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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 1

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JEU ~,ID b'ian f~tU t20L ft Vol. LXVIII. M. A. JAIVIES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARIO, JULY 27, 1922 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a 0opy. N.3 Annual July Sale Greater Values than Ever Distant fields may look great it will be well worth your while real bargains being offered this * LADIES'SUITS 8 only, navy, black and sand, originally prieed at $25 to $30 while they last your, choice f or only $10.00 LADIES' SPRING COATS Only a f ew left, but they must go too, were $16 to $35, your' choice at exactly HALF PRICE CHILDRkEN'S DRESSES Voiles and Ginghams, nicely made, sizes 4 to 14, regularly priced at $1.00 to $5.00, make your own selection at 25% OFF but before you buy out of towrn to visit our store and see the month. HOUSE DRESSES Nice assortment, favorite col- ors, odd sizes, clearing at only $1.00 COLORED VOILES Splendid variety and ail the popular shades, regular 75e to- $1.50 yd, sale price 49c VOILE AND CINGHAM DRESSES During this sale we have in- cluded our beautiful stock of Voile and Gingham Dresses at 1REDUCED PRICES Ginghams in yard widths just received Men's Department-Customers often find our "regular prices" for suits and rnen's furnishings lower than some so called "spe- ciai prices". ,Johnton&Cyderanc, swnxaivile Phione 104 Lirniteci l'i heatre 1 BOWMv'ANVILLE WEEK JULY 31-AUG. 51 MONDAY m VISITED THIS TOWN. -The special committce of the Leg- Isiative wbich bas beca making.la- cuiic, throughout Ontario as ta the beat methods of improving botel ac- commodation with the abject of at- tmacting-more tauriats ta this pro- vince. visitcd Bowmanville on Tues. day aftcmnoon. Aftcn inspcctiag local batelsa nd makiag a hurricd tour of the tawn and lake front whih a fstbecoaring a popular and favorite summer rcsort, the commit- tee confermeti with members of Town Cauncil and Chamber of Commerce in the Council Room. The Cammit- tee is compoacti of Messra. E. Wat- son, N. Victoria, M. Lang, Cochrane, "The Bronze Bell Cl.WýH.PriePav dle By Louis Joseph Vance -- j Intrigue in New York, TOMATOES ED rebellion in India, love Fel growýn tematoe are oonte amoarktl1ae Teark pursandth and adventure in tWO peaches. Large thimbleberries areý worlds. A famous novel . Niagara Peninsula Growers, Limited, turned to thrilling action, stands for eveny'ýgraded, cnrefully on the screen. packed fruit. Dori Maywith Doris May and CourtenayRAI Foote RADI 'jREGENERATIVE RECEIVING SET bear canadian and U. S. Concerto Live Agent Wanted ina-Bawmanville WEDNESDAY Gladys Walton in the appealing drama of a frivolous little flapper who has flung, from her pedestal and found hap- piness through disaster, "High Heels" FRIDAY Ethel Cîayton in "Sham" Watch for announcement of our Faîl programme. See the Sunnyside of ilfe. Paramount International JOY WEEK SEPT., 4-9 AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES AND TIME RECORDERS, LTD. 140 Victoria St. Toronto 1 I'~. NEW FRUIT PRICES I Uno Inu rlPgr ' Department of Agriculture Fruit 11 1 Branch reports these prices curreat u i n I d .t " l M n c in Toronto on July 17: _____ Ontario fruit, cherries sweet 6- hs epnilfoth hap Co edheA SrTamoadaw quart basket $1 to $1.50; saur 85 to hs epnil o h ap o edteAlSa emt rw 50 cents, il-quart basket 65 to 90 idea of holding a Union Industrial The line-up: Knitters A. Piper, D. cents. Blueberries il-quart $2.25 Picnic are certainly to be congratula- Heari, M. Luxton, B. Kilgannon, J. iGorbold, A. Aitken, N. Barreil and L. to $2.75. Gooseberries 6-quart ted as the event which took place at Kîlgannon. AIl Star Team-M. basket 50 ta 75 cents. il-quart Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Wilcox, C. Dilling, N. Clarke, M. basket$l to $1.50. Black Currants h1-quart basket $2.50 ta $2 .75. Red S aturday, July 