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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 2

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Good Judgment The wise businessman doesn't tempt fate. H1e takes no chances with circumstances overwhich lielias no control, INSURANCE is his bulwark against disaster. IDisaster is always threatening you, wliether it Ibe in the form of accident, fire, death, tlieft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let insurance protect you avoidable occurrences. It will mucli care and worry. from these un- relieve you of JJ. îMAS-\ON & ON I Real Estate and InsuranceBrokers. jPhone 0 Bowmanville AIDS IN PRESERVING USE CERTO AND CUT TASK IN TWO Give certo a trial. Many have given it a trial and hiave corne back for more. Certo cuts your preserving bill in haîf. Fresli fruits always in season. GEMS You flnd liere gems of ail kinds and sizes ak, riglit prices. GEM HOLDERS This is somnething new for women whô pre- serve fruit in boilers-great- convenience and lab- or saver., lt's worth whle examining them. C. M, C A W'KE R & -SO0N BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMANVILLE $1 At Al Druggists L. i. Bedlington Co.. Sales Agents Toronto Made in Canada Descriptive Circular and Testimnonials Sent on :V Request. l'lShow You A silo that wrll boost your farm earnings My Toronto Silo will put dollars in your pocket. It will boost the value of your farmn. Its double - tongued -and- grooved selected Spruce makes the Toronto Silo absolutely -air tight, which keeps the ensilage in perfect condition. Its famous Hip Roof allows you to tramp the Ensilage to the top of the staves-and adds great- ly to its appearance. Drop in next tinme you're i town and let us talk it over. i 1- -e -1, unes of Toro>nt Farmi Equipment too. Let me show you their deçendability and Ii~ economy. 1I Chas. Hastings PumjMaker.Hampten Phone 350-13 ,BOWMANVILLE, JULY 27th., 1922.1 THOMSON KNITTING CO. LTD., LEGAL HAS PROFITABLE YEAR. M. G. V.GOULD, B. A., LL. D. THE EDITOR TALKS At the last Executive meeting of BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NM~ARY B owmanville Chamber of Commerce money to loan on Farm and Town Sunday last a farmer's wife asked RE isn rsdn n aae rpry RylBn ulig why more of our Talks had flot been RofEThomson, KneittCo.dMitaedBowmanviRoe. lPhonkB35 ding appearing iii this family journal? She o hmo ntigC. iie omnil. Poe31 gavetheedior anewincntiv todo vi ;ed a committee fromn that organ- more thwritng by sain htis Talko ization to visit their factory and go moe riin'b syig isTaksover the auditors' statement of the W. F. WARD, B. A. often gave subjects for discussions BRITR OIIONTR at social gatherings and in country year's business just completed. Comn- BRITR OIIO, TR homes and she had heard them quotod rittee composed_ of Messrs. A. M. Money to loan. Bonds for sale. in Sunday School and Epworth Hady Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, T. H. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Leaues No tat e hvethi fu- night and J. H. Cryderman was ap- Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Longuvdnes.fNo tatw haveinths r pointed and we are pleased to publîsh Phones: Office 102, House 343. widely appreciated we must make a hrwt h repor: greator effort to, "talk" more. 0f The Thomson Knitting Co. of Bow-mui late we have been publisbing some in- manville, which located here scarcelyMUC spirational articles for young people a year ago has every reason to ho T. W. STANLEY under other beadings. See last proud of its first year's business, 'a (London College of Music) week's issue which coatains a number report of which will bo issued shortly. Organist and Choir Leader, Bowman- of excellent articles on the inner The locating of the factory here was ville Methodist Churcb, is propared to pages. Turn up the paper and rend largely due to the eff orts of the take pupils for Piano and Voice Cuit- them--they are too good to ho missod Chamber of Commerce and the re- ure. For ternis phono 12, "Groen- _____________suits fully justify them in the confid- Court", Argyle Streot. 