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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1922, p. 4

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BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 24th, 19221 SALEM Harvest Home services of Salem1 Methodist Church wîII be held as f ol- Iows: On Sunday, Aug. 27, sermons will be preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. by Rev. J. S. McMullen, pastor of South Oshawa Methodist Church. Music by the choir. Collections in aid of Church funds. On Monday, Aug. 28, at 4 p. m. a basebali game will be played Tyrone vs. Providence. Good supper will be served from 4.30 p. m. At 8 p. m. Salem Dra- matic Club will present-their new 3 aet drama entitled "The Early Bird". Corne and enjoy two hours of solid fun. Music furnished by Tyrone Orchestra. All services in large shed. Admission: Aduits, tea, and concert 60c; tes or concert 40c Children: tea and concert 35c; tes or concert 20c. W. T. Wickett, W. G. Werry, Pastor. Secretary. The biggest Furnit'ure Sale ever put on in West Durham starts Sept. l4th. F. F. Morris Co. Mrs. R. W. Brooks and daughter, Ivey, have returned home to Co- bourg, after a visit to relatives and friends in Bowmanville, Oshawa and Toronto. While in Oshawa they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Me- Evers, f ormerly of Cobourg. The Cheapest Roofing Is the roofing that gives the best and longest service, and the most reliabite protection from fire, storm and light-niig. That's just why the cheap- est roofing of all is- BRANTFORD ROOFING FOR SAFETY, PERMANENCE & ECONOMY Brantford Roofing bas stood the test against storrn, wind, hail or snow for a lifetime.-. Corne in and learn more about the Brantford Roofing and see sampiles. _Mason & DaIe's Hardware Phone 145 Bowmanville The cause o Y our Headache Many people- labor,.under the delusion that headaches are in themselves a disease, when as a t matter of fact- they are merely nature's warning t that sorne functional disturbance exists- in the body. Headache powders serve only to deaden t the pain and relieve the condition temporarily. 1 The wvise inciividual tries to determine what is, wrong with his physical' self. The chiropractor is thoroughly eeucated on these matters of health, and is able to determine the underlying abnormal- ity, and sets out to correct the condition. The correction he makes is not a temporary one but a permanent one, because lie removes the cause of the organic disturbance of which the headache is an expression. GJordon P. Souch CHIROPRACTORc Office hours 3-5 and 7-8 p. m. Visiting Hampton, Enniskillen, Burketon, Mon- 1 day, Wednesday and Friday mornings.. Cail up for appoir.tment. Churc1h-St. opp Presbyterian Church Phone-Offic.e 41J House 140-r2. ý 1 B3owmanville aud Miss Evelyn Brent; Oriental and Grecian dance by Miss Gweu Hughson, Toronto, snd music ýl Tyrone orchestra. Accompanists were Misses May Gardiner, May sudt Evelyn Breut.. Counsellor A. H. Brent proved an efficient chairman. Pmoceeds $77.00. 1 ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart left this week for the west. Mrs. Prestonnbas ret,îrned from a leasant visit witb T4ndsay relatives. Mrs. J. Slemon and Miss McKenzje have been under the Dr.'s eare but are improving. Glad to see Miss Marion Orchard back to ber position as organist in the cburch after ber vacation. Congratulations to Mrs.