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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1922, p. 4

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OFF TO'IVES' SH.OR STORE Solid Sturdy Sehool Shoes for Boys and Girls Now is the time to purchase ypur school re- quirements in Sehool Shoes. They are made for good solid wear in good strong leather and the prices are very reasonable. Boys 1 to 5 Youths' il to.13½ Little Gents' 8 to 10 Y2 Young Men's 5M to 9 Growing ýGirls' 2 % to 7 Misses il to 2 ,Girls' 8 to 10 1/ $3.00, $3.50 ta $4.50 per pair $2.50, $3.00 to $3..75 per pair, $2.25,1 $2.50 to $3.00 per pair $4.95, $5.50, $6,00 to $8.50 pair $4.50, -$5.00 to $6-75 $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 $2.50, $3.00 to $4.25 School Cases at $1.25 and $1.35 W. Ce.LA UDE IVESâ' Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville ~ Te hop That Leads'I A -SPOT. LIGHT would reveal no flaws in the haberdashery of men who corne to us for HIGH CLAS'S MEN'S FURNISHINGS You cari be sure of correct apparel and just the right haberdashery if you keep in touch with our up-to-date stock. Cati And See Our Newest Goods Saf Mr Cla at PwrLOW'POINTS? YES! BARGAIN'PRICES? YES! Clearing out Plow Points while they last the followmg prices: VERITY NO. 7 ....21c EACH Natonal, Maple Leaf, others. Imperial, Sylvester, Champion, Crown, Kidd, Kangaroo and many 55c EACH SOLES 50c EACH Phone 145 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 31, 1922 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES RADIO St. Fauls Churcb, Rev. D. W. Éest, L. J. Clayton of the Bungalow an- HAYDON Minister. il a. m. and 7 p. m.-Public nounces ftatie lbas taken the sales dis- ______Worsbip. 12-1-Sunday School. Rev. tribution for Durham County for several Mr. nd rs.Albrt ke nd hilrenDr. Craw wiSl preach. All services wiîî of the best kno\xn and most reputabie Mn.andMr. Abet Oe ad bilre, bc held in the Lecture Room next Sun.- Unes, of Radio Receivlng sets and Radio miss Jennie Cookman, Enniskillon, and Oc.y and until the renovation 'of the appairalus. Full detalis will appear ln a Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Beecb and babe. churcb is completed. later la. ue. No neen oS buying Radio Mrs. J. M. Topping, Rossington, Alta., RlyDywS e 1sre y te eqipn, î.t ont of town. Sundayd at M. A. Becb'sMethodist Sundav ýlooI on Sunday, -_____________ Buy that piece of Furniture YOU September 24th. Rev. A. P. Fýetcher, are contemplatîng at F. F. Morris Rural Worker of the Ontario 1-eigîces PROPERTY FOR SALE Co.'s September Sale. Council, is expected to conduct the ser- vices. Our citizens will want to bear FOR SALE-Brick cottage contalnlng 6 bim. Keep the date in mind. rooms, furnace and electrie ights. liard MAPLE GROVE Metbodist Cburch, Rev. S. C. Moore, and soft water in bouse, good garden and B. A. 13. D., Pasto.r, ailS resurne after' fruit trees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen bis bolidays and prt-ch atil a. mi.- Street, Bowrnanville. 12-tf« Scbool wilS open on Tuesday, Septem- "The Sun of Riglucousuess". 12-1» O AELtaou it etfot ber 5t1î with Miss Lowry, Millbrook, lu Sunday Sebool. 7 p. m.-"Tbe Mini- FRSL Loabu ltfe rn- charge .... Mrs. H. A. Farrow received. try of Labor'. 