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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1922, p. 2

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'TheCnajian1 Statesnian BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 1, 1922. THE GREAT FIRST CAUSE AND By Chas. M. Bice, B. A., LL. B., The Bowmanville'News Denver,Cora. Withwhih isînerported Science on both sides the Atlantic TENWit C SLinorpor Eted bas reached the conclusion. that mat- THE EWCSTL INDPENENTter consists of Darticles of positive C OMBINED CIRCULATION 2800 and negative electriÎty, arranged ia structures which are the resuit of ADVERTISING RATES their physical properties, and which LeglOffcilMunicipal and Gov- i un gives ris e to their chemical 4mnment Ntices-12e per noapareil properties. The simplest atomn know 'n lime (12 lines ýto inch) for first in- is made up of a positive andl a nega- ,setio, ad c pr lne oreaeh sub- tive electron, swinging round it, the < teqent nserion.system being kept in stability by the sequnt iserton.law of attraction- nnd repulsion. Ad%- READING MATTER ditions of electrons or electric Readers or loals-lOc per line charges give rise to the atoms of eac inertonminmumchage 0e;different se called elements, and se eac inertonminmumchage e-the new chemistry or physîcs or on First Page 15e per line eaehin'- maybe both combiaed, is menistic, jertion.and therefore, has reduced matter to ADVANCE NOTICES a single termi. Every advànce notice of anykind There the. old world stops for the where the object is, the benefit' or preseat; net se the new. An Ameni- ,eonvenience of any person or number ena scientist goes a step further, and Of persons-is advertising, and will te him it is the Most reasonable and be treated by the publishers as such. la fact the only step, which is that If no instructions. accompany the Matter is Minl;,or Mind is potentical notice, advising us who te charge it. electricity, te, it will bie charged te the person The president of the British Asso- phoaing or sending it ia. ciation for the Advancement of Science, which met recently at Edîn- COMMERCIAL DISPLAY burgh, and the master of Tinity Transient rates-front page, 50e speaking before the Royal Institution per inch; rua of paper, 40c per'ineh, practically reached the samne conclu- ,each insertion. sien, that ail matter consists of the For yerly ontaetappl atthesame units and these units are elect- orfi a.yeal potonctapp ra.herons and ina ablunt way electrons offce. Speialpoitins 5 %extaare Positive and negative charges of CLASSIFIED ADVTS eiectricity. Properties and qualities For Sale, Wanted, To Rent, Lost of the elements depend on the num- and mal adt o siila chracer-ber and arrangement of the electric 2cdpsmall dvt firsimsriorharatnrumuits conained in their atmis. ZO; e Per word est isrtion, min- mScience, these authorities said, is 5e; le permiwordmeach.usqun on the eve of another great simplifica- Aertis mnmumsent . tion la its conception of the fabrie of duertn iements setedwthout Ia- the universe by the explanation of utrctins illbe nseteduntil wit- chemical laws la termis of physical ten orders are received for their dis- iaws., continuance. A writer la The Lendon Times Above rates include both The peints eut that the mest modern James Papers. theery genenally nccepted by scientific mînds is a justification by experi- M. A .JAMES & SONS Publishers. mental science of the theory which Bowmanville, Ont. 1 underlaid alchemy. Is there noth- XMcmbers-"Canadian Wcckly News- iag new under the sua?1 The AI- papers' Associations" and "Select- chemists believed in the pessibility of cd Town Weckiies of Ontario". transmuting the baser metals into gold.' They empioyed rites and in- LEGAL cantations, which ne assayer' of LEGALmodern times would think of doing, but they aise used acids te break M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL... . down the cempenent parts of the BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY baser metals, hoping in this way and moncy te boan on Farm and Town by this double play to reach secrets FPeperty. Royal 'Bank Building, that wouid make them masters of the Bowmanville. Phone 351. wonld. But after ail, the ancients - - ______-were net se far astnay as wns insisted W.F WR, .A. a comparatiyely few years ago; in W. F WAR, B.truth they wene nearer te the grouad- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR., NOTARY work than the censervatîve scieatist ,Moacy te an Bonds for sale. of haîf a