~bian t~te0 Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JTAMMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, JUNE 1, 1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy. ENTRANCING SP1kRNING WEARING APPAREL EXCLUSIVE, ARTISTIC BUT NOT EXPENSIVE Our exceptionally attractive showing wiIll be a revelation to those who seek charming Spring apparel in fashion's newest modes, while our inod=er~~te o~iees-wili-flh er ha-ete Do- LILORELS UHIE D'hITOR HONORED' Ris hosts of journalistic confreres ail over Canada will be very glad ta learn that Mr. Stewart Lyon, Manag-. îng Editor of The Globe, has been ap-. poinited a member of the Board of Durham Old boys' Re-Union At Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, Wednesday, June l4th, 1922. Dirctos o Th GobePritin Co-1 Ail aboard foqr Hampton, Wednes-1 tary of Committee, Hampton. (See1 pany. This very richly deserved day, June l4th, when the citîzens. of. Dr. Hughes' letter in this issue. Darlington and Bowmanvillewiil en-i tribute ta Mr. Lyon's long and effi- tertain the Durham Oid Boys and A Reception Committee wili be on cient service was paid by President Girls from Toronto and elsewhere at hand at Bowmanviile and Hampton W. G. Jaffni.y in welcomingl the new1 Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, "the to welcome ail corners, inciuding W. memerofth Diecorte prettiest village in the province"! J. Bragg, M. P. P., Brig. Gen . John, mebro h Drcoae Hughes, Mayor H. L. Quinn, Reeve "On behaîf of himself and the town and township heid in the Coun- Trebilcock, John lVtcMurtry, Bowmran,.- Board Mr. Jaffray expressedl the deep cil Room, Bowmanvilie, on Friday ville, Reeve Thos. Baker, Councillorsý sense of appreciation, with whichi they evening last plans were made and W. .CutfeiW ouh .H tha n d M8yer s L on 't es affc of T he n d om A t a ee t pin o f otiz s f r m the E . , o e C . R eWr M . Ja m es, P. H regadedMr~ yons eficincyandcommttes apoined or tis ra 1 Brent, C. A. Wight, Darlington, and ioyalty which had extended over a reunion. Dr. Jas. L. Hughes was IF. J. Groitt, Hampton. long and faithful service- of more present and accepted the invitation than 33 years on thbesaaf of Th o bha lfhe Durham Club of To- Preparing of grounds is left with Globe, iatterly as Editor-iný-chief of ronto. people of Hlampton. Dr. Hughes bas the paper. Mr. Jaffray ilointed out~ Durham Countv has the distinction been requested ta arrange the, pro- -thati-t was - lst-,be u -. s-- ~ ~-- ranr----.-->, lTr7 ~W7 r TORONTO DURHAM BOYS AND GIRLS lnvited to Bowmanville and Hampton The good old friends in Bowman- ville and Hamnpton have most kindly invited the Durham Boys and Girls who live in Toronto,> and in the tpwns of Durham County ta be their guests on Wednesday, June 14th. They generously plan ta give their visitors lunch and supper. They will also meet the C. P. R. train ieaving Toronto at 8.50 a. mi. standard time with motors and drive ail who go down by train out ta Hampton ta El- iiott Park. It is most important that ail who plan ta acecpt the very kind invita- ion and go froni Toronto, should noti- fy eîther Mr. Wallaceý Maas, 220 Mâjor St., or James L. Hughes, 47 Dundonaid-st., so that the Durham Committee and the C. P. R. may i - Il -___ h Johnston' s Store News STYLE HEADQUARTERS PHONE 271 3 DOORS EAST STANDARD BANK, Our~ Kiddies Dept.-iu warm weather require ments, is camplete lu, every detail. We have a splendid stock af Wash Suits, lu Sailor and Middy Styles, lu ail the wanted fabries and nicely trim.- med taO match. Also the ever populur caver aIl sflits, and priced froni $1.25 to $4.00 per Suit. Have you seen the new "Peggy Blacks"? made af Black Twiled Sateen, one price, aukle iength, and trimmed with red, or blue collar and cuf s. They are favorites with girls and boys alike, Tire popular price of $,1.95 is responsible for the great demrand. MEN'S UNDERWEAR MEN'S STRAW SAÀILORS Yau wiil find a fully equîpped departrnent in We are very enthusiastie about aur Men's U deýwer atourstor cosistng f th 1 est Sailor Hats. We bought these iu large quantities, Undewea utaurstoe cosisingaf he estand therefore the very low prices af $2, $2.50, $3 kuawn, makes, bath in combinations and two-pie'3e marks theni as wiuners. They, will be sure ta lu- underweur, Iu Cambinatian Suits we have theni terest yau because