ý Campbell (nee Miss Margaret Stewart) who was mar- ried last Wednesday in Oshawa. The beat wishes of ber many friends at En- niskillen are extended to ber. Mrs. Hall and Miss Phema are visit- ing in Oshawa; Dr. E. T. Siemon and son Rex, of Ottawa, Dr. C. W. Siemon and family. Bon manville at Mr. John Slem- ons; Mir. and Mrs. Wîll Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore and family and Dr. and Mrs. F'rg'iso atterded the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Alvin Brent at Lxbridge on Sunday. Miss Eva Sanderson of Montreal Bank of Toronto is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Adam Sharp....Mrs. J. Cooke and daughter' Evelyn, Miss Pearl Sharp, Toronto, Mr. Harry McComb, are visiting at Mr. Andrew Sharp's. . . Mrs. Walton Annis, Miss- es Ileen and Mari orie, Dunharton, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Jas. Garfatt.., . Mr. Clifford Cowle of Napanee is spending a couple of weeks at Mr. Frank Orchard's. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr Buy that piece of Furniture you are contemplating at F. F. Morris Co.'s September Sale. First shipment of Fali Coats and Dresses now on display at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. SIAYDON Visitors: Mrs. N. Brown andi Misses Helen and Nancy Johns, Hampton, vis- ited at Mr. M. Sîsmons; Drs. John and William Brimacombe of Marlon, Ind., Mrs. Bird and iittle Miss Ruth Brima- combe and Mrs. E. Brimacombe of Ham- ilton and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy, Hampton, visited at Mr. Theron Mountjoys and other acquaintances bere..Dr, and Mrs. E. T. Siemon and Mr. Rex. Siemon of Ottawa, recently visited at Messrs. Milton and Thos. Semns.... Miss Mar- guerite Ashton of Cobourg witb relatives here .. . .Mrs. E. Mountjoy and little son, Donald, visited relatives in Lindsay.... Messrs Elias and Richard Ashton, Silas and Wm. Trewin, Clarence Avery and Wm. Martin attended the funerai of the late Alexander Gibson of Whithy, form- erly of this vicinity, and acted as pal- hearers. The remains was interred in Union Cemnetery....Miss Rilda G. Sle- mon, Town, is bolidaying at ber father's, Mr. Thos. Siemons. DARLINGTON Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goode, Mr. and Mrs. John Helmer, Ottawa, who were on a metor trip to Toronto and Gaît, called on the former's old school mate, Mrs. Wallace Downey.. .Mrs. E. J. Knapp, Galt, visited: Mrs. D. W. Downey .... Miss Winnie Gage is guest of her cousin, Mr. D. W. Downey... .Mrs. E. J. Burke was a recent visitor with Oshawa friends. .... Miss Annie Reddon, Toronto, is holidaying wîth her friend, Miss Mary Wood, and visiting other friends .... Mrs. George Moore, Mrs Richardson, Toronto, Miss Mary HuV.e, town,,were recent visitors at W. H. Wood's .... Sympathy of this community is extended to the Van Camp family in their recent bereav- ment .. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Nichol- son, Cartwright, and Mrs. McGill, Pontypool, were visitors last week at Mr. W. H. Wood's. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr EBENEZER Mr. and Miss Hoskin were week- end guests of their uncle, Mr. J. L. Parsons ... . Mrs. Jas. Richards hasi been a, welcome visiter- with hert many friends for a f ew weeks. ..,.