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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1922, p. 3

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<J J I Wholesome Meat Essentials Good wholesome Meats such as we always have in stock are always healthful. WTle handie- only the best Meats-healthy young cattie, hygienically handled from the slaughter houcýe to your kitchen-tender and de- licjous. Also rernember we have the largest assort- ment of cooked meats in town, One dlelvery each day 8.30 a. m. your order day ahead. * Leave G. A. Edmondstone One door east of F. F. Morris Co. Phone2 1 Bowmanville T"Îhey'11 Demand More Help evjery member of your family to liberal slices of Tod's, Bread. Jt's the best thing in the worl.! for thcm. 0f course- they'l1 eat- lots of it-that's to be expected. But don't wo rry, givé them'al Tod's Bread is the most nutritious muscle-builder they can eat. they want. and greatest T:HOMAS TOD Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville IS IT HERE? SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR SUM1MER Lawn Swings .................................... $12.00 Veranda Chairs.................................... $2,80 Camp Cots ........ ...........$3.50 Camp Mattresses ..................................$1.90 Camp Pillows.......*...1....................... 4..... $1.50 Hammocks......................................... 3.50 Businesc going ,on as usual during alteration.ç WILLIAMS & CANN, Undertalcer & Embalmer Bowmanville Pui'itur, Dealer Ontario = Our garments are taiiored-I not factoried. IBo anest WE GUARANTEETHE FITLTH What Are The Things Y.ou Want inAShe You want style? Yes. You want quality, which mean, good material and line workxnsnship ? Certainly. You want a shoe that wears as well as it looks? 0f course you do. Well-those are exactly what we offer in Astoria, Ail. Leather. Tailor-Made Shuoes. Astorias combine all the good qualities of the best Shoce. At Leading,,Stores Everywhere h4-0 Copeland Shoe Store Bowmanville 1j% jBOWMANVILLE, AUG. 31, 19221 LINDSAY WINS AGAIN' CENTRAL LEAGUE STANDING I LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Lindsay 9 Bowmanville o BY-defeatlng Cobourg Saturday afternoon Belleville took a lead in Mrs R.H. amly hs ben n- inday ostin ts epot o Bow-the Central Ontario League which a visitH. awityhasrelatie - i n nilidsay aein nlattep r t own e.should give them the championship joying avstwt eaie nmnil-ida aei atrtw of the second section and the right Rochester, N. Y. on Wednesday says: t îyofwt eebrtewn Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shaw and t lyQfwt eebrtewn son, Toronto, have been holidaying Yesterday's game was a shut out ners of the first> schedule, for the with his sister, Mrs. D. R. Morri- for Lindsay with Johnny Ouellet at champbonship o fthe league. The son..and the helm and the whole teamn behind standing of the teams to date is as Mr. n Mrs. F A. Haddy' and him. The Birds got four runs in follows: WnLs .C MisLeaHdd re ejyig athe first innings and three in the WnLs .C ten ýdays' holiday with relatives and second. This seemingly robbed the Beleville............ 6 2 .708 finsiToot.game of its pep for it was somewhatPerbi......6 4 60 finsnToot.of a lifeîess episode afterwards. Cobourg............. 5 4 .556 Mothers, do your boys need new Bowmanville neyer 'stopped trying owmanville...... i.. .5 5 .500 school suits? If they do you'll be but in the whole game they only got Lindsay ............. 5 5 .500 interested in reading Couch, John- eight men on bases, five to second Leasîde............. 4 4 .600 ston & Cryderman's advt.1 and tbree to third. Seeen of themn Oshawa ............. 4 5 .444 M erchants, you may now order fdnned and the rest hit the bail but Port ilope........... 1 8 .111 your Counter Check Books at The with five exceptions their whacks Wednesday's Resuits Statesman Office. No need of pat- were cleanly fielded. Lindsay had ronizing travelling saiesmen. h ut one error when Brownscombe Lindsay 9 Bowmanviile O Mr. and Mrs. Mark Osborne an.d juggled the hall. Belleville 3 Peterboro 2 daughter Laura, and Mr. Alan Keith, Oshawa 2 Port Hope O Newark, N. J,, are visiting Mrs. M. TPo a certain extent it was a re- Leaside 6 Cobourg 5 J. Elliott and other, relatives here. union. The vîsitors battery was, more of a Lindsay home brew that Saturday's Resuits Say, you hoy idling about your the Birds' duo. Lloyd Chambers home or on the street waiting for threw and his work was good. What Leasîde....... 