.1 nn~ A TXTT Tl A TTC' fl.. 1 I99*l 1vf.NV1LIl, ~ r. 7 Travelling Suiteases,- Trunks or Club Bags. Just what you need for that trip you are going to take. 1 have in stock some splendid values in these goods. Suitcases-In Black or Brown Suitcases'in Brown Leather Clib Bags§-in Black or Brown Club- Bags. in Split Cowhide JÀned at Trunks- in Steainer Style at Trunks in Box Style from $2.50 to $7.50 $10.00 to $12.59, Cowhide $15 to $20 Black and Leather $9.0O to $11.00 $11.00 $8.00 to $16.50 Vacation Shoes of al kinds. Speciai prices on Summer' Shoest to clear at $1.90 on bar- gain table, W. CLA UDE I VES, Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville FIREMEN'S Diemonstration,, AT OSHAWA Big Parade Tuesday Evening AUGU ST 8th AT 6.30 p. M. PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR: lst Prize Best Decorated Auto $20.00 Best Decorated Truck or Float $20,00 Best Cornic Group $15,00 Best Acting Clown $10,00 Best Individiial Comic $5.00 2nd Prize $15.00 $15.00 Above competition is open to'the world, BAND CONCERT, VAUDEVILLE AND FIRE WORKS DISPLAY AFTER PARADE COME ON OVER TO OSHAWA TUESDAY NIGHT NEXT Prices are Down Just a few examples to prove that prices are down, War price Present Price Glycerine 15e oz 5c oz Saltpetre $1.20 lb. 4 lbs $1.00 Castor Qil 25e & 50e 15e & 25e (same size bottles) Rochelle Saîts $1.40 lb. 65e lb. Cream Tartar $1.20 lb 75e lb. (Pure) Gum Camphor 50c oz 20c oz. Camphorated Oil 4 oz. $1 4 oz 50e Spts. Turpentine 8 oz 40e 8 oz 15e Waterglass 25e 2 for 35e (Egg Preserver) You will understand from- the above prices why people are quite frequently telling us that our prîces are lower than they have been paying. But remember that at this store "Quality" is always given first consideration. We think oui, service is first lass but if you do flot, we will be glad of your suggestion how to, improve it. I f we please you, tell others, if, flot tel] us. Kersiake' s DrigStore Phone 49 Bowmaiville Use your teIephone,e we deliver. Jones, Town, is visiting Miss, May Fi-eeman .... Miss EvelynGay, Osh- awa, visited bier aunt, Mrs.- W. J, Saowden .... Mi-. and Mi-s. M. Mua-] day, sr., Misses Marjorie Stevens and Greta Munday are visiting relatives in Sarnia and Couitwrigbt ...Mi-. Laurence Wood recently .visited frieads ha Simcoe. Master Lyle Wood returned home witb bîm.... Mr. and Mrs. M. Muaday, jr., Mr. Elgin Muaday, Mrs. Lawrence Wood, Mi-. J. D. Stevens, Miss.Mabel Stev- ens metored te Simcoe on Saturday and visited relatives..Mrs. Wmn. Jeffery, Miss Rena Mayaard, Mi-. and Mrs. Ceeul Jeffery, Miss Stella Jeffery, Miss Marjorie Plummer, Mr-. Steven Jeffery, Mi-. Lloyd Crago, Mr. and Mrs, John Muaday and son Wal- lace spent Sunday at Cosarea.. Mi-. and Mrs. R. L. Masea,,Mr. Harley, Miss Violet Masea started for their home in Witcbia, Kan., aftei- a very pleasant vîsit witb relatives around bei-e, travelling by mctor .. . .Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family Sundayed at Mi-. Thos. Bakei's. ... Miss Vera Wood bas returned home after a pleasant visit witb frieads in Simcoe... .Miss Lillie Headerson and bier niece, Muriel Headersea, i-e- cently visited bier sister, Mrs. Ver- non Coulter, Brighton .... Miss Dor- etby Meteaif, Toi-ente, Miss Geneieve Bell, St. Catherines, are guests of Mi-s. R. A. Farrow. Messrs. Sam Snowdenanad broth- ci-s John and William motored eut te Scugog Lake last Friday foi- a days' outîng and to see what ci-eps over the country looked like. The brothers John and Thomas bad made severa] trips drawing wood fi-om Cartwright some 30 years ago aad bad drivea cattie from east of Cosarea from the late Henry Bai-t- lett's farm. Ia conversation as we called on some farmers in Cart- wright te enquire for live stock te buy-mixing business with pleasure -we coacluded that the ci-eps ha Cartwright are ini general far bebind