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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 5

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Whcn didfq ths rat apl district look G et rid of Rheumratism. Use 0. R. ~ Kidney Tonic. It is o. k. '75c Sat A. L. Nicholls', Bowmnanviiie, or Post paid fronm Theê 0. R. Medicine Co., Richmond Hill, Ont, 20-4* BowmuanviL'] Wom en-'s Institute will hoid the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. John Morris, Beech Avenue on Friday, May 26, at 3.00 p. M. Eleetion of offcers and gen- eral business. AU members attend. Lawn P Screen Window also Ha: Mason &, DaIý Phone 145 p I y '4 ji A.Ti Lake Stq Having disposed of r this opportunity of thank eral support they have same support wilI be ext( my successor, whom I re< Mr. Pawson, will ca: ies, ice cream, milk, sum Watch fo ARC-HI] Grocer More B At Edmo PORK & 3 tins:1 DRY SAI Regular 25e lb BREAKFAI iRegular 40e lb. Largest 'variety of very appetizing. G. A.- Edm One door east of Phone 21 E *e 44à- ARE YOU READY Fg Hot weather spoils and wast Refrigerator keeps food frehah with a Barnett. It pays for itsel FREE ICE-With each Bsa free 2 weeks' ice. REFRIGERATO]R WILLIAM5 Undertaloir & EmbaIu-.r Bowmanvili. by auction at the iatter's residence, R S FROM $16.75 UP Concession st., Bowmarivmie, a quantityi o! housebonltifurniture anti effects ln- cu-,dinig Square piano, walnut anti oakI & A N ilnlng-room suites, walnnt bed-room, . i.A U E I E S & - A Nsuite, walnut UClnaaineok h (400 years olti) set !oiia eL HOECS HESO. bedroom furniture, etoyes, lampe,1 Oatarso cuirs, ice-cream froeeer. anti nurner- I Terme cash. Jas. lshop, auotIolleer.o ohratle. al tI.m. _____________________________________IL JThe Shop That Lead sI CARDS 0F THANKS LCAL AND OTHERWISE LS Mrs.HerertEdmod ad sns f Seera aricls ar hed oer.WATtH LOST-On Good Friday, Find- REHDER-In Bowmanvile, May 20, te dr. erbertoEdmand heran sons f eea tieclentarepldoro . M oS r please leave iniormation at Statesman Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rehder, a son. Salem, déiet hn hi ayfins Ra h xeln eoto .M .office. 20-tf BUCKLEY-In Clarke, May 11, to Mr1 and neighbors. for tlîeir kindness and convention at Orono. and Mrs. Louis J. Buckley, a son. sympathy during the sad bereavement ThIis Issue is priî.ted Tuesday-Wed- FLKOULTRYyM1 y19 e r nesay is Victoria Day. oLR and Mrs. J. D. Fluker, (nee Gertle Cox), Mrs. Louise Paterson is visiting ber a daugbter. (Joan Elizabeth.) Mr. John Morrow and sisters, sister, Mrs. Geo. t-lancock. Carke. DUCK EGGS FOR HATCHING-White Courtice, wish to thank al ueighbors Big furniture sale in Bowmanville on Pekins and Buff Indian Runners, first Satnrday, May 27 ati1 p. m. Go early. prIze birds. $1.00 a setting of il eggs. and friends for their kindness and Be sure t. send in nemes of Victoria Ira Pearce, Concession-st. East, Bowman- AR GÈ syptyto them in their recentsad Day visitors In time for our next issue. ville, phone 268. 18-1MARA S berampat adys o h eat- M.Fe .MCl ,NwYr iy EGGS FOR HATCHING-Ferris' Single CORDEN-LAMBERT-In Bowman- beeaemntan is fr hebeui- Mr 'e . MCug e ok Cit,0mb White Leghorns, 300 egg strain ville on Thursday, May 18, by Rev. L. E. fui floral off erings. . Y., has been visiting bis mother and $1.50 per setting of 13; $1000 per bund- Zavitz, Pastor of Chnrch of Christ, Mr. sister. red. 264 egg strain $125 per setting. $8 Harvey Williams Corden and Henrietta ___________________________- Mrs. W. E. Tilley who spent the winter per bundred. Utillty settlngs $600 Per Lambert, botb 0of Bowmanville. in Toronto, is vîsiîing ber son, Dr. A. 100. Wm. Moorey, Hampton, R. R. 1, WISE WILCOX-ln Bowmanville on T.Tle. Hosknnen1J9ck-Tor May 18, by Rev. L. E. Zavitz, Pastor of Mrs. R.T.Hsnad son Jc, o-Cbnrch of Christ, Mr. Cbarles E. Wise, onto, are visiting hier motber, Mrs. C. Oshawa, and Miss Ilazel M., eldest daugb- Wickett, ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilcox, Bowman- Mrs. Ira, Badgley and Mrs. Wilber WANTED ville. Clapp, Corbyville, were Sundlay guests of ___________________ Mrs. C. F. Rice. HELP WANTED-A respectable girl to Dr. Mabel V. Bray, Hlamilton, was help with housework. Apply to Box 62, Norwood Place, over Sunday.1 Messenger boy wanted, apply to In- Mrs. H. S. Freeman and Miss Christine formation Wickett. Goodyear Tire & HEZZLEWOOD-At Raglan, May 15, B. Freeman spent SWiday with Mr. and Rubber Co., Bowmanville. 