49-3m*. ence they placed in the heads of the __________________ Is it reaily true that iess than 10 % firm in locating the plant in this town. of mon in business succeed? If so, The town officiais and pubiic-spiritod MEDICAL Rthere must hoe a reason or some reas- citizens feit their responsibilities in B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M. o ns. Think of the mon you know recommending such an entorprise and Cold Medaist of Trinity University, IiWho have not made a positive succoss are glad to know that their spirit of Toronto. Four years attending Pby- Wof their business and if you have optimismn has been fuliy justifiod. iiran Sugo at t.Cme Iibeen an obsorving person you cani Especially as their success bas been Hsia, itbrK.Ofc n give renasons, generally more than obtained in times that are not normal optl itbrK.Ofc n kone, aithougb there's usuaily one and when nearly ail industries have Rsdne elntnSreBw main reason. Some mon are iazy. been passing througb trying times. mnib. Poo18 Tbey don't exert themselves enough.; The product of this firmn is of a C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. they are indifferent; tbey have lto very hîgh class and the constantiy in- Graduate of Trinity Medical Collego, littie initiative; that is, they don't creasing orders that are daiiy coming Toronto, f ormerly of Enniskillen. tbink of some botter plans, somo in show that the previous -reputation Office and residonce, Dr. Beith's, other way. They know their busi- of this firm blas not only been kopt Up former residence on Church-st., Bow-- ness is not good and instend of hold- but greatly enbanced. manville. Phono 259. 44-t ing a counceil witb their employees or Many of t ho employees have ho- fnmily or some wise friend or frîends, oehueodr norgo l tbey keep going on, or going back: itome housboldheiratv ir in DurNooAoL ward. Possibly if tbey sought ad- tonanbytirciv teeti DNA vic o sa dwnandthuoh brdpublic affairs are helping to boost our' DR. J. C. DEVITT and introduced some new or- tried towii and place Bowmanville more Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons niethods, success would come. prominentiy on the miap thon evor ho- Graduate of Royal Dental College,ý fore. They bave :also taken a great Toronto. Office, King-st. East, Bow- jinterest in community developmont avle Ofiehus9.m.t6 The good book says: A prudent and athletics. ~avle fiehus9a .t ,man-that means a tbougbtful, wise, Bearing in mmnd the fact that this p0. m.ailyexchoet90ndb. Phn cautîous one-foreseeth the cvii and company bas only been in active op-.9a ouepno0b bideth bimself". That may be bet- eration for a trifie over eigbt montbs DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE ter rendered, "and hieth himself". in the town we look for much greater Honor graduato in Dentistry Toronto Some do their tbinking too late. activity and output next year. The University. Graduate of the Royal Somo weeks ago wo published an ad- namo 'Bowmanvilie' wilb graduaily ho Cobbege of Dental Surgeons of On- dress we bad prepared on Thi nking. pbaced on labels as obd stock is used tarlo. Ofie instomavle Do you know that we ail do- more and the publicity givon this town wiîî Office phono 40. House phono 22. tbinking thon anything ebse that we spread fromn coast to coast as the DRR.E INWL do. The trouble with Most of us great majority of genorol and dry DRR.EDIN EL is that wo do not concentrate our goods stores stock Thomson bosiery.. Honor Graduate of Toronto Uni- thînking or think long enough on to Tetroe o the ya was versity and member of Royal Colege subject that concerns us most at the $2 35 550.40 during which time aboutofDna ugn. Lcnsdt time. Thon too mny persons are 212 to 3 montbs wore lost'by disturb-practicor in aOn t ranches.DOion 1 like grasshoppers-they keep jump- ed condiions- on accounit of moving Denisty n al isances. Offoice ing but don't do any thinking. Tbink the plant bore from Toronto. The -nko ng-t., oanviPhoe Oppsit thon act is the wisor rule. In things netr of stock on hand is $60,1 thatconcrn mn msÏ, hinkand361.18. This may soem large but iti think and thon do more thinkhig is supplies on baud for Fabi and Win- CHIROPRACTOR and wboo a conclusion is arrivod at ter trade. Total