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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jul 1922, p. 5

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to to Scot daul dia, Rev. man Bei Cf 17, Crc' lin, and Cref denc A.i tine, and N., anc Parl CF late Mar Geo EN 78y ini ___________a A 8 P- K E L-In Oshawa Hospital, JÙily 15, an1ýid Mrs. E. E. Beckel, a son. HENtRY -In Oshawa Hospital, July 14, Mr. nd Mrs. Clifford Henry, a son, ,COTT-To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. utt, 2Meadow Brook Farm, July 14, a ughiter, DrtySln. ,RY-On Juiy 10, to Rev. and Mns. ,doïn S. jury, Rangoon, Burmab, Ia- a. daughter. (Mary Sinclair.) MARRIAGES KINSMAN-BERRY-In. Whitby, by w. F. H.- Howard, Mr. George Kins- in Oshawa, and Bertha Viola May 'ry, Bowmanville. .ROXALL-GRIGG-On Monday, July 1by R ev. B. Goodfieid, Mr, John M. oxall. son cf Mr. James Croxaîl, Brook- ýand-Estelia Maud, daughter of Mr. Id Mrs, Hugb H. Grigg, Rusholme Park escent, Toronto. 'ALENTINE-CROSKEM-At the resi- nce of the.bride's parents, by Rev. Dr. C. Crews, Juiy 18, Clark A. Valen- e, son of the late Ralph Valeatinel d Mrs. Lililan Valentine, Niagara Falls,1 Y., and Pearl, eider daugbter of Mr. I Mrs. J. J. Croskem, 12 Rusholme 'k Crescent, Toronto. DEATHS RAIG-At Cobourg, July 17, Robent J.' *lg, aged 64 years. iLASS-On Saturdaý, July 22, at ber .residence, 132 B. Ronc.esvales Ave., iry Jane Barkwell, relict of tbe late i., Glass, formerly of Port Hope. EVANS-In Vancouver, B. C., on Wed- sday, July 19, Martba Henry Staples, .0ow of the late Robert J. Evans, aged years. nterred in Bowmanville Cemetery on dy. Sister of Mr. 'S. J. Henry AjMiss Sarab Henry, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM WAL LACE-In sat but affectionate remnembrance of our beloved busband and father, William J. Wallace of En- niskillen, who after a lingerjng illness, born with Christian patience entered the bej2autiful Ciy f Rest on July 29, 19l21. "Gdbas gathered ln our Daddy, ?lce urse et William amongst His fiowers; Taken back a beloved husband and father To a better 'home than ours. Had 1e asked us, well we know We should cry "0 spare the blow." Yes, witb streaming tears should pray, "Lord we loved hlm, let him stay/' Sadly missed by Wife and Famlly. I WANT SEVERAL REFINED WOMEN DESIRING TO FIT THEMSELVES FOR EXECU- TIVE POSITIONS IN OUR RAPIDLY EXPANDINO OR- GANIZATION; YOU MUST B E OVER 25 YEARS AND ABLE ï TO SUPPLY REFERENCES 0F RELIABILITY -AND- IN- DUSTRY. MR. EAGAR S Standard Bank Building Oshawa Ont. 30-2 "CSA Y IT WITH FLOWERS"Y We have flowers and plants for aIl occasions. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Growers Phone 80 Bowmanville .1 Greeting Cards FOR EVERY OCCASION Birthdays Weddings Congratulations Showers Sympathy Acknowledgments Birth Announcements Place Carda Large selection from 10e Up, -W. T. "A llen )"Big 20" Bookstore Bowmanville BOWMANVILLJE, JULY 2'(tf., 1922. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss' Eva Arnold is holidayîng at her home in Toronto. 1Miss Kathleen Thurston is visit- ing relatives in Toronto. Mr. J. H., Bertram bas purchased the home of Mr. McFarland on Elgin- st. Mr. Victor G. Greenfield, Strat- ford, is holidaying at Port Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burden, Eugene, Oregon, are visiting relatives here, Mr. Oliver Mutfon, Pickering, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs, G. T. Charlton. -. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronto, are holidaying with rela- tives here. Mrs. W. H1. Williams, Church-st., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Gower, Regina, Sask. Miss Elizabeth Henry of the staff of Bowmanville hospital has been vis- iting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Bragg were week-end guests ofMr. and Mrs. J. H Nicholls, Wesleyville. Misses Elizabeth and Carnie I. Painton left on Wednesday to visit their brother, Mr. Chas. Painton, Eston, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Galbraith, Kansas City, Kansas, are visiting his mother, Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, Port Bowmanville. Rev. C. O. Pherrill, B. A., B. D., of Kirkton, Ont., officîated in St. John's Anglican, Church on Sundays, July l6th and 23rd., Mr. John Elliott and Mr. and Mis. Milton J. Elliott motored to Kngston over the week-end and visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Elliott. Mrs. R .R. Bongard, Mr. Gordon1 Bongard, Miss Dot Pearson, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Alani Campbell's, ¶taby Head. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bertram of North Bay, Ont., are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hamilton, Elgin-t. You've been promising your boy a watch for a long time. Give it toi him now while you can get a good one cheap. Alex El' liot, Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crosswell, Miss Lenora Penrose and Mr. Harold G. Thurston, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Thurs- ton. Orono has decided to erect memor- il gates at their cemetery in honor of the men who gave their lives in the war. $1000 is the amount named for cost. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tod, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James and daughter Dorothy, attenu1ed the Corner Stone laying of-the new Nurses' Residence in Oshawa, Remember the Women's Institutel ,picnic at Mrs. E. Bellman's Friday afternoon. Let every member he present as business of importance will be transacted. Miss Jean Milne, teacher last year at Kendal, passed away at her home at West Toronto from blood poison- ing developing from a cnt received by opening a sealer, Mrs. W. J. Ford and two sons have returned to their home at the Beach, Toronto, after having spent an enjoyable visit renewing old acquaintances here. Mrs. M, Henderson and two daugh- ters from San Dieizo, California. are visiting her sisters, Mrs. W. Brock and Mrs. J. T. Colwill, after an ab- sence of twenty-nine years. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hancock and son and Miss Ettie Hancock. Roches- ter, N. Y., called on friends in town on Tuesday. They were on a mot- oring trip to their native county. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. A. Grant, son and daughter, Toronto, who were re- turning from an auto trip thru the United States, were recent guests of bis uncle, Mr. W. A. Grant, Divis- ion-st. Mrs. Archie Bingham who bas been eni oying a visit wîth relatives in Marshalltown, De_,Moines, and other cities in United States is enjoying a trip to Denver, Colo., and other points -of interest. Oshawa centre had 160 candidates aild 14 of them passed. Madeline MacDonald ,a candidate from Central School, Lindsay, obtained 661 marks ont of a possible 750, a fraction over 88 per cent. Mr. W. A. Dryden, of Brooklin, left on Wednesday for a, business trip to1 South America, as Special Commis- sioner, Department of Agriculture. who were passing through iBo,man ville on their way to Janetville to visit Bey. W. R. Tanton, late of thei Saskatchewan Conference. He was invited to the pastorate of Trinity Church,-but the Stationing Commit- tee disregarded the invitation and sent him te Janetville.e "VINIFMZO 1 . 