'Special music by choir, age at corner of Centre and Concession the sad news on Saturday of the drown- under direction of Mr. T. W. Stanley, Streets, containing good barn, easlly con- ing f ler nece Mis Geeviee Bllvertible Into bouse. Apply Bruce Hon- Sing Cathrne, ws <ee vieve Bell, organist and leader. eywell, 60_ Duke-st., Toronto, or tele- monb go. Mr. Frrw lftSunay Bowmanville District meeting and pbone 194-2. 22-tf morning to attend, the funenal and wiîî spirititua Cfrc wiOsheawadon King- FOR SALE-The W. R. Clemens farma remain for a f ew days .. . .Rev. and Mrs. ne. MetbditeCburcb3.OSewaionsWed- îocated at Tyrone, Ont., contalning one H .W. Foley and two daughters, Col-.. nesdayandeptember 13acrSessionstat borne, are visiting bis sister, Mrs. J. D. 10.30 a. m., 2 and 8 p. m. Special bnrdadffyfu ceaot2 Stevens .... Miss Greta Lane is visiting speakers expected-Rev. G. R. Care acres orchard, nine bearing. Ploughlng witb frieuds in Oshawa. .. .Mr. and Mrs. President of Conference, Rev. J. W: possession tbis Faîl. Apply Bruce Honey- M. Munday, sr, Misses Greta Munday Graham, D. D., General Secretary of Ed- welI, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tele- and Marjory Stevens returned borneo ucation, Rev. G. W. Spariing, B. A., pbone 194-2. Bowrnanvllle. 52-tf Monday after a montb very pîeasantîy B. D.,,our representative in Cina. Let FOR SALE-Pair brick bouses, one spent witb relatives at Sarnia and Court- every ircuit be>represented by at east storey, 6 rooms eacb, town water, eleot- wrigbt..Miss Maud Ramsayý Town, speut six delegates. ric lîgbts, good cellar, garden, good locat- Sunday with Miss Viola Stevens.... ... St. Pauls Anglican Churcb, Colum- Ion, easy terrms of payment. Botb rent- School Fair bas been postponed from bus. Tbis historie old chuncli was ac- ed at $15 montbly, but possession of one Wednesday, Sept. 13 to Satunday, Sept. cdentally burned down May 2, 1922. It can bie given October 1, 1922. Apply to tb . . .. Mr. snd Mrs. E. W. Foley, was tbe oldest Christian Church iï n- Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance and Hilda and Ted, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. tanlo County and its basb was universaSly Real Estate agent, Bowmanvile. 33-3 Worden, Mr. aud Mrs. J. H. Mirnday regretted. Ven. Archdeacon Warren of BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three aud son Wallace, Misses Reta and Irma Toronto, bas sent out notice that bie will of tbe finest building lots in Bowmnanville Power visited at Mr. Alex. Wilkins on visit the cliurch grounds on Wednesday,iare being offered for sale at real bar- Suuday and attended Salem flanvest September 6, at 3 p. . to arrange, for'gains, situated at the east end of Loyera Home. the proper fencing of the cemetery and Lane' on Liberty-st., 40 ft. front by 125 Many exceptional values are being to discuss the future prospects of the feet deep, handy connection ta town sewer cgregation. Hie bopes to meet there'and water. Apply to Norman S. B. offered these days at Couch, John- onnthat occasion any old members or James at Statesman Office, Bowmanville. ston & Cryderman's. Be Sure1 to friends of the congregation or any otbersi FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-100 their advt. who bave relatives buried there and are, acres, S 1/4 lot 21, Con. 5, Darlington, interested in the upkeep of the prem- j a4 mile from Hampton. Buildings and* ises. ifences in good repair. Land in good SALEM Sunday îast was tbe closing of the two state of cultivation. Cernent cistern rnonths' union services bore of the Pres- witb pump tn bouse. Bricked wveSS at Visitors: "Rev. J. S. McMullen, Osh- byterian and Metbodist congregations.'lbouse. Another well lu pasture. Plow- awa, guest of Mn. F. L. Squair; Mrs. E. Rev. D. 