mrs. Freuk C. Trebilccok, 4ý Kilbarry Road, on Tuesday evening, May 16th. Dr. J. L. Hughes, the Presîdent, occupîed the chair. There was a large attendance, and it proved to be one of the best meetings of the year and ail the meetings thisseason have been reaily good. Those taking part in the program were: Mrs. Groves, Miss Sloane, Miss Thomas, Miss, McGhie, Miss Milis, Miss Tamblyn and Mrs. Mar- Iow who read a very comprehensive report o! the Pan-American Confer- ence o! Women recently held in Baltimore, Maryland. Ahl regretted the absence of' the genial secretary, Mr. Thomas Yellow- lees, who was not well enought to, at- tend. Also with very deep sorrow ail missed our late member Inspector Walter H. Eiliott, M. A., who died since our last meeting. This resolution o! sympathy- with Mrs. Elliott and family was moved by Dr. Jas. L. Hughes and seconded by Prof. John Squair, M. A.-Re- solved that the members o! the Dur- ham Club express their deepest sym- pathy with Mrs. Elliott and the other members o! thÏe f amily o! the late Walter H. Eiliott, M. A., Public School Inspector, in the great loss they have sustaîned by his death. In- spector Elliott was one o! the most notable_. sons o! Durham County, aud the members of this Club, in common with ail the people of the county o! his birth, wish to express their pride in the great work he achieved for Canada, as an educationai leader. But there are special reasons wby the members o! the Durham Club will mourn his unexpected death-he was one o! the most regular members in bis attendance at the meetings of the club. He was ever a willing and intelligent worker on important committees o! the club, and his courtesy and consideratiou for others made him a welcome comràde at ail the Club assemblies. Ris ad- dresses were niodels-admirable in thought; and in definîte and beautiful expression and clear delivery., They were always interesting snd instruct- ive. The members o! Durham Club ex- tend to Mrs. Elliott and her family their sympathy and hope and con- gratulate them on the privilege they so long enjoyed o! loving f ellowship wîth so true a man; snd assure them that the ýmemories o! Mr. Elliott as an unselfish friend, a worthy citizen, and an able leader will help to make life more joyous for the members o! the Club. Thanks to the host and hostess and to ail those taking part in the pro- gram were moved by Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., and seconded by Rev. J. C. Wilson. This brought one o! Most successful meetings and also seasons to a close. Whitby tax rate*is 39.7 milis. The Government has taken over the Whitby to Lindsay road, VETERINARY, DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGE ON. Day or Night Calîs Promptly Attended To. Office, King-st., W., StatesmanBloek, Bowmanvilie. Phone 243. It pays to buy direct1 from the growers. S. J. Jackman,& Sons Fiorisàts and Growèrs Phono 80 UBwmýavilIe YOU can compare your jams( jellies withl any others-youi wilI corné first with honoi every time - if, you use the Ceri method. Everything For The, Gard en Plants and shrubs of al kinds. A visit to our green- houses wvill please you. ,rs Just the proper amount of fruit and sugar-boil one minute and add Certo-that's al,. 'to The fruity flavor and delicate color is not boiied away or destroyed but stays in, giv- îng the most delîcions jani or jeiiy y7ou ever tasted-just the rigbt consist- ency. It's realiy sud truly a revela- tion-and so very easy to accomplisb. Try the Certo way. You wiii suc- ceed the first and every time. Free bookiet o! recipes with every At your groce-r a. How to mnake deliejous Pineapple Jam 4 level cups (2 lbs.) Crusbed or Chopped fruit, 8 ieveled cups (31/2 lbs.) Sugar. 1 bottie (scant cup) Certo. Use fuliy ripened fruit for finest fiavor. Put prepared fruit through food chopper, or chop fine. Measure crushed or chopped fruit into large kettle. Add sugar, mix weii, stir bard a-id con- stantly, and bring to a vigorons houl over hottest fire. Boi1 bard 1 fu minute witb continuai stirring. Take froni fire, add Certo, and stir it in weii. Skîmn, and pour quickiy. Douglas Packing Co., Limtited, Cobourg Beiling Agents: W. G. Patrick & Co., Limited, Toronto sunMstea a New c nrsole Models priced from 4n0u Uneualedquality in your jams and jellies You pump over a ton of water every day. Your -wie carnies over two thoussnd-heavy pails of water every year.t My Toronto Wîndmill will do away with ail that drudg-ery. It provides a supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- room, or garden., It gives you wster for your stock withoult tine iost or effort expended Torouto Windmill initial cost is low. Its upkeep-oniy an occasiosal oiling.1 >Quiet, cheap, powerful-the time and labor save4I wil pay for itself in a single season, with continuai comfort thrown 1nn Corne ini and talk it over, next time you're In town. It w-ilt pay you. CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker, Phone 350-13 Hampton~

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