1-1- ý " TYTT ý nmý'L lebnn 1 but- is - now . in the- Militia Department I in the Capital City.f Wben a special is announced by Couch, Johnston & Cryderman it ai- ways means real savinga. Read their ad. thîs week. i DEPARTMENTAL ,EXAMINATIONS Lower School 1 indicates 75% to 100% Il indîcates 66%' to 75% III indicates 60% to 66% C indicates 50% to 60% Fivst Giade Pnoficiency. Second Grade Pvoficiency. Third-Grade Proficiency. Pass LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Deyman, Oshawa, recently visited Miss Mabel Barrie. Dr. Wesley Langmaid, Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Ada Arnold, Toronto, was guest of Mrs. F. M. Souch last week. More bargains than ever in our Dry Cods Dept. this week. MeMun- try & Co. Specýial sale of High Grade Men's Watches for next two weeks at Alex. Elliot's. Mrs. Charlotte Sanders, Detroit, Mich., is visitîng friends and rela- tives here. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Howard, Miss Aileen and Master, Fred Howard have gone to Muskoka. Mrs. Lorne W. Saunders and Master Donald have been visiting fviends in Ottawa. Miss Bernîce Groom, Oshawa, bas been engaged to succeed Miss Jervis on Orono school staff. Mr. and Mrs. S. Taylor, Pont Hope, were recent guests of Mns. W. H. Wîllia'ias, Liberty-st. Master Chris Laugher, Sarnia, is vîsiting Master Almond Fletcher and other old school chums here. Colored Voiles, regular 75e to $1,5 0 yd. Sale price 49c yd at Couch, Johnston & Crvderman's. Mr. and M-És. A. Mitchell, Mv, and Mrs. T. A. Dus'an and family Sun- dnyed with friends at Coîborne. Mnr.and Mrs. T. C. Jewell and Miss Frankie M. Jewell are holiday- i ng at Wîndermere, Muskoka. Miss Cora M. Scott and Miss Ag- nes K. Haddy, Toronto, were Sun- day guests at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. .Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie and daughter Dorothy are enjoying a two weeks' vacation at Tongamong, Nonth Ha-.tings. Miss Margaret McKessock, Solina, who'visited -Miss Marjonie Cuttell, B owmanville-on-the-Lake, bas netunn- ed home. Annis Family Picic will be held at, Oshawa-on-the-Lake on Tuesday, August'lst. Go eanly in afternoon and take your basket. 29-2w Mr. and Mns. W. G. Maybee, Ton- onto, weve Sunday guýests of MXr, W. F. Souch. Mr. Maybee was Mn, Souch's 'teacher of optometry. Mv. and Mre. Geo. S. McLean, Mrs. Bert Piper and son Boy, Toron- to, were guests. of their aunt, Mrs. Louise Paterson on Sunday. Miss Ruth Purdy, Mrs. H. S. Freeman, Miss Chrissie G. Freeman and Mv. E. J. Grant, Toronto, have been visiting.at Mn. E. R. Free- man's, Whitby. Mv. and Mrs. J. C. Darraugh and Miss Della Darraugh of Alliston, and Mrs. John Colwell of Winnipeg, were guests of the latter's son, Mr. Albert Colwell, last week. Why carry your groceries when we deliver them? It costs no more. Mc- Murtry & Co. Mrs. Fred J. Manning accompan- ied by ber daughtev, Il4rs. W. I. Mc- Tavisb and bier grandson Ian of Ton- onto, are enjoying two weeks', vaca- tion at Bala, Muskoka. Misses L. Doncaster, Neli Bottrel] and Jayne Mason, and Messrs. L. J. Clayton and Elgin Vancoe, Bowman- ville, were negistered at "The Inn", Pleasant Point, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Eagle and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Parisham- ton, called on Mrs, A. E. lmn and othen friends heve on -Monday not forgetting The Statesman Office. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle will be ab- sent f£om bis office from July 24tb until August 6th. The office will be open during this time for making appointments and for any necessary repair wonk. 26-2 .Mr. William Worth, f onmerly a C. P. B. operaton at Bowmanville, has been appointed C. P. R. agent at Coîborne and bas assumed bis new duties. He is son of Mn. E, Worth, C. P. R. agent, Cobourg. The annual sports day of tbe Bow- man-ville Beach Association will be held on Civic holiday, Monday, Aug- ust '7tb on West Side of pier. Al kinds of aquatic sports, land sports, basebaîl, etc., will be on the program. Everything free. Bring your basket and have a