'W.~ Best, B. A., who has been' ing possession at once. Full possession iNortbeott, Toronto, at Mrs. F. J. Fitz- the preacher for August took for bis A.pr. lst, 1923. Apply te Mrs. Chas. J. gerald's; Mns Terry with Mrs. E. j. subject Sunday morning "The Exalted Kerslake, R. R. 1, Hampton. 34-tf Doidge; Mrs. (Dr.) W. T. WilSard and Name" and in the evenîng lie preached TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE- dan gbter and Mns. Thos. Hoar, Toron- from the words "R1emember now tby iMediurn sized brick residence, hot air to, at Mn. Robt. Collacott's; Mns. M. Creator". Large congregations enjoyed beating, bath and electriclty, small gar- A, MeLean, Town, at Mn. Fred lioney's: is practical and belpful discourses. den. garage and poultry bouse, most de-1 Mrs. A. BandaIS and Mr. J. Choate, Port Messrs. Pollard, Stanley, Siemon andtisrably ocated, wlthin three minutes walk Hope, Miss Carnie Stephens, Town, Mrs. Tapson sang the 01(1 favorite "The Way- of Post Office. Aise, a beautifully locat- W S5. Moffat aud son JacÏk, Orono, at side Cross' wbicb was rnucb enjoyed. ed building lot. These properties are Mn. F. L. Squair's; Mn. and Mrs. Ar- Mrs. J. Bîmo Anderson sang "Rock of ithe most reasonably priced of any on the thur B. Werry, Ebenezer, Mn. sud Mrs. Ages" at the morning service, andi Mn.,imarket. Apply Box 519, Bowmanvllle. S. J .Honey, Town, at Mn. W, G. Wer- H. J. Knigbt sang "Open the Gtes of1 29-tf ny's; Mn. A. H. Brent, Tyrone, witb tbe Temple" at the evening service, botb FARMS FOR SALE-1/2 mile from Mn. Leslie Collacott.. very nicely re ndeneti. Taunton Store blacksmitb and wagon Hanvest Home services on Suniday andC.rpi hsimlsfo Oha .12 Monday were an aIl round splendid suc- ýSt. John's C'hurch, Rector, Rev. cresir sb oa m sities frrnOsawa.122 cess. Rev. J. S. McMulSen, Oshawa, P. Muirhead; Organist, Mrs. :John acres bandwood, well fenced, large metal a former popular pastor, gave good A. Gunn. 12th Sunday alter Tria- noofed barn, stone foundation. cernent practical sermons afternoon and even- floors, steel stails, DeLaval mnilken, water ing, sud tbe choir witb Mr. Leslie Col- ity. il a. m.-Holy Communion, on tap and bowls, 2 cernent silos, 2 lacott, as orgaulst assisted by Mn. A. 2.3() p. m.-Sunday School. 7 lange drive bouses, milk and !ce bouse, HI. Brent of Tyrone, gave splendid mus- vnn song. Preacher,1 lange bouse witb funnace, 3 piece bath, Modac.trnoPte.aebîlgmeTh etr.watr n tpo teat bouse nearly new, Mondy ateroon he aseallgameTheRecor.electnie ligbted tbrougbout, small or- betweeu Providence sud Tyrorneresult- icbard and other fruits. This farmn was el in favor if the former.i The montl etn f tenvyrnebe elsokdadi The ladies served an excellent supper Methodîst M ysonmieeng of he novercelentcoitien. well s atnc sdis- andi a large cnowd enjoyed the good Miso îcewshl lars fnorn owner,S. A. Northcott, Taon- things so bountifulSy provideti. Tuesdny evýening, August 15, at the ton, Ont. ~-f Iu the evening a very large and Inter- home of Miss Carnie Lathrope, bib -__________________ ested audience listened to the play "The Barly Bird" so well put on by onn local erty-st. Quarterly tea, was served talent. The play was very, entertain- on the lawn at 6.30 p. m. Scripture