Darlington crops. We saw about three fields of Spring wheat loeking fair and one good field of peas be- ing eut. To oui- surpr-ise we found the fai-mers' surrouading--fences and buildings much behind expeceta- tions. Bro. William wondered if the farmers bad cropped tee heavily1 dui-ing the high prices and se i-un the land tee bard. We saw seme very good fat cattie ha oui- travels. This Tuesday, Auguat 1, we ai-e taking Chas. H. Snewden ani family eut to sec Cartwright and the Lake and may buy some of those cattle. M.S. Snowden eut bis hand be- hind the tbumb butehering and has to engage a butcher te do bis kili- ing. Mi-. A. Hume is helping bim o ut. MAPLE GROVITES, ATTENTION!I A speciai meeting of the ratepay- ers of S. S. No. 6, Darliagton, will be beld on Friday evening at Maple Gi-ove Sebool te consider remodelling the building and enlarging the achool site. Full atteadance of ratepay- ers ha earnestly desired. C. H. Sno*den, Secretary-Treasurer. ENNISKILLEN Enniskillen basebaîl girls went to Courtice Saturday evening and had a friendly game of bail with the Eben- ezer girls. They report a good game and were treated by the Eben- ezer friends.... ,Miss Aima Werry spent the week-end with Miss Vera Werry, Ebenezer.... ,Mrs. H. J. Werry and Mr. Gordon spent Sun- day with Ebenezer friends .... Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Siemon and Mr. F. Journal, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. J. Slemon's. Miss Greta -Siemon returned home with them af- ter spending lier holidays with ber grandparent .... Miss Maud Curtis and Mr. Johnson, Toronto, visited at Mr. Thos. McGill's .... Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tyers and Master Har- old, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollock, Tor-1 onto, Sundayed at Mr. Theo Slem-1 on's ... . Miss Irene Preston is visit- ing Bowmanville friends ... . Rev. G. T. McKenzie and Miss MeKenzie are home from their holidays. .The road commissioner and his men are busy widening the road which will be a great improvement when well gravelled but at present Oh the dust. .... Messrs. Wes. Oke, G. Pres- ton, H. Pye, D. Burgmaster, J. Siemon and Mrs. Gilders have im- proved their homes with a coat of .at. . . . Mr. J. A. Werry is put-1 ting up a- new cement block house which is going to be very fine when completed. .Master Harold 'Jlemon, Bowmanville, is with his cousin, Mas- ter John Slemon... . Mrs. Hutchison and Donald are holidaying at Mr,. John Spry's ... . Miss Laverne Griffin is visiting relatives in Peterboro.. ..Master Douglas Moury, Peterboro, is with his aunt, Mrs. Alymer Rer- ring. When a special is announeed b.y Coueli,,Johnston & Cryderman it ai- ways means real savings. Read their ad. this week, PROVIDENCE Providence Community Pienie which was held at Elliott Memoriai Park, Hampton, on July 26, was a decided suceess. The day beiag ideai seemed te put lots of pep and vim into ail taking part in the sports, regardless of the eff eet the day after. Durîng the afteraoon the ladies played a snappy game of basebaîl, while the married men applied the white waeh to the young men in an exciting game cf basebali, After tea a well contested lot of races were rua off by Rev. W. T. Wickett and Melbourne Wight i-e- suiting as f ollows. Boys under 5 years-Jack Will- son, Roy Ashton ,Douglas Wight. Girls between 5 and 8 years- Irene Peebles, Helen Smale, Mar- garet Peebles. Boys between 5 and 8 years-I Howard Wight, Lawrence Ashton, Jack Crago. Girls between 8 and 12 years- Helen Baker, Fern Crago, Eva Pas-- cee. Boys betweea 8 and 12 years- Allan Osborne, John Asbton, Alvin Dawson. Girls between 12 and 16 years- Eva Darch, Florence Ashton. Boys between 12 and 16 years- Stanley Osborne, Hubert Osborne, Melbourne Osborne. Girls free for al-Theresa Darcli, Allie Darch, Violet White. Boys free for