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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1922, p. 5

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Mr. 'Robe rt Fielding bas returned f rom a pleasant vîsit witb bis, daugh- ters in Buffalo. 1-i, and Mrs. R. T. Stephens left Tuesdjay nigbt for a few weeks' hol- iday at Balcarres, Sask. Miss Ethel L. VanNest, Toronto, eas guest over tbe week-end of ber aunt, Mrs. M. A. James. RADIO L. J. Clayton of the Bungalow an- nounces that bie bas taken the sales dis- tribu ion for Durham County for several of thýe best known and most reputable lines of Radio Receiving sets and Radio apparaýtus. Fuil details will appear ln a later issue. No need of buying Radio equîpment ont of town. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILL.E WEEK AUG. 28-SEPT. 2 MONDAY "The Lost Romance" with Conrad Nagle, Lois Wilson and Jack Hoît. WEDNESDAY Gladys Walton I in "Playing With Fire" FRIDAY-SATURDAY "Sacred and Profane Love" witb Elsie Ferguson and Conrad Nagel. BOWMANV ILLE, AUG. 24th, 1922 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. John Palmer is visitihlg friends in Toronto. Miss Gladys Vanstone bas been vsiting her sister in Peterboro. Miss A'Edra McReynolds is holi- daying with ber sister in Toronto. Mrs. E. M. Osborne, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. W. H. Osborne's. Watcb f or our Big September Sale of Furniture. F. F. Morris Co. Mrs. James Courtice is visiting her cousin, Miss Mary Elliott, Brook- lin. Mrs. Miles Knowles and Miss Kitty Knowles are visiting in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Allun, Newcastle, recently visited Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Allin. Mrs. J. E. Cole was a week-end guest of Mrs. H. L. Quinn, Pettit's Point. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Vanstone and son Charlie are spending a week in Toronto. Better get a pair-only $1.00- Women's and Children's Shoes. Ives' Shoe Store. Mrs. S. B. Leggott and Marion are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Inglis at Warkworth. Miss Florence Raiston, Toronto, spent the week-end witb ber aunt, [Mrs. G. N. Thurston. Miss Kate Foster and Miss Helen Henderson are spending a week's holiday at Glen Island. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Tingle, Toron- to, are visiting their cousin, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Miss E. E. Haycraft of The States-. mian editorial staff spent the week- end with Mrs. W. J. Haycraft, LOCAL AND OTHERWISE - LOCAL AND OTHERWISE FINAL BASE BALL GAME Everytbing in Furniture reduced Send in a list ut your visitors. Wednesday, August 30, at 4.30 p. m. for September Sale. F. F. Morris Sun flowers are a month early this_____ Co. yoar.1 e'Go tstefnlhm Fine largo Bananas 25e doz. McMur- LesGo J'she fnl om Mrs.,W. B. Short, Toronto, is vis- try & Co. game of, season at Agrîcultural Park ît.ing bier sister, Mvrs. (Dr.) A. S. Mrs. eou. E. Chase is visiting ber, when Belleville and Bowmanville Tilley. mothor in Brightoni. ubeet Wedtiesday, Aug. 30 at 4.30 p. Mrs H Frse, apaee ba ben Mrs. Alex. Ritchie, Windsor, is visît- m. The proceeds of 'the game bave visitîng ber sister, Mrs. (Rev.), W. ig branMs.. .Teicc been very generously off ered to the C. WasbingtonMr. Jas. Wilcox, Cincinnati, Oh'o sB C. Washington.visiting bis brother and sisters boe I jBwmanville Chamber of Commerce Mrs. H. M. Lunney who bas been Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Badgly, Belleville,1 Band. This promises to be the fast- viiigfriends in Toronto returned buntth week-end witb Mr. and Mrs" est game of season and decîdes viitngCF. Rice. Iwhether