century ago. The alchem- Offices: Bleakley Block, King ist believed in his way la a moaistic Street, Bowmanville Ontario. theory; it is only recently that the Phones. Office 102, bouse 343. regular school bas accepted that doct- rine. musicTwenty five years ago, we are re- MUSICmindcd, science believed that the T. W. STANLEY staff of the universe was composed of (London College of Music) ultimate, invisible particles, called Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- tm ahsapdwt t w n ville Methodist Church, is prepared te dividuality, and impossible te break take pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit- up into anything else. Each of the ure. For termis phone 12, _"Green elements-oxygen, goid, sulphur, car- Court", Angyle 'Street.4~m boa and se f orth, had its owa kind of ____________________________ tem, 50 that ail matter ceasisted of combinations of n limited aumber of MEDICAL toms. Unden this theory it would BJ. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. be nbsolutely unthiakable te tara B.lend or silver into gold. Varieus Gold Mcdaiist of Trinity University .icmtne mdnl he ob Toronto. Four years Atteiiding Phy- on this mest matter of fact theory of sician and Surgeonl at Mt. Carmel matter nîways mate.I a on Hospital,, Pittsburg, Ks. Office andate.twsfod Resienc, Welinton tret, Bw, hatthe elements had-certain numeri- Resie PhoWeln108. ret Bw cal relations, from which came Men- manvlle Phne 08.deleeff's "periodic inw". A flood of C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. more- recent disýcovenies overset the Graduate of Trinity Medical College, polymiarphons theory and brought it Toronto, formerly of 'Enniskillen. nearer te the alchemist's dream. The Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, spectroscope aided science greatly in lormer resideace on Church-st., ,Bow- reaching its more recent fandings e- manville. Phone 259. 44-t garding the properties of matter. ___________________________ The discovery of radium withi its% a Wondeful property of instability- DENTAL that it could give off helium and that radioactivity could induce the disin- DR. J. C. DEVITT tegration of other elements, turned Graduate, of Royal Dental College, speculation into certainties, Phy- 'Toronto.' Office, King-st. East, Bow- sîcists now undemstand how the cie- mÉanville. Office heurs 9 a. mi. to 6 ments can be built up out of the p. in. daily except Sunday. Phone sanie materials, and yct have differ- 90à. bouse phone 90b. cnt chemical qualities and properties, DR. . C BONYCATLE seemingly a contradiction in ternis, DR.G. . ONNCASLE yet truc. It becomes a matter of Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto electnicity. University. Gradu#te of the Royal Eahao nisl sa rercd Ctaego. ffie Knt Surgowns of 9jjplanetary systeni. The central stin taio ffie 40iag-st., poneaa22. of which is a proton surounded by DR.c p onR . bousI e phon the orbt of one or more electrons, DR.R. . DNNIEL , 1 and ench system is kept stable by the Honor Graduate of, Toronto Uni- play of the twe charges. The new versity and member of Royal Collegze 1atm theory as descibed bef ore the i the Canadien Typewritins contentu remined utteriy inactive and' away hasbeena student of theshawBsns from the universe of billions of sums Scoole, Isn'î that convincins. proof of insofcenuresan the tiorough teaciing WCS v, 0u 1 uîgcniloso etne boy r e ca Mar a usineed net act again until hoarse tur- tany time Schools do f lotcose in moil of secthing, twistiag, in can- Jul3y and Auust. Send now for pro! descent sunis had se quieted that, spectus. P. Meintoati, Chief Principal worlds might appear and make cir-I UAUDBU~~S~IIOL~ cuit anound them. Aften a lapse of SflA TOR NTO parative stillness so that the delicate, __________TORON_______ p4enicral existinc-life.niight app"ean, and living ceatures becomej 9 than what man bas given it. No, if the age is net given over to crass materialism, it must be admitted that there is something behind the elect- ron-Mind. And what is Mmnd? Mind is eternal. Nothing bas exist- ed without first being thought of by Eternal Mind. How far is that re- moved from God? COST 0F NEWSPAPERS Mr. G. M. McTaggart, Circulation Manager of The Mail & Empire, Tor- onto, has this to say about the hîgh cost of production of newspapers: "While there bas been a reduction in the priceof newsprint; ink and other publishing costs are as high or high- er than ever. In 1920 the postal rate for newspapers was Y4c per