iug in tbree acts and was iveni by besson was read by Miss Olive Bell- Messrs. W. G. Giffler, L. A. an d R. K. Squair, W. G. Werry, Loonard Richards, man- Miss Reta R. Cole favored E J. Doitige and Leslie Collacott; Misses with a vocal solo and Miss Leone HonoyWilkis, EJodge ud Mrs.iLes- WaloregnMisions sa Solder pess ~ E LaialWilkins, EtihaLun, Wiune Wlaeapao oo h o apes LEaJ.Conib ud Mrs.Fed-"oeg isosa ode esW' t E lie Collacott. Tyrone Orchestra for- Them", was given by the President. nisbed a number of spiiteti selections aud Mn. S. Beckett sang a solo to the deligbt of all. Proceetis amounteti to over $220. LONG SAULT BOWMANVILLE'S LAR( Many people are flnding out that Mc- urtry & Co. selS groceries at lowest Thanksgiving services will be held WTEEK INTERESTID pices. Reand their advt and compare here Sunday, September 10 when ist hpeto alCasadRv.E .Coe ecslw Fissphpmn o FllCat Couch, reach at 2.and 7.30,p.ewcas pp, r C Dresses now on ipy tCuh raha2an 7.0.M. S pe Johnstoa & Cryderman's. and concert -pa Monday, September; 11. Particulars next week. 1 1V/e consider advertisiný _SOLINA Visitons: Mn. Fred VanNest, Mn. Verne Hoff anti Miss Marlou VanNest, Toronto, at Mn.. N. E. Wright's; Mn. anti Mns. J. Baker anti family at Toronto; Miss Mar- guerite Wright at Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. S. E. Werny at Oshawa; Miss Jean Kennedy, Sarnia, sud Miss Jean Swit- zen with Miss Margaret McKesso.ck; Mrs. Thos. Pascoe sud Miss Margaret, Hamnp- ton, at M. A. L. Pascoe's; Mns. W. R. Heuders sud tiaughten Frances aud Mrs. Kinby Winnipeg, Mn. sud Mrs. C. A. Wright, Jean sud Irene, Providence, Miss Ada Wight, Edmonton, sud Mn. Hanvey Wight, Hugheudeu, Sask., at Mn. Juo. Baken's; Mrs. J. Reynolds at Guelph; Mn. and Mns. L. C. Pascoe at Mn. J. T. Huntles also Bill Ruudle. Maple Grove; Mosans. Hilton sud Carence Tink at Newcastle; Miss Nora Werry at Bowrnanville; Mn. sud Mns. R. J. Mc- Koss ock at Ketinon Suuday night when Mn. MeiKessock gave a missionany adi- dress; Miss Vora Baker at Oshawa... Messrs. Geo. Gibson sud Harold Jebson bave gone West to help gathen lu the big cnop . .. .Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa Normal ScboS, gave a good sermon bore on Suuday on "Sin and its Cou- sequences". lie is always welcorno bore ... School n-opons bore this Friday... _The "Saskatoon Baily Star" bas- a sweet pbotograpb of litilo Miss Marguer- ite Baker, daugbter of Mn. Arthur Baker, sud granddaughten of Reeve Thos. Baker Solina. Marguerite Is 8 yeans olti, and bas led bon class pas sing from Junior Third to Senior Third, obtaining 90% on moneonou vory subjoot. Congratula- tions! All goods reduced. Prices eut in two on several hunes for September Sale. F. F. Morris Co. ENNISKILLEN League meeting on Wednesday oven- ing in change of 4tb Vice-President, Mr. Harvey McGill. After bible lesson, a belpful topic on "The Frayer of the Peu- itent" was given by Miss Roua Ben- tham.' A patriotic duet was given by Miss Aima and Mr. Gordon Werry; read- ing by Mn. Frank Borland... .Miss Nora WUery aud Master George Werry, So- la, wene recent guosts of Mr. and Mrs. J. A . Werry. ENFIELD Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hep- humn and Mn. Arthur Hepburn, Kedron, at Mr.. Geo. Ormistons; Mn. andi Mrs. Harny 'T. James, Columbus, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Niddery, Tweed, at Mn. John H-epburu's; Messrs. WiIS sud SJohn