gross profits are'GRO .SUHD . H . act. Don't delay. Again, there $30.008.44. From this deduct $9,_GRO .SUHD . H . are porsons who nover seem to learn 721.26 for divi.dends and intorest, and ' year Graduate of the Palmer Sehool the commoiest bssons of if e. Tbey after carrying f orward $4,932.96 in-i (The Fountain Head of Chiropractie> make the samne mistokes time after to next year's oporations it beaves the Office on Cburch-st. opposite the Pres- wiekay after day, week after very hondsome sum of $15,354.22 for byterian Church. Office Hlours: 8- ýweyenr after yer-hence nover, rcserve. The wages paid since comn- 5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. get anywbero. Tbey trust to buck ing to Bowmaniville amount to $46,-~ Office Phono 41J; House Phono 140- to bring them tbrougb -iustead of 48814. r2 (Lakeview Farm). 26-tf planning and working to gain suc- TiEeuieofteCabro cess. Thon do much observing of Commerce cor) surely point with pride the ways of others who succeed, tbînk te the first year's resuits -as excellent ~ OPTOMETRY ont conditions and when you have de- and to know that, their confidence bas R. M ,MITCHELL cided on a good plan go ahead- net been misplaced. Optometrist think, work and win. ____ Registered By Exomination Specializ-1 ing in errors of Refraction and Mus- We have eften tbougbt wheu read- PRETTY JULYý WEDDING cular Imbalances. Latest Methods, ing a 'subscription list to some char-, Modemn Equipment. itable object, some presontatien te a Valentine-Croskem. Office-R. M. Mitchell & Co's. Drug ' worthy person or even contributions Store te some local institution that people On Tuesday afternoon, July 18, a Bowmanvilbe Ont. boid very different views regardîng pretty wedding was soiemnized at the _____ ___ personol obligations or of the virtue home, of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cros- of giving-otherwiso gonorosity. kem, 12 Rushelme Park Crescent, FUNERAL DIRECTORS This paragraph fromn "Stray Shots Toronto, when their eider daugbter, F. F. MORRIS CO. fromn Solomon" in Sbee and Leather Pearl, and Mr. Clark A. ValentineMs ope qumnt Sndy Journal is worthy of a careful per- son of Mrs. Lilian Valentine and theMotcmleeuimn. udy usai and reflection: "Greed is one loto Ralph Valentine, Niagara Folsý and night calîs promptby attended te.1 of the sins that is visited upon the N. Y., wýyre united in marriage, Rov. Bowmanville phonos 10 and 34. third orf ourtb generation net by the Dr. A. C. Crews officiating. Brancb at Orono. mct of the Almighty, but by naturab The bride was given in marriage by iow. If youý are a moan mon, it wilb bier father and wore a protty gowu THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER crop up somowhere among your chibd- of white georgette, wîth embroidered ren. if yen are a grabber, yen may veil and orange blossoms and carried Form and bluse Sales a Spocialty. ,bo certain, no motter how mueli you a bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily T7erms moderato. Enniskillen P. O. ýMay cover your disposition, by your of -,le volley. Phono 197-r3. 1-tf churcb an.d charity occount, it will -Loengrin's wedding morch was, ________________ get bock te, you somehow. "Ho that plaYed by Miss Lilian Garrow, wh ýe greody of gain troubi:eth bis own awo, and during the signing of the VETERINARY kiouse". There are mon rending this register, Miss Leab Garrow, Oshawa, DR. F. T..TIGHE statement who can verify it in their sang "For You Alone". Miss Rhea, VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or own experionco if tbey are honest Croskem, sister of the bride, was Nigbt Colis Promptly Attende dto. about it. The best tbing a mon cao bridesmaid and wore o very becoming' Office King-st. W., Statesman Block,1 beave posterity is net a geod anme, gown of Jade green georgotte with'Bowmanville. Phono 243. but o rigbt spirit. We con ail of us French fiowor trimming and carriod point te people wbo are living or bave Columbia roses. Mr. Walter Wheel- possed on who bave mode the worbd or attended the groom. hotter for having just ived in it. It After a buffet luncheon served te GEORGE CHENERY is net wbe yen are, but what yeu are about fifty guesLs the bridal couple; General Contractor that counts". beft-fer a beneymuen trip te Buffalo, in coment work, bouse foundation, Deïroit, Cleveland and Erie, Pa., the bride travelling in a novy tricotineet.Eimesfrsbd Kngs. What looks te a young mon some- suit with white satin bat. Bowmanville. 