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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 4

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IL4iu4c b2I 9 assist at ovonîng *ervice. Spca24hay! June,' 1922, the eaid Cornpany >4 14.' v e 1V14.UIlIi, .YJ 42 b 5 b2l.2eThank-offering -will ho taken. on l poedtdirbe the Cornpany of Price $1-.95 to $3.00 I Monday, May 29, at 6 p. ni. a Loague the Company, and the Comnpany wiil net BRUNSWICK BAKERS FAIRY ganie of Football will ho played_ be responsible to any creditor of the Ceim -_______________________ Bewmanville vsi Solina. At 8 p. Mi. ganofwse c ainyte a netyhv SRIes DIAMOND a play will ho givon by the young naid Company at th. tllneof *ffch dis- CHCDLAE SOAP people of the neighborhoed enttled tibluîodn.lh 2hdyo ue 82 "omo Ties". Musie will ho render- 1W, R. ,Allun, -%U 7 /zced by Mrs. (Ca Pt) J. B. NealBo-secretary o!fgala Company. chuîdren 20c. Pelioto1ndCmpn PHONE83' M'AINISTERS AND CHURCHES '_was hield at the home of Miss Grace COURTICE ENNISKILLEN ANNIVERSARY GIRLS' BASEBALL TEAM- _________ ~re(wir, Tuesday, May 16th. The meet-____ ____ ____ ,t. Johî's Chiurch, Rector C. P. Muir- Mrs. c. ives. Lesson, Psalm 25 was Miss Mary Carter, Peterboro, le vis- Sunday, May 21 wa8 Anniversarýy day Ebenezer girls; have rgned a base- Id. O)rganist, Mrs. John A. Gunn. read by Miss Minnie Webber. A short iting Mrs. Frank Jackson .... Mise Wil- of Enniskillen Co-operative, Sunday bail teain witb these ofilcers: .ýCaptain- ,rnday after Ascension Day. 8.00 a. m. program followecl consisting of a in liamson, Pontypool, visited ber sister, School, and proyed to be the very best Mary Found; Manager-Mrs. A. J. Gay; I Epoly Communion. '11.00 a. m.-Morn-stuenadetbMiesFonc Mer- Miss Clara Wifliamson. on Sunday ..since the war. Sec.-Treas.-ar Brown; Coach-ÀIen g Faye. .30p.m.-undy ebol.rs a duel D sea ocloe by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Flintoif, Har- Services were conducted morning and Penfound. The girls would 1ke te play 0. n.--Evenlng Song. Preace-Miîss Janey Mason; a reading by Miss miony, spent Suuday at Mr. Fred Flin- evening by Rev. R. P. Bowles, M. A., other country teams. Officers' set. of Safçe; a e ~co.Mrs. (Çapt.) J. B. alel -VestaSar;intuealsobyMs tof's...Misses Ethel and Dorothy D. D., Chanceler of Victoria University, other teams requested. Address Misseua MtditBerniece Bagueli. Regular quarterly tea Brooks, Toronto, Miss Marjorie Sprent- Toronto. Morning service was held in Mary Brown, Bowmanville, R. R. 3. was served. Meeting closed with the nal, Oshawa, visited at S. S. Brooks' the ciurc~ien teachers, etc.. oc- ovego h MtoitMsso iphBeeito..r the week-end..Miss Dorothy cnpied choir loft and platform. Chan- Nature has p eetng f he issonCirle izah eneicion Boyce, Trenton, visited at the Parson- cellor Bewles spoke te the youngýer mem- _________________________________________________age .... Miss I4abel Brown, Peterboro, bers upon the friendliness, sympathy, Harrison Het Sp. Mrs. Warden Brown, Oshawa, were and pure-mlndedness of Jees, exhorting ..I ial effective in guests of Miss Mabelle Walter ...Mr. them te develop wltbîn tbemselve the uS<*L I Haradsi P Frank Walter left May 111h by motor on mind which was in the Master. Hi n kns afilve menthe' trip via Chicago, through ln the evenlng the