19-tf James Hezzlewood, in bis 85th year. Mrs. E. R. Freeman, Whitby., WANTED-Girl to assist witb light OGDEN-In Ottawa, May 19, Orrin Qg- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mason spent the bousework, one who will sleep at home. den. Interred at Orono on Sunday. B tmnve r. C 21-ntfchAv. MUNSON-At Cobourg, May 19, Char- D o omsor eken hte rt uwm:nvffi Toron- ppineO0irspsiinas HnahEiabt iry eltfe D r a t. Mrs. Mason le staying tbis week. onil. les Muncon, Ex-M. P. Aged 66 years. Mr. Arcbie Tait bu. solti bis general POSITION WANTED-Chlnaman», ex- Mc TI-OCK-At Port Perry, May 11, Pawsn. So anouncmentin nothý pp OldRellbleLaundry, i-s-.FakMCntcnler5tya. colun. owmavile, -1 EMON -Nea SaemDarlington, on MissFloenc Carinton Mr Cecl Cpabe wmanwanted at oncefo April 22, Capt. J. H. W. Edmondi, aged qâqIlk 9% Henderson, Mr. Frank George, Smitled eneral bouse work. Two In farnily. Ap- 8yas omryo ubcCtQe and Miss Catherine E. Warnica, Brigbtonpl in person to Mrs. M. A. ,James68eafoeryfQuecCtu. D L UU C: A were guests at Rev. W. C. Waslîington's Centre street, BowmanVllle. 19tÏ FlIELD-At Woodlawn, Cobourg, May on Snda. WNTE-A oodrelabl ma te 21, John Pearse Fieldi, eldest son of the on undy. ANTD-Agooi rliale an O P- late Jobn CoUlard Field, in is 71st year. Drs. G. C. Bonnycactle and J. C. Devitt erate a Wildfire Battery Service Stati.on attended a joint meeting of tbe Canadian for Bowmanvîlle andi District. Appîy VI RTU E-On May 16, at St. Micbael'a andi Ontario Dental Associations in Tor- West End Auto Supply, Port Hope, Ont. Hospital, Toronto, Cbas. Virtue, dearly onto ast eek.21-3 beloved busband of Mary Selena Sproule, oThéast0e-evie enin is 50th year. Tbe20 e-sevie entreking from HOUSE WANTED MOISE-At Pickering, May 18, Melville m m o c k s ~~~~~Toronto to Ottawa passed through town Wanted to rent, bouse with ail cn aio osol o fJh ,at MmOcks ~~~~~~~~~unday afternioon and were treated toaVilMosDenlts2h arI- liheral lunch at tbe Fair groundis at ex- veniences, Wvtlling to paY good renit, Wiîiola oieDainbs2tyar - eof the corporation. lease if desired, good tenants. Apply te terment at Port Hope Union Cemetery. pense, Statesmian Office. 19-tf MUIR-In Alrnonte, May 22, Eva Me- Metbodîst Churcb, Rev. S. C. Moore, Keown, beloveti wife of James Muir, pub-. B. A., B. D., pastor. il a. r.-Testimony lisher of The Gazette, .Almonte, Ont. tbat counts. 7 p. m.-The decisive choice. Grand-daughter of Mrs. Thos.1 Creeper, 2.30 p m-Sunday School and Bible Class. Bwavle n itro r.MH 2 s Hardware T. W. Stanley, Choir director and organ- ARTICLES FOR SALE BowManvi, Osawda.trofMs..H ist. RICKABY-At tbe residenceofle son- Mr. and Mrs. Tbos. Newsome, Oshawa, Buckeye Brooder, 250 bot water egg In- in-law, Mr. James Stevenson, Montre, B wnnille announce the engagement of'tbeir only cubator; 120 Prairie State Brooder. Ap- Que.,1 on Saturday, May 20, Mg1r'y Ann Bowmani daughter, Greta Victoria, to Mr. Maurice ply to G. R. Parks, near G. T. R. Stationî, Dobson, widow of the late Jos. I1ikaby, G. Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowmanville. , 1-tf formerl'y of Lindsay, ageti 80 years. 1In- Hart, Osbawa, the marriage to take Threshing outflt, 1 grain. seperator, 1 terred in Bowmanville Cemetery on Mon- place in June. clover miii, 1 engine, tank and ensilage day. The editor bas received from President cutter. Apply Mrs. Ethel Wilson 229 Charles T. Paul an invitation to attend Garden Ave., Toronto., 19-aw tbe Annual Commencement exercises of CAR FOR SALE-Ford Car, 4 nearly The College of Missions at Indianapolis, new tires, mechanical condition Ia good TENDERS Indiana, on Wednesday, June 7 and fromn shape Big bargain for qulck sale. Ap- Miss Forrestine McFarland, Tbe Coin- ply te A. W. Pîckard, Bowmianville. 