Alex- ander, Oshawa, at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's; Mn. anti Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa, at Mn. Fred Smith's; Mn. and Mrs. H. Stinson bave beon visiting at Poutypool; Misses Myrtle and Vernu Ormiston, Mrs. Bort Ferguson sud Lloyd are visiting lu Toronto; Mn. James.Barcb, sr. bas been Off duty witb blood-poisonIng lu bis baud. EBENEZER Miss Mona Morrôw wbo bas heen spending the holiday with friends bore aud in Oakville, leaves to-day for ber home iu Winnipeg... .Mr. Fred W. Brooks aniveti ou Suuday frorn Englanti for a visit witb bis brother sud sisters ...Miss Mary Rundie, Hampton, bas been guost of Miss Hazel Runtle... .The Mission Cincle girls enjoyed au outlug at TnnSl's Beech last Thursday. Swirn- HAMPTON sports. The pienlo super was a ininon ________fosture of- course. The ladies o'f the Visitons: Mns. Frank Virtue anti chilti- Admît Bible Css are nemindeti of tbe ,n, Toronto, Miss Fanny Vintue, Ty- spelliug matchat thein nogulan moutbly mie, at J. J. Vintue's; Miss Evelyn meeting on Tbursday. The Onward of mrie of Oshawa Public Scbool teacb- August .l9tb to ho useti for the test. istaff, bas heen guest of Mns. W. Every membon is oxpecteti to ho presont. ilbur; Misa Mamie Gilbert, Lurnsden,..Sunday services wene as usual hotb sk., bolldaylng at Mr. C. W. Soucb's; Intenestlug sud boîpful. Mn. Cedric [.Evenett Kenslake aud Miss Evans, Pansons makes a capable assistant Supt. laemont, at F. G. Kerslake's; Mns. We have prepaneti for big faîl business eo. Bavey sud chiltiren, Pont Penny, aud the rush bas already stantoti. Our tT. Salten's; Mn. aud Mrs. E. Wand prices tell the story-read oun ad. Mc- d Oscar at P. G. Kenslake's aud T. Muntry & Co. Sltore; Mrs. L. Wllliamson le visiting entis at Cnosswell; Rev. W. W. Joues th 'frientis lu Port Hope; Miss Radi- ru Tornto, Is guost of Mn. aud Mns. TYRONE înnry Smyth; Miss Louise Goodman_____ ilteti fnieuts lu Toronto; MissMuniel Visitons: JMns. Runtile, Edmronton, vis- nIll of the Bowmanville Post Office iting ber brother, Mr-. Rd. Vintue; Mr. tiff, speut Sunday at home; Mrs. Pow- lkTrnévitngM.Hry i- 1Toronto, le vîsitiug Mrs. W. J. Vin- likyTonoE.tosevstiMg.M. lery Mil- ie; Misses Gentrude anti Bonotby Smytb a;Msh.Mss r .Wlos n th fnientis ln Toronto; Mn. anti Mrs. O. Bond, Grand Rapids, Michigan, vis- B. orsant faily Peenhnoat n.iteti theîr sisten, Mrs. W. H. Moore, wbo Mn. Horn n d aiy eenb, LitisMr, continues veny i11.... Mn. aud Mns. Jas. liornne;MrWi.Br ,Lnsy Soucb sud Mn. Lawson, Bowmanville, iteti bis ulece, Mns. A. C.' Tnull; Mn. spent Sunday with frionis .. . .Leagoe on 1A. Brown occupieti the puSpît veny ac- hndyngtwsl hreo u t ýpahly on Sontiay eveuiug giving aVice-rs iot M n chargesofStinton. lenditi discourso. .. Mn. T. A. Brown, Vc-rsdnM.CalsSitn tawa, wbo bas heen speuding bis va- Topic by Clarnce Woodley; neatiiug by tion wîth bis sister ,Mrs. E. Stevens, John Hilîs; piano solo by Kathleen Mc- d othen relatives bore, notunneti home Cullongh. Meeting closeti with the à Modaymornng..Mr. Wm CutsWatàcbwond. . .A numbon fnorn bore at- Maiou,,Dakota'iMg.MS. TWmasCurs, teutietiSalem liamvest Home senvices ou idionkt, M ns A . S.To son Sunday aud report a gooti time. .... Miss toMns A.B.Clemeus, Bowmanville, B. M. Wenny bas solId ber nesideuce to avo heen gueste of Mrn.ud Mns, Co.as, nSl mtis.CàFrel Wo considen adventisiug part of the!Tlarvest Thauksgiving services will ýrvlce oun costorners are entitled to. he held in Tyrone Methodîst Church eat our ativt this woek. McMurtny & on Sunday, September 3, 1922, at 0. 