8 Oshawa........ 1 something to tura up: Get you he 4-acked was a team behind him. Peterboro..2 Lindsay .......1l husy and turn something up. NO With the club, he got one of their Belleville..7 Cohourg .......4 wxell person need idie in Canada. _ very f ew bits but was stranded on Bowmanville . ..8 Port Hope . 6 George P. Grabam, a vagrant, was third. His catcher for the day was sent down from Bowmanville on Batsy Bates and that gentleman is Monday hy P. M. Horsey to Cobourg no mean backstop. His peg to sec- gaol for three months. Graham has ond bowever was a little erratic. been a periodical visitor at Ferry Four times at bat hie hit the hall four A Superior School! View. times hut thrice for infield flies. Reg. Every thing in Furniture reduced Milîs covered left field quite thor- ,i.ELLIOTT.,- for Septemher Sale. F. F. Morris oughly and took Coombs' fiy neatly. Co. lis best at the plate was a walk hut Mr. and Mrs. Robert lletberington,hesoeafrastid hre e Bowmanville, announce the engage- stayed. Jack Stark around third Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. ment of their only daughter, Gerald- showed lots of life and a good peg mne M., and Mr. John Birreli Lawson to first. He had a quiet day at bat. Is well known throughout Canada of St. Catherines, Ont., the marriage Six bits in the first two frames for bigb grade work. lus courses to take place early in September. gave Lindsay seven runs. 0f the of training are unsurpassed and The rinc of alesDurbr atsix bits, one was a home run, one a r rdae hsya a The rinc of alesDurbr attriple and :two doubles. Hugbi Cum- ever' rdaathsya a the Canadian National Exhibition is mins was the Babe Ruth and foilow- promptly secured employment. designed to commemorate the recent ed his circuit clout by a three sack- Write for our catalogue. Stud- world tour of H. R. H1. It is said to er when Coombs was 'on. Brown- ents admitted at any time. be the best and most elaborate pag- scombe and Carew tookthe -doubles. M' eant yet attemptad by the C. N. E.1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. The new Coliseum at the Canadian National Exhibition is the, largest and most costly building ever erect -____________ ed on a permanent Fair grounds. It cot$1,000,000, while an additionai Fruit Gro,v ers $250,000 is being spent in equip- ment. If you are attending Toronto Cyrus H. K. Curtis, publisher of Exhibition, come and inspeet The jthe Philadelphia Public Ledger, is World's Foremost Sprayer î .: reported to have made this sage com- 'E r ment: "Don't think only of what a "THE HARDIE" START AT ANY TIME tbing costs. Tbink of what the re- New Models New Prices sonal instruction at the Shaw Sehools peturwl e iyu aeth x You will find us adjoining the girl can start at any time to learn penitue.,New Pure Food Building, behind shorthand, tîyewriting and business Cashpries angng rom$200to he ran Stnd.methods. There's no better timne than C10and thies tnitie "Chmpion Banhd GandStad.now. A1ways room inSone 'of sUr $1,00 ad te ttle Chapio Bad 1ELEVEN Seheols. Write for band- of Canada" ara among the factors HÀARDIE MFG. CO., LTD.bok P.MlohCdPrcpa which have resulted in a large in- bo. P cnah he rnia crease in the entries for the band 35-1wBSIE5COL competition at the Canadian Nation- ai Exhibition this year. _______________ O O T Two members of the Public Scbool teaching staff-Miss Gertrude C. ýï . L~~ Hamley and MissNeilia, Montgomery -have successfully passed their Kindergarten-Primary examinations Z> h o at th-e Department, of Education Summer course in Toronto." Robert Runciman notified Chef 1f Ruse that bis black driving horse bad Su plies'ul aCau been stolen from his field. On visit-d ing the swamp on bis farm Mr. Run -____ ciman found the borse mired in six feet of muck and water about ail in from its long standing in water. Be prepared for School The Toronto Mail says: "Mr. Melville P. Wbite of Toronto, bas Opening by buying your been appointed as representative of sp isery the Marconi Company on the Board sppes ary of Conciliation whîcb -Will arbitrate the proposed fifteen per cent cut in W/e have a full lihne of wages of Marconi operators. Thomas Taylor of Toronto, is the men's re- Text books, Exércise and presentative on the Board." Mrs. A White was Margaret Yellowiees, Scribbl ers. daughter of Mr. Thos. Yellowiees, a B YN~ Bowmanville girl. U NO 11e who loves his country is no waster. H1e knows his savings O.wing tC> the very small formn the capital that makes busi- profit on School