Off ice Removed N. E. NEADS' Insurance Office has been removed to room 3 (upstairs) in Bleakley Block (onedoor,west of Thurston's Store.) Phone No. 355 Bowmanville THE WORKMANSHIP ia what counts as well as the quai- ity and materimîs used and you get the very beat of bath when you send your aid shoes ta us for aur satisfactory work ln SHOE REPAIRING We make a particular point 'of getting al aur work out promptly, so there are no unnecessary delays whem you entruat yaur wark ta US, G. W.- Humpagea The King-st. E. Repaiir Man Bowmanville ICan be Papered As WeIl As Plaster G YPROC is a new idea in wall-boârd. Itis notmade of wood, but ie composed of gypsum rock, and le therefore unaff ected by cliniate. It can- flot shrink, warp, crack or buckle, aad so forme a per- fectly smooth surface for pa- pering. ai vMiat WOlI WâiioS Plu=e la made in extra lengths to fit thse highest walls and sa 'cut down thse number of joints to a minimum. Gyproc edges are made true and extra strong thus ensuring a tight, perman- ent joint. JOHN A. HOLGATE & SON, Builder Supply Dealers Bowmanville Ontario. Service to us Means Satisfaction to our Customers Our staff of mechanics are specially trained and our special equipment enables them to do th e work in less time and at less expense to our cust- omers. We carry a large and complete -stock of parts which means -a big saving in time. We s'tili have our service agreement with the Ford Motor Company and our stock of Genuine Ford Parts is more-complete than ever. We know how to repair a Ford car. No guess work with us. Cars Washed and Polished fromn $1.50 to $2.00 Give us a trial on that next job. You wfl be satisfled. L'UKE, BOYS LIMITED Phon e 188 Bowmanville Li TheNec te Id THURSDAY, JUNE 1, -1922 Rev. J., W. Rae, Orono, was in the village Tuesday. J. W's handshake is as vigorous as of yore ami he is stili able to tell a good story well. Mr. Wreford F. Souch, Registered Optometrist, will be at Anderson's Store every Thursday afternoon with complete lime of- optical goods and modern office equipment ready to conduct a most scientific eye exam- ination. 15-tf. COAL QIL and GASOeiLINE Hl. E. Smrith Successor ta Jas. Elliott When starting to use your coal 011 stove (Please note change of phone.) Don't 'Forget ta . ring 231-12. Phone orders promptly attended ta. LAYING 0F CORNER STONE Al oads will lead ta Newcastle on Saturday, July lst, this will be one of the biggest events in the histary of Newcastle. There will. be a big progmam of sparts including basebail and foot- ball, by outside teams.-,4 The event of, the day will be the laying of the Corner Stone of aur Community Hall at which Hon. Man- ning Doherty is expectsed ta officiate. The Ladies' Aid is arranging for the holding of a monster Strawbemry Festival on the lawn of the Methodist Churcli. This will be the wind up of one grand day in Newcastle. Orono Band lias been engaged ta furr.ish music. They wlll corne ealy and stay late. They have a large number of fine new pieces and are neyer a bit stingy about playing them. Make your plans ta be with us on this day of days. Corne ealy and stay until the last dog la hung. NEWCASTLE Mm. Harve Britton spent Friday in Toronto. Miss Rena Thomas visîted friends in Oshawa. 1Mr. Papineau, Oshawa, ,was home over Sunday. J. A. Smith and family spent the 24tli at Rice Lake. Mr. Carr, Belleville, visited at Mrs. Hunter's for the holiday. Mrs. Wm. Rickamd visited friends in Bowmanville this week. Mrs. Young, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. J .J. Wright, "Elmhurst". Miss Helen Tuif, Toronto, visited her aunt Mrs. Frank Branton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Harris, Bowman- ville, visited at Mrs Frztnk Gibson's an the holiday. Mrs. James Stapleton lias returned home from a visit with her daugliter, Mrs. Milîson. Mrs. Frank Branton, Oshawa, is in town visiting with lier mother, Mrs. E. Middleton. Mrs. Hlarve Britten is in Toronto visiting with lier parents, Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooper and laugliter Nonhie, Orono, spent Sun- day at Mm. Geo. Joll's. Mr. B. E. Moise lias purchased a new Ford and drives ta and from work in Bowmanville daily. Dr. Watson Baîl and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Granger, Toronto, were week- end guests at Harris Lodge., Miss Violet