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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1922, p. 2

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Gt.ood Judgment The wise business man doesn't tempt fate. Hie takes no0 chances With circumstances over Which be bas no control. INSURANCE is bis bullwark against disaster. Disaster is always tbhreatening you, Wbether it be in the form of accident, fire, deatb, tbeft, busi- ness losses, etc. Let insurance protect you frorn these un- avoidable occurrences. -It Wll relieve you of much care and Worry. J. J. MASON & SON Phone 50 Real Estate and Insurance Brokens 0~Bi ýowmanvillo Cet The Habit, 0F READING OUR ADVT EACH WEEK You xiii always eind it profitable reading. CHOCOLATES - Special, this week only, choîce chocolates, nice assortment, per lb ....35c CRAPE white, 0one JUICE-Large, bottie, concord or wveek only, per bottle ............55e TOILET SOAP-Try our new toilet soap, 110 water too hard to bring a quick lather, 2 bars 25c POLO LAUNDRY SOAP ..........6 bars'for 25c TOILET PAPER ..................5 rolli or 25c Have your groceri-es delivered-it costs no0 more. C. M. CAWKR & VKSON BUTCHERSand GROCERS BOWMANVILLE P - Yen pump over a ton of water every day. Your wif e carnies over two theusand heavy p ails of water every yoar.e My Toronto Windmill will do away with ail that drudgery.' j It provides a supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- room, or garden. It gives you water for your stock without time o nt W ended.iintal cost is low. Its iipkeep-oniy an occasiomal oiling. Quiet, chenýp, powerful-the time and labor saved wiil pay for itself in a single season, with continuai conifort tbrown la. Corne in a.nd talk it over, next time you're la town. It wiU pay you. CHAS. HASTINGS Pump Maker, Phone 350-13 Hampton sommaM- great, but an erroneous impressic had been created by press statemeni that this was due te unsatisfacto: arrangements for the primary sellii of our fruit in Englnnd. As a ma Ster of fact, thefirst sales of Ontar apples on shippers' acceunt werea wnys on the basis of 5 per cent coi mission, plus handling charges, ai, this was the only transaction th, - - 1 1 i BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 24th, 192l LOCAL FRUIT GROWERS MEEI Comiissioner J. Forayth Smith Gavc iTimely Addresa on Apple Market- i ng in Britain. A representative gathering of lo cal fruit growers in the Town Hall Bowmanville, was presided over b3 Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., on Tues day evening, August 15, when Can adian'Fruit Trade Commissioner J Forsyti Smith, who represents th( Comm"ercial Intelligence Service oj Dominion Department of Trade an( Commerce on the Englîsh market delivered an îlluminnting address oi the conditions affecting the sales o, Canadian apples in England and ii Scandinavia. The Commissioner congratulate( Ontario on the higli place occupie.( by the province in the prize list e: the ImperÎal Fruit Show, ield ii [London last year, when four gol( and five silver medals and the $504 Silver Challenge Cup for the higlios a ggregate of points, were won i gainst the, combined competitien o: England and of other fruit-growiný provinces of Canada, He urged, however, that Ontari( Ishould look to hier laurels, and see ti jit that she bg strongly represente( Iat the show again tuis year, as thý competition both from England an( from British Columbia would be ver, keen. Empliasis was placed upei the fact that the presence of Mr. P J. Carey, Dominion Fruit Brandih structor, on the board of judge would insure the ment satisfactor, judging conditions. 1The best Ontario packs of suc] varieties as Golden Russetts, Spie ,and Kings were held in the ver bhighest esteem in England, whil 'Greenings, Baldwins, Ben Davis an Starks command a steady sal, thougli not at top prices. The, Sp, uufortunately, frequently does no reacli the market in good condition there being instances last yen: where one-third of a shipment ar riving in sound condition made 5ý to 55 shillings, and the remainini two-thirds 20 shillings or $4.50 pe barrel less. It migit ho advisab]i to box-pack Spies in order te delive: them in best condition. Box-pack ed apples alwnys carried bette tian barrels. In general, however Ontario apples were not suited to th, box-pack. The western