ý Mr. and Mrs, Wolfhong'and family,' Toronto, summer residents of the1 Beach, were Sunday visitors with« Miss Lyla Osorne... .Mr. and Mrs.1 John Ashmore and Mr. and Mrs. _ Mansell. Ashmore, Lindsay, were1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie.i ... The Courtice threshers syndi-1 cate have purchased a new 10-203 tracter and are doing good work for1 the neighborhood .... Messrs W. H. Nichols and R. E. Osborne left with the Harvesters for the West. Now the crops will get cleaned up inthe three Provinces-Perhaps!. .. Sweet clover is making a fine growth, es-1 pecially in thée grain. Dean and1 Ross say that Job was net the enly1 man that ceuld use patience....1 Wîth filie weather continuing the1 harvest will be completed this week. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr TYRONE Mrs. Grandy, Cavan, is îisiting at1 Mr. J. H. Mutton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edwards, Mr. and, Mrs. C. Rich-ý ards, Ivan and, Arthur, Oshawa, have been visiting at Mr. T. H. Richards'. ...Messrs. Harry and Arthur Me- Roberts, Toronto, are visîting with1 their cousins, Miss Flora and Mr. Bruce MeRoberts .... Miss Mabel L. Wight is visiting withi friends in To- ronto..._ We welcome Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Wickett home again after a pleasant holiday in Quebec ... . Mrs. Agnes Harris, Courtice, with her son, Mr. T. Harris and other friends. ...Miss Mary Brightwell and Miss] Beatrice Bigelow are visiting in To- rente. .'. League on Thursday night was in charge of thîrd vice president, Miss Velma Staples. Topic by Mrs. L.-J. Goodman; readings by Misses MabeT Wight and Mary Richards; piano solo, Mr. Fred Goodman....E The syinpathy of the whole commun- ity is expressed te Mis 's E. M. Werry and Messrs. F. W. O. and M. J. Wer- ry in the death of their father, Mr. . Peter Werry, who was eue of our oldest and most respected residents. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr (Received tee late for last issue) Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton recent-î ly visited at Peterboro. Mr. Cee. W. McLaughlin recently visited at Mr. J. Hodgson's. Mr. aud Mrs. D. McCartney, New York, receutly visited their mother, Mrs. Pollard here. Congratulations te Mr. Kenneth Frazer and Miss Edythe Clemeus on successfuhly passing recent exams. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wilson, Miss Eleanor and Master Brent have re- turned te, Haileybury after spending9 the summer holidays at Mr. Wm. 39" Apron 'Gingham, reg. 39e sale price 35C per yard Ladies Lisle Hose in Black, White and Brown very special at 49c a pair 36" Cotton Cashmere in Rose, Navy and Cardinal reg. 45e sale price 39c per yard 36" Plaid Costume Cloth in all shades suitable for girls school dresses very special at 59c 58" Silence Cloth, reg. PHONE 783 $1.95 sale price $1.69 ENFIELD SALEM CARD OF THANKS' Miss Helen Grey, Toronto, recent- H1-arvest Home services and supper at Mrs.,A. Branch and family desime ly visited at Mr. A. Ormiston's. teSae. nAgt2 n 28. Reserve te thank their many friends and Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Hogarth and Mi1ss _______ neighbors for their~ sympathy and Betty, Detroit, visited at Mr. L. C. kinduess during their recent ber- Pascoe's. .. .Mr. and Mrs. James Gil- HAMPTON eavement and for the beautiful bert, Port Perry, visited at Mr. fiowers sent, Frsuk Glbet's .... Mr. M. Deusemi, Rev. Thomas MeReynolds of Newl _______ Toronto, wss guest ut Mr. Fred T. Ontario, spent a few days visiting Ashton's ... . Mr. sud Mrs. Russell his sister, Mrs. W. H. Gay, lu Hamp- SUMMER COURSE IN Ormiston 'nnd Miss Verna Ormistonton. AGRICULTURE. have been visitiug at Woodridge. .i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Samelîs and- .Editor and Mrs. M. A. James, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. Samelîs, Blackstock, iTrihave lompe ted the um -t and Mrs. Cee. W. -James sud son Wil- î vîsited at Mr. S. T. Mouutjoy's on itithv omltdteSm iiam, Bowmanville, Mrs. S, Edgar Sunday.mrCus nArcluea ht Ier n osGereadWse by: Misses Frances Clatworthy, Ethel Roselandvaie, Solius, and Miss Ethel League meeting was in charge of G arbutt, Ethel G. Mackhin, Alice G. 