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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1922, p. 6

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expansive; easy ta buy, but hard ta How deep wcre the waters crossed- beat."-T. A. Brow'n, 415 Dorchester Nomrliow damk the aiglit which th'e aixo u et. W. * Lard passed through New Eyyucs Par~ez a Don't wait for serions kidney ail- E'e liefounCbisshee tha wnsFORa ment ta set ia. Heip yonr weakened lost"l. ~~fahyad~ kldneys with Dr. Pierce's Anuri. At I arn ta revarcace myscîf because 1t YOLJR E ÉUe MrneEeRee IE Dtd tOtaa8th Augut, 1922. ahi drug stores or end 10e ta Dr. God reverccs me. 11elias made it! Beep YulEYeClea, Clear and REaihy. Pierae's Laboratory ia Brldgeburg, passible for me ta be somethingý Write for Free EyeCare Book. iThe new Pure Food building at the I Onadian National Exhibition is 2671 feet long. It lias been dcldad toi cxtend it ta 450 feet aext ycar be-1 can be-that is myseif; and He wills A WORK 0F SCIENCE I DURHAM COUNTY BOY me te do what no one else in the un-____ IN ÀM iverse can ota is m work. As Science has made it possible e Former Port Hoper Honored. jGeorge Eliot bas expressed it: deliver "SALADA" Tea to your tab-1 il traivais iolns itoutAntnio. paligas when it left the gardens. pointed head of the legal departmentl W.1111 aem onstrate wh1fl My work may nlot be great as men Prom across the ocean sealed ini a of the f'Grand Trunk Railway to suc- count greatiless, and my place may lead chest, opened by us, blended, ceed 1.r. W. H. Biggar resigned. be mal; ut a lest out oe-electrically weighed, vacuum packed This is one of the most important unlike any other in what, I amn and and finally resealed in air-tight offices in this large corporation and in what I may be. And having this aluminum, "SALADA" reaches your Port Hopers are delighted that the unique value, for God 1 should rev- teapot 100% pure and with every honor should corne to a former Port Jess' del cmmndssel-cltue t i th mstelcios ta hatYe erofour esteemed townsman, Mr.ý 'y D.H. Ciholm K.0.-Guide. Acrding toeu s, ritona does e.Anotr tte jrSs i E Q U A H2 e bofhefaganflaorreerv HpeboyaM.ndisol i atrohe sainess' sae, no even eligion for- U AI 926 reliion'stethscpiesant ends H AS àîoïj L utrcinsterets bfor t eilig L ar eg s le iand lc tenrichmgesandofhe individal TEDMNO GVRMN NNIISSSE PRINCE 0F WAES DURAR tht hermay acquiesef or rth con- B ths ie o al sesf-rev rceand o ag mut orteprhs fa aniyo rr 5 pi selulue, morven torelfginvetfor o$5oo ayarfo 1fe, a egin m IatLy r tan utr PRNC O W LE D RB Rment .In seif-reverence and through age desired, and to beý paid in monthly or quarterly instal- Gorgousproucton lth ll he ystryself-culture, 1 sancitfy myself that in ents.e Goreou prdutio wih al he ys~yothers may be sanctified. Service I Annuities mnay be purchased on a single life, or on the ronianoe and splendeur of the Far East. te others is the outflowerîng of the M lives of two persons jointly. ______________________________________Christian if e. There cain be no ac- Mfter contract issues, no restriction as te residence ceptable worship of God which does ~Emnployers mnay purchase for their ernployees-School $1,50,OO i ne buldig8 nd cors- f ohersoet, acorcti v evotinsto man. M Boards for their teachers--Congregations for their Ministers. new featureà and attractions. >"Lord what wilt 'thon hav e me toeCN noeslexized oreui po. do?" "Religion", said Dr. Grenfell, .N eia xmnto eurd "is not diction but action". Free fromn Domninion Incomne Tax. NEVF.R ON A BIGGER SCALE "This sanctuary of my soul MEU M-H DOMINON_ OFCANAD Unwitting 1 keep #white and whole,SE RIYTEDMNO 0FC AA Reduced rat«s on ail Unes of travel Unlatched and lit if Thou shouldst .care Descriptive bookiet mnay be obtained by applying to the JOHN G.Q KENT, ROBT. FLEMING1, To enter and to tarry there. Postmnaster or by writing, postage free, to S. T. Bastedo, managlng bireCtot p..,j.,t With parted lips and outstretched Superintendent Domninion Government Annuities, Ottawa. hands 6 When writing, kindly state sex, and age or ages hast birthday. And listening cars Thy servant stands, Caîl Thou early, cali Thou late, *Do[lot mufle! DR. CHAS. T. PAUL'S SERMON'To Thy great service dedicate". - another da y wth Pi L wiui(,Blne e ) aerctonfr:sthe doctrine of Beauty Hint for W omen P Ir.