22, was a huge suc-- Gorbold, R. Reader, C. Curran, N. Currants 6-quart basket 50 cénts, il- cess in every particular. The com- Piper, W. Hobbs, N. Ciough. Um- quart basket $1. Raspberries $ 15- rittces in charge of handling the var-~ pires-K. Hicks, A. Piper, W. Kelly. quart box 25 ta 30 cents. Peaches ious duties and activities of this hap- The rncing events were ail keenly Early Rivers 6-quart basket 40 to 50 py affair seemed ta have overlooked contested, the feature being the cent$. Plums 6-quart baskets 50 ta nothing and anticipated just what Factary Managers' Race in which L. 75 cents. Tomatoes il-quart bas- was required ta make it an enjay- F. Raffauf made them ail take bis ket $2.50 ta $8. Georgia Penches able holiday for aid and young, em- dust; A. M. Hardy came in a close 8-basket crate $4.75 ta $5'.50. Cali- ployers and emplayees. In fact, second; R. E. Wilson fell just as vict- f ornia Piums 4-basket crate $2.25 ta, there were no aid folks present ns ary was in his grasp; J. W. Alexander $8. Apricots $2.50 ta $3.25. On- everybody was young and gay and quit at the quarter post; F. C. Calmer ions California white $3.25 ta $4 uer entered into the spirit of the proceed- nnd R. E. Yates were amang the "also cwt. Ontariro Dutch Sets $4.50 per imgs accordingiy ,.1j mn", while J. B. Mitchell wns left at cwt. Potatoes Ontario new white As far as proprietors, managers,~ the wire. $2.60 per bag, Virginia No. 1, $5.50 superinteadeats, foremen, floorwalk - Prýize Winners in Races ta $6 per barrel, No. 2, $3.50 ta $4. crs or other species of the 'boss' var- Mse1r ac-.Aey .Ga Markec firm. ~~iety, they were canspicuou-s by their hmyseyRc-.Aey,.Ga _____________absence as far as tbeir officiai cap a-Ihm cities were concerned-everybad~ Factory Managers' Race-L. F. PUBLIC SCHOOL FAIRS was on an equal footing. y' Raffauf, A. M. Hardy. Boys' Sack Race-L. Williams, Rural School Faims for Durhami The Bowmanville industries taking Geo Attree. County will be held: part fncluded Dominion Organ & Tug-of-War-Goodyear defeated Newcastle, Monday, Sept. îîth. Piano Ca., Goodyear Tire & Rubber Foundry in twa straight pulls. Ramn Orono, Tuesdny, Sept. l2th. Ca., Bowmanville Foundmy Ca., Ross prevented other team from campet- Mapl GrveSepembr ltb. Can Ca., Canada Scale & Suicer Ca., ng. Hampton, Thursday, Sept. 14th. Britih Candao Cnes.Too 100 yd. Dash, open-Wm, Kelly, Enniskillen,, Friday, Sept. lsth. KiagC.M. Avery. Biackstock, Monday, Sept, lSth. The progrnm started at 9 a. m. with Girls' Race-Eda Curran, Anale Ballyduif, Thumsday, Sept. 2lst. a grand procession from corner of Tayior. . Welcome, Fridny, Sept. 22nd. Ontario & King Streets alang the Fat Man's Race-Harold Wakehan, Garden Hill, Monday, Sept. 25th. Main Street ta Scugog Rond. By Burton Andrus. Millbroak, Tuesday, Sept, 26th., special request Chie£ Richard Jarvis Ladies' Race-Jessie Aitkea, An- Ida, Thursday, September 2Sth. rnounted on a fine black charger led nie Aitken. ____________ e caravan of mnerry-mnakers ta the Children's Handicap, under 10 yrs tawn limits wbere they were left ta Oscar Jamieson, Bradley Honey-1 DONATIONS TO \HOSPITAL wend their way ta the 'hub of intel- ýmaný Harold Calmer. ligence' and mare recently praclaimed 1 Boys' Handicap, aver 10 years-.- Zion Onward Class-l1/% doz. Tea ta be the "Prettiest village in Ontamrl Herbert Calmer, Oscar Williams. Towels, Nursery Supplies, la"y. Eating Soda Biscuit Cantest-Geo. Mrs. Clatworthy-Basket of Apples. Foilowing in the parade were: Ai ree, L. Williams. Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary-4 Drum Major W. Arthur Edger dress-i Daughnut Enting Contest-Russell Sprea.ds, 6 Dressing Gowns, 2 dozen ed as a clown and taking the part! Yeo, Jack Culley. Pillow Slips, 83 doz. Doctor's Toweis, well. Any tume the Goodyear Ca. can Men's Race, 50 years-A. H. Flet- 21i2 daz. Diapers, 1 Dress, 1 Gert- da without the services of 'Gingerl' cher, Wm. Mayaard., rude, Paper Doylies, 2 Surgeoa's Edgem no doubt Barnum & Bailey'si Married Womea's Race-Mrs. AI- Gawns, 13 Sheets, 19 Draw Sheets.1 Circus will be glad ta let him baose vin Stncey, Mrs, T. E, Praut. Junior Missionýary Society St. in their big- tent, Then came these Tbree-Legged Race, mixed doublei Paul's Church-S ray Cloths. repmseatatives from the local indust- M Gea. Richards and Jeanie Aitken, Mr. Isaac Selby-Apples.,i ries: R. E. Wilson, F . C. Calmer, Mr. an d Mrs. Milton Avery. Mrs. Greenaway-i doz. Eggs, Jar L. F. Raffauf, A. M. Hardy, J. B. Boys' 3-Legged Race-L, Goddard S Fruit. 1Mitchell, D. H. Steinbumg and R. E.j and L. Williams, G. and E. Altree. Brookdale Nursery Co-Flowers for Yates. Ladies' BaIl Throwing Contet- --£aster. -Mrilmsclwssple Mrs. E . Loucks, 56 yds. Edna Cur- Mms.WmSdgm-8 o ,.Egg. the Bowmanville Chamber of Com- 'an. Mrs. Bert Fenaýeli-8 doz Eggs. mnerce Band un der the able leadership l Wheelbarrow Race, men-J Mohua Mrs. Grant-Apples.- of Conductor H. C. Durgin. The! and Ben King. M. Avery and W. Women's Institute-2 Flower Vases. 'bandsmen appeared in their new uni- Kelly. Mrs. R, R. Stevens-Maple Syrup, f arms for the first time and present-I Wheelbarrow Race, girîs-Gladys Horse Radish, I c a very natty, smart and attractive King and Anale Aitkea, Rase Reader Robert Battle-2 bags Potataes. outfit. The unif arma are of blueiand Carrne Curran,. Howard Couch 70 Raspberry Plants serge trimmed wîth black braid andi Needle Threading Race-Annie Mrs. Robbins-2 Jars Fruit. "C. C. B." la gald letters an the'Aitkcn and E. DeSouza, Olga Em- Mrs. Richard Bragg-Pair Pillows, collar. Througbaut the afternoonj mersan and C. Samîs. W. M, S. Methodist Church, Ennis- they rendercd a higb-class progma o Girls' Shoe Race-Carnie Curran, kiIeýn-Bcd Spread music which was vcry liberal and Lillian Lamantaguce. NormanS .B. James-Bus. Potatoes. greatly enjayed by ail prescat. Girls' Handicap, 13 years and un- CashDontios Tuck andmaa ofthe mot der-Edna Curran, Hester Caverly. CashDontios Tuck, an may o th moor Large st Family an -the Grounds- Carpet Bahl League..... . 14,00 cars which coaveyed the picnickers ta Mm-. and Mrs. R. J. Yeo, 7 sons, 8 Bequest Anna P. Ditchburn. .100,00 Hampton wcre gaily' decorated for daughters. the occasion, The oniy event scheduled at the, Mis LoiseMorisTorato spatpark for the marning was a football Mis LoiseMorisTornto spntgame betwcen marmied mca vs single the week-end at home. iea in which the Benediets woai by TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE P? sure ta rend McMutry & Co's, 7-4 with the following line-up: Dun- ESTIMATES FOR 1922 ad. before doîng your shopping . lop, Galloway, Humpbries, Edgerton,7 Miss Keat and friend of Toronta, jKing, Mohun, Johnson, Smith, Hack- At a special meeting of Town were wek-end visitors at bier uncic'sl ney, Bagneli and Avery. Roland Councîl held Juiy 20, the estimates Mr. H . W. Hamin 1 B ate gave undisputed satisfaction as were struck for 1922 requiring a tax Mms. W. J. Trenouth, Nnpanee, efere, mrate of 38 milis on the dollar ta, be is holidnying with hiem parents, Mr,. Dinner hour found the ladies well levied, This is 1/2 mîli higher than and Mrs. John Glbert- prcpamed with theim important part of last year. Miss Ruth Hamm has returned the pmogram. Sprcads were laid on Total amount of Asseasment Rol home froin a pleasant holiday with 1 tables and la othen shady-parts of the for 1922-$2,170,,,49&. friends at Oshawa and Lake Scugog- park on the grass where an abun- Expenditures Mm. andi. Mrs .R, Brown' Toron- dance of nppetizing edibles nwaited Roada and Streets....... $3500.00 ta, andi Miss -E. Mollon, Oshawa' the hungry little groupa which gather- Public Property........ .. .4600.00 spent the week-end at Mm. J. T. ed round theim. Caretaker Fred G. Fire Depatment ......... 4750.00 Mollon's. Kersînke was kept husy aerving out'Police Depatmeat........ 2200.00 Mm.R.B.Molonan .the hot water froin a 235th Battalion Cemetery Department . .. . 