'Lillian VsuNest, 147 Strathm orelthe third vice presideut, Miss Mary Werry, Clara E. Williamson and Boulevard, Toronto, were reeeuiS ouch, last week. After openiug Mrs. Ida L. Carscad.den. Those suc- guests of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Bray, exercises Mr. Frank Cryderman read cessful in Part I are: Misses Lillian Braeside . ... Harvesting is nearly the Bible lesson. The Topie was A. Hîllier, Beulah A. Holiowell. over aud crops have been heavy. nicely presented by Miss Mamie Cil-_______ Cern is making great growth. bert. Miss Ruby Clatworthy fav- AUCTION SALE Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr ored with a piano solo, and the meet-____ ing closed with the League Bene- Saturday, August 26-J. M. McFar- MAPLE GROVE diction ..,. About 100 members and lane, Elgiu-st., Bowmanville wil _______visitors of the W. M. S. met et their sell a quantity of househelcf fur- Mr. and Mrs. John Plunkett, Mr. regular meeting and annual picnic niture, etc., cousistiug of parler andMr. . ~Wllsm, m. on the church lawn on Tuesday, suite, dining room chairs, stoves, Mrs. A. J.- McWilliams sud fsmily, . . th Afetebussmt- bedsteads, tables, lawn mower, Peterborough, visite.d their cousins,1ig a paper on mite box work was etc. Sale ut 2 p. m. Ternis cash, Mrs. J. H. Munday, Mrs. M. L. Wor- igiven by Mms. Sykes; reading on the Jos. Coulson, Aucti oneer. den and Mrs. E. W. Foley... . Cradle Rol, Mrs. C J. Kerslake;! ________ andMrs AlredKnap, shaa, recitations, Misses Mary Niddery sud andMrs AlredKnap, shaavis- Gertrude Smyth; solo, Mrs. McCar- MOVED TO KING STREET ited at Mr. Fred Lane's .... M~ssesthy; trio, Eleanor Sykes, Jessie Knox i3eryl Wilkins, Oshawa, Annie sulýad Helen Kuox; duet, Frances and Citizens will pIeuse note that I kins, Courtice, receutly visited their Beatrice Joues.' Next meeting at have removed my boot sud shoe me- aunt, Mrs. R. L. Wordeu ..... Miss the home of Mrs. Niddey ..Mr. pair business te King St. West, 2ý Olive Morton, Port Hope, recently ýT A.BonOtaaNra col o esofTeStsm Oie1 visited Miss Vers Power . ...Mr. rwOtw omlShodor ato h ttsa fie Richardj Goard, Mm. sud Mrs, Cee 'I wihl preach in Zion, Eldad sud Bring' your boots or shees te rMY rý1Hampton churches next Sundsy at shop sud have them repairedprmt St. John sud daughter Georgie,' the egular heurs. Ily and satisfactorily. pop Beaverton, Mm. sud Mrs. Frank Web-. ster, Cambray, Mr. sud Mrs. Joe Dollar Days at, Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr H. C. Durginî. Jewell, Canningtou, Miss ililda Vick. __________________________________ ery, Miss Dolly Thoms, Mr. Robert- sou, Oshawa, Rev. and Mrs. IL, W. Fred R. Foley, Toronto, visited at J. D. Stevens', .... Mr. sud Mrs. R. R. Stevens, Mrs. Lawreuce Wood, son Lyle, sud Mrs. M. Mundsy, Jr., z n h motored te Uxbridge sud Sutton sud' h apeut a f ew dsys with relatives, Misses Dorothy Stevens and Vera Wood returned home with them af- ter two weeks' visit. . .. Mr. sud Mrs. Rosamoud sud family, Msrkhsm,o B ier S l motored down sud visited at Mm. D. Mirs. Fred Lee, Kedron, visited their cousins, Mrs, Thos. Snowdeu sud Mms. L. C. Snowden ou Tuesday. .. . Miss Hilda sud Mr. Ted Foley