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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 May 1922, p. 6

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L.IIEUMATISM kheumatism and similartroubles ânvagiai'aiy yisid to this T.R.C.ls (Templeton's Rheunmatie Capa sules) treatmCnt. Maay ddctoWrs end many hun.dreds el drugglts 2 ýýom rcoast toaat wifl conllrm L.\i. tuth. Thh uidreds of tea-m tin .aiai lette. la euMWftles show tha.t b..C, ave scesul trêat.d theumzti.m1 , Lumb.ge NuI Seilatico.M"ad acte Rin- ïu your .mm exp«ee. Il r.uofer we waaty.tti htla -guamateed non.iJro reeyet ouri expense. Drug. M i.>lbGmae S., Toroato. Sold by Juty & Lovfl to Wotian Giv es ît to Lydia E. Pinkham's regetable Compound TVoronto, Ontario.-"I suffered wlth irregular pernds, was weak and ruai down, couid not ent j I and had headaches. The worst symp- f tcoms were dragging- I down pains, so bad 01 sometimes thought, I would go crazy, and 1 seemed to ho - cmotheing. Ivn ian thsconition 'for two or three yealrs and could not ceem to work. 1 -tnied ail kiads of m~edicin, -and bad been treated by physicj-ansu but received no benefit. 1 found one of your bookiets and faIt inclîined to try Lydia E. Pinkt- Iiamýs, Vegetable Cornpound. 1 re- cei'ved the best recuits from it and owI keep bouse and 'go out to work andý ' arnl-,ke a new, womian. I have mecor"pdedyonr Vegetable Comn- ponind tsiio friends and if these ta-cts will hielp corne poor woman, use therni as you please."-Mas. J. F. EASY,387 King St., West, BOWMANVILLE, MAY, 25th, 1922. RAILWAY LIME l1ABLE?, -i BOWMANVILLE. Grand Trunk Railway. Going Eau~. 1 Going West Express 8.42 a. m. d Express 4.22 a. m Express 10.38 a. m. d Express 5.25 a. m. daily except Monday Pass'ngr 1.23 p .m. Pass'ngr 7.06 a. m Pass'ngr 3.09 p. m. Express 10,02 a.m Local 6.49 p. m. Pass'ngr 2.02 p. m. Local 7.21 p. m. Pass'ngr,,7.18 p. m. Express 9.58 p. m. d Express 8.24 p.m Epress 11.49 p. m. d. Canadian Pacifie Railway Goîng East Going West Express 10.18 a. m. Express 5.47 a. m Pass'ngr 2.05 p. m.* Local 8.20 a. m* Epress 9.16 p. m.* Express 5.08 p. m Express'12.20 a. m. Local 7.00 p. m* *Daily except Sunday. C. B. Kent, Towin Agent. Canadian N;%tionaI Railway. West Bound Easft Bound Tyrone Station Pass'ngr 8.15 a. m. Pass'ngr 6.34 p. m Would flot be Wihout Zùftoo Tablets At Any Cost Mr. A. 0. Norton the mililoafre 3aek àt=4f.tmw~, oà Boston, who re- eentiy dl.d, wua a gmet t boouer"fgr Zutco.TabImh. 'le auffmegâfrona hedache, from cblil- hood and w)aen he fonnd Zntoo 'rab1ets ato4ed thase headaches in a few minutes a t no bad effet he bogan reSon- mending thena to hil amily &,Id frinds. in an unsolicited letter, 1fr. Noton gays in closinz: "M y family use themi when ever aeeded wîth equally- good reaulta. I have fre.. quentl gven thena to frienda who were sfering fon Headache and they neyer faf ld to give quick relief. 1 alwaya carry Zuto ablets in my grion thie road and WOUIJD NOT BZ WITHOUT. THEM AT ÂNY COST.", ,jcents per box-at all dealers SIEDM ER CLOS,, usually leave a trail - of weakness. Build up on ORONO (From The News) Miss Aggie Somerville is improving. Mrs. Wm. Beacom is visiting hem brother at Cambray. Miss Bessie Archer is home from the city on her holidays. o Mrs. Hancock of Lindsay, is visit- ing at Mr. W. J. Walter's. Mms. James Walsh visited Coun- cillor I. T. Chapman, Kirby. Miss Eva Mitchell is on a business trip to Montreal and Quebec. Mr. Neil McKenzîe, Toronto: vis- ited withi his family at Mr. T. Sniith's. Mrs. George Cooper is visiting ber son-in-law, Dr. Frost, Toronto, who is ill. Tanlac la the ideal strengthener and body builder for old f olks. Jury & Loveli. Mr. Milton Staples was succesaful in his second year exams at O. A. C. Guelph. No aurgical operation is neceasary in removing corna if Holloway's Corn Remover la uaed. Orono Band wiil furnish music at the laying of the corner atone at Newcastle, July lat. Mr. R. H. Allun who bought the Renwick bouse, Churcb St. South, is having a good barn erected. A former Kendal boy, Mr. J., W. Quantril, who ia now farming at Car- ievale, Sask., bas lost 13 head of cat- tie, during the 'winter. The natural, refreshing sleep of a henlthy body la enjoyed by those who take Tanlac. Jury & Lovell. Chicken thieves visited Mr. James Dickson's f arm, Trickey's Corners, and carmied off 20 of bis cboicest f owl. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stanley, (nee Margaret Foster) who have been re- siding at Nipigon, have taken a resi- dence at Rosedale, Toronto, for the summer. Col. Stewart, bis son Victor and bis father-in-law, Mr. Chubb of Guelph, rnotored down from the city for a f ew hours tmout fishing, and visited at Mr. Robert Thompson's, Clarke Union. At a meeting of managers and of the ladies of the Preshyterian Church it was decided to re-decorate the audi- torium to mebuild the fences and to bring everything into good shape on the church pmoperty. Provincial Constable Boyd and Chief Jarvis of Bowmanville, seized a stîli nomth of Bowmanville last week the opemator, a f oreigner, having to ILIm g- I y - was pinned under the car and got out none too soon.,1 An Oil that is Famous-ýThough Canada was not the birthplaoe of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spread to Central and South America, the West Indies, Australia and New- Zealand.; That ia far afield, enough to attest its excellence, for in ail these countries it ia on sale and in demand. Orono Lodge A. F. & A. M. No. 325, New officers are: W. P. M.-R. Z. Hall W. M. -E. J. Hamm S.ý W.-Ed. Osborne J. W.-H. Junker Chaplain-A. K. Edmison Treasurer-W. A. Waddell Secretary-Neil Colville Tyler-Capt. A. Staîker Auditors-P. R, Cooper, J. J. Gil- fillan. Requisite on the Farm.-Every farmer and stock-maiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul on hand, not only as a ready remedy for ilîs in the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency. As a substîtute f or sweet oil f 9r horses and cattle affected by colic it far surpasses anything that can be administered. New goods are here-carpet squares, ail kinds, linoleums, congo- leum rugs and curtain materials. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Pro.t@cLQd Lxposed Elemqn ýElament M cCLARY'S Protected Element ln your Electric Range is simply a plate of tougb, fireproof, heat- conductiag porcelain in wbîcb tbe coilt are embedded close to the surface. McCiary's Protected Element becomew a plate of powerful beat, as you deaire, whien the current is tumned on. Lt la ahsolu!ely troub le-poof--nothing can in- jure the bigh-resîstance coils-they do their work speedily and efficiently. Don't buy an Electric Range without a McClary's, Protected Element, Strength Strength of muscle does not ia- dicate strength of nerves On this account many people who look healthy enough suffer from nervous troubles and cannot understand what is ailing them. Sleeplessness and, irritability are among the early symptoms. Indigestion and tired feelings moon follow., Read this letter from an On- tario man: Mr. W. L. Gregory, Charles St. E., Ingersoll, Ont., writes: "I had been troubled for quite a while with indigestion. At times there would Le a twi"cing of the nerves of my stomnach; and 1 also found it difi- cuit 10 get a good night's sleep. I arn a mouider, and owing to the nature of my work my sysîem became run-down, 1 i6ok a treatmentî of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and found great benefit f rom ibis medicine. They did me a great cleal of good. 1 have nt heen Lothere.d at ali with indigestion sisice, and cao sleep much better. 1 have recornmended Dr. Cbase's Nerve Food to many of my friends, as 1 think it splendid for any- one run-down and needing a tonic.'" Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto London, Torontcý, Lontreal, Winipeg, Va ýouver, Et. halý, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, SaloÂssal and Edînoiton. FOR SALE A H HDOSHOP Orofton, B. C.-"I was troubledl for Jfears with infiammatory rheumatism and rheumatic fever. 