boxed ai ples that made top prices were suc] high-colored varieties as Jonathan; Spitzenbergs, aud Mclntosh, whei the west box-packed Stnrks, Green ings, Baldwins and Ben Davis, they usually, did not make as high value as Ontario barrels of these varietie: Ontario might box-pack Spies, Me Intosh Red, good red Wealtbies, th, smallor sizes of Kings, etc., buti was a mistake to box-pack any bu superior varieties, or any grade hu No. 1. Domestics should neyer bý hox-packod for export. Last applo season in 'the Ob Country xvas a very abnormal one Nova Scotia was the only barrel ai ple district that had a good crop, an owing to the general industrial de pression and censequent lessenîng o purchasing power, there was a tenc ency to favor barrels and :a fallinj away from hoxed apples, se that ii October and November boxed Jona thans No. 1. sold at 13 shillings a bo:x equal to 39 shillings a barrel wbei Ontario barrelled Baldwins, No.. were selling at 45 to 49 shilling: Barrelled apples returned' geod va] nos, while boxed apples sold at a loe' figure. For the present season the out look is premisîng. Trade in pickinj up, unemployment is decreasing, pur chasix' power should be greater, ani the Eng-9lish apple crop will be mue] shorter than lnst yoar, especially th late varieties that offer the principa competition with our Canadian ap pIes. Outrigit buying from Canada wil nover be on a sufficîently large seul, to affect any large proportion of thi Ontario output. The English lm porter only buys in large quantitie when the conditions are aIl in hi favor, that is in seasons wheni would probahly pny the shipper ti take his own chances on the epei market. Most of the 2 to 2 % mil lion barrels hhfported annually wil always be sold on shippers' account There are two methods of sellinl consigned apples: First, through thi apple nuctions and second, throug] the commission firms operating as ii Canada. Both methods have tbei good points. The auctions offe rap id distribution for large quant ities. Sales are open and the shippe can alw-n1s be!satisfied thatho*is r AUTOMOBILE, GUARAN-1 girl~ cf,. saru ut any tuunu utar methods. There's no0 better tume than TEE. now. Aiways room n onl01e of our ELEVEN SchooIs. write for band- i book. P. Mclntosh, Chief PrineiPai ih TORONTO 2d.nvw. #ia"i j- tk 1 BowmavilOntario. THE EDITOR TALKS Recognized as a leading specifie for the destruction of worms, Mother More and more women are becom- Graves' Worm Exterminator lias ing active factors in the industrial proved a boon to suffering children and agricultural 1f e of oui' Domin- everywhere. It seldom fails. ion. It is weIl that it is so, too, for_____________________ it, seems to us that the things that chiefly concern the home and its PAINTING members can be best looked after i and resetedby wmen So t ~ Have your house painted now, sendJ and reseted y woen. o ti post card to J. Brennan, painter, paperi that we regard the appointment of hanger and grainer, KaIsorninIng and1 Miss Helen G. Campbell as Demon- 'tinting. Ternis reasonable. Âddrese strator and Lecturer in the Dairy ~Benn li tBwavie and Cold Storage Brandi of the De- 2-m partment of Agriculture at Ottawa. Our lady rendors will be glad to LEGAL learn that the Dairy Depnrtment of M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. the Toronto Exhibition this year 's BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY going to have an exhibit dealing with food value of, dairy products stres-' money to loan on Farm and Town sing particularly the special nutritive Property Royal Bank Building, qualities of milk and including a Bowmanville. Phone 351. demonstration on the preparation of- some simple dairy dishes. This ex- 'W. F. WARD, B. A. hibit will be in the Horticultural, Building and wiil be part of the ex- BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY hibit arranged by the Dominion De- Money to boan. Bonds for sale. partment of Agriculture.- This in-, Offices: Bleakley Block,. King teresting feature of the Dairy! Street, Bowmanville Ontario. Branch will be in charge of Missi Phonos: Office 102, House 343. Helen G. Campbell and we are very j sure that she will be very glad toi meet the ladies of West DurTham who music attend the Toronto Fair. As our T. W. STAN LEY readers have had the privilege of (Lno legofMsc reading some of Miss Campbell's ex- (LnnClee fMsc cllent articles on the food value of Organist and Choir Leader, Bownian- milk and other dairy products tiey1 ville Metiodist Churcli, is prepared to will bo glad to hear ber demonstrate' take pupils for Piano and Voice Cult-, in person the food theories she se in-1 ure. For terms phone 12, l'Green-1 fnr iii nAv,, '.rnrt". Aýcrcle Street. 