ali-Garnet McCoy, Bert Bounsaîl, Stanley Osborne. Married Ladies-Mrs. E. C. Roar, Mrs. Howard Couch, Mrs. Jack Baker Married Igen-Wrightson Wight, Jack Baker, Howard Couch. The Providence committee wish te thank the. Park Committee for the hearty welcome which they received and aise wisb te congratulate' the Park Committee upon the beautiful park and the up-keep ia general. Receat visitors: Mr,. and, Mrs. Clarence Peebles and daugehtes Irene and Margaret, at bis sister's, Mrs. C. J. Smale; Miss Ada Wight, Edmoaton, and Mr. Harvey Wight, Hughenden, Alta., with their par- ents, Mr,. and Mrs. Alex. Wight; Misses Theresa and Allie Darcb at Mr. J. H. Darch's; Mrs. Dorcas; Crago, St. Mary's, at her brotber's, 'Mr. R. H. Souch; Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Edmoaton, Alta., with ber brother, Mr,. Irwin R. Bragg andý sister, Mrs. Howard Couch, Bethes- da. Balance of oui, Ladies' Spring Coats at haif price. Couch, John- stea & Cryderman. MlAPLE GROVE Miss Eva Lane, Kingston Rd. E., Misses Laila and Laura Wilkins, Master Nelson Wilkins, Salem, visit- ed the latter's aunt, Mrs. E.ý W. Foley, and attended the Base Line and Maple Grove S. S. picnic.. Miss Edaa Swallow is visitiag Miss Eva Lane, Kingston Road E .... Miss Mabel Stevens visited Miss Hazel Rundle, Ebenezer ...Miss Olive Recent visitors: ,Mr,. Russel Rey- nods Trnto, -at Mr,. A. J. Rey- nolds; aster Allan Baison at B]ackstock; Mr. Joe Reynolds, Cher- rywood, at home; Mr,. and Mrs. Everett Hall and son, London, and Miss Eva Cooledge, Toronto, at Mr,. Elmer Wîlbur's; Misses Jessie and Nellie Heys, Toronto, at Mr. R. J. McKessock's; Mr. and Mrs. Ellsý Pascoe and daughter, Brooklîn, at Miss Mary Hogarth's; Miss Alice Woolnough, Toronto, at Mr. Donald Yellowie.es'; Mr. ani Mrs, M. A. James, Mr,. and Mrs. Geo. W. James and son William, Bowmaa- ville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Edgar and daughter, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brooks, Bowmaaville, and'Mrs. J. Short, Courtice, at Mr,. S. Edgar Werry's; Miss Edaa Reynolds at Toronto; Mr-. Cecil Pascoe visiting Toronto frieads; Mr. aad Mrs. J. Yeilowlees visited at the Lake; Mrs. Thos.' Pascoe and Miss Margaret, Hampton, at Miss Mary Hogarth's; Mr,. and Mrs. J. Rundie, Mr-. C, Pascoe, Mrs. W. T. Baker aad Miss yera Baker attended the Penfound picaic at Trull's Point; Mr,. Wes. Thorne and daughter Emma, Sunder- laand, Mr. Arthur Tremeer, son Frank and'daughter la, Mariposa, visiting relatives here; Mr. Irwin Rainey, Misses Neya and Elsie and Master Neil,'Miss Ada Riggs, Orono, with relatives at Mr. W. T. Tay- lor's and A. J. Balson's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, Blacl<stock, at Mr. W. T. Taylor's; Mr-. and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and famîily, Maple Grove, at Reeve T. Baker's; Messrs. C. and G. Hardy, Mr. Graham, Mr-. Wilson, Charles and Gordon and Mr. Shea,' Lindsay, at Mr. Isaac Hardy's; Mr . and Mrs. Glaspeli and children, Uxbridge, visited bier brothers I. aad H. Hardy; Dr. Davidson, veterinary Inspector, Toronto, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. MORTC'tACE SALE 1TNDER AND BY VIRTUJE of the pow- ers contained in a certain mortgage, whicb will be produced at the time of sale, there will bc olfered for sale by pub- lic auction on Thursday, the tenth day of August, 1922, at thé hour of two, o'clock in the afternoon, at the office cf M. G. V. Gould, Esq., Barrister, etc., Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville, Ont., by James Bishop, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: The property front- ing on King Street and Church Street la the Town of Bowmanvîlle known as the - Loscornbe Homestead", containing by admeasurement eighteen (18) acres, one (1) rod and seventeen (17) perches more or less. On tbis property there ls a beautiful brick dwelling bouse with mcd- ern conveniences, suitable for gentleman's residence, witb outbuildings, garden and fruit trees, and in addition, much cf the property is suitable for division Inb build- ing lots. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purehase money to be paid at the time cf sale, and the balance te be paid witbin thirty days thereafter. The property wlll be offered for sale subjeot te a reserve bld. For furtber particulars and conditions cf sale apply te M. G. V. Gould, Esq., Selicitor, Bowmanville. tlated at Bowmanvile tbis 7th day of July, 1922. M.G .GUD Solieltor for Mortgagee.I 21 Men's Suits, including Greys, Blue Serges and Browns, the lot to dean at S$17.50 If you need a suit be sure and caîl and see them. Men's fine Lisle Hose in Brown and Navy, Grey or Black, at 48c per pair Men's Bathing Suits, 100% wooil, a bargain at $3.48 Me-n's Cotton Socks, in Black or Grey, at 25c per pair Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 58c per garment Children's Gingham D resses with chambray trimming from 2 to 10 yearà, Very Special at 75c each Children's Heavy Cotton Hose, Black and Brown, reg. 35c, Sale Price 25c 39 iich Apron Gingham, with and without border, Sale Price 37c yd 2'7 inch Cotton Crepe in Blue, Pink and white, Very Special at 27e yd COURTICE TYRONE HAMPTON Miss Guelda Trimble entertaiaed Visiters: Mi- .and Mrs. D. Hoop- Mrs. E. Hastings who bas been a number of girl frieads on ber er, Mr. and Mrs, L. Hooper aad visiting ber sons in Philadeiphia and birthday and al bad a very pleasantiaml thfensnMrpo;M. time .... Mrs. J. F. Reid, Bancroft, fml ,ihfiash aioa r Friendship, N. 'Y., returned home ac- bas returned te ber home after a two Thos. Penfound and Mrs. Chas. companied by ber granddaugbter,j months' visit with her sister, Mrs. Werry, Oshawa, at Mi-. J. R. Mut- Miss Frances Mason ... . Miss Evelyn. Arthur Trimble. ._. . Miss Velma Gay. ton's;' Miss Edith Smith in Bow- Willis, Toroato, is holidayiag at Jao. is visiting berý aunt, Miss L. Jack- iranville; Mrs. A. E. McCready, Colwill's ai,...Miss Beattie and son, Bowmanville. Bowmaaville, spent the week-end girl friend, Creemore, have beea vis- ___________with Mrs. W. R. Clemens; Miss iting ber sister, Mrs. H. Cowling.. Gertrude Hodgson, Lindsay, witb ber . .Mrs. Frank Grigg and son, Osh-1 HAYDON gr-.andmother, Mrs. Thos. Gardiner; waarviting ber sister, Mrs. C. _______Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve, Smith- Hastings ... . Misses Carie andý Lii- visitors: Mi-. and Mrs. A. Grant field, with ber sister, Mrs. H. Cur- lie Smale, Oshawa, visited at home and famly, Tor nto at Mi- A. Mc-tis; Alberta Hodgson, Lindsay, witb .... W e welcome te oui- vilage M- Neil's; Miss Dora Mouatjoy, Osh- lber cousin, Aunae Garidner; Mi-. and and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Miss' awa, at ber father's, Mr,. Thos.iMrs. J. H. McFeeters, Derothy, Ron- Elsie. ... A merry crewd of young Mountjoy; Miss Margaret Ridge,lIaid and Archie and Miss M. Mc- people picnicked at Lake Scugog on ~Pontypool, at Mr. J. Wiigt's; Mas- Feeters, Toronto, Mrs., Geo. Sander- Saturday... . Congratulations to Mr-. ter Harold Siemon, Bowmanvilie, at son, Ai-cola, Sask., at Mr.' Peter and Mrs. Arthur Wakeley on the ai-- i-. Thos. Slemon's; Mr. and Mrs. Weri-y's; Mrs. R. S. Wade and rival of a son ....... Master Boyd N. Welsh and sün, Toronto, at Mi-. Master Wallace Wade, Toi-ente, witb Siemon, Bowmanvifle, ha visiting bis C. Avei-y's; Mrs. E. Ford, Toron-i er sister, Mrs. B. Moore; Miss 01- grandparents, Mi-. and Mrs. J. J. te, at Misa M. ~ McLaughlin's; Master ga Elkhe, Toronto, at Mr. Wallace vutue... Mr,. and Mrs. W. W. Fred Ashton with relatives at Bur- Miller's; Mi-. and Mrs. Jos. Churel Roi-n and Wallace and Mi-. Chas. k........ Congratulations to Miss and baby -Glenna, Woodstock, ai-eRoi-n visited at Peterboro and Che-' Meta Ashton on ber successful High visiting at Mi-. L. J! Goodman's; mong Lake..... Master Mervin Scott, School exams, also te Miss Helen Misses Ella and Mabel Oshorne,Pot opwhbi grdpets Woi-den, Masters Gordon Beech, Fred Messrs. Chas. and Rarry Osborne, Mi-. and Mrs. Jno. Clarke ... . Miss Ashton and Arthur. Toole, on their Mrs. Chas. Black, Mi-. Rosa Black, Laura vu-tue ha visiting frienda at entrance exams... .Our S. S. pienie Mi-. and Mrs. Dan McPbersoa, Mari- Burlington.... .Mrs. (Rev.) W. W.i ,proved an enjoyable event, everyone pesa, were Sunday guests of Mi-. Jones and cbildren are visiting witb' present reported a real good time. 'and Mrs. Levi Skinner .... King's fniends at Janetville .... Miss Muriel Guards picnic te Oshawa-on-the-lake Truil, Bowmanville, was home over on Friday last gave coasiderable Sunday. _.Mr-. and Mrs. Charlton SOLINA pleasure te the other- classes of the McBride, Peterboro, visited ber par- _______sebool wbo were included in the ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Geo. Wh..... Mr-. W. T. Baker attended an invitation. Mr. and Mra. A. Parker, Toronto, Executive meeting of the Herse- Mi-. and Mrs. Leecb and familV and at J. H.. Burrow'... Mrs. John breedersý Associaüion at Toronto ... Miss Audrey Werry, Oshawa, at Mr. Willis and sons, Toronto, at Mi-. Jno. Mr-, F. J. Groat, Hampton, ha treat- J. R-. Mutton's. . .. Miss Vera Wer- Colwill's, s .... A number from bei-e ing Solina Scbool te a coat of paint l'y, Ebenezer, Mi-s. E. V. Hoar and picnicked at Oshawa-onthe-Lake on -igu of educational progres. .. . baby Chai-les at Mi-. Peter Weiry's Saturday. Quarterly meeting at Zion on Sun- - - .- A good aumber attended the Epworth League meeting last Fni- day next at 10.30 a. m..Alsike Annis picaje on Tuesday. day evening waa in charge of Mi-. thi-cshing ha gohng on with good Tbe bit of the season-a garden Harold Salter, 4tb vice-President. yields . ... Mi-. H. A. Swtzer, foi-ni- party under the auspices of thle Lesson was read by Mr. Will White. ci- station agent at Solina bas beeniWoman's Tastitute at the homie of Topic was pleasingly presented by transferred te Cheirywood .... Mai-- Mrs. Robert McCullougb on Mi-. Frank Cryderman. Mi-. Thos. rhed mea vs. single men played base- Monday, Auguat 7th. Girls A. Brown of Ottawa, delighted those hall Fridaynight, the old chapa win- basebali at 5 p. m. boys later. A pi-esent with bis two solos rendered ning by a few points..Young real supper will be served and high- inis efficient and charming man- people gatbered at Mi-. Wm. Van- class concert given. Childi-en 20c; li-r. Mi-. Albert Allia gave a read- Nest's on Friday night te do honor te aduits 30c. Proceeda for Commun- ing and the meeting closeld with the Mr-. and Mrs. Sam Brooks who -have ity Hal. League Benediction. Etra Secial ValIues For Civic Holiday Week-End At West. End House A holiday always means that there's something new needed ini the way of wearing apparel for: men and women. You will see by the following "holi- day specials" that your wantshave been anticipated and- at- greatly^ reduced. priceýs which must appeal to every thrifty shopper. Don't fail to visit our large cool store when on your shopping trip. Just a word about our Grocery Department. Duning the past few months we have been experiencrng a steady increase in thiq department, due, no dout, to the exceptional values which are being offered each week combined with an unexceil- ed counter and delivery service. Men's White- Sport Shirts, sizes 14-16 To Clear at $1.39 Men's al wool hose, just nice weight for working 3 pair for $1 .00 Men's White or Brown Running Boots with hleels, al sizes at, $1.95 Meni'q Black or Brown Running Boots with'out heels, to clear at $1.59 Boys' Running Boots, Black and Tan Gireater Values Than Ever in -Dry Goods Children's White Skirts in plain and pleated. while they last. 79c each 5 minTýaffeta Ribbon, in ail shades, reg. 50c, Sale Price 29c per yd Ladies' Allover Apronq, reg. 85c,, Sale Price 59c each Cream -and White Scn' im with -fancy border, Very Special at 19c Lad iis' Voile Underskirts with lace trirnred frill, reg. $1.25, Sale Price 79c ANVILLU 1~ r, 4, MfLore Groceries for Less Money 10 lbs, Granulated Sugar, St. Lawrence 83C Laundry Soap, '7 bars for 49c Lilac Rose, Fairy and Jnfant's Delight Toilet Soap,1 3 for 23c, Gold Medal Tea with Cup and Saucer, Special at 65c lb Large Fresh Cauliflowers 15c each Potatoes, fine cookers 35c per peck Tip Top Salmon, large tins, 2 for 35c Pork and Beans,ý large tins, 2 for 25c Prepared lVustard 15C per boUtle Sweet Pickles 30c per pint Peanut Butter in jars 23c eacli Small Bottle- Olives .15 each Christies -Biscuits, fancy mixed 30C lb Lemonl and Orangeade- 25c bottie Ail kinds of Vegetables and Fresh Diress Up For Civic Holiday McMurtry &Co.,Ltd. PHONE 3 1 BOWMJA moon. Mr. Chas,.Shortride presideà.j Miss Frances C'ryderman read a nice- iy-worded address and the happy young couple were presented with a1 1pyrex caserole set in silver, meat] f ork and fruit spoon. Both re-1 sponded and thanked their youngi friends for their good wishes and nice presents. A f ew of the bravest made congratulatory speeches after which ail had a joiiy good time with games, music, etc. Refreshments were served and ail had a merry time ...Solina Women's Institute met at home of Mrs. W. T, Taylor. DYr.,G. C. -Boanycastie, Bowmanville, gave an excellent address which vwas .horoughly enjoyed by ail present, a hearty vote of thanks being tendered the.geniai doctor. Miss Lyda Tay- lor entertained with piano solos. Re- freshments weîte served and a social haif hour enjoyed. August meeting wili be at the home of Mrs. J. Yei- lowiees...Reeve Bakerý was at Toi-- onto on Tuesday in conneetion with electrifying C. N. Ry. and to inter- view Premier Druiry. 0 ENFIELD Mr. Ross and Mr. and Mrs,, J. Murph,,- Manchester, at Mr. 'C. Simsons;Miss Alice James, Col- umbus, at Mr . John Hepburn's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page and Misse Page, Toronto, at Mr. S. Page's; Mr, and Mrs, Fielding, Shirley, at M~r. W. Prescott's; Mr. and Mrs, W. Avery, Raglan, at Mr. W. J. Or- miston s; Mr,. Daniel Knapp had a very, successful barn raising Thurs- day and a dance at night on the new barn floor. .. Alsike clover is be- ing threshed wîth a good yield gen- erally.... -Rev. Edwin A. Tonkin and Mr. H. W. Pointon, Bowman- ville, conducted services here on, Sunday with mruch acceptance, Rev. Tonkin is an old Chateauguay hoy whom we are ever pleased to meet- WEDDING On Wednesday, July 19, 1922, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ras- kili, Port Hope, was the scene of a, very happy event, the occasion being the marriage of Mrs. Haskiil's sis- ter, Miss Charlotte Shaw, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James. Shaw of Owen Sound and Mr. Wm. Webb of Bowmanville.' The cere- mony -was performed by Rev. F. W. Anderson, of St. Paul's Church. The bride wore a gown of navyý canitoi crepe, with necklace of peaÉlîs an-ic long emhroidered veil, and carried aj shower bouquet of sweet peas! P Mr. and Mrs. Wehh lef L on the 7.45 train for their home near flow- manville, Mrs. Wehb wearing a suit of navy tricotine and taffeta hat to match, Upon their airrival there, they were met by Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens, who drove them to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Pow- ers, where the members of the com- munity were assembled to offer con- gratulations and to welcome Mrs. Weoýb. After a buffet luncheon and congratulatory speeches, the happy couple were driven home, where a lane of rihhon and fiowers led înte,