1 tried sev. eral cures focix rheumatîsm, but S did not receive any benefit from aniy of them. 1 h ad been la the m xonths, being un- Ž- able to walk. A "edadvised me to try Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. '.,Iter taking the ffrst bottie 1 began improve, and aft9irtakiing -six ýttIes I had no more rheumatism. tinik Dr. Pierce's Anuric is the atwplqderful medicine that any ~can take for rheumatism. I ave recommended these tablets to oe~a f imy friends and they, too, bave ail been benefited by them.- PjeopIle are realizing that thae 10ld- flya smt as do the bowels, xneed to ~uh ccasionally, The ki'd- Lys ar eliminative organ and ecnsay workig, separating te poisons from the biood. Urie id backs up into the system, caus- g rheumatism, neuraigia, dropsy Wd many other serions disturbancea. This can be avoided by stimulating kidneys to increased action, and ,tause of its tonic effect on these 1rgana anry one wouid do well to get Dr. P'ierce's'Anuric Tablets which are to be had nowadaya at almost any drag store or send 10e to Dr. Plerce's !,sboratory in Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial package and write for f ree, con- *identilimedicai advice. I , h ouble Track Route between Moatreai Toronto Detroit M & Chicago LnxceIed dinsng car service. Sle1-eping cars on night trains and ~>tlrcars on the prencipal day trains Fuli information frona any Grand Tinunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning Tlsrict Paussenger Agent, Toronto. J. tH. H. JURY, Ageut ?L'm, 78 omaI. 'Pie Great English Preparatnn. Toneas and inigorates the whole nervous ayste. oakes new Blood in old Veina.' Used for Nervous Dblelity, Mental and Brain Wrry, Despndeicy oss cf ,ry Palpitation o th leartFilingiNMemory. ?iice $2pes'box. 3,4 for $5.,q SoIdby all druggists, or mailed in plain ,pkg. on rtecipt cf priiçe w pamphWt maited Ire.TNIE W=OD MEDICINE~ CO..TORONTrOlonT. " a i.er. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- Sminator will clear the stomacb and intestines and restore bealthfulness. Rosa S. Lang, son of the late Alex. T E F R E ' Kceep yeu Çf t1 Lang, vibo is finishing bis final yearmH A M R IIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIWIWItWIIIIIIIII in Medicine at Toronto University, F IN has been appointed to the resident Relieves caked bag, gar- staff of the Toronto Genemal Hospital e,'pdro inctn J k' eVtton Ruot compi d for one year fmom la it Juîy next. gt pdro neto A seafe, reuable regulatissCongratulations. of the teat, also thrush 9rede.s old i th-o .5 .Asthma Doesn't Wear off Alone, Do in horses' feet, fistula, No. 2, $3,No. 3, $5 per box. not make the mistake of waiting for etc. tobeeding at SoId by ail drugesets, or snlt nsthma to weam away by itself. once.Reo spod y epaidponprecpt of price, cee pamphlet. Addrees While you are waiting the disease is flesh, soreness and swell- 'ZHE cooK ýRqlrnýîns CO., surely gatbering a stronger foothold ing. !0IOI~ 4IP5T~ ~ and you live in danger of /stronger At ail Dealers and Druggiats. __________________and yet stronger attacks, Dr. J. manufaetured onir by D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy taken CO 0., NÂAEOt early, will pevent incipient condition _______________ from being chronic and savea boums ofavful suffering. Pleased to see our old friead Mr. v John Buckley, in town. Mm.' Buckley is now nearing bis 87tb bithday, but D is active as a man many years his junior, and appareatly is in the pin k * of benltb and condition. He now THS makes bis borne with bis daughter, THS 1e>ý" Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Tyrone, Worms are encouraged by morbid conditions of tbe tomnch and bow- els, and so subsist. Millem's Worm Poviders will alter these conditions LEONARD * ( jalmost immediately and will sweep lk,\ ~~~the viorme away. Nodetuiv E.41R(lL parasite can live in contact witb this RE A R Id>iLS an 1 medicine, wbicb la not onîy a worm RELTOPSSEA NSES - 4 dstroyer, but a bealtb-giving medi-STPHADNIE ciemost beneficial to the young qRab it in Back of the Ears" çonstitution. (ee u i as Insert ia Nostrils Mma. A. A. Rolph vibo went to Deafuessla greatr rel ee ya Manitoba a f ew weeks ago to see heesletretment with Leonad u it q;mother, Mrs. Walkem, vibo is in a, Secili st for iffere