Green Tea Drinl TRY A PAC Natural Leaf Green rlavour and Econom, revelation. In Sealed Packets Only Courteous Servi-ce T HEcou rteous attenl ofth bank's staff count, adds materially1 ducting your banking Standard Service ises rendered by every brai Manager to the latest r STANDA TOTAL ASSETS, OVER EP Bowmanville Branch, - Blackstock Branch, - Newcastle and Newtonville Branches NW Do9 M WORK WITH EASE ikers BOWMANVILLE, JULY 27th., 1922.1 ~KET 0F-ORONO From the News. Mr. Frank Stinson visited bis father Mrs. James Hunter is much improv- ed in healtb. Miss Au gu t~a- Thornton is home Miss Aggie Somerville is mucb im- proved in bealtb. Tea. It's strength Miss Eva Mitchell left Sunday in l use will prove evenîng for Lachute, Que. Misses Lenora and Kate William- 1-130 son are at Gien Island, Picton. Miss Helen Traveile, Oshawa, is - At Ail Grocers. visiting at Mr. Win, Cornish's.vit igher sister, Mrs. Neil Smith. - Miss Lillian Cutteii, Toronto, is a guest of the Misses Wihamson. Mrs. Wade, of Peterboro, is visit- ing hier son, Mr. Milton Pollard. ition extended by members Miss M. E. G. Waddell, Toronto, ff where 'you keep your ac- spent Sunday et ber home bere. to your satisfaction in con- Master Howard Steinburg, Bow- busiess.manvilie, is at Mr. W. F. Rolpb's. bUsiess.Mrs. George Cooper visited beri entia11y courteous service as daughter, Mrs. Marshali, Toronto. anch'of this Bank, from the Miss Madeline Stevens, Providence, recruit on the staff. spent the past week at Glen Island. THE M r. A. A. Powers spent-the week- end withber son, Mr. G. N. Powers. LRmD BA N K Mrs. A. Henry is visiting hier sister, CANAD& < ' Mrs. Robt. Cooper, Mili St., North. ýIGHTY-THREE -MILLIONS Mrs, L. Buckiey is visiting bier * . H. W. Lapp, Manager mother Mrs. Warner, at Leaskdale. E. A. Preston, Manager Mr. Hockey, Toronto, is spending * J. Scott Montgomery, Manager a f ew days in Orono at Mr. N. Harris'. Miss Helene Weddeli, teecher at the Ryerson Sehool, Toronto, is home. To knock is to battie with the fog Miss Dorothy Smith, Barrie, is vis- of error instead of ietting in the sun- iting-ber sister, Mrs. Gordon Wright. shine of trutb.- 1 Mrs. Penny and daughters,_ Osh- No- man or woman should hobble lawa, are at Mr. Byers', Clarke Union. painfuliy about because of corns Misses Jessie and Rosie Lownie, whenso certain a relief is at baud as, Oshawa, visited their sister, Mrs. A. Holloxvey's Corn Remover. Beal.à tAdvertising is like courting a girl. If you feel tired, worn out, nerv ous You put out goods she likes and keep and aIl uustrung, take Tanlac. It ,calrigiaL~L~ u. jy& BROWN'S SCHOOL, CLARKE S. S. 2 CLARKE Promotion Examination, S. S. No. Promotion Examination resuits. 5, (Brown's) Clarke. Sr. 111 to Jr. Names in order of meit: Sr. III to IV Madeline Wauchope*, Norman Jr. IV-Hiida Rowland, Giadys Shaw. Heard. Sr. II to Jr. III-Sidney Sr. II to Jr. III-Bobbie Hendry, rec. Brown*, Marjorie Clarke, Leslie Jr. Il to Sr. IIL-John Hendry, Jack Wauchope. Jr. II to Sr. fl--Mer- Holmes, Billie Rowland. Jr. I- garet Simpson*, Isobei Wauchope*, Ruby Shaw, Anabelie Hendry. Pr. Erie Clarke, rec. Sr. I to Jr. I- -Olive Jaynes, Myrtie Allun. Maretta Law*, Walter Simpson*, Le- Allan A. Martin, teacher.ý titia Simpson*, Aileen Graham. Pr. to Jr. I-Miidred Bedwin. Primer -Ralph Simpson. *-Honors. Boys in Centreville, Cavan, threw Marjorie J. Luxon, teacher. stones at an automobile and truck a Proof of the pudding is in the eat- woman in the mouth knocking out ing thereof. Thousands praise Tan- several teeth and cutting ber lips so lac. So wiII you. Jury & Loveli. badly that several stitches were nec- LOCKHART'S SCHOOL Trustees of S. S. No. 9, Lockbarte, have secured the services of a gentle- man teacher for the coming term in succession to Miss Wannan. This is the first maie teacher since Eli Fraser Bo-wie (now Dr. Bowie, Toronto), taught this school neariy forty years ago. Salary in the eariy days was under $300, to-day it is $1050. There' is lots of wealth in the farms to back itup, being few iarger or ýchoicer fruit orciards in the province than rigbt in that corner of Clarke townsbip. No. 3 poiiing division bas furnished many Reeves of the township, inciud- ing the late Sam Wilmot, J. P. Love- kmn, F. B. Lovekin, our present Reeve Franklin Allun, and also the member for the Federai House, Mr. F. W. Bowen, who is also an ex-Reeve and ex-Warden. What other section iu any municîpality can beat it?-Orono News. The cheapness of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator puts it witbin reach of ail, and it can be got at any druggist's. KENDAL (Crowded out ast week.) Miss Lola Smith is bolidaying at home .... "Excelsior" is an organizedl Adult Bible Ciass f ormed here.... Mrs. James Tait, daughters Misses Agnes _andMauc snMr.--J.--Tait-anct essary. If -front teeth are worth $1,00 each in ta lady's mouth parents of that youngster wili tan his bide to, a sunset briiliancy. H eadaches Gone, Perhaps you can imagine what this means to one who had suffered terribly with headach-es for ten years. Read about it in this latter. Mrs. Tena A. Smith, Country Harbor Cross Roads, N. S., writes: "I f eel that if anyone can recom- mcnd Dr. Chase's medicines I certainly - '~"- I ~ f < --te - ear-s- m. 40rwzIý Look for this Trade Mark when You Buy Kitchen Utensils 1Would you buy a can of salmon if if. had no label? Or a bag of flour? No, certainly not! Thed be just as careful when you are buying kitchen utensils, Purchase only those articles of Ena- meled Ware carrying the SMP trade- mark. If. is your safeguard and your -guaraniteof -quality. -Àsk o CLOSING DAY For Canadian, National Exhibition Band Conateat AUGUST l9th NO ENTRIES for this competition can be mailed later than August l9th. After that date your entry cannot be accepted. Ail you men and women who are interested in your home town, Rotarians, Kiwanians, Municipal Officiais, etc., make it your duty to see that your Band has its chance to win the SPECIAL CHALLENGE TROPHY $2,950 ini cash prizes,- and individuai tokens. Ev'ry band competing with bands of same ciass. Every handhas an equal chance of winning. Ail competing bandsmen admitted to Exhibition grounds-free. Don't leave it to the other man. Get busy youraeif. It's the last chance. Send for entry forma and ail details as to prizes, ruies, etc., without delay, to The Secretary Exhibition'Band Con test Committe 145 Yonge Street - Toronto, Ont.