books ness go. _ 'The dollar soon doubles itself and total savings Of a thrifty and supplies we will seli people mark out the nation as a really great one. Love of our in future for cash only. a Canadian home land demands of every resident that hie save bis sur- plus dollars against a possible rainy Wta.uAle day. The thrifty man is one of W Caniada's big patriots. Win. Wrigley, Jr, the millionaire manufacturer of chewing gum who "Big 20" iBookstore annually spends hundreds of thous- ands of dollars in advertising, was Bowmanville recently asked why ble did flot now rely upon ithe reputation established_________________ ' AVINGS re, f or bis famous brands of gum and b t manuý save advertiâirtg expenses. 11e re- __________________ t plied: "My friend, if 1 were to stop offered to the b advertosing1 it would bie bka taking baker Special-Si the engine off a train, -It would slow$79s$20u down and after a littie while stop. $1795 is $280* AAdvertsingis te- loomotve 1-- onL5'rL.LL,à 1 Sudbaa Sweet Indiana Home Why Should 1 Cry Over You? S .85 .85 .85 .85 Aileen Stanicyl 18922 10$ .85 Victor Robertsf BLUE LABEL VOCAL RECORDS The Lost Pocket-Book-Recitation The Old Wpoden Tub-Recitation No N4ihtThr Le". ,I tWith Hlm Edgar A. Guesti4.. Edgar A. Ouest4532010 $1.25 Elsie, Bakerý 5 012 Elsie Baker! 52 012 RED SEAL RECORDS Chanson Arabe (from "Scheherazade'l (Violin) Fritz Kreisler Wonderful World of Romance (Tenor) John McCormack Viennese Folk Song-Fantasy ('Celle) Hugo Kreisler Ay-Ay-Ay (Creole Song) (Tenor) Tito Schipa Concerto in A Minor-Andante (Violin) jascha Heifetz Nocturne lu B Plat (Piano) Ignace Jan Paderewski Oberonn-Overturc Part i Msengelberg and N.Y.PhilharmonicOr. Oberon-Overture--Part 2 Mengelberg and N.v.PhilharmonicOr. Tannhauser Overture-Part 3 Philadeiphia Orchestra Lead, Klndly Light (Contralto) Ernestine Schumann-Heink My A In Coun trie (Contralto) Mme. Louise Homer Madame.8utterfly -- quanti occhi fisl F. Aida & G. Martinelli 66079 66080 66082 74753 74764 74765 74766 74766 74768 87340 87345 89163 8.50.ý, 1.50 1.50 2.25 2.25 2.25 2,25 2.25 2.25 1.50 1.50 2.25 Ask to hear these new selections played on the Vit rol Lat any "is Masfer's Voice " dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Llmited, Montreal f$1795 csulting from capac- ifacture are now buyer of the Stude- ;ix.,The new price of dernts formner price reductions became st 7th after Stude- apleted the biggest its70 years' history. >when Studebaker Ild orders on hand 1 ,ker policy of long iare manufacturing e customer. mance, .durability, tality of the Special - Six is recognized everywhere. And here 's new proof of its endurance: Studebaker's sales of repair parts, covering accidents as Wellasservice, for the ftrst seven months of 1922 averaged but $7.00 per car. That's less than they were for the first seven months of 1919, in spite of the fact that 186,000 nevj cars were sold and put into operation since January 1, 1920. The Special-Six at $1795 repre- sents a new star dqrd of xvalue- the greatevit value Studebac7rer lias ever offe'-ed, and that m-ansa value that is positively unapproached anywhere in the industry. ihte; cowl ventiletoe; masive hcad lamps; tonneau light with long în cord; rain-proof. one-piece windeshield; windshield wiper; eight- wk; thief-pr,-of transmnission lock; tool compartmeit in left front door. ,S AND PRICES-f. o. b. Walkerville, Ontario ,x SPECIAL-SIX BIG-SIX 1401J H.p. 5-Paess, 119' W. B, 50 H. P.I 7-Pas., 126' W. B., 60 . P. --$1375 Touring,.. ---_ - $1795 Týouring .......----- $2275 m... 1375 Roadster (2-Pass.)-- 1760 Speedster (4-Pass.)-. 2500 Roadster (4-Pass.)- 1795 1775 Coupe <4-Pass.)-... 2750 Coupe (4-Pass.)-....-3175 --2225 Sedan...-.- - ------ 2950 Sedan -----------3375 Cord Tires Standard Equiprnent A. W. PICKARD, 'manville Ontario. ASTUDEBA KER Y EA R COPYRIGHT, CANADA, 1900, BY EMILE BERLINER His Master's Voi*c&"Vidtor Records for September DANCE RECORDS 4 t h 4 I Oogle>Oogle Wa Wa-Fox Trot The Benson Orch. of Chicagol 81 Deedle Deedie Ilum-Fox Trot The Benson Orch. of Ch'cago 191 Hot Lips-Blues-Fox Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchýestra182 Send Back My Horneyman-Fox Trot The Virginias s192 The Sneak!-Fox Trot Club Royal Chesta Are Youi Playing Pair ?-Fox Trot Zez Confrcy and His Orch. 18921 My Rambler Ro'e-Medley Fox Trot Paul Whitema. and Orch. 82 Dgncing Pool Fox Trot Club Royal Orchestra 192 POPTILAR SONGS àl"M mmmmmcm%@ý aî9%mý mmmRmmlmmý

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