1300.00 Mr. H B. ollo andcousin, Field Kitchen which is again on active Relief Department......... 1000.00 Master Arthur Mollon of Hamilton, service. Priating....... ..250.00 aorer hpndogte.rbiasatte The aftemnoon prograin stnrted off Salaries.,................2335.00 f rmrs om.witb a band selection followed by n Contingent andi Legal Ex-' Misses Rhea anti Evelyn Sheridan, few timely remarks by Alderman penses .>....... ....2100.00 Nnpanee, are holidnying witb their Wm. Thickson, Chairman of Picnicj Exemptions ....~.. ,,. 7200.00 gmandpam QenMan d Ms.Rd C mLtee. He iavited the repre- iFarmers' Rebate ..........970 Tmnotb uen-t. -sentatives of ahl the industries ta the Rebate on Taxes. .. .. ....125.00 Ladies' Suits, 8 oaly, black and platf orm. Aftem reading n Jttr n+erest, etc .............. 1500.00 sand, were $25 ta $35, youn choîce froin Mm. C. H. Carlisle, Toronto, af naw f or $10.00 at Coucb, Johastan, f eing best of iiaes ta the gatherngi $31,777.00 & Cydermnn's. and cxpressing bis regrets at being Receipts Some 90 per cent of the popula- unable ta bc present, the chaimmanî Rents, license, bay scales, tion is made up of industriai work- calleti on Mayor H. L. Quinn for a public property. ...... $ 900.00 ers and fammers, Then why edu- few emarks. Ris W-orship expresseti Fines anti Fees......... . .400.00 cate 100 per cent of thecËcildmcn his appreciation at being invited ta Cenietemy............ .... 800.,00 along uines that fit them for the pro- the picaic and felt a galheiag of this Sale of Lands.......... 400.00 fessions? Will saine one tell us kind vwas anc of the finest thiaga ta Local Jm.provement Side- plense? belp the wcif are of a community. It walk.......... .........i1291.50 placedaIl on the samne level and gave Local Improvement Scwer- each an opportunity ta sec things age . ...................83013.38 fmom the saine view point. By eacb Debenture refund. ........ 1233.00 individual cultivnting the proper apir- Debenture rcfund......... 750.00 THIS MAY BE THE it toward eacîi othen, the speaker Dog çrTax and Saueo MINISTERS AND CH1URCHES Union service will be held nex' Sunday morning in the Methodisý Church when Rev. E. B. Cooke oý1 Newcastle will preach. Sunday Schools from 12 to 1 P. m. Evening service in St. Paul's Church when Rev. W. H. Spargo will preach. 1Church of Christ-il a. m. and '7 p. m.-Morning and evening ser- viqes conducted by the Pastor, 11ev. L. E. Zavitz. 12 noon-Sundav School. 8.30 p. m.-Service at th, lake held in the dance hall, conducte- by Professor C. T. Paul, Indianapolis Indiana. Madame F. E. Webb. Professor Diploma A. L. C. M., C. P. 1. C. L., will play one of ber owr, pianoforte compositions. Mrs. Copp will render a solo. Everyone wel- corne. EVERSON-COURTICE MEET Some two score people attendeî the annual picnic of the Everson- Courtice families held at Lakeviev- Park, Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Friday afternoon, from Toronto, Bowïaan- jville, Newcastle, Lindsay and Oshawa among other Canadian centres, and some visitors from the United Stateý, Mr. Leopold Courtice acted as chair- man. Mrs. E. J. Bale, Oshawa, i. secretary. The. executive was re- elected. Short speeches were deliv - ered by Mr. T. H1. Everson, of Toron- to and 11ev. Mr. Valentine, of the United States.-Reformer. WEDDINGS Brooks-VanNest A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Parsonage, Hlampton, on Sat- urday, July 8th, by Rev. W. W. Jone3 when Alta Doreen, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanNes' Solina, was united in marriage with Mr. Samuel Wesley Brooks, Oshawn, son of the late J. W. Brooks and Mrs. Brooks, Bowmanville, The bride wore a dress of aew sand duchess satin trimmed with rad- ium lace and embroidery, hat, glovesý, shoes and stockîngs to match, ar wool velour coat and carried 'Rich- mond roses. They were attended by Miss Gladys Brooks and Mr. Norman VanNest. Later the happy .couple left for Oshawa and entrairied for Toronto and Niagara Falls, N, Y. They wîli reside in Oshawa. Thurston-Westaway. A very pretty summer wedding Wall solemnized on Wednesday afternoor, July 12, at the residence of the bride'- parents, when Marjorie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. West- away was united in marriage witn Mr. Elwood R. W. Thurston, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Thurston, boti of Bowmanville.