they are made of fine chip straw pried froni $1.50 o $3 with the popular saw edge. Wide corded silk bands prie 3.00 are featured lu the better makes which lends ta Inu twe-piece Suits t 75c to $1.00 per garmaent thew a distiuguished appearance, entirely uew ta the trade. $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 The New Hatchway Underwear TROUSERS We have added ta aur stock the above line-of underwear, called the Hatchway no button under- Meuns separate trousers, froni $2.35 to $6,50 Wear. This hune is receiving a splendid reception. per pair. Ail the best. tweed eff ects are here The fact af having no buttons ta bother with, shown. singles it out as a favorite, and a line warthy of The Ue we would particulariy mention at your consideration ut $1,50 per suit it cainat fail $2.35 makes a spiendid work trouser, ta interest the prospective buyer. BOYS' STOCKINGS WORK SOX Boys' stackiugs, cotton and1 cashmere, fine and course nib. For the sturdy.boys who ueed a stock- We have a quuntity af Men's catton wonk sox ing thut wiii stand the wear. Strong enough for exceptionully weli made, very strong and durable. everyday and fine, enough for best weur, ut 25e per pair. 35c, 5 Qc, 75C. JH NSTON'Se Bowmnanville Oshawa Whitby of Oshawa Lodge, Bro. E. R. BoW 1a1 The three Presidents, Secretary, Whitby and Bro. A. A. Colwill Of and'Mrs. John H. Morris. Alter- Lodge Newcastle repiied. The lodge nates delegates-Mrs. BLckell, Mrs. then closed by singing the National Jollow, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Jeweil, Antheni. Mrs. Muttan. IRefreshmeuts were served ut the close and a social hour enjoyed. INext meeting is on June 30 at the I home of Mrs. Alex. Taylor, Conce- sion-st. aRnvd TheatreI1 -~. aa, %0 Mon. Tues., June 5-4 Olive Tell in "Love Without Question" Taken from C Wadsworth Camp's great novel, "The Abandoned Room". Wed. Thurs. June 7-8 "At The Stage Door" This picture of, the high lights in the career of Mary'Mathews-a girl of the chorus--will fascin- ate you. You'l shed a tear when she cries--you'l laugh when she smiles- you'll hate the villian- you'll love the hero. You'l have a good time. Friday, Sat., June9-1O "The Gildled Lily" with Mae Murray A Paramount Picture COMING, JUNE 12-13 Betty Compson in -Sir J. M. Barrie's Play "The Little Minister" VICTORIA DAY VISITORS Mr. Harold Thurstau, Toronto, ut home. Mr. Nanman Williams, Toronto, utý home. Mr. Gurnet Richards, Toronto, ut home. Miss Beatrice Devtt, Toronto, at home. Mr. Goidwiu Anderson, Landau, with friends. Miss M. R. Heeley, Toronto, wîtb Mrs. Fred Pattinson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, Toron- ta, at Mr. W McReyn\olds. Mr Chas. H. Frankln, Detroit, Mich., with aid frieuds here. Mr .and Mrs. Rd. Snawden, Osh- awa, with the Misses Brirnacombe. Mrs. Eugeue Dapp, Toranto,'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bat- trel, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Percy and daughter, Toronto, ut' Mr. Thos. Perey's., Mrs. John Rice and Mr. Lloyd Rice, Landau, guests af Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Sutherland and Miss Jane Grigg, Toronto, with Mrs. David Grigg, Mr. Robt. D. Woods and 'Mis, Stella Rue, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James, Mrs. Jas. McBrien and Mr. Howard McBrien and Mrs. John Bunley, Tor- onto, with friends here. Misses Marjorie Fiuley, Duisie Tweedie, Betty Tucker, Vera Parsons, Florence Baxter, Lena -Priestman, Eva Shernard, Ivu Sherrurd, Lillian Rittindale, Cora MX Scott, Agues K. Haddy of the S . T. I. Club of the Metropalitan Churcb, Toronto, coin- prîsed a merry bouse punty, over Victoria Day with Mr. and Mrs. F. A.' Haddy, "Rushoime". CARD 0F THANKS The Corps of the Suivutian Arrny, Bawinanville, wish ta thauk its many kiud friends for their-assistaice- and contributions given lu the necent Self Denial Campaigu which was a success. Youns sincerely, Capt. and Mrs, Key, j Officers lu charge. boy, brother of Messrs. Robert and Richard W. Philp of that township. St. John's Church, Rector, Rev. C. P. Muirhead; Organist,-Mrs. Jno. A. Gunn. Whitsun-day, June 4th, 1922.1 11 a. m.