speut the week-end with relatives at Osh- âwa sud Port Perry'. . . Mr. sud V Sundsy at Mm, Walter Dearboru's, South Oshawa. .. . Mm. Willard Stev- Indicatîin now point to the greatest, volume of busii eus and sou Glen, Toronto, visited at Mr. F. Swallow's on Suday .... The August for several years. There is stili a few days le] flrst picnic of the Wilkins family wa.s thîs wonderful value-giving event, Read over these lis held last Thursdsy at Caesarea -in houer of their cousins from Peter- Want and then shop early at Bowmanville's Largest De borough, Mm. sud Mrs. John Plun-' kett, Mm. sud Mrs. B. McWilliams,,' Mm. sud Mrs. A. J. McWilliams sud î family. About 35 menibers motored FIrida and*' t r aY us bsck sud speut the day very plea-y sntly. It wss decided te make thîs su annual event. i,. !. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 Pr D9L.. i'Big 20" Bowmarn Bookstore ville es 'land 'lues iness w#e have done durin g ft for you to participate'in sts, mark the articles you epartmental -Store. ;t'25.,and 26 $1 BUYS THIS SPECIAL ASSORT. MENT 0F USEFUL ARTICLES pkgç Gold Dust or Eze Washing Powder, large rolîsToilet Paper tin X Ray Stove Polish tin Gem Lye, 100% pure pkg Corn Starch tin Salmon pk11g Dates pk-g Lipton's Instant Cocoa bars, Polo Washîng Soap Duchess Apples, fine cookers 25c per basket Fine large Bananas 25c doz Men's Athletic Combinations in Fine Npinsook Check, in leading makes sucli as W. G. & R., Arrow and the new No-Button Hatchway, don't mi4s this, To Clear $1.18 Men's Pyjamas in summer weight, a fiee range of patterns, sizes 36-42, al W. G. & R. make, Regular $3,*00 value, To Clear at $2.19 Men's White Sport Shirts, also a few creams,,1 To Clear at $1.23 Men's Fine Cashmere Hose, Brown and Green Heathers, also Blaek, To Clear at'48c Boys' Cotton Jerseys in Navy and Red, White and Sky, and Khaki, To Clear at 39c or 2 for 70c 27" Navy Striped Shirting, reg. 39e sale price 32c 38" Cbambray, reg. 40c sale price 32c per yard. Cream and White Curtain Scrim very special fe 19c Children's Gingham and Chambray Dresses from 7 to 14 years while they' last $1.29 each 27" Crepe Cloth in Blue, Pink and White, reg. 29e sale price 25c per yard' Your Choice of ahi our Gingas while they hast 35c per yard BOWMANVILLE k I Y ou Are Jnvited Mus'ic loyers are cordially invited to visit the Dominion Piano Comp- any's exhibit at the Toronto Fair. First exhibit to the left of the main ertrance to the Manufacturers' Buildi-ng-. Fe J. Mitchell 1Sales Agent ixeaauî411s ner tre nuyrng 'Moceries Clearance of Men's Furnishings Another Reminder That Prices Are Down McMurtry & C.,Ltd.e School, Supplies' Be prepared for Sehool opening by buying your supplies earhy. We have a fulli une of Text bookis, Exercise and Scribblers. BUY NOW' Owing to the very small profit on Sehool- books anId suppDlies, we wiIl sehi in future for cash only. W. T . Allen SOLINA Receut vîsitors: Miss Vers Baker at Enniskilleu; Dr. Ellis Reynolds, Erin, at his father's, Mr. A. J. Rey- nolds; Miss Violet Billings, Hamilton, at Mrs. S. Shortridge's; Misses Mar- garet- sud Ruth McKessock at Cher- rywood; Mr. sud Mrs. Clarence Thomas sud Miss Marjorie, Orillia, at Mm. Hy Argue's; Mm. sud Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Shaws, at -Mr. H. E. Tiuk's; Misses Marie sud Dorethy Ruudle, Maple, Grove, at Mr. J. TY. Rundle's; Mm. snd Mrs. L. C. Snow- den- sud family, Maple Grove, at Mr. S'dgrWerry's; Mr. sud Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Taunton, at Miss