Moe of ea? feeble condition of healtb, bad a mir- nessand ilead Noises contained ia each aculus ecapefro beigacikader. LeoSard Esc Oit ta iDot an ê acuousescpe rombeig klle or experement. but ibasbaa a neessfss1 downed viile out motoring. She sale glace 190. "Youennut afford to and hem brother, Naylom vieme reun be dm£f.,, Ta'!TRIS OIL. St bas ing fom Ptersield a nemby illae, Ielpeditbol5aands of peossie. Wtt>'Soi ingfro Peersiel, aneaby illge, yen? Deserisitre circulas upon reauest. and viben crossing a culvert their . MADE IN CANADA THE "LIFTUP Ford car skidded on the slippery LI.BedliagtosC..,SalesAgsatsTorosto (Paentdiearth and went over an 8 foot arn- A. O. LEONARIn ., Mrs,,70 55iAv., N.Y.CîtY R ALL BIAS FILLED CORSETS bankment, turning turtle la about are designied fa conformaity with four feet of viater. Mra. Rolph was JURY & LOVELL the science of .&natomy. thmown some distance but ber brother Bo*mnanville The 'LIP'TUP " apatented invention ___________________ with non.ulii elastie inside beit,1 gently sup ports the abdomen and is,____________________ very benefiezai for use after an oper- sto ivlvn a bdomninal incision. C ir p a tcDo no0t mUtfer Most ffectve irelieving those physical aliments from which many (Spinal Adjustasents) e 1hing. e(,, women uifer.Remove -the Cause of Diese lng r~ruie and selfqeasuresent. FREE.L E S- -ainogmet lise genuine patented *'tlFTUP" !S a opractors have, remarkable suc- DIAS CORSET made onlt by cemosa In removing the cause of Dr. Cha-3e's Olntment wyi ueleY sc ~ COR~E~ ss'rn Apendcits, eafnssAstma, and afford laatmg beneflt.M600.Dax6* 83 13EG Apeniciis Defnes, stha, deniers, or EcimansOn, Batel& 810, Llr&tti *as STREEN mT Rheuniatism, Lumbago, Lame Torontc. SamnPte BOX free if yofl Man»LII T0roFtpjiQ1 Back, Constipation, Piles, Female naernanloe9.51P0 UIt5i. onEr. IF PHONE MAIN 3700 Diseases, Stomach and Kidney .' - ~Troubles. Nervousneus. iamaniy forma respond readily ta Chiro. Pl aIil!t Examination Free at Office. " Itye~o-~. F L -DDR. S. M. JONES. ~ ~ ~ s~ca end vlSEà1S36 Sisaco. St. N. Oshawa Ee arEeCen ia nita ly Phne 224. Wit frFrts52ecsre &{ k goods thus sa the agent'scc solicited. F. fH. 1 Prc>prletor. Phone 326W avlng the purchae& îmmlssjon. A cal 3OUNSALL Bowmanvllle rÊilways uoU Every dîme you buy "SURPRISE" you get a big, bright, sldbro the highest grade household soap. Every Dollar Canada. Can Spare Is Urgently Needed,. I F YOU have a dollar or five or ten that you can possibly spare, ïhi the namne of Mercy, send the money to the Save The Children Fund., To say that help is no longer needed, or that the famine in Russia is over, is absolutely false,- and is both cruel and unjust to those who are giving their lime, and m oney to save the starving children ini the famine area of Saratov. , Sir Benjamin Robertson - formerly Chief Commissioner of the. Central Provinces of India and himself thegreatest living athority on famine cniin -was sent to Russia to report on the famine situation. He reported tliat în-the areas where the British organizations are working, there are over ONE MILLION ADULTS, in addition to ail the children, who are in dire need of food; and that relief must 1o forthcoming UNTIL THE END 0F AUGUST or everything that bas been done thus f ar will be lost. Surely this should be regarded as sufficient proof of the need of more funds, by any Canadian who desires to lend a hand in fighting the most appalling famine that the world has ever known. And we ask your assistance in the name of these starving, helpless children. Cheques and money orders may be sent te the local coin1mittee or your bank, or mailed direct to Sir George Burn, Treasurer, Save The Children Fund, Elgin Building, Ottawa. AU subscriptions are expended in Canada on Canadian Foodsaf fs. SA VE THE CHILDREN FUND BOWMANVILLE LOCAL COMMITTEE . L nun.. 4Chairinan. Hon. President, Hon. W. L. Maekensie King, C. M. G.. Hon. Vice-Presidents: Rt. Hom, Arthur Meighen, Hom. T. A, Croxar, Hou, Rodolphe Lemex, Makera of .5.5 Aplate of powerful heat p- 121 A. Cawker, Seo.-Tz«A*

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