Walton and Miss Step- liens, Toronto, are spending a f ew days wi h Mms. Fred, Graham. Mrs. W. Tyler and son, Mme. C. Tyler and Ms. Mallory, Bowman- ville, vîsited at Mr. Cea. Joll's on Sunday. Mm,.and Mrs. Geo. Lumesden and family, Trenton, spent a f ew days with her parents, Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Hemb. McDonald and Mm. nnd Mme. Yasper, Toronto, weme guests of, Mrs. H. Britton's over the week-end. Mrs. J. Phare, Miss Rama and Mm. Lance Phare, Tyrone, and Mm. Mel- bourne Wight, Bowmnnville, at Mm. A large number of aour citizens took in the spartsat Bowmanville on the 24tli and report a fine aîternoon' s amusement. Ex-Wamden Colwill is the latest convemt ta loin the ranks of the mo- toits. He îs sporing a fine Mc- Lauglilin six. Mrs .W. H. Anderson lias return- ed home fmom the Hospital *where she undemwent n minor opemation for throat trouble. Mm. and Mms, Meldrumi and daugli- ter and Mrs. Meadows and-son Allan, Port Hope, spent the holiday with Mm. and Mrs. Delong. Post Office Riddell, Toronto, was in .own this week auditing aur local Post Office, and f ound everything in the best of order. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Moise, Mm. B. E Moise and Miss Lauma Walton mot- omed ta Hastings and spent the week- end with Mm. and Mrs. Frank Haw- kins. Mm. Thos. Allun, Chicago, Ill., a former Newcastle Old Boy, is spend-1 ing a f ew days in town, revisîting the scenes of lis boyhaad and renewing oid acquaintances. Miss Eva Grieve'lias recovered from lier ecent critical illness ta lie able to return honme to Newcastle. No doulit mothem's came and the invigora- ting air of the old home tawm will soon restore hem ta complete liealtli. Miss Annie Hodgkins, Suj't. of Girls' Club, Carlton-st., Toronto, and Miss Dora Lafiamme, Camp Diectar, and paty of girls spent the week-end at Copper Beecli. Miss Campbiell, Toronto, on fur- lougli from Japan wio lias been ad- dessing W. M. S. conventions in the Bay of Quinte confemence duing the past few weeks, is spending a f ew days witli hem sistc'r Mrs. Geo. Honey. Rev. S. G. McCommack left this week i o attend the General Assembly of the Preshyterian Churcli, at Win-1 nipeg. Mrs, McCormack accampani-j ed hlmi as f ar as Mitchell wliere she' will visit lier parents in the aId home town. A vemy successful dance was held in Alexandra Hall on Friday eveningi wih a large attendance. Miss Violet Deyman, Bowmanville, and Mm. Chas. McMullen endered great assistance with their violins whidli was mucli enjoyed by al present. Womk will lie stnrted on the im- prove'melt of Cmunimlîty Green" ini NEWTONVILLE Mm. Clemens Percy speint the week- end in Bowmamnville. Mr. Henry Reichrath la, vemy pmoud of lis n.ew thomobred colt. It's a beauty! We are gaing ta have a cernent sidewmllc on the south aide of the main street. Naw we will have slow races ta the west end of tlie town and back every evenimg, prizes for beat team. The bmnk staff will soon lie off the sick liat, the office must -be germ haun'ed. A local philosopher sug- gesta detroying the present building, plowing up the property, ànd erecting a new office. The idea is for fumi- gation purpases. The gloiaus 24th, 1922, la gone, leaving many happy memories. The unveiin ofthe memoriai tablet by Lieut-ColI. L. T. McLaughlin wms very impressive. Mamy prominent men spoke. -The basebaîl match between Kendal amd Newtonville was very in- 4teresting ,the boys froni the marth dispiayimg unexpectedly umcmnmy akill Nevertheless the locais won 25-16. A splendid supper in the dhurci foai- lowed. The concert was somewhat of a disappoitment due ta the in- ability of the radia ta perform by reason of a storm in Toronto. How- ever Mrs. T. W. Wesley Cawker, Bawmanvilie, sang very sweetly mmd Mm .and Mrs. George Campbiell gave several very fine duets. Several other numbers lielped ta pacify the disappointed radio fans and make the day one huge success. STARKVILLE Mm.