Smoked or pickled picnic Hamis, regular 30c lb., this week only 25c lb. G. A. Edmondstone. l,îadies, if you want something rep '-,new and nifty in 'Ready-to- wear hats sec them now at Dîngmani & Edmondstone's. music Mr. T. W. Stanley will rosuine teach.. lng again on Fridy, Septomber lst. For terms, etc., phone 12-rS. Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone ls pro- pared to take pupils in piano. For ternis write Miss May Gardiner, Tyrone, 22-tf Phone 181-r24 Miss Margaret Abernethy is preparod to take a limited number of pupils in piano, at Mr. James Abernethys, Odeli St.,ý Bowmanville, phone 183-r13. 35-.3* Mary D. Souch, pupil of G. D. Atkin- son, Lecturer and Musical Director of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby. Miss Souch will resumo bier class in Piano and Theory Sept lst. For terms phone 129-r2l, Hampton Ont., 35-3w Rta R. Cole A. T. C. M., F. C. CM., Teacher of Voice Culture, Sight Sing- ing, P-iano and Theory Pupils prepared for ail grades of examinations. lass opens Sept. 111h. ï Studio, King-st. West, Bowmanville. 35-4,- Phono 57. WANTED POSITION WANTED-For light housework or to care for children. Ap- ply to Eleanor Bates, box 310, Bowman- ville. ,36-tf ;WANTED-We need three mon who till visualize with us the opportunity to serve in a useful capacity, and who will welcome BIG PAY and PROMO- TION in a large International Organiza- tion, MEN whocan train for Executive Positions, and supply highest referencos. 25 years of ago, MARIIED PREFERRED L. R. Steel Service Corporation, Llmnitsd, Oshawa. 36-3 Hiaving the; Lucky.Dla Beginning September 7th we are giving out in change to our customers a number of $1.00 bis the numbers of which we are jkeeping a record. These numbers W111 be publish- ed next week, and any person pre- senting one of tbese $1.00 bis at our store, wiIl be given $1.50 worth of goods f or it. There are no strings to this. Yeu simpiy make a purchase, and get the'lucky bill in your change. Then you corne back and get $1.50 for it in goods of your own selecting. We expect to give out 50 of these $1.00 bis. Be Sure you get one. Kersiake' s Drug Store Phone 49 - B owmanville Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE WEEK SEPT. 11-16 MONDAY-TUESPAY Wanda Hàwley Ia "Her Face Value" From the Saturday Evening Post story "The Girl who paid Dividens" by Enri Deer Biggers. Round one of "The Leather Pushers" WED NES DAY Marie Prevot In 'Don't Get Personal Century Cornedy "Playing Possuni" THURSDAY Bert Lyteli '*The llçRich" Taken from Kenneth, Harris' story "Junk" in The Saturday Evening post. Mack Sennett Comiedy "The Duck Hunters" FRIDAY-SATURDAY A John S. Robertson Production " «The Spanish Jade" Filmed in the Sunnyland of Spain with David Powell. P. S.-Harrison one of the most prominent Anierican reviewers said of 'The Spanish Jade', "no- thing poor about this picture but the titie". Touchy Cormedy Coming The greatest chapter play, ever made "Robinson Cuse' First Episode Wednesday, Sept. 20th. "Turn to the Rîght" ,Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 25-26 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Young la apendiug a f 0w Says lu Toronto. Miss Margaret Aluin la visiting frienda lu Torouto. Miss Carnie Latbrop speut lte woek- end la Oshawa. Miss Anale Beliman la visiting a f 0w Says in Toronto. Miss Helen Bottroîl, Toronto General Hospital, la home. Miss May Jackman la bolidaying witb relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell are visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Callan anS fam- ily are visiting in Toronto. Sec Miss Haraden's Milliaery Pisplay on Tuesday, September 12tb. Miss Marion Worden bas resumed ber teacbing duties near Dundalk, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allia, Toronto, are guests of Mr. anS Mrs. J. W. Miller. Dr. C. J. Lyons speat the Labor Day bolidays with bis parents in Lindsay. Mn. W. A. Di3Eon of Castleton, bas been visiting at Mr. Latbrope's, Libenty- st. Hotel ]Powman bas been' greatly beautified witb a cool of paint by Rowe liros. Miss Wilson of Dunnville, bas eagaged with Miss Harnden as Milliner for Ibis seasoa. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hladdy and Miss Lena Haddy spent the week-end witb Toronto relatives. 1 Mrs. L. Winkwortb and son Billie, Vandorf, la visitiag ber porents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bottrell. Mr. and Mns. W. Willis, Tornto, spent the week-end witb Mr. and Mns. W. Me- Rteynolds, Scugog-st. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Clarke and daugbhera Daisy and Ada, Oshawa, Sundoyed -at Mr. W. Claude Ives'. Mr. Onm Gamsby, Orono, was guest aI Cthe Premier King Banquet aI the King Edward Wednesdoy. Mr. Carlyle Hodges, Toronto, spent the week-end with bis aunt, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bragg spent the week-end lu Oshawa witb Ibeir Saugbt- er, Mrs. E. W. Rundie. Dou't forget Haddy & Co's. Faîl Mil- linery Openinga, Friday and Soîurday, September 81k and 91k. Miss Margaret McFeeters and nephow Ronald, Toronto, are visitiug ber aister, Mrs. W. W. Henderson. Miss Glodys Fielding of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting ber sister, Mrs .H. W. Jew- ell, anS other relatives bore., Mrs. A. Wood, Rochester, N. Y., la stayîng witb Misa Trimble on Scugog-sI, vîsitiag old fnienda in town. Miss Florence M.J Beliman, Toronto, spent tbe week-end witb ber mother, Mrs. E. Belîman, 'Balsam Grovo". Mr, Wm. Pnower, Bratford, and Mr. Goldwin Anderson, London, spent the week-end ai Mr. W. B. McMurîry's. Mrs. M. D. Williams and Miss Gwea- Solyn Willioms have returned from a pleosont visit witb frienda la Toronto. Miss Catherine E. Waralca bas re- turneS to bier scool ilean Brighton ofter spendiag the summer bolldays at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bateman and Miss Gladys bave returnied from a very enjoyable holiday aI Lake Coucblcbiug. Mr. anS Mrs. Thos. Brownaond daugbter Beatnice, Bratford, are vis- iting Mr. anS Mrs. J. H. Needham, Centre-st Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ToS accomponled Mrs. A. G. Wright and sons George and Tom to Hamilton and spent the week- end tbore. Rota R. Colo is prepared 10 lake pup- ils in Voice, Sigbt-,Siaging, Piano and Tbeony. Clasa opens Septe.mber 111h. Pbone 57. 135-2* Mrs. W. J. Word and Peggy and Miss -Susie Decb, Owen Sound, motored dowu and spent the week-end with Mr._.and Mrs. John Grigg. Mr. ES. M. Dowas and sou, Clifford Robent of Detroit Mich., bave been vis- iting bis moîber, Mns. RohI. Dowu, and other old frienda bore. Mns. W. C. Rosevear and grandson1 Stewart Mookla of Cobourg, bave( beenj visltiag ber sistor, Mrs. Harry Brook,ý anS other relatives bore. Re. R. H. Rickard, B. A ., B . ., wbo bas been Ia charge of a Boys' Camp aI Corbett's Point during the summen speut Sunday at home. Don't forget Haddy & Co's. Faîl Mil- liaery Openlaga, Friday and Saturday, September 81k and 9h. Mr. anS Mrs. John McDoaalS anS fam- ily, Thorubll, anS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cbapman, Coîborne, were Labor Day visitera with Mr. anS Mrs. W. ClauSe Ives. Messrs. Herbert Jamieson, John Stan- ey, Hub ert Stacey, John Morris, Sydney Morris and Walter Johaston spent a f 0w Soya vory pleasantly flsbing at Trent River. Miss Lola MacLacbban, Cleveland, 0 h1o, anS Miss Rota Macbachlan, Mag- aaatawan, were gueSîs