large tent was pack-ths the Western Provinces for John Mackay ed te ovenflowlng. Members of the Sun- ths ngredientçý Co. Bowmanville, advertising "Cream ef day Scboi sat on the piatform. After ethi n cl Earley". Mr. John Hoppe accompanied opening services and report by Superin- Nuou rish nienlt ethi n c ~ ~Jk L ~~~fltO .o til il ...Mrs. A. R. Gaud, Bowmanville, tendent Mr: J ÂA.Werry of the year's Apoietmdciateiytebfln rb spent afwdy ihhrduheMs work lu the S. S., Chancellor Bowles de- Morley Wilkins. Ilvered another masterful addnees on Dandruif, sea ZION home. He said: "If a boy ls net a read- sae httepeetdymto er at 12 yeans of age he neyer will be of preparing foods destroy,% the Annivermany season bas started. Mr. . A.T titn' teddEuikle The einging by the school reflected nutritive elements, wiýh result Sunday, Mr., J. G. Langmaid's the Base great credit on Mr. H. Stainton tatndd e ak ia Lineand n, A D. thers wbo assisted lu training them. eeg cee Methodist. Oshawa ... . Mis Hla Special mention ls due Messrs. W. Moor- mines into the system. Langaidsan atBaseLneannveraryey, P. Werry, and M. Stainton, who rend- Sunday evening service.... .Mr. A. T.erdretastncwihhervone VITAMINES Staitonle raiing he chol . and Miss Gladys Stainton, organiet. Col- ing for anniversary morning. Mrs. Th<os. lections over $35, the largest ever ne-TeS Martin le training the choir for the even- ceived. th________a e ti nutritive life-giving, Ti > lu~~~~s service.... .Mise Ford ha. returued teooybidn otoso od Toronto after vlslting ber sisten Mrs. T. TYRONE bedebilinaprton etfod Martin. .. .Mr. Northcott visited hie nep- that are necessary te preduce Prinnl hew, Mn. Bert Northcott. Visitons: Mns..E. Prout, Hildaad goeat and bidfr lfalling hair and si Viiosàn.adMsm.Tik r Bessie, Providence, witb frieude; Mr. andMr. lcery Obaaat oh Bl-and Mrs. J. J. Virtue and Mise Laura, but science has overcome the de- baylxry ani son's, Mr. Russel Stainton and Miss Hampton, at Mr. W. S. Staples' ;Mr. and Florence Cameron at Oshawa: Miss Elva Ms rn enPryadMnoficeney by evelvin Pascoe at Mns. W. J. Lanzmaid'e. Oeh Slm iéI .Jus apo,.t Na iaieTbesKRENh awaandattnded annlversary; Mr- and Mr. Jas. Hodgson's; Mrs. F. L. Squair Mn.W.SleyadMsnud.Oh.sd Mr. Lawrence Squair, Salem, at Mn, these resuits. TI wa, at Mr. Jas. Sulley's, Mrs. Richards, M. J. werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Vir- They contain yeast, in concen-nesttefa. 5, ~~~Oshawa, at her daughter's, Mrs. John tue, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. FIudlay, Mr. and estth a. Baison. ~~~~~Mrs. Otto Virtue in Toronto; Capt. E.tae frnc bidwthre Hareton, Camborne, at the Parsonage; and other valuable tonicadar Mr. W. J. S. Ruudle and Grace, Bowmian-anar KOREEN is ENNISKILLEN ~~~~~~~~~~ville, Mr. M. Wight and Mr. and Mrs. ýJ.reomne fr dedelp.fryu;ndwi ENNISKILLEN ~Wight at Mrs. A. E. Wigbt's; MisesrCmeddfrudrdveo- fryu nw - Vi~~tor5: ~Mary Long bas returned te ber people in Ment lack of weight, and unsigit- cl ndbat -and Mrs. Hays, Hiampton, at Mrs. John ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Curtis, Hampton, ly skintruls Pyes; issGrace Trewin and Miss Rilda Mr. Bruce Hloneywell, Toronto, 'at Mns..raiz Siemon, D.Slemon and family, Bow- W. R. Clemens'; Mrs. F. G. Byam and PRICE $1.00 We are-, now showing a fil sotet of