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Rev. S. Epworth League meeting last week W. Dean, B. A., of Toronto, will ,s la charge of the 4th department preach. Special music by the choir. nd opeaed with Mr. T. Salter ln the A Thankoffering of $150 is respect- hair. Miss Lottie Horn read the' fully asked for, as this, amount is ýripture. Mr. F. J. Grat gave a pecesary in order to defray the cur- ery interesting and instructive talk rent expenditure iu connection with nthe formation of the Union Jack., the church. May large* congrega- isses Frances 'and Beatrice Jones tions "Give thanks uto the bord, avored with a duet and Miss Helen cl pnHsnm ihTakgv ohns a reading after which the calupnHi am it.Thnsgv ieeting closed with the League Ben- W. T. Wickett, A, H. Brent, [iction. Corne and enjoy our Pastor. Secretary., onsecratioa meeting next Friday vening. i Ready-to-wegr hats in ail the new- Watch for aur Big September est styles now await your inspection ale of Furniture. F. F. Morris Co. at Digman & Edmondstone's. ARTICLES ÈOR SALE FOR SALE-Square -Piano, Dominion.! Apply to Bo ,5, Bowmianville. 32 tfi FOR SALE-Oak Wardrobe In good condition. Apply to Mrs. C. S. Kent, Beech Ave., Bowmanville. 34-tf CANARIES FOR SALE-Hartz Mount- ain Rollers, beautiful singers. Apply A. E. Jennings, Hampton, phone 350-22. 35-t FOR SALE-White Basonette Infant's Bed, rubber-tired wheels, nattress, etc. Apply to Mrs. Frank Williams, Silver-st.,ý Bowrnanville. 82-tf FOR SALE-A few choice 12 weeks' old cockerels, Ferrîs strain,,prices rang- ing from $1.25 te $2.50. J. W. Moorey, R. R. 6, Bowsnanville. 35-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; MeLaughlin 1917, $300;, Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply te A. W. Pickard, Phone 185, Bowma'nville. FOR SALE-Thresbing outfit for sale in excellent running order. Case, rear mount engine, tank and Peerless Separ- ator. For particulars apply, S. A. North- cott, Taunton. 8 3-tf HONEY FOR SALE--Good quality clover extra honey, can 'be secured at village stores In Darlîngton or at Apairy. R. J. Smith, Enniskillen, phone 211r24. 32-t HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-6 holes, complete with reservoir and water front, only used one winter, replaced wlth eleot- rie stove. Inspection may be made at F C0. Pethlck's Barber S!iop. 25-t 103T MON EV LOST-In Bowmanville, on Monday, Aîîgist, 2lst, a Ten Dollar 1BiU by a delivery boy who can i13 affor,; -the Ioss. Finder wlll please rturli. to StatesMan Office and receiv>e reward. BEES FOR SALE 20 colonies pure leather colored Italiar, Bees, season's honey crop, abouit si-.ty supers complete wi.h sections and fouan- dations, aiso about 60 extracting supers and framnes, 1 extractor 32 inch, Goulid, 4 framne reversable storage and str:ainer, haud or power, 1 uncapping can knid knife, 25 lbs. wax, about 200 10ib. pails. W. T. Symons, Bowmanvilie, phone 364. TO LEI FARM FOR RENT-112, acres good land and baildings, imimediate possession. Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tf FOR RENT-102 acres two miles from Bowrnanville, ten acres orchard, fair buildings. Plow possession this faîl, fuilS possession April 1, 1923. Apply te Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli, Insurance and Real Es- tate agent, Bowmanville. 