l. which amounted to approximately 30c per subscriber per year. The rate to-day is 1i'e per lb.1 (and there ap- pears to be no likelihood ýof a lower rate) which approximates $1.80 per customer per year, an increase of $1.50 on each subscrîption. It act- ually costs more to-day to print and place our publication in the hands of Our readers than at any previous time. That, in a nutshell, is the reason we, in common with other ,Canadian daily newspapers, have found it impossible to reduce the price, much as we would like to". WE GET WHAT WE PAY FOR Hon. Mr. Fisher, Minister of Edu- cation in the British House of Parlia- ment, speaking during the course of the Great War, on the question of post-war education, said: "That nation which, after the war, employs the best teachers with the highest pay ànd as a part of the best school system will be the best govera- ed and, therefore, the greatest nation. 0f that, I am absolutely certain. No people which doës not respect edu- cation will demand and support good goverament, and if there is not a vital impulse running through its edu- cation the people of no nation can he expected to respect it. "I be- lieve, and an iacreasing number of other 'people believe, that education lies at the root of happinéss for every people. Worthy education is impossible where inferiîor teaching forces are employed, 'aad only infer- lor teaching forces can be secured Iwhere inferior pay is offered. Where teaching is infeiior, good government cannot be expected". THE SPELLING MATCH Publie School Teachers, Attention! The Family Herald says that a newspaper office, above ahl other places, is the centre towards which badly spelled and badly constructed communications seem to gravitate. Ia lhis day of advanced education and unsurpassed educational facilities and opportunities it is simply disgraceful to see the overwhelming errors that fiad their wayinto contributions sent to the editor's desk, You pick up your paper and seldom deteet a mis- take, nlthough it is popularly agreed that an absolutely perfect book or paper was ever, yet rua off the press. At the same time it is a rare thing to fiad an original article that doès flot need considerable editiag. The average junior f armer may not see how this can interest him very mach and yet it does. You will soon be taking your place la the Boys' or Girls' Club. You will have to write letters, fill up forms, make reports and maybe you will want to se nd an article to the Herald about ,lie success of your club or your own achievements. If you cannot spell "Ayrshire", "Berkshire", "Leicester", "Holstein", "Percheron" or "Wyan- dotte", how are you going to writel about your live stock? Spelling is important and grammar1 is important and thiese can be taken up in the club meetings to good ad- vantage. When your father and mother were your age there was no better fun than the spelling match, the singing school, the husking bee and the paring bee. Nearly, if -not quite, aIl of theae institutions have gone out of style. One of them, at least, should he re- vived and re-established through6ut the country.- That is, the spelling match. Indeed, I have heard that many "spelling matches" have been held during the past winter and it may not be too late yet, to have an eveaing when this form of entertain- ment would be the main attraction. Have words to spell that are used la agriculture, as'much as possible,-and there would be ao harm in mixing ia a few techaical words, though they night be kept together for a special class, as it would hardly be fair to expect some people, who could mast- er ordinary words to tackle the more techaical terms.- The words should be taken from a f arm paper beingl selected by someone who kaows thel AUNT SUSAN'S ADVICE Conidenins Gossip ta a Place Un- named. Did you ever know a woman to acknowledge being a gossip? I have neyer known one to do so. Yet, some folk do a lot of it. The at- mosphere is often surcharged with it in some communities. But take my acivice, Tny dear niece, and let others do as they wîll, but as for yourself, I say, Don't gossip; it is always ili- fiavored. Gossip and talk are two differeat things; gossip is tattling, and one geaerally associates it with idleness, or emptyf-headedness. Whether it is eîther of these two faults or not it is certainly degrading and belittling. Oftentimes it is not whnt we say but how we say it that conveys to the eager listLener an exaggerated idea of a neîghbor's, shortcomings. We meant no harm, perhaps