Heir- f manville, Mn.. Thos. Slemon and Mn. Ban atMn. F. L. Byam's and Mn.. L.Dirjueby lomPlate ini the Devonshire design,, which CewiHayon, M and .adMr.. H. ÀnTre- ooper's; Miss Mary Richarde atMn. stiueby winHayonandMr.and rs.H. n- as.Soucb's. Bowmanville; Mns. Richard lOteom eÉincfbeuyan odtaste. -. ie .1 Mn. oh Slemon'e; Mn. and Mn.. Woodiey and Clarence in Toronto; Mn. is th perectin of eaut andgoodRu ss'Il Omso and Mjiss Verna and and Mne. Jas. Soucb, Bowmauville. with K rik H IT We cordially invite you to corne in and examine this siIv'erware Mas",ter Keith at Mn..1-H. J Werry's; Chan- fiende;' Much eympatby le expressed teqe sa e" bIT celleor Bowles of Victoria Cellege, Ton- Mn. Ed. Virtue lu tbe 10e. by deWth of -which msbe exam-in.d and weighed to be fufly apreciated. )lc,:tlr egsns r o e-hsbohr r hre ite nTr ber anaI Misses Minnie, Ada and Ethel ente. This makes the third out o! the8" o br To grace yourow table or for gifts, we recommùend Heirloom ebber, BeowrnviUIe, gl Mn.. Wm. Hier- family wîthin feunteen mo......... Mns../ ring'.; Miss Gertrude Oke and MssWiso, neSEatonyreCl Laverne Criffin, towu, at their homes,' umbia, who bas net been lu ber nativeIfyu r ch2t.cmbvtt inl Dec.Mn. and Mn.. Fred Heddon and objîdren village for over 30 years, i. calling on old Poo4 omnil csa wbttesnepee.at ber father's, Mn. John Orchard; Mn. fniende. Clad te see ber..Anniversany Poe4 omnil and Mn.. Richard Siemon. Mn. and Mrs. services eof the Sunday Scbool were a sol i B w an *le yMilten Slmen, Ilaydekn aMisdMJtiec n-decided succese. Iu th. menning Capt. We have a nice assortment of rnl BowmanvîIe by ibenMen. HeknadJc Smith E. HarAton, Camberne, gave a sermon- aud M. Nelson Smith, Enfield, Master etet heby udgrson"h "Waterman Fountain Pens", yet-aerosBnktn t The.Tap", te whicb ail gave rapt attention, i % w-Slemen'e; Mn. and Mn.. Edwin Ormis- arter wbich he preached especially te the_________________ MWX.ton and children, Bnfield, and Miss Win- eugpelan"evc".Cp.Hn- _____ A L! 1LLL1O J nie Ashton, Toronte, at Mn. E. C. Ash -oungspeolesom"eie".srvce eveHrsa- teu'S; Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Mewry and and i. acquainted with the varions ex- cauhidrn ndM. Mise Mwnd Pter periences oe! 1f..Hie li. a lever ef yeung beilr, atensisr'., Mn , y ~et Her- people and i. now President o! thé Win- Watch akerJeweer Enrave 'sor, Mn. eandisMrs. J.J. V rtu -dter School, Cobeurg, and hie presence _____________________________________________________ Mies Laura Virtue, Miss Saller and Mnr. l swe nisiaio. Slni Peters, Miss Manjenie PascoeHpo, reperts were given by the, Secretary, an MsesLvenead Hlampte Holward Brent, by Treasurer Clinten Big-N U S U A L andMisesLaenn ad EvaOrchard at 1ew and Missionary Treasuner -Master Jm.Tes.n fmily's;M. and Mn. . . . emHean, shewing giviugs $10677. MissNSU'e Y-7James and fsmon, Mn. and iMrs. Geo. W. Evelyn Brent sang wih ged vice " The A m e r s d so , Be lvîe' at M . J. H emneland", and the ' il Try C a ." gave A. Wenry's.ttt r t 1ILsweet music. In the evenig e. W. T, Wicketlteeok charge ef the service tak- ing fer bis theme "Thou shaît leach tbem diligently", Deut. 6:7. Mn. A. W. Annis zmHAMPTON assisted in the service thanking the RE D theun BU Y"" peeple for standing by bull sO ioyally lu e t E Visitons: Mn. and Mns. Geo. Edger and his lahen