49-3m*.1 ment ef public healti and child wl fare. Wieu you calho sure te ttel Miss Campbell tint you are from MEDICAL Durham county and bew much yen B. 3. HAZLEWOOD, M. D. C. M appreciate ber work long the linos Geld Medalist of Trinity University. indicated. Toronto. Four years attendlng Phy-ý __________________________sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel' Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office andl hnd nny effect on shippers' returns. Residence, Wellington Street, Bow-ý The spread came lu between the im-1 manville. Phono 108. porter and thie consumer, it wns' miainly retailer's profit, and neting C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. tint Ontario could do iu the way of; Graduate ef Trinity Medical College,, inving lier own representative o Toron te, fermerly 'of Enniskillen. the market, conld conceivably affect Office and residence, Dr. Beith's, the attitude of the ýtionsands of fermer resideuce on Church-st., Bow- Englisi retailers, who wero holding'mauville. Phono 259, 44-t up prices te the consumer.______ The Commissiener breugit hisi remnrks te a close witi a strong piea DENTAL for ndvertising in a systematic way, DR. J. C. DEVITT te increase theecousumptien of ap-A ples. Ho stated tint a splendid field Assistant-Dr. C. W. Lyons for effective advertising existed in GTaduate of Royal Dental CoIlege, Englaud, wiere the colisumption per Toronto. Offic 'e; Kiug-st. East, Bow- capita was only hallf that of the manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. to 6 United States, and gave an interest- P. m. daily except Suuday. Phono iug accounit of a campaign conduct-90an. bouse pieone 90b. ed hy himself in 1913 and 1914, ia Alberta, which resulted in, tripîing DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE the sales of apples. The British Houer graduate lu Dentistry Torontoý fruit trade is rnising n fuud of £500,- University. Graduate of the Royal' 000 te ho spent in fruit advertising College of Dental Surgeons of On-1 next yer, the money te ho secured tari. Office King-st., Bowmanville.1 by n small tax por package, furnish- Office phone 40. bouse phono 22., ed by the importer, the buyer and, R .E INWL the shipper. The desirability of DRR.EDNN EL Canadian support for the schemo Houer Graduate of Toronte Uni- was very strongly urged. It wns versity and member of Royal Collegel poiuted eut tint it wns inceuceivable of Dental Surgeons.' Licensed to; tint sncb a hsum could ho spent in a practice lu Ontario aud the Dominion.' well-thoug-ou-schenme of advertis-] Deutistry lu nîl its branches. : Office iug without iucreasing the demnnd. -King-st., Bowmnnville. Opposite The least possible inereaso would hol Bank of Mentreal, Phono 301. 6 ponce or 12 cents per barrel, ns prices were always made in six penny advances., If, therefore, the CHIROPRACTOR reqnired snm could ho raised, the GORDON P. SOUCH, D. C., PH. C. least resulting benefit wonld glve 3 year Graduate of the Palmer Sehool the shipper 12 cents fer an outlay of (The Fountain bond of Chiropractie) onMr.P..CreofteDmnn Office on Chnrch-st. opposite the Pros- FriMr. .J anc eysoe thefDomiof bisyterian Churci. Office Heurs: 3- teuit nhe Od ouutbrfy ofstyear,5 and 7-8 p. m., or by appointment. trip oteOdCutyls er Office Phiono 41J; bouse Phone 140- emphasiziug the faet that British r2 (Lakeviow Farm). 26-tf buyers iad n most accurate know-r ledge of the relative merits of the ---- ~ - varions Ontario packs, and tint it FUNERAL DIRECTORS was as certain as anytiing could ho tint good pncking and hîgi quality F. F. MORRIS CO. meant increased returns te the ship: Most complote equipment. Sunday per. and nigit calîs premptly attended to. On motion of Mr. L. O. Clifford, Bowmanville phonos 10 and 34. M. P., for South Ontarie, n most iu- Branich at Orono. terestiug meeting was brought te a close with the passing of a iearty vote of thanks..11 THEO M. SLEMON, AUCTIONEER IIARRY PEIONE 186 ALLINI BOWMANVILLE SMP amldWrbs the smooth surface and pollah of fine crockery-withuut the break- age. 