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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1922, p. 6

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PopularityEv The Pure Deli< NaturiAl Leaf Green' as the tremendous î: znand for it shows. Try it to-day- CANADIAN NATIO Aug. 26-TORC PRINCE 0F Wi Gorgeous production v r omance and spiendo $1,500,000 in new buildii new features ai NEVER ON A B Reduced rates ond JOHN 0. KENlT, WPAo,£,geadMonn. HaeCun, H.althY Eyea. Af they Tire, F0R Itch, Smart or Burn, if Sore, lrritated, In-. YOU R EyE flamedorGranulated, Infant or Adut*At ail Druggiste. Write Letter Points Way Towards Relief-Lydia- E., Pinkham'a Vegetabletomnpound Toronto, Ontari.-"I sufered frozu tetirne -1 was a school-giri until I had taken your S j medicine wlth pain inm eft side and ig camps, gro-w- ing worse each year until 1 was aJI run down. 1 was so bad at times that 1 was unfit for work. I tried several doc- I tors and patent inedIcines and was only relieved for a short time. Somo of the doctors wanted to have an operation but my father objected. FInaliy 1 learned through rny mother of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Componind and how thankful I amn that 1 tried it. I arn relieved frorn pain and cramps -and feel as if it bas saved my Ille. You maY use mY letter to heip ether wome as I amn glad to recommend the medicine."- Mas. H. A. GooDiMAN, 14 Rockvaie Ave.. Toronto, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkharn's Private, Text- Book upon "Ailiments Pecuilar te Women" wlll be sent te you free aipon request. Write te The Lydia B. Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. This book contains valuable inter- inatlon. RUN-DOWN, NERVOUS? W.ak Women can Find the. Help Tbey Need St. 'Thomas, Ont.-"Yi.. -Pierce's Mvorite Prescription le a grand medicine f o r worn who are at ail nervous, weak or run-down, or who suifer wth wornanly aliments. S I have neot only taken it inyself and been greatly benefited but .I have known of many others who have been bene- fted, and ln no case have I ever heard one word of çondemnation agalnst Dr. Plerce's Favorite Prescription, but aiways L rase.-Mrs. Sarah Burke, 103 Ott St. The use of Dr. Pierce's, Favorite tPrescription makes women happy Ib y making them healthy. A great j many women ln everypart of Canada owe their good heaith of todaCy to this famous Prescription. HÂVE YOU STOMACH TROUBLE? This Woman Had Suffered Great Dis-. tress and Gives Her Experience Dundaik, Ont.-"I arn oniy too glad t>o tell what Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bas done for me. I doctored three months and got no relief but, thanks te Dr. Pierce's mnedicine, I found a cure at last. I wiii recommend it to any poor sut- terer with ulcerated stomach 'and mnouth. When I started taking the, 'biscovery' I weighed 93 pounds; now I welgh 119. No other medicine for mne."-Mrs. Malcolm McLaren. You can quickly put yourself In A-1 condition by going to your dru&- glàt and obtalning Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscovery ln tablets gr llquld; or send lûc te Dr. Pierce's Laboratory lu Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial pkg. and write for free medIcal "dVice. VITAMINES- precloushealtbb&mg ele& menti arm esSntalfactors ofgrowth to evMr child Scott's Emulsion la the food-tonicof ppecial value to children. It is nich ivitamines- builds health and pro. 11 mnotes growth! 20 MINUTES That'. ait. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will be ne fthese lttle tablets-sae rellable and harmiess as soda-will cure any headache ini 2o minutes. Oretrstili, taken when you feel the. cominghonoa ZUTOO tablet will ward it off-nipitaluthe bud. No Ileadache suffering wbicb f ollows the use of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthms Remedy? Wbo can express the feeling of joy that cornes when its soft and gentle influence rehieves the tigbtened, cboking air tubes! It bas made astbmatic affliction a.tbing of the past for tbousands. It neyer fails. Good druggists everywbere have sold it f or years. Mn., sud Mrs., George Musgrove, Port Penny, their son-in-law sud daugbter, Rev. sud Mrs. W. E. Rowl- and sud family, Brooklin, wene re- cent gueste at Mr. Wmn. Cornisb's. Mn. Wrn. Brunt, con. 3, sold bis orchard to Cale of Bowmanville, finits aud seconds at« $4.50 pen bbl, the seller to furnish the