Bowmanville lands in first home on Sunday. Miss Lepha N. Doncaster, A. T_ C. M , oup of League. Stop the works Miss Mary Webber bas returned will rosumne ber class in piano and theoryg from a pleasant visit witb bier sister, on Sept. 5tb, 14-2w. and make this a bumper game. Mrs. . Ram, Ralan.Misses Vida and Rutb Moase, Mari- Everybody comle and support the Mrs B.Ram, aglnposa, are visitingMrs. John Ilockin, basebaîl and band boys. Regular Mr. F. N. Stevens bas returned Wellington St. admission 35c. fromi spending a week with bis son, Miss Bila Stewart and her niece Ruth> Mr. W. C. Stevens, Toronto. Knapp, Toronto, are visiting ber aunt, 1',rs. S. W. Mason. Congratulations to 'Miss Reta R. Miss Lepha N. Doncaster, A. T. C. M., BIRTHS Cole in obtainîng ber Music Super- -will take a limited number ut pupils for ukelele and Hawaiian guitar. 34-2w ROWE-In Eowmanville, August 22, visor's Elementary Certificate. Io Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rowe. a daugbter. Supt. Florence Smyth of the Hlospital' Mr. J. A. Mannning and son Lorne lias re- urned fromrn hree weeks' holiday O'NEILL-In Dowmanviile Hospital, of Owen Sound have been calling on spunt with triends lu Morrisburg. on August 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jus. frîends in town and vicinity. Mr. D. 13. Simpson, K. C., Mrs. Sm O N.1eil, a daugbter. snand uaughter Molly are on a trip to WORTH-At Cobourg, August ltb, lu Misses W. B. Morris and Greta H. the Saguenay and the Quebec cities. Mr. and' Mrs. Harold R. Worth, (ne Morris are oui oying a f ew holidays Mr. Fred -williamns and daughtor, Mar- Willa M. MeBride) a son. at Lirnberlost Lodge, Muskoka. garot, Toronto, are visiting bis brotber, BONATHAN-lu Bowrnanvîlle Hospit- Mr. W. J. Williams and other triends ai, on August 18, 'o Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Orr, Hamilton, bore. Bonathan, Newcastle, a daughter. are spending their bolidays witb Mos. H. M Poster and daughter H1elen' SWINDELLS-lu Eowmanville, Aug. Couiimillor and Mrs. R. E. Yates. Jean and Miss Aura Caldwell were ne- 2tb, tu Mr. and Mrs. J. Il. Swindells, cent gues' s ut Mr sud Mis. S. R. Cald- S.?ugog S ., a son. (Rtoy Francis). Mrs. J. 0. Paterson and Mrs. W. well, Port Hope. KENNEDY-,At Wemesley Hlospital, E. Maxwell and son Bob, Toronto, Mr. Jack Laing ut Edmonton, Alto T Toronto, August lOth, to Dr. and Mrs. Mis Kigb, akeie' ho bas been visiting bis motber, Mrs. C. Augus Kennedy (ne Irene Borland), are gusts ofLaing, Newtonviile, wAs in toivn Wed- asu As there are only 350 pairs of nesday calliug on otd friends. WALSH-In Bowmanville Hospital, on boots and shoes being offered at $1 Mr- VWrm- Challis ut the Moffatt Motor August 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Soues Limited reports the sale ut four Walsh, Toronto, a daughten. (neMar- pair better shop early. Ives' Sboe auos lu unie day last w eck. Tbat's go- goret Connors). Store. iug corne, William! It pay.s Iu adver- MissH. . Brk i enoyig atise lu The James Papers. MisH 0 uk sejoig a Mn. T. Tremeor, with bis daughter,MAR GS visit with bier sister, Lady Hughes Mrs. F. A Poster, Bown-lanx ille, and ber AR GE at bier summer residence, Glen Eagle, family, Mliss Grace Tromeer, Toronto, STOWE-CARVETH-On August l6tb, Haliburton. vith a party ut friends from the city will at St. Stepbens Cbuncb, Toronto, by occupy a cottage ou Scugog Lake, noar Rev. T. C. Wallace, Frances Avenue, Our Furniture Sale starts Sept. Jauetville.