'And itis sovery easy to elen .jist Iilke china, andi therefore makes liglit work of pot washin g. Whenever you are buying kitchen Utensils be sure they Camrythe. Strade-mark Dîamond Ware Is a three-enated enamneled steEl, sky bine and white outside with a snowy white linItng. P~earl Ware is a two-coated enameled steel, peari grey outsMde and finsie. Youamet go wrongîf you buyeithez. Ask for SMP Ditamnotd Ware &.rMETAL PROO4JCTS CêC moNTReZA>L TORGXTO Q 4~~ FEED THE HUNGRY- THRESHERS WELL, Last year we made a big hit by making a specialty of THRESHERS' ROASTS LARGE-TENDER and JUICY-with, LOTS 0F NOURISHMENT Our good country friends are already asking us for more Threshers' Roasts like we supplied them a year ago. We're doing it, too. Phone -995 and we will send you one of those choice roasts by mail. Wilbert J. Dudley Horsey Block Phone 225, House 272 Bowrnanville Bus iness Is Good j We were neyer busier than we are right 110W. Plumbing and tinsmithing work is just literally pouring in from unsolicited customers. We have inereased our staff of expert engineers and require more to keep up with the rush. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? We take it to mean that this unprecedented rush of business cornes to us as the resuit of satis- faction we have been -giving in the past. Our prices may flot always be the lowest, but you are assured of the best materials used and expert workmanship at ail times when your plumbing and tinsmithing is done by Greenaway & Elliott Consulting Engineers Phone 18 day or night Bowmanville I - I .1 t u r Mc n> Fol1ks li/ce eTo toP t rhin sOff; Women ha1 fev his Is Only Addrsszto YOU if there Is one ïn your family cîceor among your friends ýyoip havitig dlfficulty with th~i e, ring, or if they are suffering f rom head noises, you Snhelp them with Leonard JIt does give, relief: It has relieved thousands since it was fii-st placed on sale in 1907.' It is flot put in the ears but "In- serted in. the nostrils" and "rubbed gently in back of the ears." It'sa household necessity. c Don't put off getting it. $1 A Ail Drugglsts D)eecriptlvo CIârcular and Testnnosii- ais sent oùl requesi. Made in Canada Sales Agents, Toront o A. O. LEONARD, hIc. Don't Do Thisi1 70 Yfth Ave., New York, N. Y. i Witbout a doubt we bave the best and largest variety of poultry supplies in town including: Karswood Poultry Spice Woodhouse Poultry Supplies Peruna Chowder and Dry Mash FuI-o-pep Laying Mash and Scratch. Feed, H-O Steam Cooketi Chick Feed Chick and Hlen Charcoal Qyster Sheli, Grit, Baby Chick Cnit Lowest prices ai ail times and special prices for large quantities. , =.-I 1 .e Only the uninformed endure the a- agony of corns. The knowing onesi es apply Holloway's Corn Remover and is get relief. it If IsSwleig You Won3t Md t ig if eating Roman Meal be- ie cause eating a properly bal- ,h anced food is N4ature's way in r of counÏteracting the heat- r of summer. b- Eat and enjoy dellejous, e- non-acid Roman Meal as le thousands are now doing. )f "it cools the blood, clears the dt skin, because it is non-acid. e- Aids digestion, poslitively re- 'e ieves constipation, keepa you fit. p- AT GROCERS k- j- ly ie r- be I lis 4 th START AT k;NY T9jME ,r Eery student receives individual per- ry onalinistru tion at the Shaw School. r uToronto. That i why 'a boy or On -Iha-dtypewting and usiness Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. 0. 'Phone 197-r3. 1-tf VETERINARY DR. F. T. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGE ON. Day or Night Cails Promptly Attended to. Office King-st. W., Statesmnan Block, Bowmanville. Phone 243. GEORGE CHENERY General Cogtractor in cernent work, house foundation, etc. Estimates furnished. King-st., Bowmanville. 18-t SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING Complete Commercial and General Im- provement Courses. Students accepted at any tirme. Good positions for ail graduates. CANADA BUSINESS COL- LEGE, OshawRt and Toronto, M. A. JAMES- STEAMSHIP TICKETS TO EUROPE-Canadian Paeific,ý White Star Dominion, Cunard, Amer- ican. Ask for information. Phone 53, Bowmanville. Agvency. Ail lines of, PIRE, LIFE, &CCIDENT, SICKNESS,1

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