1-t For painting of Public Buildings in the mencement exercices o! Chagrin Falls, (Oblo-, High Schooi on Tbursday, June Town of Bowmanvilie, Specification îst. We regret that tbe distance is no 1. and information as to work may be had tend oet functions. he b delighted to at- POET O AEat Town Clerk's Office. great for we should Y ORSAETenders for came rmust be snbmitted not Bowmanville Methodjsts were pleased FOR SALE-Brick residence, 7 roome, later tban June 2, 1922. o re qu S o l d "The Master saitb, wbere le tbe guest PlnchDvo-t, Bowmanville. 1 5 t Chairman Public Property Committee. chamber?" Hlic message was a thought- FOR SALE-Brick cottage containing 6 2. fupractical presentation ofî the truth rooms, furnace anti electric igbts. lIard wihshoulti carry conviction to the anti sof t water in honse, good garden anti---- my tor atthel.-c.I Take heart of ail who listeneti. The choir fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen udrdirection of Mr. T. W. Stanley sang Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf TO LET anantbemn Miss Etina M. Fletcher tak- FARM FOR SALE-W. R. Clemeons' A GET RN-ApyoW.F -ing the public for the lib- ing the solo. Mrs. T. W. Cawker also farrn, locateti Tyrone, Ontario, 154 acres Ward, Bwavle 8t sang a solo with gooti effeot. 20 acres young orcbard; fali work tione 1-t given me and trust the The addres hy Rev. Ben H. Spenc4 in fall wheat sown. Possessionri at, once' FARM FOR RENT-112 acres gooti the interest oftbe Dominion Alliance in Atp ly Bruce Honeywelî, 60 Duke-st., Tor- lanti anti buildings, immediate possession the Opera House on Sunday evening con- onto, or pbone 194-r2, Bowrnanville. 52-tf ~p .C otoey saa 5t ,ended to Mr. H. Pawson tatined corne very practical anti timely HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-On tionTURtakeN-Ia in afwcttefrpsre suggestions re the present prohibitory middtle rond about two miles nortb of int aei e atefrpsue commend Most highly. law, its preserviition andtihte need of Bowmanville. Brick bouse containing 8 Any person wishing camne communicate every citizen of the Dominion continuing roins, woodcbed, etc. Gooti weîî, good witb me. lrwin R." Bragg, R. R. 4, Bow- to exercice vigilance anti uing ics or ber cellar, stable anti henhouce; 1 acre landi n&anville, phone 136-3. 21-t rryeveytinginfranchise to wipa out the manufacture, on wbicb are apple trees anti esmail fruit. ROOMS TO RENT-For summer, kit- ,rryeverthin ingrocer- exportation anti importation of spirituons Apply te Mrs. Jas. McDonaîd, Bowman- chen, dining room, itting anti bedroorns, liqîînrs. No one can afford toit down ville. 21-3 sultable for party of six or iess. Gar- imer drinks. and think the work is ahl done. Theagfo cr. Al t MisEm colos hy Mr: Chas. Russell were exceeding BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Tbree ang for ar. ew ApmPyrto Mis ma ly fine anti greatly enjoyeti. Mr. T.' W. !tefetbidiglt l ora vlle.ig Lkviw0amPrt wn Stanley acçomppnied hlm. Mr. John A. are being offereti for sale atý real bar- vle S isAdt.gains, situateti at the east entiof. Loyers FA RM TO R EN T-Between Oshawa hi dv.Hoigate presideti. Lane on iberty-st., 40 fi. front by 125 anti the lake. About 125 acres in excel- r.W.Coombe, Exeter, Visit- feet deep, handy cnctolttwnserilent state of cutivation. Ample builti- edold friends hecre last week. nti water. Apply to Normnar '.lB . g. Poîgatrpeetco.Fi Jamnes at Statesman Office, Bowýinanvîlle.1 possession Oct. lst or April lat. Apply to TAIT Wellington Lodge, No. 19, S. 0-.B-1 FOR SALE-Solti brick bouse, double G. D. Conant, Owner, Oshawa, Ont. 20-tf B. S., wili attend service in Church bouse, 7-roorne each aide, wt large gar-1 FARM TO RENT-South balves lots of Christ next Sunday at 11.00 a. M.tdens. 