Dwelling For Sale In Oshawa' Fine up-to-date brick dwelling on Ritson Rd.4 South, one block from King-st., containing 8 rooms, beside bath, seperate toilet and kitchenette,, Price $7,500. Apply on the premises to,.1 T. H. McMURTRY, 50 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa., 26-2w1 if achrnery Breaks Urdr Ne Prtby 4ç->g-DistanceL- I - - - - - - .-~---------------*------.- a - ~ BO0WMANVILLEe JULY 6th, 1922.1 BOWMANVILLE BOY'S RISE decorated in white and gen LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. Robert Copeland je visiting friends in Wingham. Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, je visit- ing with friends here. Visitors to Bowmanville admire its well-paved main street. Miss Margaret Copeland je visit- ing friends in Blenheim. Cool evenings have not added much comfort at garden parties., New potatoes and green peas are again enj oyed at family dinner. - Don't throw waste paper on the streets. It's a siovenliy practice. Sugar is gettîng on its preserving~ time climb. $8.00 per 100 again. Mr. John C .Strickland, Reeve of Lakefield, is Warden of Peterboro County. Have ail girls and boys leara to swim. .t may mean life-saving to them sometime. Falwheat looks exceptionally well. Farnriers predict harveet a full week earlier than last year. Stamp tax of two cents on receipte for $10 and upwards becomes oper- ative January 1, 1923. Bowmanvi-lle Methodiet Sundayi School will picnic at Hampton Mem- orial Park on Wednesday, July 19th. A tax of 41/2 % on job printing muet now be paid by the customer, by the new change in levying Dominion taxes. A drop in temperature from 85 de- grees Saturday week down to the ex- ceedingly cooî point of fifty -Sunday morning. Folks leave a perfectly good home now and go to a lake to live in a shack with no conveniences and few comforts. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornieh and Miss Tf Carniqh, Mis--,Maud Otton and New Head of Chicago Eye CIinic The bride's going away dress was Dr. J. Frank Forbes, a native of The happy couple left amid showersi Bowmanville, who has become a noted of confetti and beet wishes on a motor occuliet of Chicago, je making addi- trip to Buffalo and other American tional fame these days as head of the cities. On their return they will re- eye clînic at- the recently endowed side in their'new home Kingston Road Chicago Training School f or Home East. and Public Health Nursing on Ada Street. This Home resulted £rom' Many beautiful and costly gifts the efforts of former Health Commis- testified--the high esteem in which the sioner, Dr. John Diii Robertson. It. young couple je held. is a striking coincidence that these two aeeociated physicians are of Scotch stock, and that both were train Hear the U. S. and Canadian dispatchers, before they studied medi- Radio Concerts Perfectly on cine. Speaking of Dr. Forbes the our Model C. Regenerative other day, Dr. Robertson said: CONCERT "The ophthalmologist who refracts the children's eyes je none other than' J. Frank Forbes, who was ýchief train' R A I IU dispatcher of McCook, Nebr., when I RECEIVING SETS was a telegraph operator. Frank, Forbes was known to everyone on the Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. jLive Agent in Bowmanville wanted Automiatic Telephones and Timne Recorders Ltd., 140 Victoria St. Toronto, Ont. COAL OIL and GASOLINE H. E. Smith Successor to Jas. Elliott When starting to use your coal oul stove IL . 1 Phones--Office 41J House 140-r2 N eed Sewer-Pipe?j ½irEIllow2 .-. ..-~ 7M,_____r I ~fa i n i SP~eD~o#s ~11 ±1r~-~ ~ A 1-.~.. .C M~!r Ced- 5~es~ast CS~7Z-AJ--- 1 --- - 1 CHIlROPRACTIC Does good health interest you? Do you feel 100 %ï, perfectly healthy or only 33 and a third% ? If you are sick -why are you sick? If, you could regain health in a perfectly natural way without drugs, without operations, would it interest you? Millions of others are to-day enjoying health, made possible by Chiropractie-there may be hope for yoti. Callin~ and let me explain the philosophy of Chiropractic and why it gets you well. Gordon P. Souc'i, D. C., Ph. C. Church Street-Opposite Presbyterian Church Office Hours-=11-12 a. m. 3-5 and 7-8 p. in.