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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jun 1922, p. 4

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iiOWgiANVILiLE, JUNE 1,192 DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. After 30 years of service Prof. Athur Philemnon Coleman, bead of the depatment of Geology of the University of Toronto, aad Dean of the Facuity of Ats, is retiriag. Dr. William Arthur Parks wili succeed Dean Coeman as head of the depait- mn<ent of Geology.-Mail and Empire. This announcement possesses more than a passing interest for some of us who can go back la recollection a few decades. Botb of these distin- guished prof essors of Toronto Uni- versity, like Prof. John Squair, weîe Durham county boys. The former was son of Rev. Fran- cis Coleman, a Metbodist miaister, and graduated from Victoria Colege, Cobourg, in 1876. Rev. Mr. Coleman was once stationed at Newcastle. Mr. J. B. Fairbairn, P. M., in is "Histomy and Reminiscences of Bowmanville, page 21, says that "Peter Coleman, had ýtwo brotheis William and Francis wbo were mînisters and that Francis] was father of Dr. Arthur P. Coleman. Dr. Coieman's successor, Dr. Wi- liam Arthur Parks was bora in Ham- ilton but lived in Bowmanville severai years and we remember weii when fromn 18831 to 1886 hie attended Bow- manville High School and fromn 1886 to 1888 hie taught Salem school (S. S. No. 9, Darlington), afterwamds went to the University of Toronto and graduated la 1892. What a fine class tbey would make weme it possible to line up ail the Durham girls and boys wbo bave made good professionaily, commerc- ially and othemwise la the activities of Canada and the United States and a f ew beyond these countries. NEWCASTLE S. O., E. PARADE Splendid Service Wlich Ail Truly Lodge Newcastle No. 46, S. O. E. B. S., held its annual church parade on Sunday, May 21st. The members met at the Lôdge Room and were joined by sevemal brethren of Lodge Wellington, Wolverhampton and Newton nccompanying whom were their respective presidents, Bros. Wm. Berry, W. P., R. Morton, W. P., and Herbert llancock, W P. The members to the number of about 75 were f ormed into line and marshalled to the Presbyterian Chuîch by Bro. Geo. Gaines, 1. G., following the route of King, Mill, Emily and Church Streets. The brethien stood at attention in two uines before the church and counter- marched in, led by the officers of local and visiting lodges, and> were met and courteously weicomed by the officiais of the church. The service was opened by singîng the National Anthem followed by the doxology. Rev. S. G. McCormack, the minis- ter, expressed bis sincere 'pleasure with the attendance of such a fine body of men who were doubly wel- corne, both as citizens of a regular ciiurch going community and as memn- bers of a great fraternal and patriotic Order which was doing so much to help its members individuaily and to cherish and keep alive the best Eng- ish principles and traditions. Rev. Mr. McCormack preached a very thoughtful and conscience awnk- ening sermon from Ex. S- 14-15-- "And God said I AM that 1 AM, say unto them I AM". The splendid choir of the church was assisted on this occasion by Mrs. Wmi. Jamieson of the Anglican Church and the.maie quartet-Messrs Pickard, Bragg, Aluin and Cooke of1 the Methodist Church. Mrs. William Beman presided at the organ and as the voices of the congregation and many maie visitors, led by the choir joîned in swelling the notes of such grand, old hymns as "~ OGod our help in ages Past", and "Ail hall the1 power of Jesus Name" the effect was truly inepiring. The quartet sang after the Dox- ology "Just Outside the Door" and after the sermon "I've found a fîîend, yes such a Friend" and Mrs. Jamie- son sang with sweet' effectiveness "Just for To-day"y. It was a very fine service al through. At the lodge-room after îeturning votes of thanks were tend- ered to Rev. S. G. McCormack, to the church officiais, the choir and al others who had helped so mucli to make the service so enjoyabie and successfui and beave with the Order of the Sons of Engiand some impres- sions that bear he stamp of perman- ency. Worms feed upon the vitality of children and endanger their lives. A simple and effective remedy ia Mother Graves' Worm Extemminator. Men, your Spring suit now awaita you at the new lower prices. Couch, Johnston & Crydernian, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and GeneralImir- provemnent Courses. Studeflts accepted at any time. , Good Positions for aU gradüates. CANADA BUSINESS COL. LEGE, Oshawak and Toronto, Open ail year Etrnw LLI tenow Yongt, & Charles Streets, Toronto -the high grade business school of Ontario. Our graduates are in strong demand. Prepare now and be ready to accept a good position in the Faîl. Write for our Catalogue which gives com- plete information. The pupils of this schooi get solid value for Itheir money. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. WEDDINGS Gambe-Hicks. A quiet wedding was solemnized la the Simcoe Street Methodist Parson- age, Oshawa, on Wednesday, May 24,1 when Miss Marlon Hicks, daughtmr of 'Mm. and Mrs. Samiuel Hicks of Bow- manville, became the bride of Mr. Ernest Bruce Gambie, son of Mr. Washington Gamble, 93 Agnes Street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. McBain. The couple bave taken up residence in Oshawa. Graham-Strong A quiet wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, on May 10, when Lulu Pearl, 'eldest daughtem of Mr. and Mrs. James Strong, was mamied to Oscar Melville Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Graham, both of Cartwright. Rev. J. F. Everson, Prince Albert, officiated. Mrs. Leslie Graham piayed the wed- ding music. The bride who was given away by hem father, iooked charming in a gown of blue tafi'eta siik. She carried a bouquet of white lhles. Miss Jessie Hunter of Prince Albert, was bridesmaid, wearing blue siik and carried a bouquet of snap dragons. Mr. Clarence Graham wasi best man. The groom's gift to the bride was a pennl pin. The brides-* maid and groomsmnn alsoreceived pins. The prasents were numerous and valuable. After partaking of a sumptuous repast the happy couple ,eüft for Toronto. Upon their return they xiii reside in Cartwright, xhere the groom is a prosperous farmer. HAPPINESS OUT 0F LIFE BY MUSIC IN THE HOME Do you doubt the value of music in the home? If so ponder over the f ollowmng wise counsel of a lending educationist who in the course of a ecent lecture had Iis to say: "When your guests visit You open 'le top of the piano. Your instru- ment then is receiving them, too. Music in its place, the suggestion of readiness to play-these are the touches of kinship which set if e ia- to the music-room. Where there is no music in the house is a sad place. If you would know where real culture and genuine sympathy reside in the human heart, go find me the music-1 lover. If a family appears to be the cultured ýsort, even though they-can- not confess a true love of nielody, l them sham it, if they must. Let them f ollow the example of the f olk wbo àttend opera nmereiy 10 seem to like it. If the anme of the family be off the list of music patrons, you wonder why, and , of course, won- dering why, cast a dfferent glance at the missing persons. What you hear of music outside your own doors is not to be compared witb the simple kind of music you hear inside your own home". The music-room is the very henît of the home. Let it throb and sead new blood and passion and interest through the arteries of every part of your house. Where there is a music-room il is likeiy to be n musical bouse, and re- member always that n musical bouse is n happy bouse. If you have neyer tnried music in the home ns a cheer- ing factor, begin to-day and thus get more happiness out of if e, Why drag around feeling haif sick and no accounI ail the time when you can gel Tanlac. Jury & Loveli. 1Master Eric Wallon Bail of Toron- to paid bis first visit to Harris Lodge Ibis week-end and found everyîhing lovely and refreshîng at Ibis beauti- fui country retreal. William Jennings Bryan's new book "I Ris Image"-in defense of the Bible and th-, Chrýstian ITerald of! New York whîch Christian peopleI prize so bigbly for one year are off er- ed for oaiy $3. Send order to-day~ to M. A. James, Subscription Agent,ý Bowmanvilie. "In Ris Image" is a great and imely book and retails I alone at $1.75. You should have it.! RUSSIAN FAMINE FUND These additioaal contribultioné haYe been received: Mis. F. R. Foley.......... $ 8.00 Salem Appointment.......... 1.00 Canryon Ciass BoxvmaaviUle Methodist Chumch......... 2.00 Sunshine Class, Bowmanville Methodist Sunday School 1.60 7.50 Peviously eported .........211.98 Total $219.46 F. R. Keralake, Treasumer. ,WHEN DO YOU CUT YOUR NAILS According to an old Lancashire, Engiand, rhyme, it makes a. differeace on wbat day you eut your finger nails: "Cut them on Monday, eut them for news; Cut them on Tuesday, a new pair of shoes; Cut them on Wednesday, ait Vhem f or bealth; Cut them on Tbusday, eut tbeni for wenlth; Cut them on Friday, eut tbem f or woe; Cut them on Saturday, a joumaey you'll go; Cut them on Sunday, eut tbem for evil- For, ail tbe next week you'll be ruled by the Devil". Better not cut them et ail. Use a nail file. Could Hamdly Lîve For Asthma, writes one man wbo nfteî years of suffering has f ound comploe relief through Dr. J. D. Keilogg's Asthma Remedy. Now he knows how need- less has been bis suffering. This matchless remedy gives sure belp to ail afficted with asthma. Inbaled as smoke or vapor it bings tbe help zo saler. Ready For Spring Sewing Have a Singer Sewing Machine toheip you with your work. EASY TERMS Sold on easy terms-$5 down and $3 a month. ilepair work of ail kinds done, Russel rHobbs At J. T. MoIIon'a Store