good time. Mr. W. T. R. Preston, Port Hope, defeated Liberal candidate in last Dominion election, bas been appoint- ed chairman of the board of concil- iation created to investigate the wage dispute between Peré Marquette Rail- way Company and its sbopmen. Alexander Leslie, Kingsville, Ont., is the company's nepresentative, and W. D. Robhins, Toronto, the men's ne- Il n Ct n n S o Name of Candidate e 'e 41 F.4 ~.4 Albert Allin.......... Grace Bragg...... Hugh Cameron ............. Ruby Clatworthy Marian Clough Blanche Cryderman Hilda Foley .............. Iva Gilbank .............. Thelma Gilders Aileen Jeffery.......... Dorothy Kivkton ...... Audrey Lamb................ Boss Lane ............... Florence Morris .. Beva McGill .......... .......... Cedric Needham.... Stanley Osborne........ Reid Pearn ............... Maian Pickand............. Constance Seward........ Mildved Souch.............. Staniford Symons ........... Jean Switzer.. Wilhelmine Switzer Annie Thompson....... Marian Wanden ................. Gladys Witheridge........ C 1 1 1 C ILI II 1 1 -1I Ii - Ir C III - II C Il C III I C 1 - 11 11 1 i I I I C II III I C III C C CC C C -I II C - C II I C C - - C IliI III C I .C I III C I1 1 I1 C I C - C II III 'II III III 'III IICII C - C - TII '.4 n ce n Ct +1 e .5 e Ct I I I - III - Il - TII - UT - III - Il - III - Il - ,II - III - III - IL - I - Il - Il I 1- Il - - I III - 1! - I - I - C- Form 1 Name of Candidate ' Florence Aldworth ............. I Bernice Allin ................C - II C Levi Annis ., ..........,,..,, - C III II Florence Ashton.................... C C III C Meta Ashton ....... C - C II Olive Barton......................-- CcC Gladys Bateman................... - C III II Dorothy Bonnycastle............... - C C C Grace Caverly ..... ....... C C C I1 Ber'a Cole...................... C - - II Ella Collacott...................... C III IlIil Beatrice Cryderman 1.,......-.1..1 C - - C Muriel Dech ........,........,, C - C II Mabel Dowson .............,,_, C C 111 I Norman Elliott, ..............,, C C I 11 Marguerite- Jones ,........... - C C Eliza Kîrkton..................- C C II Janey Mason . ......-... C III C Joyce Muirhead ..............., C C IlI I Margaret McGregon .....,,..... C C Il III Marjonie Pascoe ........,.... - C IlIil Vera Power ................. . C 'C IlI I Hilda -Prout .......... ,...,c,'C C II III Lenore Quick ......._,-,...., C C IlIlI Ione Quinn .............,... - G- CIII Jean Ramsay .......................C - - Hazel Bundie ............ C - C III Ruby Sewell...................... C - cCC Mabel Stevens..................... C - C I Mari orie Stevens ....._...... C - C 'II Ross Trenouth....... .............- li Agnes Vanstone ......... l Ada Webber....................... C C C II Charles Wbite .....-.....C II No job should be easy -fot if you put into it ahl of youn mmnd and might. Do not allow younself to be ruled by fear, habit, relatives, indigestion or temper. LOST BLACK CLUB SAG-ContainIng base- bail uniform and coat sweater, lost on July 12 betweea Bowmaaville and N~ew- tonville. Reward on returning to Thom. so n Knittlng Co., Bowmianville, Phone 16. 29- i PAINTING Have your bouse painted now, snd post card to J. Brennan, paintepper hanger and grainer. Kalsomining and tlnting. Terms reasonable. Addresa J. Brennan, Elgin St., Bowmanville. PROPERTY FOR SALE 5 choice lots on south, ide cf Carlisle Ave., $200 corner lot, $190 for others, about 107 feet deep, lot on Church- St., east cf Liberty, south side, $500. Jess E. Cole, Bowmanville. 30-t. FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalning 6 rooms, furnace and eleotric lights. Hard and soft water la bouse, good garden and fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen Street, Bowmanville. 