-Hoiy Communion; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Even- ing Song. Special Music. Antheni, Choir, Mrs. Capt. J. B. Neale wili sing. Preacher, The Rector, League meeting ln the Methodist Church on Monday, May 22, was lu charge of the young men who pre- sented an excellent program. Mr. John L. Brooks, was lu the chair. Lesson was read by Mr. Russel Bragg, a vocal solo was given by Mr. Evans and three fine choruses by the maie choir.' The topic "Christian Patriotism" was presented in excel- lent papers by Messrs. A. McKessock and Wallace Bragg. The young ladies furnished the "eats" which everyone thoroly enjoyed. Rev. S. C. Moore took up the study of Psalrn XCI on Siqnday mnorning with bis congrégation In the Metbod- ist Church. The choir under direction of Mr. T. W. Stanley, sang the an- hem "Watch and Pray", Miss Hilda Curtis sang the pretty solo "Keep the Vision of the Cross Before You", the choir joining in tIre chorus. - u the evening Pastor Moore gave a good address on "The Decisive Choice". Mrs. W. J. Morrison sang "What will you do with Jesus?" and Mrs. Jas, Lunnçy and Mr. W. B. Tapson sang h'le duet "Beautiful Valley of Peace". League meeting iu the Methodist Church Mouday evening was in charge of the Citizenship Conmmittee. Mr. Wallace Bragg, Convener, in the' chair. Scripture was rend by Mr Stanley Osborne. Vocal solos were sweetiy sung by Misses Mari orie Cole and Marguerite Joness and a piano solo nicely rendered by Miss Viola Brown, The tapic "Citizenship" was spiendidly presented by Mr. Wal- lace Bragg,.±cev. S. C. Moore ad- ded a f ew very encouraging words on the subject and the meeting closed with the Mîzpah Benediction. A NEW SHOE REPAIR MAN FOR BOWMANVILLE I wish ta announce ta the citizens of Bowmanvilie and vicinity that- I have opened a Shoe Repair Shop'in I'ear of aid Standard Bank Building and north of St. John's Church on Temperance Street. Haviug been foreman in Shoe Factories in Western Ontario for the iast ten years I arn qualified ta repair ail kiuds of shoes in a first-class manner. ,-The- best- ofmateriai -wili be used. Good workmanship and' prompt service guaruanteed. H. C. Durgin. Band Master of Bowmunvilie Band. 21-t Treasurer-William Quick. Advertising Committee-Chas. H. Mason, D. R. Morrîson, Leon St.- Cýlair, J,ý A. Guan, G. A. Edmond- stane. Ticket Cornmittee-J. A. McClel.- I'an, TP. S. Holgate, M.* A. Neal, F. C. Pethick, F. R, Kerslake, R. J. Gilil, R. R. Stevens, Alan Camnpbell, W. B. Tapson, A. Mitchell, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Grounds Comrittee-W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., Geo. E. Chase, W. J. Bagneli. Hospitality Committee-Dr. B. J. Huzlewood, C. Rehder. THE WHITE SHIELO CLUB The White Shieid Club on Tuesday, May 23, was an undisputed success. The Bungalow was decorated with flags and flowers-everything sug- gestive of Canada and springtimie, Miss Marjorie R. Heeley was voted ta the chair and her presence alone would have made the, evening mem- orable without the excellent vuried prograin offered. Amnongst the persans who con- tributed to the pleasure of the very large audience were the Misses Dey- man, Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, Mrs. (Capt.) J. B. Neale, Miss Leona Quinn and Master Reid Peara. Choruses were sung, too, by, the mothers. Ater the supper, which was serv- ed from tables artistically decorated with tulips and white lilacs, Mrs. H. W. Burk and Mr. W. B. Tapson play- ed for a short dance in which rnany participatt'd gleefully. The meeting broke up amîdst ex- pressions of regret on every side thut it must be the iast time this season. We must nat forget, ta mentionpar- ticuiarly the inspiring ad.dress af Miss Ileeley, Provincial Medical Health Nrewho came up froiw Belleville. Miss Allen, President, in invitiug her ta the chair truthfuily said an intro- duction was 'not necessary. The splendid service Nurse Heeiey had rendered ta this town and commun- îty wiil long linger as a pleasaut meni- ory and she will ever be a welcome guest wben bonoriug the town with her presence. The ather invited guests af the eveuiug iuciuded Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Muirheud, Rev. and Mrs. S. C. Moore and Editor and Mrs.- M. A. Jamnes. Next year it is expected the Club will be better and bigger than ever Do't forget the way to the bungalow, W. H. S. Wutech for notice of the first meeting lai September-und what about the pic- Men's good Tweed Suits from $13.50 up at Cou'ch, Johnston and Crydermnan 's, I 'il - - Ill ti L&