Mary- Hogarth's; Mr. sud Mrs. H. E. Tink at Brooklin; Mr. sud Mrs. J. Affhold- er, Misses Bessie sud Mary Reynolds, Toronto, at Mr. John Reynolds'; Mrs. La Verne Hoiffsud two childreu aud Miss Ethel VauNest, Toronto, at .Mr. N. E. Wright's. 1Saturday eveuing milk sud cresm shippers sud some others who have used the station most met at Solina gtation. Mm. S. G. Chant scted as chairman. Mm. A. L. Pascoe read an appreciative address te Mm. H. A. bSwitzer sud Mm. H. G. Pascoe pre- à-euted hlm with a purse of $25. Mm. Switzer very feelingly replied sud stated that iu his seven years heme Ëe had neyer met such a flue clss of people sud ne other place had suited hlimas well in 30 yeari of îf e. Congratulatory speeches weme madeby Messrs. Russel Sulley, H. G. Pascoe, Geo. White,, John Ayre, A. L. Pascoe, Russel] Perkius, John Aldswortýh sud the chaimman. The meetinig closed with singiug "Fer he's a jo'lly good f ellow". Mr. Swit- zer is uew located at Cherrywood sud his fsmily will meve te Bowman- ville shomtly se that they can attend the splendid High Sehool there.... Several fmom here attended the fun-, eral of'the late PetemiqWerry at Ty- roue.... .Misses Noms Wemmy sud hem niece, Miss Florence Luke, Kedmon, have beeu holîdaying lu sud arouud Fenelon Falls .... Mm. sud Mrs. Chas.~ Parker and daughter are taking a week's holiday in Muskoka .. About 25 relatives sud fmiends of President J. B. Reynolds of Ontario Agmicultumal College, assembled iu Elliott Park at Hampton ou Satur- day afternoon. sud speut s pleasant social time. the ladies provided supper,. .. . Harvest has been gamu- emed lu with very satisfsctory resuits. Grain of sîl kinds was a good crop as was the hay crop. Field roots sud cern promise well. Se farmers should' smile, smile, smile. . .. Mr. John Baker motored Mm. aud Mms. R. J. McKessock sud Misses Margaret sud Ruth te Pickering where Mm. Mc- Kessock delivered an address befome the Pickering Educational ýAssociat- ion ... . Mm. A. L. Pascoe has been confined te the bouse with -an attack of shingles ... . Mm. Clifford Cowle, Napanee, sud the Misses. Orchard, Enuiskillèu, visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's .... Mrs. Julia VanNest bas meturned te the city after a pleasaut visit at the old home. ... Congratula- tions te Mr. Alan McKessock ou pas- siug the Departmeutal Middle Scheol Exsms vemy creditably. Dollar Days at Ives' Shoe Store $1 pr 12 lb. Granulated, Sugar St.. Lawrence f or $1.00 Fresh Creamery Butter per lb 40e Eclipse Pastry Flour 241b. sack 95e 4 string Brooms Special 45e each Lilac Rose. Fairy and Infants -Deliglit Soap 3 for 23c Comfort, Surprise, Gold and Sunlight Soap 7 bars for 49c Pork & Beans, large tins 2 for 25c Black Ceylon Tea, very special, tryit, 4Ocper lb Pure Cocoa. 1 lb pkg. 2 for 35c Christie's Fancy Biscuits 30c per lb Pure Honey in quart jars- 65c each We are putting forth a special effort to clear our summer weight underwear at prices that are a real saving. Don't overlook this clearance. Mc-n's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Regular 75e value, To Clear at 53c or 2 for $1.00 Men's High Grade Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.00, Clear 69c' Men's Balbriggan Combinations, ankie Iength and short gleeves, Regular $1,50 To Clear at 98c Men's fih Grade, Balbriggan Com- binations, short -sleeves and ankle leng+h, Regular $1.65, To Clear $1.39 Mer.'s- Fine White Lisle Combinations, Regular $2.25, To Clear at $1.48 i *

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