barnels and board men. Mn. James Dickson on thie neighbouring f armý, sold to the sarne buyer at $2.50 bbl, tree ruùn. Milier's Worm Powders were de- vised to promptly relieve chiudren who'sufer from the ravages of worms, It jes asimple preparation to destroy, stomacbic sud intestinal Worms witbout sbock or injury to the -most sensitive system. They act thonougbly aud painlessly, and though in sorne cases they may cause vomiting, that je an indication of thein powerful action sud not of any nauseating propentyr. r Increasin Fromn The News. IMrs. Wrn. Beacom bas returned ciousness cf home fromi Cambray. Miss Beatrice Tucker is home from Ottawa on a visit. Miss Stella Lomm, Bancroft, is a guest of Miss Eva Mitchell. Miss Edna Hall, Toronto, is visit- ing hier uncle, Mr, Jos. Hall. Clarke, Township voters' list for 1922 is out and copies posted, Tea i reco nizedMiss Elma Tourjee, of Toronto, i Te"isrec &ýL',izd: spending bier hoiidays at her home. ncrease in the de Mrs. (Rev.) Adams and Miss Flor- H306 ence have gone to Toronto to reside. Mrs. Rutherford, Harriston, is -«You jwil h e it visiting at Mn, Alex. Marr's, Kirby. IL Miss Irene Riddell entertained a party of littie girl friends at the lake. M.Dave Elliott, Toronto, is visit- ing bis sister, Mrs. James G. Tam- MNAL EXHIBITION erbtyuwl o ecmltl satisfied until you have used Holio- >NTO-Sept. 9 way's Corn Remover. Mrs. D. F. Walsh is visiting hier niece, Mrs.' T. Cruikshank, Peter- boro. ALLES DURBAR Mr. J. W. Gamey and Mrs. Roper, Toronto, are at Mr. J. C. Gamney's, wîth ail the mnystery, sixth line. ur of the Far East. Miss Mary Reid who bas been teaching in the West has taken Kmr-' by scbooi. Mrs. Johns bas returned home ngs and scores of other from Sudbury wbere sbe was with nd attractions, bier husband. Mrs. A. T. Gamsby, Oshawa, is ~I1GGER SCALE guest at bier brotber-in-law's, Mr. Len Gamshy. OUl Unes of travel Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is nc- RO)BT. FLEMING, ceptable to children, and it dois its Pw..dentwork surely and promptly. Mrs. 0. W. Rolpb is guest -of Miss Muriel Everson at their summer cot- _________tage, Muskoka. BOW ANVLLE AU. 3, 122 Friends of Mr. A. J.% Knox. will BOWMNVILE, UG.31, 922wish bim speedy recovery from bis 1present illness. WILLIAM J. OVENS Mrs. John McRae and son John, are visiting bier mother, Mrs. Mit- Left An Estate of $16,000-00 chell, at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McPherson, To- William J. Oveîîs, of. Clarke wbo ronto, visited the Misses McPberson died, June lStb, left an estate Of over the week-end. $16,200. He directs that his wifej Mr. Neil Smith purposes remodel- Frances Addie shahl receive an an- ln h tr ot fFse we nual income of $159 from bhis son iCoin htordelsutloi oserHwe George Edward during iger 1fetime, C.inoa w*hn and $50 a year from bis grandson, A Remedy for Earache.-To have Frank, during bier lifetime. Also eai'sche is to endure torture. The the bouse an.d furniture *on lot 11, ear is a delicate organ and f ew care lst concession, Clarke, for bier use to deal with it, considering it work during ber lîfetime and at bier deatb for a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclect- to go to bis grandsori Frank. Mrs. ric Oul offers a simple remedy. A Ovens sîso receives two cows and f ew drops upon a piece of lint or keep of same upon and fromn the medicated cotton and placed in the farm, lot 11, concession 1, and ail ear will do mucb in relieving pain. fuel required for bier home fromý Mr. and Mrs. Mclsaac and family, saine f arm. To bis son, George Ed- and Miss Kyle, Toronto, are visiting1 ward, hie leaves bis f arm, lot 8, con- at Mr. A. J. Letgb's. cession 2 and upon bis ýdeatb this' Mr. and Mrs.. Kessick, Detroit, property to go to the grandson, Micb., visited over the week-end t Frank. George Edward also receives Mr. A. J. Leigb's, on a mot« rip. s farm of 40 acres, lot 10, concession j Mr. John W. Maxwell bas arrived 1, Clarke, duringbis lifetime. 