e! leve. The echeel rendened family, Oshawa, ai H. Wllcox's, Jr; Mn. geed music assL.sted by oun orchestra with Miss Velma Stapies as pianiet.A We hav just eceive sevealRvareties f f. Base Lin. witl cartel by Messrs. H. M. Collacett, A. H. We ave jus reelvd sverl vrieies of er aretsMr.andMn.. A. Tnenouth; n, B. P. Gardiner and W. S. Stapjes Mn. and Mn.. J. B. Hern and family, as aise mucb enjeyed. Proceede over Peterbene, aI C. Hemn'.: Mn. Will G a $125..Conlesl en Canada wIll b. given FinlRD AN " .A N D S. TIMO HY A D CL VER EEDSand friend, Toronto, aI bIs beome; Miseat League ThunsFday. Corne. TIM TH A D LO ERSE DSLillian Willlamsn andgir_______Tor which we are selling at greatly reduced prices Torno with bis parent,, Mn. and Mrs.  MGthe abto lokn frou'w k- d 9 ~~~~~~~~~Thes. Welsh: Mn.. C. Coedman withSAE ethhaioflkîgor-u wken friendeý in Tenonte: Mns. Lorne Robbins. ldsalor rs ewS MANGEL AND RAPE SEEDS Vinlue; Mn W. Ilockin. Torontt,with Anniversary servýices will bého o cue aloi rshnw rngadsm e bis family ber.; Mn. C'ordon Montgemery on Sunday, May 28th at 2.30 p. m., Why say more, values speak louder than wor smllsed, and friend, Pont Ferry, at Mn. E. Trcll's; when the S, S. -will furnish a nmsi- come for the greatest dollar's worth you hav( e have a splendid assortment of s alsed, Miss. inni Horn 'and Miss Ida Jouescaprgni ntle "Vsos f ,.so Dutch sets and Multiplier Onions. Mns..Jas. Curtis with friends aI yroe Youth", with ant address by Rev. A. pitd Quite a number fnom ber. attended the K. Edmison of Orono. At 7.30 annivensany services at Enuiekillen on Suuday; Mn. Rey Step)hensanfied p. mi. Rev. Mr. Edmison will preach Nuw IS, THE îuIMEo adfred Tenoto, at Mrs. Cee. Stevens'; 0cr lad- when the school will again prov'ide les allended lb. W. M. S. Ceuvention aI the music. Collections and sub- Fc,,r yu t gie teseyourspeialattntin a we Orone en Tuesday last and report a geod For ou t gie thse yur pecil atenton a we convention. Miss Beatrice Leach, Zion. 'seriptions in support of the, school.G r c r are giving them ours. S Nvisit:d ber sister, MrMi.ssLEGRVE vs- 12lb raulte ugreRepthshor F low. Aflen finiebing a qulît that had C.M AI TI .E been patcbed by eue o! oun honornry M$ .L, Stevens, eeýoo W 1 b rnltdSgr ept' o i C ,M&AK R ù e' members the followng officene were elecî t Ptroo ed: Preidet-Mre. C. W.* Souci 1,îet ed lber brother-in-law, Mr. R~. R.79 ~UTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE Vice do-Mrs. T. Sykes; 2nd Vice d- Stevens on Sunday ... . Mr. and Mrs. Bro s4stigkpca at e hA 3UTC ERS nd G OCE S BO MANVLLE Mn.. S. Bates; Secretany-Treasuren-.H. G. Freeman and family spent Sun- Bro s 4srng pcila 4cec Mn.. C. J. Kerslake; Cornespond gSec-A ______________________________________relary-Mrs. J. C. Berne; District irect- day with hie brother, Mr. E. IR. Fe- FehBl ae,2Isfr2c en-Mre. C. W. Seucb; Branch Directore: Man, Whitby... League meeting in IoyadPl W sigSa,5br _____ ~~~~~~Miss J. Knox, Mn.. A. E. Jenuinge, Mn.. charge of 3rd Vice, Miss Viola Stei- Joyad oo W sigSa,5br L. Allun, Mn.. R. Kuex; District Repre- senlatives-Mrs. W. W. Hern, Mn.. A. ens and "Busy Workers Class". Bible for 25c Seý Trenoulb ýMn.. C. J. Ken.lake. Next reading, Edna Swallow; chorus, Clas meeting in Bungalow on Thurday, June Topic, "The Gospel Leaders",Mrs earen s Jefly