- Chs' Oaien tlrlo a lm.11 erihe bs mdbeauty la the life of that Scotch aD Cafrdlsing en oéea.athog cmuioYiheaueun,=mno wola 11, igWhen food is only imperfectly digested, âdard la ben naethinker com mpo i a teranalof the Forin 191, Kngit gives fise to fermentation, clogs the W.orno% aip Box fyumeto order of St. John. Her naine was bwladridr h lo mue ver n n thoughts. H1e planned to advance hmry ovrt ada uhteofath clear This resuits in duil eyes, muddy skin, teinterests of his heart. Thirtyehom ne oera. D rn en fatlh- y arof lis life lic was preparing ers nde ie llodain blotches, pimples and other disfiguring C t R LYsilently at Nazareth. Ail the whilelshe worked in a cotton mill by day, people were dying for lack of know- land attended school at night. Catch- an marks. Beecham's Pis act immediately Î,àledge, but 11e spoke no word; they ing the meaning of Christ's cali she nth somclieadbo l;reu were dying of disease, yct 1He hcaled 'dtriedsiele adcp, brzcht O 1a ic. hee uet ea te t make of herseif the finest woman late them and keep them in a vigorons given te seif-cultivation. H1e was that could be, and to devote herself eyes condition. They are miid, harmIesgs and sanctiEying Himself, but (and here ateraetwokhtshcod dependable. They are compounded of we have the link or nexus which find. She plied herseif body and Hips, Back and Legs Would unites the two thearies). H1e sancti- soul lan preparation. Her chosen remedies of vegetable origin havig * Hav ThatTiredAche iedmself that others miglit be service was net ia Scothand nar in T k great medicinal value. Hae ________ ch__nciie. e a an Egoist that Enghand, but in the maharial jungles T k H1e miglit be an Altruist. Ia His of Old Calabar on the coast of West EPverett, Washingto - " For several v~ hr a o sapcnrs Africa. In a tract of cannibal years 1 have hadtrouble with the lowestmaknofthtw teres 1e country, fifty miles square, avoidcd ýpart of my back and souglit and realizcd the richest, full- by traders and feared by English my hips and my legs ethf o isl ht1emgi officials, she pacifled savage tribes, would ache with that idpgnimrltetb tird ahe.I culdbring the greatcst possible bhessing rcctifie aa moaiy sa- ihrdlyande.on my dta athers. By His standard pure'lished law and order, built -dozens of fet t ims.i asegism wauhd have been the distort- schools and churches,adlidteSI 25c-40 PIl alwas a l a m ion of pcrsonality and pure aîtruism'foundations of a truly Christian civ- everywlaere 5 9 il wak htouh ddits dissipation. But when la theo-lxt.Wc he waercdu- in boxes not feelhogoa di a scurity of His Gailcan home, and ila dr the Nigerian palms, long proces- . e eLy Eo. inkam'w h eetdfle fteJrasions of powerful chief s an.d wamen_____________________________________ [he.eeVegetabofth Jrdn, Com- tE.hroughm' and chldren fromn thc farest, lament- oudtadveoidn- Thase sunt years ingx ber wh foar, thirty years lad been avi cad evealThat breathcd bencath the Syra their magistrate, their teacher, their paisg.ea Id eied j» bine cvangelist, their "Mther", came try it. I feel frst-rate at the present we sec Hlm deliberately and con- pdw tl iver tjnl the oenora time. It has donc wonders for me and stantly cutivating those qualities pi irb h ooilGvro 1 keep it in the hanse riglit ahang. I which made Hlm in His own charact- and bis suite. Mary Siessar to-day always recormcend it to others who are cr the Supreme Persan of History 1'S revcrcd la Calabar and willh bc im- ick and ailing. "-Mrs. J. M. SIBBERT, la order that H1e miglit perform for martalhy remembcrcd as the "Great 4032 High St., Evcrett, Washington. the racc the supreme service of White Queca". 11cr sccpter was net To do any kind of work, or taepha for histary, there flashes upan us the a wand nar a sword, but thc love and that inatter, la ncxt ta impossibel! you divine 'beauty of bath principles lanffc of Jcsns in hier ha art, the -de- resucring fromn some form aof femahe tlicir redemptive unity. vation of a cultured self to a nccdy tro ul.I aycueyarbc o or Ha consecratcd and cltivatcd sacicty. Ia Scotland shie sanctifled legs ta ache, it may make you nervoua imself that others miglit share la herself, that thers-in far-aif Af- up and arouad, but you do net feel gaod. Hlmi, ta lava others as thcy e hrngh lier personality and service T ôHldr Lydia ER Pinkham's Vegetabla Com- themselvcs, and ta do ta others what the.black tribes of a vast inhospitable pound is a medicipc far wamen. It is they would have others do ta them. region, sunk ia heathea ignorance especiaily adapted ta relieve the cause Frances Wihard saw the power of and vice, received thair flrst glîmpsc of the trouble and then these -annoying this bahanced ideal when she said of "the stable majcsty of the moral panaches and -no good" feelings "the golden rule of Chit,, brn ord.5 2 p e r c e rl dap ar. ti o an.rav the golden age ta man" as dofe thi fomienor tprincip ha oof lifa, tian Over 3,000 musicians will take ýnexit why not give it a fair triaal-now. ment is ncedcd nrging the adoptinpart i thc Music Day programme ~ ondth sttemorent whleof tfth be-at the Canadian National Exhibition, V ic..to r- obvions, that it invalves the hge ýcoi tw nty-flvre bnds, 1,5f THE HEALTHY WOMAN wlfare of bath the inivdul nd oristers, pat and are umer af ISA WAY BE UTIUL society; and that fia other basis is se-tbaospins nd thr r- Issued i 1917 and Mal SA W Y B UTF L reasonable. No ether basis is se _______________S.