- Wes. Falls lias purchased a new car. Mr. Gardon Hallowell spent the week-end in Markham. Our Sunday Sdhool is planning for come entertaimment in the mear fut, ure. Our week nig lit service is grawing in imterest and la proving to lie very helpful. Dr. Walkem. wife amd son., spent Sunday at hiem sister's, Mms. Sulas Halioweil's. Miss Marjory McMuilem, Bowmam- ville, visîted hiem cousin, Miss Dor- othy Savery. Mm. Wiilie Robinson mmd sister Maggie of Orono, visited at Mm. Arthur Dunn's. Mrs. Mulligan is spending a short time on the farm accompanied by hier sister, Mrs. Hassard mmd hem son. A numbesý from here took la the sports at Newtomville on the 24th, same lieing a little latefor tihe unveil- ing of the memorial, Our pastor, Rev. E. W. Tîmk la leavimg us. He will lie missed but we trust that God's blessing wîll go with hlm mnd his family. 1 hald it a duty of one who la gifted And speciaily dowered in mamy men's sight, Ta kmow no rest tilil is life la lifted Fully up ta lis great gifts heiglit. Where ever thse place la your called ta, Whatever your task or youm quest, You shail corne at the at with re- joicimg To thse beautiful CIty cf Rest. Teams Cobiourg Peterliaro Part Hope Belleville O shawa Leaside Bowmanville gam- mot- iday D . ertd, in las. .ad- Vide ens; loyd lss; ad- delivery, but I have a suffi- cient quantity on order to take care of ail my custom- ers, Make sure of your next winter's coal by booking your order early. Gteo. Jamieson Newcastle JE [nes- League Standing won Lost P.' C. 2 0 .1000 2 1 .666 1 1 .500 1 1 .500 1 2 .333 1 2 .ý33 O 2 .000 PLEASING CONCERT BY 1 DAVID BROS.' As a finish ta an ail-round- good day of sport, thse citizens were pro- vided with a concert la Opera House' la the evening pesented liy tise David Brothers Co., which dmew a faimiy good audience. The progrmm pre- semted was varied lai character amd presentation. Mm. Malcolm Wood, piamist, in lis piano, Hawaiîam guitar amd other musical instrument salas proved a splendid entertainer. Mm. and Mrs. Albert David sang a couple of duets, and Messrs. Albiert mmd Pemcy David sang solos, duets, gave funmy stunts, sketches, etc., that cali- e.d f arth -very appreciative applause and provided humomous entertain- ment in things new mmd aid for the whole evenimg. Mm. Alkert Davidi began his entertaimment work somel sixteen years mgo in Port Hope mmd worked for a time in the Bell Phone office liere whem Mm. Price was man- ager. FOOTBALL NOTES Bowmanvilie defeated Solina 2-0 at Eldad Anmîvemsam'y Momday niglit. Ontarlo Regt. (Osliawa)> led Bow- mianville to a draw 2-2 in tihe football game here May 24th. We regret lie- ing unable to give a detmiled report of the game. In reportîng thse football gaine in on May 20, the Whitby Gazette says: "Bowmanviile had the lietter of, the play from the start, their defence being very strang, and the lialf-back lie f eedimg the f oiwards witli regu- larity. The recuitý was attack after! attack on the Whitby goal. The lo- cal f orwards played. a splendid gaine, but the defence did mot cam-e up ta the mark in the matter of kicking to the f omwrd lime, Bowmanvillel breaking thmough mmnd getting the hall on mamy occasions, whem a pmopemly directed shot svould have given the Whitby lime a chance ta rush on their oppoments' goal. Tt wac an intereat- img game, however, mnd despite the 3-0 score againat the home team, was well contested. The haîf time score wac 2-0.", VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Court of Revision and Âppeal. Notice is hereby given that the flrst sittings of the Court of Revision for the Village of Newcastle will be held in the Town Hail, Newcastle, on Manday, June 12, 1922, at the haur, of 8 p. m., ta hear and determine the several complaints and omissions la the AssessmentRail for the said Municipaiity for the year 1922. Ail persans hbaving business at the Court are reqnested to, attend as afare- saId. H. C. Bonathan. Cierk of the Village af Newcastle. Dated at Newcastle the 2th day af May, 1922. 21-2 DoWt buy your Spring Suit o Coat until you have first inspected aur display. Oouch, Johnstou Cryderman. CXARDOF TrHÂNKS p e1d r t Iwish ta thankth redan neighbors for their kindnes and sympathy during the sad bereave- ment. ________________________Minaje Lovekin. MAPLE GROVE Mr. F. Swallow is spendi ng a f ew MEDICAL days in Toronto. - ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. Miss Hilda Foley spent 24th with Gaut fTiiyUieatas frieds i Tornto.of Royal College Physicians, Edin- Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- family spent Sunday with her par- en and children. Offlle-Parker'a ents at Sauina. Block, Newcastle. Mr. an d Mrs. Willard Stevens, . .BTEM . .M Toronto, called at F. Swallow's Sat- J .BTEM . .m urday evening. Hlonor graduate of Trinity University, Mr. nd rs.ManordTucerMm.Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Mr. nd Ms. Mnfod TukerMr.Licentiate of the State University of and Mrs. Wright, Trenton, visited New York, Matriculate of the Pont- the Tucker Bras.; Graduate Medical School and Hos- Mrs. P. M. Dorman, Port Huron,, pital of New York and FeIlow of the is visiting hem sister, Mrs, Walter, Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office Foley and other relatives. -Mrs. McNaughton'à Rgsidence, Mr and Mrs. Clarence Hayes and' Newcastle. Hours--8 ta 10 a. m., 1 family, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Hayes to 3 v. nm., and by appointment. and family, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. _________________ John M6tealf, Oshawa, were get of Mr. an~d Mrs. Bruce Metcalf, on Sunday. dgueso, The herds of Messms. R. R. and COJ.. D. Stevens and L. C. Snowd9ýn were recently inspected by Government Inspector, Dr Tennant of Toranto, J wing to the strike it is and found ta lie in first-class con- dition. impossible to get immediate )REAM TOILETRIES preserve the maturai fine fyour skin. We Creme is 75C. 'owder 35C and $1.00. rer 60e and $1.00. 3 shades: ve have the Toilet Wiate; ume as well. SoId at Lerslake' s rug Store e 1 Bowmauval. iss Ainna IVIeivilln of aiI'orontJ, -Mm. and Ivrs. Wes. Kerr, Miss IV spent a few days at hem parental garet and Mr. Lawrence Kerr n, home last week. 11omed down from Toronta an Sund Professar Earl Oger and party of and visited hem brother, Mr. D.' Toranto, motored down and spent Trimble. Mm. and Mrs. Sheppaý May 24th at Mr. John S. Sniith's. Toronto, were alsa there An epidemic of measles lias visited League meeting at week us liere and day school, churcli and charge of lst Vice-President, Ch Sunday School attendance has been Geenham. Pogam-Bilile meî descininated themeby. ing, Ivison Munday; Chorus, Wi We regret ta learn that Rev. E.W. Awnke Class; eading, Ross Stevei Tink lias resigned ta take work with music, Kazoo Band; eading, Lio an institute in Chicago, and will liegin Snowden; chorus, Wide Awake Cli work theme in a short tîme. stump spaeech, Rev. Mm. Boyce; meý His neiglbors on the 6tli Lime ing, Elgin Munday. turned out in force with teamsamnd spreaders and gave Mm. John McCut- cheon a splendid days' help. John la mot in good health. Mm, and Mms. John Stewart at CENTRAL BASEBALL LEAGU week 'attended the funeral at Cast- leton of the late James Tait-a mucli Cames Played and Scores, Wedi respected neiglhor af that cammun- day, May 24th ity. He was an uncle af Mrs. Stew- art. Lindsay 9 Leas-ide Some great crop of sweet claver Oshawa il Part Hope we see heme, and cropa genemally are Cburgev.lie Bowmmvll welI advanced. Farmers are mow Bleil omnil prepaing corn groumd and-came corn Saturday, May 27th la almeady plmnted. Several farm- Peterboro 10 Oshawa ers liere gmow corm for1 the camnery Cobiourg 8 Bowmanville at Orono. Lindsay 7 Leaside Port Hope il Belleville LEnT iBRITTON DO YOUR, BAKING Fresh baking every day-plenty of variety- goods delivered. H.S. BRITTON Needs of the Outdoor Girl These days, whem the sun spark- les on the water and there la just wind enough to make smiling a de- liglit, are a real joy. They will however roughen, redden and sumbumn the skin, un- less precautians are taken. Prevention la mmcli better than cure, and by using liberally Seasonable -Purchases Sereen doors Window Sereens, Wire Cloth, Gal- vanoid and. Black. Coal Oji Stoves, Florence Automatic and Per-, fection Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Lawn, Mowers (Woodyatt). RoofrngSpecials, 3 ply ......... ...... $2.95 Roo-fing Specials, 3 ply red siate .........$3.5Ô H. . BNA-TH"'AN ANNOUNCING THE OPENING,0F OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR ON SATUJRDAY Step in Saturday or any other day and enjoy a dish of our cream. R. WALO N Grocer Newcastle Here are a few things you wil be wanting right'o now: Stock Tonic, Suiphur, SaIts, Saltpet re, etc. 1FOR THE CHICKENS Raise your chicks the Pan-a-cea way for fine healthy birds. Buy some Baby Chick Feed, too. WM. JA*MIESON Hardware Store Neate Hardware Store Newcastle Baker & Groce'r DAYDI youmiay p texture of The Pondr Talcum PC Face Powi Then w( and Perfu, Ki Phone 49 Newcaâtle