- Rev. S. Cý Moore, B .A., B. D., of the Meth- odist Church officiated. The living- room wns tastefully decorated with roses and ferns, the ceremony being performed under an arch of pink roses. The bride entered the living-roorïi The Science that makes people well and happy. You Need Not Be Sick Chiropractie ad- usts the cause of dis-j ease. Adjustments Restore Heaîth Quickîy and Permamentîy, Ninety-five per cent of diseases are due -t pressure upon nerves along the sides of the Vertebral ,column, This pressure interferes with their functions; hence pain, distress, unnatural ato.It is the business of the Chiropractor to ýre- lease this pressure, permitting Nature to remove the Cause of disease, and correct abnormalities with- out the use of crugs- Heaîth is Your Right and Your Responsi- bîity. Consultation Costs Nothing-Why Delay? Gordon P. Souch 'Chiropractor Church .st. opp. Presbyterlan Churoh Plane-Office 41J House 140-r2 Office haurs 3-5 and 7-8 p. n. Visitilng Hampton, EnnIskIllen B3urketon Monda Wednesayant FYIday xnorninge. diiuprappoInt- ment. BOOT & SHOE REPAIRS Whether you buy cheap or ex- pensive footwear, you'll need theni repaired. When they are unbecomiag to you it's time they were coming ta me. H. C. DURGIN Three doars south of Kin-- Street an Temnerance Street. Bowmanville ont cte arm of cir iacer to tc- straina of the weddiag nîarcb playe. by Miss Emma K. Alcumbmnck. lIn- mediýately nfter the ceremony a buffe, iuîîcbeoa was served, aftem whic!' toasts wcnc pnoposed to the bride anti groom by 11ev. Mm, Moore, Messrs. A. M. Hardy, H. G. Thuraton, N. Williams and R. Weatawny. Througb- out the day the bride nd groom ne- ccivcd numeraus telegnains and wire- lesa messages of congratulations. Mm. and Mma, Thunston lcft on the ever- ing train for New York, the bmid( travelling la a amant Fuchia Cantor Crepe suit and pictume bat, also wcar- ing a mole akin acckpicce, the gift of the groom. Many beautiful and casýtly gifta were recleived by the bride. PÂSSED TO REST IN VANCOUVER Brought to Bowmanville for Buriai Tbe remains of the late Mrs. Robt. J Evans wbo died in Vancouver an Wednesday, July, 19, arniveti bere for intemmenton Monday. Rer maiden naine was Mantha Henry, ebti- est tiaugbtm of the late William,ý Henry, Darlington. Sbc was twicc mnarmîi, R er finat busband waýs Samuel Staplea of Dar- lingtoa., After bis dcath, ahýe liveti la the village of Tyrone for a trne. Rer second huabanti was Mr. R. J. Evans of Tceswatcn who passeti away aine yeara aga. Since thea ahe bas mesideti with ber oaly daughten, Mra. Clark S. Maharg of Vancouver, B. C., at, whosc home ahe passeti away, aged 78 years. The fuacrai took place here from the C. P. R. Station fan intermeat in Bowmaaville ccmctery beside the re- mains of ber firat huabanti. Ia the absence of 11ev. D. W. Beat, minister of St. Paul'a, the service was con- ducteti by 11ev. S. C. Moore of the Mcthodist Cburch. The bearers were five aephews-Mssns. Aadrew anti Dr. J. C. Devitt, Leanard Henry, WiI Stapica anti-Rass Stutt, anti twa cous-' las, Messrs. Adolpb Henry anti Wm. Henmy. Deceaseti leaves ane daugh- ter, two brothers, Mn, W. L. Henry, Winnipeg, anti Mn. S. J. Henry, Bow- manville, anti one sisten, Misa Sarahî Henry, alsa af this tawn. Amang those atteadiag the funeral were Mn. C. S. Maharg, son-in-law, of Van- couver, wha ýaccompanieti the re- mains here, Mr. andi Mr. Eber Knapp anti Mrs. Howard Tomple of Toronto. 1 1 ;_

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