'lefo Chicago, Ill., on bis annual vis-1 is to pay tok, deceased's grand dsugh- from i sedn hshldasqit ter, Charlotte Ovens, $800 wben she iyn. ssenigbsbliasqit reaches 25. To bis granson, Frank,,Y hie leaves the farmi lots il and 12, Mr. and Mrs. Madge and Mr., concession 1, Clarke. He to pay to Clarke Thompson motored from New deceased's grand-daugbter, Charlotte York to visit bier father, Mr. James $200 dollars wben slie reaches 25.i Hunter. fis dsugbter-in-law, Lena Ovens,! Congratuulations to Misses Loreen surviving his son Geo. Edward to ne- Lorriman and Gladys Cobbiedick, on ceive $200 yearly from bis grandson, passing Elementary Tbeory examin- Frank, so long as she remains bis ation -s in music. son's widow. The farm 'stock andý Ladies Aid of Methodist Churcb implements are equahly dîvided be- met by invitation at the home of {ween bis son, George Edward sud' Mrs. H. J. Best and spent a very bis grandson, Frank. pleasant- afternoon. The Many-Purpose Oil.-Both in the bouse snd stable there are scores of uses for Dr. Thomas' Eclectnic Ol. tise it for cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, the pains of rbýeumatism and sciatica, sore, throat and cbest. Jioûrses are hiable very Iargely to sim- ilar ailments and mishaps as afflict ma nkind, and are equally amenable to the healing influence of this fine old remedy wbicb bas made thous- ands of firm friends during the past fifty years. Mrs. E. !Cobbledick, Mrs. D. F. Walsb, Miss Florence Adams, visited the former's brother, Rev. A. R. 4 Walsh, Roseneatb. Rev. C. Adams, Secretary Boys' BE.AUTY 0F THE SKIN Navy League, Toronto, spent Sunday lu the natural demire of erery women witb bis wif e and family' at bier and 10 obtainable by the Ïuseof Dr. fatber's, Mn. Ed. Cobbledick. ChmI îniet Pip1 a tMr. andcL s. lobt. Gillies, Toron- taton ndeczma isapee to an hi moherspent Sunday a th kIn le left sofi, smooth and VeiIey. Mr. A. J. Leigh's, the latter witb bier AUdalr, or Edmsanson, Bâtes5& Co, sse-nlw r.Mr isn Lhnitd, Toronto.Bumple free If you sse-nlw r.Mr isn -mention this paper. Prof. J. H. Billings, the Drexel In- 7q stitute, Philadeiphia, Pa., wife and two daugbters arnive.d by motonr this ORONO Mr. Frank Knox is horne on holi- days.i Mrs. Addock, Montreal, was,.guesti at Mr. A. A. Rolph's.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat visited at her brother's, Mr..R. Z. Hall. Mr. Len Morrow, Toronto, visited his father, Mr. Andy Morro; , Kirby. Mr. A. S. Tourjee, Toronito, is, with his sisters, Miss Tourjee and L',rs. McPherson.1 Mrs. Elmo Patterson and two.sonsi of Oshawa, are visiting at her sister- in-law's,,Mrs. H. J. Best. Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford, Paris, Ont., are visitilg her sister, Mrs. I. T. Chapman, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. John Ard, Whitby, visited his sisters, Mrs. W. J. Robin-j son, and Mrs. T. Coatha'm.j Mrs. Harrison was cailed to her home owing to the sudden death of her father, Mr. John Stanley., Signs with Orono, painted in large letters are to be placed at south and north entrances to the village. Successful candidates at Teachers' Summer Course in Agriculture. Leta Stutt, Beuiah Hailowell and'Bertha Staples. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. McPherson and daughter, Miss IGreta, motoredi from Picton, and are guests at Mr. J. R. Cooper's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cummîngs, and Mr. Addison Rickaby, motored from Toronto,-and visitel at their father's, Mr. John Rickaby. Mr. George CI.apman, Toronto, and lis brother-ir-law, Rev. 0. K.I Walker, Pittsbur,e Pa., visited friends here and at Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. S. Todd, Rochester, N. Y., visited at Mi. John N. Power-s'.I They were accompinied home by Mr.1 and Mrs. John Mcfnigh!t, Millbrook.1 Miss Jane Car;cadden attended the funeral in Toronto of- her1 brother's grand-daighter, victim of a' drowning accicent at Sparrow Lake. Mr. Alex. Staiker and daughter-in- law, Mrs. Malcoln Staiker and ber daughter, Verna, i'oronto, visited at his sister's, Mrs. John Stewart, sixth' line, and witýh his cousin, Mr. James St.alker. Dieliolouis New Recipe! serve Icy-CoId for Hot Day Breakfasts T 0o make ROMAN MEAL BROSE-O stir one rounded cup Roman Meal into four cuýps boiling sait- ëà water. Bell ten minutes in a single bolier. Stir wel and set in a cool place% over night. Serve cold with miik oDr cream and sugar, honey, preserved or fresh fruits. «"Cools tlbe blood," clears the àkin, relieves constipation. ATr'I ,,MM,_GROCERS Nç~ The grade of Imperial Polarine Motor Oils recommended for your car-, (1). Saves friction and wear (2) Increases power (3) Lowers. Gasoline conts (4) Reduces depraciation (5) Gives mnost lubrication par dollar ý Consuit the Imnperiîal Chart-the guide to proper lubrication. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED Manufacturera and Marketers of Imporial Poierine Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada of Gargoyle Mobloîl. r c ADE mN CANADA etobHolders of Fi1ve Ya 5per cent Canada'ýs Victory Bonds Issued i 1917 and Maturing lst December, 1922. CONVERSION PROPOSALS T HE MINISTER 0F FINANCE offers te holders Holders of the maturing bonds who wish te avail E of these bonds wh o desire to continue their themselves ' of this, conversion privilege should take invutment i Dominion, of Canada securities the their bonds AS EARLY AS' POSSIBLE, BUT, 9 LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 3th, to a Branch ES prîviIege of exchanging the maturnlng bonds for flOw any Chartered Bank ini Canada and neceive in exchiange bonds beastng Sî per cent interest, payable half yeariy, au officiai receipt for the bonds surrendered, containing Es of either of the following classes:- an undertaking te deliver the çorresponding bonds of the new issue. (a) Five year bonds, dated lot November, Holdens of matunlng fuily registered bonds, interest 1922, to mature Tht November, 1927. payable by cheque from, Ottawa, wiil receive their @S (b) Ten year bonds, dated lat November, December 1 interest cheque as usual. Holders of 1922, te mature lst November, 1932. coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unmatured, coupon before surrendering the bond itecf for conversion While the maturing bondi will carry intereet te jet purposes. December, 1922, the new bonds willI commence te earn The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banice Sinterest from lst November, 1922, GIVING A BONUS te the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will 0F A FULL MONTH'S INTEREST TO THOSE be exchanged for bonds of the new issue, in fuily E I~AVAILING THEMSELVES 0F THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon negistered or coupon bearer fonni PRIVILEGE. carrying interest payable let May and lst November 1 of each year of the duration of the boan, the first interest This offer ie made te holders of the maturing bonds paynient accruing and payable lst May, 1923. Bonds andià ot pe toothr nvetor. Te ond tobe of the new issue wiii be sent te the banks for ÎS anEsRtoe e te netr. h od eb delivery immediateiy after the receipt of the surrendered issued under this proposai wilh be substantiaiiy of the bonds. sanie character as those whichi are matuning, except The bonds of the maturing issue which are net that- the exemption frem taxation does net apply te tha converted under this proposai wiii be paid off in cash on new issue. the let December, 1922. W. S. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. Dated at Ottawa, 8th August, 1922. I Q -a---- INDEPENDENCE, ~j THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES SYSTEM affords an unequalled opporfunity for the investment of small or large amnounts for the purchase of an annuity of fromn $50 te $5,000 s year for life, tc, begin immediately or at sny future hage desired, and to lie paid in monthly or quarterly' instal-' [j ents. jieAnn itie: may be purchased on a single if e, or on the N After contract issues, no restriction as to residence. I Employers mnay purchase for their employees-School ~jBoards for their teachers-Congregations for their Ministers. Cannot lie seized or levied upon. Nomeisexmnio eurd Fr.. from Dominion Income Tax. SECURITY-.-THE DOMINION OF CANADA I Descriptive bookiet may 'b. obtained by applying to the jPostmasier or by writlng, postage free, te S. T. Bastedo, Superintendent Dominion Governrment Annuities, Ottawa. SWhen writing, kindly state sex, and age or ages Iast birthday. Mn. H. Junker Miss Winnifred Williamson, Mrs. S, Cuttel, Mrs.L Junker and Missîonie Hooper, for rn- ed a motor parts to Etobîcoke arnd visited at the surnmer -cottage of Miss Lillian Cutteil. Miss Clans, Mfstt, touring with School Teachers in Europe, writes to ber parents, lXr. and Mrs, Davidi Moffatt, that she witb other lady teachers, bad regstened for an aero- plane fligbt froni Paris, France, to London. Major E.' E. ànider, Port Hope, Major Johb ahd Capt., Snider, in- spected the loca unit Infantry in training at the Armounies bere two nights a week for thé past few montbs-under wmmand of Lieut. J.! C. Gamey. 1

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