18-t times os an unsurmountobbe dîfficulty The gifts te the bride inciuded or impossible task cou ho accompbish- mony beautiful gifts of cut glass, sul- ed if hoe ili only believe in the mot- ver, checks, etc. Tbe office Staff SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, j te "What mon bas done mon con do". of the Canadian Generai Eletric npo- îug its institutions "hospitals", why Prince Edward County is net oniy 1UTOMOBILE, GUARAN- shouid net Counties Council change eue of the larggst cherry preducing the anme of House of Refuge te districts iry Ontario, but it -aise bas TEE. Counties Hospital For Old People"? the largest individuol cherry orchard If -this were doue, more old people The owner is Mr. Howard Leavens of fiud itrifabuette geyt ahe a, bmi Mutcard s anvltion;r.iftyaes fE i y. co ,e , who are abfcl to ea hoerw, butout Pbsa ea on Mr. L eavon's Ed h V.! ceiiul spend thoir declining years there, cherry trees loaded with their beauti- Semetimes their case is sadder and fui red riponing fruit. Mr. Leavens Agent barder than is that of the entirely in. bas 3500 cherry trees efwhich 3000 2nd door wet of the.'«Bis 20'9 digent. are hearing, Dowmaavill, 'Ontario. 14TH ANNUAL Cobourg Horse Show AUG. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1922 F$1O,OOO.OO in Prizes FrAgricultural, Standard Bred, Hackneys, Road- sters, Sad<Ule Horses, Hunters and, Jumpers, Four-in-Hand, Tandems, Ponies and Cobs -ONE HUNDRED CLASSES- Fiat Race & Steeplechase Daily--Purse Value $200 THE ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS In New Thrilling Military Manoeuvres and their Famous Musical Ride -BETTER THAN EVER- THI-I TH HIGHLANDERS' BAND. 0F TORONTO Will furnish the Musical Programme at Each Perfo-rmance Splendid Grand Stand Accommodation-Ample Parking Space 1for Autos SHOW STARTS DAILY AT 1.30 P. M. HORSE SHOW'PARK 'BY-THE-LAKE' Admission 50c; Grand Stand 50c; Autos 25c Children Under 12, Half Price- J. D, HAYDEN, President J. H. DAVIDSON, Secretary 29-4 SPECI.e 1A LS5 JELLIED VEAL Home-made, very clioice and tasty and only 20c LB HOME RENDERED LARD We make it ourselves, pure leaf, kettled renderedii 5 LB. PAIL $1.00 We Deliver the Goods Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phione 225, House 272 Bowmanville PO0U LTRY N EWS Witliout a doubt we have the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash Ful-o..pep Laying Mash and Scratch Feed H-O Steam Cooked Chick Feed Chick and H-en Charcoal Oyster Sheil, Grit, Baby Chick Grit' Lowest prices at ail times and special prices for large quantities. HARRV PHONE 186 ALLIN BOWMANVILLE Business Is Good I We were neyer busier than we are rîglit now. Plumbing and tinsmithing work is just hiterally pouring in from unsolicited customers.' We have increased our staff of expert engineers and require more to keep up with the rush. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? We take it to mean that this unprecedented rush of business cornes to us as the resuit of satis- faction we have been giving in the past. Our prices may not always be the lowest, but you are assured of the best materials used and expert workmanshirp at ail times wlien your plumbilng and tinsmithing is done by Greenaway &Elli*ot-t Consulting Engineers Plione 18 day or niât n Bownianville D EAFNESS îs a snek thief; it cornes stealth- l.P ly, destroying little by littie until 40 per cent of your hearing la gone before you discover it. Don't allow it to go on. Arrest the thief wth Leonard ]Bar 011. The treatment is simple and agreeable. Just "Insert kIt n the nostrils" and " Rub gently behînd the ears. " It not only arrests the disease ini its early stages but relieves deafness and head noises no matter how long it has been progressing. Thousands, i ail stages, are relieved every year. A. O. LEONARD, Ine. 70 Flfth Ave., New York, N. Y.

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