12-tf FOR SALE-Lotabout flfty feet front- age at corner of Centre and Concession Streets. containing good barn, easily con- vertible into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon. eywelt, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- phone 194-2. 22-tf FOR SALE-The W. R, Clemens farm located at Tyrone, Oet., contaInlng one hundred and fifty-four acres, about 20 acres orchard, nine bearing. Ploughing possession this Faîl. Apply Bruce Honey welI, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or te:e pbone 194-2, Bowmanville. 52-tf TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE-1 Medium sized brick residence, bot airI 2s-Sm~iiCaOJtg, oatn anc eiectrlclty, amal gar- ____________________________den, garage and poultry bouse, moet de- sirably located, withîn three minutes walk cf Post Office. Also, a beautifully locat- ARTICLES FOR SALE ed building lot. These properties -are _________the most reasonably priced cf any on the FO0R SALE-A go iewl ul market. Apply Box 519, sowmarwllle. chieken bouse. Apply Box 296, Bowman- 9f ville, or phone 119. 20-tf, PIGS FOR SALE-18 young Yorkshire piga. Apply te A. H. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237-r3 29-tf. HONEY FOR SALE-Pure extracted TO LET Ciover honey in 5 lb and 10 lb pails. Lewis APSn, Hampton. Phone 129-r3, FARM FOR RENT-112 acres good S30-3w.- land and hcildings, immediate possession. FOR SALE-3 acres of Standing Oats, Apply J. C. Montgomery, Osbawa., 15-tf fairly good cr00. Apply to 'W. L. C1f. TO RENT-After tbe lat of October, a ford, Box 506, Concession-st. B., Bowman- furnisbed bouse or part cf a bouse with ville. 30-3w* modern convenieuces. Apply Box 296, FOR SALE-Supreme Kitchen Range -Bowmnanvîlle, or phone 119. 30-tf. witb water back and one Oak Wardrobe. HOUSE TO RENT-Nine-romed bouse Apply to Mrs, C. B. Kent, Beech Ave., on corner of Concession and Elgin-sts., ait Bowmanville. 25-tf. modemn couveniences, possession July 1. CAR FOR SALE-Ford 'Car, 4 nearîy Apply te Miss Eva Burk, Elgin-st., Bow- new tires, mechanical condition iu good manville, phone 42. 25-tf shape Big bargain for quick sale. Ap -_______________ ply to A. W. Plckard, Bowmanville. 13-t HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-6 holes,l complete witb reservoir and water front, WANTED onfly used eue winter, replaced with elect- rie stove. Inspection may be made at RADIATORS REPAIRED-OTI shortest F C0. Pethlck's Barber 51iop. 25-t notice. Ail work guaranteed. South, FOR.SALE-2 Cook Stores, 1 Peninsul- End Garage, 650 Simcoe-st. S., Oshawa, ar, 1 Souvenir, No. 9, 4 covers, nearly new phone 355w. 27-4w* No reasouable offer for quek sale refus- WANTED-A good stnong girl or mIS- ed. E. Barrett, R. R. 6, Bowmanville iSle aged womnan for bousework, good 30-3w* home for rigbt person. Apply Drawer COCKERELS FOR SALE-Have hetter B, Bowmanville. 90-1w cbicks, and mhore eggs next year. Vigor- WANTED-For the sale of our hardy eus S. C. White Leghorn Cockerels from land "Guaranteed to Grow" Ornamental excellent layings' arain, batched MIY 10. T.es, Shrubs and Roses, a good repres- Prices until August lSth Oas $5, -two $9, entatire in the town of flcwmanville. re $12. The Grange Poultry Ranch, outait free. Liberai commission. Browil W.R. 2, Bowmanville. Jay T. Truli,! Brothers Co. Nurserymen, Ltd., *Brown's Secretary. 30-3 Nursenies, Welland Co., Ont. 29-3 W. CLA UDE IVES Graduate Practepedist Bowmanville Cash Shoe Store Farmers' 'Chance STo Save Money WTe have decided to Binder and Mlower parts: BINDER SECTION~ GUARDS GUARD PLATES KNIFEHEADS clear out the following qs 5c 30e- 5c 40e These priees are only good while stock iasts. present Mason & DaIe's Hlardware Phone 145 Bowmanvsille Form Il r4 1

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