we were on- ly amused at the little tale we could tell, and thea we let it drop and for- got aIl about it. But it did not1 drop; hie chance to repeat something new could not be allowed to slip, and our littie tale becomes larger un- Over 50 Years, For over haif a century the House of Tod has served the citizens of Bowmanville and commun- ity with the best in bakery and confections. During these many years there is no time when we have been in a better position to cater to your wants in 'Our chosen lunes than NOW. YOU ALWAYS GET THE BEST THOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville S-"EED e CORN Direct from thie growers at. Essex, free from disease and of good germinating quality. AHl the leading varieties. Order now. WE ARE NOW SELLING iBest Manitoba Flour, Ontario Flour, 'Western Oats, Corn, Chop, Cereals, etc. Always best quality and right price. CHOPPING AND CRUSHING We are prepared to do all kinds of chopping and crushing on short notice. Prompt motor delivery to Bo'wmanville and Oshawa. C HA S. HO0R'N Phone 129r6, Hampton DOMINION PIANOS USED PIANOS F TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ever3 In these days there is a piano in almost' ýyhome. Many people postpone, or decide against, the purchase of a new piano because they do flot realize that their old one will be taken in partial exchange. If you have a piano, we will gladly examine it and fix "- price upon it, to apply as partial payment on a new Dominion., FJ. MITC"HELL >1Sales Agent Telephone 105 Bowmanville til it develops into a big untruth. IN "Talk of thîngs, not people", is a wise maxim, Be very truthThl and exact la aIl we.say, it is se easyto just say an extra word, or stretch an' incident a littie more. Much suif-> ering and in-isery is done by our ton-, gues; we should alse be slow to hqar,. often a quiet listener gives credence to what you would not let your ton- gue say; this is a cowardly action, if you know better, or can give the lie to a tale that you know is injuring some one, say so. Enets an be twisted around so that what was really no harm appears to be se: just a word, a sulent smile, or a shrug of the shoulders speak vol- umes, and the seeker after informa- tion who bas already got hold of the wrong tale, can nïow add oný todit aUs from one who really knows, anye you may not speak a word! This you couid swear to shouid a scandal spread and you be questioned; a cowardly, mena attitude, but one alI too common. Jabbering gossips could be trusted easier than such a silent listener, eý Let your motto be, my dear niece, "Speak no evil; see- no evil; hear -no evil", and we might add, Think no evil.1 live in the country or town. the meat pronmptly, We see that you get Why Not Try The Dudley Meat Shop?' Wivv'lbert J.1 Dud ley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowmanville We Are pecia1ists This is ant age of specialists and 1*Specialists in we are PLUMBING TI NSMITHING STEAM FITTING You receive unexcelled service when you leave your order with us. We have the largest staff of plumbers in tqwn who are able to do efficient work promptly and saisfactory. Greenaway & E;lliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville Âuto Accidents Every Day It ma.y be your turn anytime. Protect your- self against damage. suits. The cost is à mere trifle compared with the risk. Our companies, with complete organization and capital, assume everything for you. No worry. No loss. It is more important even than fire insurance. Many have been financially ruined over one ac- cident. The courts allow big damages. Don't run the risk yourself. way and talk it over with us. REAL ESTATE Several good houses for sale. storey brick dwelling for $1000.00. Come in any- A bargain, 2 J. J.'MASON, & SON I Real Estate and Insurance Brokers. Phone 50Bomnil lit 4 I POULTRY NEWS Withouta doubt we have the best and Iargest~ variety of poultry supplies in town including: Katswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch, Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and Hen Charcoal Qyster ShIeil, Grit, Baby Chick Cnit Lowest prices at ail times and special'prices for large quantities. HARRY ALLIN PNIONE 186 BOWMANVILLE Are You TooîBu1,s9,Y? To corne to My store and select your meat per- sonally? Then use the phone-225--and your orders wili be, attended to just the same as if you stood in front of our counter. It dosen't make any difference whether you 1 :, Il i roi

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