'A bargalti at $1600--$100ù cash, Tirty-otie anti Thirty-two, Fourth Con- Ilmavil balance finie;' aiso one large lot corner cession, Darlington, 200 acres, improveti B w a iîe Mrc. (Capt.) J. B. Neale will Sing. King andti Lberty-$400. oe large lot farrn landi. Plowing after present crop, We conratulate Mr. W. J. Bragg ormer Church anti Liberty-$800; one ful Possession Oct. lst., 1922. Apply to 99Y lot non Church St. east o! Lberty $190 G. D. Conant, Barrîster, Etc.,- Osbawa, IM. P. P.; on being elected President J. E. Cote, BowmanvlIe.1-t Solicitor for the owners. 0t of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Asso -____________________________________ ciation. Special this weer-20 Ladies' Suits are being put on sale to clear at haif- price and less at Couch, Johnston and ý cargainsnp à IL 1 We notice that our old townsman and friend Mr. Thoma.s Yeilowlees of Toronto, Secretary of the Durham R dstone'sOid Boys' Club, has been appoiated a Commissioner to the Presbyterian General Assemibly wbich meets in SOTN Winnipeg on June 7th. He will no LSOTN BEANS doubt be pieased to renew acquaint.. ance with any of the old Durham for 25e County f olk while.. in -the Gateway *T BACONCity. .T BACONAt a recent executive meeting of thsweek 22e the Chamber of Commerce a delega- this tien of local ladies waited on the ST B CONboard and discussed the question of lthis week 32c or of men who served in the world war. The executive piaceditself on eo0ked meats in town- record as being in favor of a memor- iai, particularly emphasizing a com- munity hall or park. Messrs. G. N. tl . Thurcton, J. D. Carruthers, C. A. P e a e F rH l*cy Cawker ivere appointed a committee to igvestigate cost and upkeep of .on"d stonej above mientioaed memorials and re- Headquarters fo raeliggod and sport pont at next meeting. igsos o ±v~îggos so, F. . M rri Go DALINT1 You have put off buyingy that Club Bag,. Trunk Congoleum Art Seal 3 x 9 ft Congoleum Art Seal 6 x9ft Congoleum Art Seal 7.6 x 9 ft Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 9 Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 10.6 Congoleum Art Seal 9 x 12 $ 4.98 $-9.00 $11.25 $13.50 $15-75 $18.00 S. W. Mason & Son Ladies' lReady-to-Wear and Dry Goods Phone106 Bowm~anviîIe Hats for Men WERE NEVER MOR~E COMPLETE AND ATTRACTIVE We are selling this year every variety of style. These hats are made up of the best rnaterials and it will be easy to flnd. a hat that becomes you andl looks welI with your summer attire and fits your head properly if you corne and select it here. STRAW HATS We are showîng the very newest and best in Straw Hats at prices in reach of all. Corne and bring your friends. $2.00 to $3.OO-Nothing Higher. G. . TURSTON Bowmanville's Up-to-date HaberdaàheryI and Fur Shop.I What Is A Bar-gaîn? Careful shoppers realize that low prices dôes flot always1not always make a bargain. Knlowing how true> this is we have set a high standard 'of value-giving for this publication.- "The best pos- sible quality at the lowest possible price" is the policy behind the Mason Store. That's why you can depend on finding good values here. TAFFETA.AND CANTON CREPE DRESSES, We have cornbed our regular stock of taffeta and canton crepe dresses to,,make this offer to the ladies of Bowrnanville. These dresses'are ah oef first class quality and workrnanship. The styles of the dresses are the very newest. The colors are Navy, Brown and Black., While they Iast at $18.75 Each SWISS ORGANDIE AND VOILE DRESSES Frorn the workshops of "Jeanette"- some people say they are made as well inside as out. They certainly are well finished with their "chic" Frenchy designs these Swiss Organdie and «V 'Je Dresses are reasonably priced from $7.50 to $19.50. Your Inspection ii lnvited. TAILORED AND FANCY VOILE WAISTS A new shiprnent of Voile Waists, tailored or in the popular overblouse effect. Wonderful de- signs, exquisite patterns priced frorn $1 .25 to $4.50 CONGOLEUM RUGS ,Congoleurn Rugys in all sizes, in aIl patterns, we have a rnost complete range at the rnost reason- able prices:

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