___ MN THE EYES 0F MAN commended by pnst expericace, W0____________________ *Stratford, Ont, neccssitated by present conditions,, - "I o th1nks5 comportabie with the highest con-; Dr. Perces Fa ceivable future for ourselves and' vortePrescrFa- maakind. The appDlication of týsC ),, F S O tion is oaa Of liaw V1unrIa1sTwuuîa turra tacstri.e the bst m~lî-of nationseinto international brother- Hv e hualmo orts E MIITR0 IA C fest odi aines Ihave __r hood.Sciatîca, Lumbago ? Flow la the 1 woud n1rcau-ptiotsms1unete g ot 18 iMoetItNatïure tlu .1 % e - w 1.hv ee o temst r-dlgaI h - o huebns h esr oTotnuehi Mr." and Mrs. W. C. Allia were guests on Sunday week of Mr. and .jMrs. Franklin Allun. Newcastle.,,,, They Want whâat they read about The standards of living for the average fam ily in Can- ada grow higher each year. The luxuries of yesterday are the necessities of to-day. People in thae smaller towns and on f arms want the newer things they read about. Dry Goods Stores, Grocers, Shoe, Hardware and Paint Stores, in the smaller towns, ail find they can show the newest things by carrying small stocks of them and re-ordering by Long Distance- The jobber or manu- faaturer's warehouse is at their elbow - their order departmnents are alert for telephone trade! Shipments are often made the same day. Up-to-date- ness of merchandise is no longer confined to the big icity stores - and large sunis are not locked u13 in stock. Try it Have a big store iu a small town. "'Use the Bell to Seli» - and to, Buy. Every Bel 'Téléphone la a LonÉ _Diatane-Station tturing lst December, 19220' 4PROPOSALS ýs Holders of the maturing bonds who wish to avail Es rthemeselves of this conversion privihege shouhd take their bonde AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 3Oth, te, a Branch of my Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in exchange an officiai receipt for the bonde surrendered, containing an undertaking to, dehiver the corresponding bonds of the new issue. Holders of maturingfully registered bonds, înterest payable by cheque from Ottawa, will receive their Es Decemaber 1 interest cheque as usual. Hoîderu of coupon bonds wil! detach and retain the last unmnatured coupon before surrendering the bond itself for conversion purpofses a The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks S te the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they wili be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, la fully 10 Fregistered, or coupon registered or coupon bearer form *carrylng interest payable lst May and lst November E of each year of the duration of the boan, the first interest [S payment accruing and payable lut May, 1923. Bonds of the new issue wihl be sent ta the banks for 19 delivery lmmediately after the receipt of the surrendered' bonds. ot The bonds of the maturing issue which are net converted under tItis proposa! nil! be paid off in cash on* the lut December, 1922. W. S. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. cause~ oftbhyvdeaafi npe, For Scalds or Burns.-Dr. Thomn- Reduced by Asthma. The con- las' Eclectrie 011 is, a standard mem- stant strain of asthmn brings the edy for the prompt treatment of patient ta, a dreadfui state of hope-Iscaids and bumas. Its hcaling power? hess exhaustian. Eamiy use should quickly soothes the pain and aida a by ail means ha made of the farnons specdy recovcry from thie injury. It Dr. J. D. Kellogg'sa Asthma Remedy, la also an excellent emedy for al which more than any other acts manner of cuts, ýbruises and sprains, quickly and surely on the air pas- as weli as for mleving the pains sages and brings blcssed help and arising frorn inflammation of varions comfort. No home where asthmn is kinds. A bottie la the hanse and pre§ent la the laast dagree should ha stablýe saves many a doctor's and without this grant remedy. vetcrinary's fea. ý 1

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