Powders, assorted ing Xlaeniet od rte attend.expected. Alw.j Ane n a tB edpnA"na. J. Snowden; duet, flAvrse and. )o in on Stoâ%resàLb Lt u Mrand Mrs.Clifford Peters and Susie Laird; reading, Contîieo Seward CoePue, b o 5 CANADAS LARGÈST RETAIL GROCERS spent Sunday week t Mr. John Col- was enjoyed t the close .... A nun- Tip Top Salmon, large tins, 2 tins 35c bc, will'sber froni here attended Base Lino SYSTEM GIVES YOU THE BENEFIT 0F EX..anniversary on Sunday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SYSTM 1GIVS YU TE BEEFI OF', Xý-SOLINA ECDBUYING IN LARGE QUANTITIES MnNevlWte .reundhm OPTOMETRY Mr.___________h;"_______hoeR.MMTCHLLD ry G o< UENCED ~~from Bowmanvile Hospital m ccli im- R M T H asevere attack of rbeumati.m. miss Registered By Examination Specializ Lena Taylor was home ever Sunday..ininerroferainad strvelùo peae ui'cu om rsWkncoiusysevie ridaiy wltb District Representative Pat- cular Imbalances. Latest Methods, Màadras, Cream, White and colored, f lerson e! Pont Hope.... .Mrs. S.'E. Werny Modern Equipment.fo md! the best and freshest grocerîes at the lowest and Mraster George were at Toonto Frj- Offce-.M icel&C'.D~ agn rm2e~o$ 6 ~ d possible, prices. Mr. H. Scott motoned tbern up ... Store W Mrs. S. Bush visited aI Toronto and Mn.. Bownianville Ont. 36 ini Chintz, in large range of shades S. Sbontridge and Audreyvisîted at 2 adptenSeila 9y ze, w ll be -nemoveandfromtSelinaDeandla_________ Phone Adel. 292 Irggist cannot supply yeu, wrilte direct PRICE $1.50 POSTPAID VALUES id House ;ATURDAY suecials each week. This event in- stock only received a short time ago. tds. Compare these values then ve ever received-you'll not be disap- ies nest Scratch feed for Chickens, 10 lbs 35C -pple, Strawberry, Raspberry and 'eengage Jams, large jar 23c each eed Corn, ail the best varieties, rang- ig from $1.50 to $2. 10 per bus. )0 boxes left of assorted fiower and )mato plants, ýchoice vàriety at 20e per Ix. ods ireular Pillow Cotton, regular 6-5c, )r 55c per yd 7hitc Huck Towels, regular 45e for 35e each 3inch Satin Table Damask, regular 1.50 for $1.19 per yd inch Pure Table Linen, regular $4.00 )r $2.39 per yd 5inch Bleached Factory, regular 29e r 19c: rtment [en's Fine Heather Cashmere Socks' 50c per- pair 7e have a fine range of Men's and )ys Straw Hats for working at 25c each ave you tried the New Hatchway No utton Athletic Underwear at $1.50 [en's Factory Boots, medium weight, Special $3.50 per pair [en's Fine Box Caîf Oxfords, $5.95 per pair I n"lu' c- Co.,Ltd. BOWMANVILL rd Your Hair-llealth Provided in the sands adjacent to the fanions rings of British (Jolùmbia, ingredients pecul- Sthe treatment of scalp and skin diseases. pecialists and skilled chemists, have combined with new compounds, and evolved the great- I treatment ever, conceived-KOREEN. calp irritation, and falling hair are ne longer Aetas they were once. DPREtEmN Scientific Hair and Scalp Troetm*zu. yeradicates dandrauf. Stops irritation and ;timulates the hair and scalp te an amazing new id health. as proven unquestionably that it accemplishes Thousands of cases already bear eloquent wit- sGUARANTEED te accon-plîsh these thÎnga hin a short time amaze yen with a healtb ef yof hair yen have always desired but neyer E RIMMER SALES CO., LTD. rd St., Toronto 1

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