King-st. E. Bowmanvlfl Bowmanvilie was one of the class who was mentioned as helping lnaa very pleasing program. Ic.c.M. rlicycles[ are sold by harryAllun Just West ,Royal Theatre 1REBUILT BICYCLES FOR SALE bD-B Carbo-n Remover i will clean the dirtiest of Car- bon in thirty minutes. Keep it clean by applying D-B every 500 miles avoid ail Carbon trouble. .It does. not cut Con-rpres- sion. Ask MASON & DALE Bowmanville about D-B SPRING TIMÉ Th* apple-bloom is ail abioW In leafy orchards, high and. low. O'er dale and down it flutters light, A cidud of filmy pink and white. It biossoms by the cottage door To prove that Spring bas corne once more, And sheds its wltching, sweet peifume The appie-bloom. The apple-bioom bestrews the grass With fragrant petais as we pass; And long bef ore the break of daii It joins the breezes in their play, But wben the sua is la the west, And ail the world is rocked to rest, It folds its buds amid the gloom, The apple-bioom. There is no poisonous ingredient ia Hoiioway's Coin Remover, and it can be used without danger or înjuîy. Special this week-20 Ladies' Suits are being put on sale to clear at haîf- puice and iess at Couch, Johnstoa and Crydermaa's Mis. J. Braund, 29 Bmock Street., Oshawa, left Monday on an extended trip to tbe west,, visiting ber daugh- ters and other friends at Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary. Get rid uf Rheumatism. Use O. R. Kidnt±y Tonie. It is o. k. 75e at A. L. Nicholîs', Bowmanville, or post paîd from The O. R. Medicine Co., Richmond Hill, Ont. 20-4* Miss B. E. Ha ris, Public Health Nurse, Oshawa, in a vemy interesting' report for the past month says th e communicable diseases for the mont b had been: Measles, 26; Chickenpox, 17; Whooping Cougli, 17; Scarlet Fever, 6; Diphthemia, 1; Erysipelas, 1; Typhoid Fever, 1; total 69. We notice that recently eight pup- ils of -the Music and Expression De- partment of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, gave a successful recital in Toron o Conservatory of Music Hall I under (lirection, of Mm. David Dick ~1aVqroun Possibly no other part of the world gives u p to ils people a greaier effanse of country for recreatton purpo.. than Canada. From the Atlantic to the Pacifie large tracts of territory have been set aside by the Dominion or ProvincIal Governments-g-reat unspolled klngdoms, where nature and beauty vie with each other, where b4rd and animal ifs la unmolested, and where evtrything i. as n4ture planned It. Just what thi8 means to moi-taI mans k I. difficuift to eati -mte, but il makes life worth white for thoee who embrace- the opportunlty of spending their 'vacation la tbge e eat s Pace%. These playgrounds are,hI addition, a great national asset, as thouanads of tourie *Lnislly kmoe al pn*i. wOdd worship with us at our sucelc arines. 0f the great Canadian National Parks, Jasper Park, which han an arm of 4,400 squm e àbwM m.t a poe-r In tact, it is dbubtful if anywhere in an equal ares, such mountain sceaemy andi wosaiu Matures a cm wd-'eet peaka,- snowfields and glaciers, deep canyons and mighty rivai-s on every hind. Jasper Park Lodge is at present being constructed and wlll b. ready fer tthe ecptâm etb" >w%4aow. & aWE be erated by the. Canadian National Railwayo. - OPTOMETRY R. M .MITCHELL Optomnetriat Registered By Examiînation Specîaliz- ing in errors of Refraction and Mus- cular Imbalances. Latest Methods, Modern Equipment. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug Store Bowmanviile ont. The Hampton Butter and Cheese Manufacturing Co. Limited. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS 1{EREBY GIVEN that ail persons having dlaims or demands against the above Company are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned William R. Allun at Hampton, îheir narnes and addresses with state- ment of their accounts. AND TAXE NOTICE that after the 24th day of Ju-ne, 1922, the said Company Witt proceed to distribute the assets of the Company among the stockholders of the Company, and the Company will neot be responsible to any creditor of the Corn- g any of whose dlaim notice shallflot have een received by the said AllUn or by thei said Company at the lime of such dis- tribution. Date~d this 18th day of June, 1922. W. R. AllUn, W. G DodgeSecretary of said Company. President of said Company. 21-3 ATAIT'S Lake S tore Sold1 Having disposed of my store at the lake I take this opport-unity of thanking the public for the lib- eral support t-hey have given me and trust the saine support wili be extended to Mr. H. Pawson my sticcesscôr.,whom I recommend most highly. Mr. Pawson will carry everything in grocer- les, ice cream, milk, summer drinks. Watch for bis Advt. ARCHIEA-Wb-" Grocer Bowmanville Every -time you buy "SURPRISE" you get a big, bright,, solid bar of the highiest'grade2 hou sehold soap. 120 f '4 CARDON REMoVERý

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