-Liudsay Post. daugbter ut Dr. and Mrs. Co. H. Car- 14th. Everything marked down. Congratulations to Sergt. F. H. Morris vu b, te Hudson Jennings Stowu, son ut F. F. Morris Co. a nd Sergt. W. A. Hawkins on their wins Dr. and Mrs.,Frank Stuwo. a. the Domninionî Ridle Association mat- FLETOHER-WRENN-The marriage Mr. Thos. Hall, Brooklin, Reeve of chus at Ottawa. Botb are Bowmnanville ut Evulyn Queunie Wrenn,, youngest East Whitby, and bis nephew Mr. boys and their good shooting ensures for daugbter of Mrs. Edward Wronn ut Grifuof nfeld wre n o* themn a place on the Bisley team next Bowmanville and Kenneth Reginald Grfi fEfed ee i onyear. Fletcher, 1Eowmanville, -took place a LOST Stilson Wrencb, 18 inches long, 'lost in Bowmanville, on Friday, Aug. 18. Finci- er. please lbave at Statesman Office and receive reward. 34-1 mis May Gardiner, Tyrone is pro- pared to take pupils lu piano. For terms write Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone. 22-tf Phono 181-r24, Miss Lepha N. Doncaster, A. T. C. M., teaclier of piano, theory and Ukelole. Hlawaiian guitar taught by note or fret. Ciass opening Sept. th. Phono 358-J Studio King-st, Bowmanville. 34-2w Miss V. E. Staples wili resume ber elass in piano and theory lu Dowmaa- ville and Tyrone the first week lu Sep- tomber. For termns uhone 181-r1l 84-2w OF REGISTRATION 0F BY LAW No ico is hereby gii on that a By Law was passed by the Municipal Council ut the Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville on the ninth day of June, 1922, providing for the issue ut Debentures to the amount of $6,500.00 for the purpose, to make certain alterations in the in- terior accomodation ut the High School and to instal a low pres ure steam heat- ing system as wellas a 'system of ven- tilation, and that sucb By Law was reg- gistered lu the Registry Office ut the West Riding ut Durham on the third day ut July, 1922. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made witbin three months atter the first pub- lication ut this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the lSth day uf August 1922. 34-3 John Lyle, Clerk. TO LET FARM FOR -RENT-112 acres good land and baildings, immediate possession. App]y J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf TO RENT-200 acres, lot 10, con. 9, Darlington, 125 acres tillable land, clay, buildings in good shape. Piougbmng possession at once, full possession te suit party. F. Bail, R. R. 1, 'Tyrone. FOR RENT-102 acres two miles from Bowmanviile, ton acres orchard, fair buildings., Plow possession this tali, ful possession April 1, 1923. Apply te fArs. Eclith V. Scobeil, Insurance and Reai Es- tate agent, Bowmanville, M3-w ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-A young cow, Appiy te A. Laird, Maple Grove. 34-1w5 FOR SALE-Square Piano, Lominion. Apply to Box 351, Bowmanville. 32-tf FOR SALE-Oak Wardrobe in good condition. Apply to Mrs. C. B. Kent, Beech Ave., ]dowmanvilie. 34-tf FOR SALE-White Basonette Infant's Bed, rubber-tired wbeeis, nlattress, etc. Apply to Mrs. Frank Williams, Silvor-st., Bowmanviile. 32-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlin 1917, $500; Chevrolet 1920, ,375; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply te A. W. Piokard, Phone 185, Bowmanville. FOR SALE-Threshing outflt for Pale in excellent running order. Case, roar mount engine, tank and Peerless Separ- ator. For particulars apply, S. A. North- cott, Taunton. 2834f HONEY FOR SALE-Good qualit3r clover extra honey,, can be sec ured at village stores lu Darlington or at Arairy, R. J. Smith, Enniskiiien, phone 211r24. 32-t HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-S hole8, complote witb resorvoîr and water front, only usod one winter, replaoed with elect.. rie stove. Inspection may be made at F .C. Pethick's Barber SOiop. 25-t

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