33-3w CAR FOR SALE M-Laughlin-Light Six Five Pas- senger Touring, in, appearance this is like a new car, the mechanical con- dition is excellent. You can buy this Car for less than haîf what a new one will cost you.' George ýC. Wright, Newcastle, Ont. â"OEORGE rFITZMAURICE -n uro Also Cornedy Feature: Lloyd Hamilton in "Robinson Crusoe". Admission: Aduits 25c; Children 15c. nd House Newse ,EST DEPARTMENTAL STORE PUBLISHES EACH NG AND- PROFITABLE NEWS FOR BENEFIT MF ITS MANY CUSTOMERS. [z is a service that a. merchant shoulId give his patrons and -which custorners are, entitled ýto. Just thir k of th e many dollars we Save our hundreds of custorners each week by inforrning them of- the exeptional money-saving bargains such as are found in this advt. It's a rnighty thrifty-habit to read our advt each week and shop at this Store. DO YOUR' HOLIDAY SHOPPING AT McMURTRY & COIS SEPT. 1 &2 EXTRA HOLIDAY VALUES IN MEN'S FURNISHîNGS Men's Overalis in stripe> orplain blue, Lennox Make To Clear at $1.75 Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts, made by Kitchen Shirt Co. and are guaraniteed to give satisfaction -$1.50 Men's and Boys' Rubber Beits in Grey, Brown or Black at 50c each Men's Work Socks in natural' colored cotton or M edium weight, wool, 3 pair for $1.00 c Men's All Wool Cashmere Socks in Green or Brown- Heather Mixture at 48c per pýair Men's and Boys' ranges,, Caps, a few broken To Clear at 69e We have a number of Men's Combina- tions in summer weight in both Bal- briggan or Athietie, To Clear at $1.19 per suit or 2 Suits for $$2.00 Men's Boots, Heavy Brown or Black Work Very Special at $4.48 pair THIS EXPLAINS WHY OUR DRY GOODS SALES ARE INCREASING Ladies' Woolen1 $3.95, Children's Heavy Black and Brown,i Ladies' Corsets, 58 inch $1.75Y Bleached Pullovers, regular Sale Price $2.95 Ribbed Hose in reg. 35c, Sale Price 25c pair regwlar. $1.75, for $1.49 Table Damask, reg. Sale Price, $1.49 Ladies',Black Lisle Hose in ail sizes, Very Special at 35c pair Ladies' House Dresses in Gingham and Charnbray, reg.. $3.50, Sale Price $1.95 Ladies~' Long Black Lisle Gloves,, reg. Sale Price 98e 36 inch Factory Cotton, reg. 25c yard, Sale Price 19e Large Middy Ties, in Black, Green and Red,' Very Special at $1.35 Ladies' Fall Underwear wit h short and Clark's Stranded Cotton in ail shades, no sleeves at very special. prices Very Special 3 Skeins for 10c ,MORE WORTH-WHILE BJARGAINS IN GROCERIES 10 lb. Granulated Sugar, St. Lawrence for 83C Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 lb. bag Ecl;pse Pastry Flour, 24 lb bag Fresh Creamery Bfutter 40c Minto Tea in packages with 60e Pork & Beans, in large tins, 2 f Tip Top Salmon, tail tins 2 f Toilet Paper,, large rolîs, 61i $1.05 95C per lb spoon per lb f or 25e f or 35c, f or 25c GoIId Dust Washing Powder, 3 packages for 20c. Castile Toilet Soap, 6 cakes for 25c T& B Smoking Tobacco in plugs, old price 10lc each Black Knight Stove Polîsh, 2 for 25c Nice Juicy Oranges, 40c per doz Bariaras the best of food 25C per doz, Watch our window for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables for>the Holiday. McMurtry & Co., Ltd. PHONE 83 BU WMAN VILLE Il ROYAL THEATRE, SEPT. 6-7 G. N. THURSTON Bowmanvilles Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop.11 Buy now before they ail go at these prices. Mason & Dale's Hardware à uge ... 'e, -

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