of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, Liberty Place, ovor .Suaday. Mr. anS Mrs. A. Harvey, Jr., and Misa Harvey, of bondon, Ont., colleS on Mra., Harvey's cousin, Mr. Wm. Pointon. on babor day, en route 10 Monîreal ou a motor trip. Misses Elizabeth and Carrne I. Painten relurned on Monday from a very pleas- eut visit wlth their brother anS sister- ia-law, Mr. anS Mrs. Chas. Paluton, Eston, Sask. Mn. anS Mrs. Clinton bowe, Brighton, Ont., Mn, aaS Mrs. Kemnpt, Trenton, Ont. aSd Ms. Park House, Rochester, N. Y., were week-end guesta aI Mrs. A Lowo'5 Temperance-at. Miss Horndeu onnounces thot ber fol! dlsplay of millllnery will ho ready for inspection on Tuesday, Sept. 12. lII ladies are cordially invlted to call and Inspect the new modela. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Andrus and daught- or Evelyn of Rochestpr, New York, and Mrs. W. Hanna anS Iwo eblîdren of Avon, New York, recently visited Mr". A. Lowe, Temperance-st. Mr. anS. Mrs. Geo. b. Audrua recontly visiteS bis sister, Mrs. A. Lowe, Tom- perance-al. Mr. Andrus who le engoged lu Research Dept. of Rochester Univer- slty bas not been In Canada for 22 years. Mr.-ASMrs.TJ.W. -Nble anSdargsrt- lion aI Toronto Thursday. Wbat theý dida't say about the bauds would ho shame tb relate. Caîl andSaee the aew styles anS mater ils aI the Faîl Millinery dlsplay aI Misi Harnden's on Tuosday, September il Some very proîty Ready-to-Wearsa au Dress Rats. It's this start getting thi Lucky Dollars at Kerslake's Drui -Store. WHAT IS DOLLAR DAY? 1 A New Feature That Will Be Appreciated in Bowmanville, Saturday, September l6th. With the enterprise that is alway$ expected froni the journals that top the heap, The James Papers have for some tume beon iavestigating and studying the conditions necessary to put on in Bowmanville what 'is known as "Dollar Day" in other places, and which has been a woader- fui success and a day crammed ful of excitement and interest to the on-1 tire population of the town 'and sur- rounding district. It has been found s0 beneficial to aIl concerned, that1 The James Papers have secured the cooperation of over 30 progressive merchants, on whom really depends1j the ultimate success of the event, to set apart for this special purpose, Saturday, September 16, as the flrst Dollar Day for Bowmanville. The merchanta are already plan- ning to make the day memorable by giving such unmilatakable values that1 they will long bc remembered with pleasure by ahl who secure theni. The Dollar Day will flot be con- flned to any line of stores or any one class of goodas, but evory store in Bowmanville is asked to make its own off ers to 'the public. It need not be sipl single articles at one dol- lar, but may bo any article or group of articles which will be sold that day below regular prices. It is confidently expected that there will be a large influx of visit- ors £romi the surrounding district on September i th. Several of the more important features which will be highly attractive to the buyers on that day will be announced next week The James Papers, as the leader of Dollar Day in Bowmanville, will spare no eff ort to make it the evont of the year, and with loyal support from all classes, and every merchant a real big day la promised. Plan now te ho in Bowmauvllle, Dollar Day, September 161h. 1ZION Congratulations 10 Mr and Mrs. Fosteri Snowden, (nee Hilda Langmaid), who were marrieS on Satultday aI London by Rev. J. Garbutt. She will ho mucb miss- in the community... .Mrs. Wm. Thomp- and son Lorne, Toronto, sopnt the week-end and Mr. and Mra. R. C. Pearce and Velma, Ebenezer, at Mr. J. G. Langmaid's.... Sehool commenced this Tuesday with Miss MiSdleton, Pe~t- erboro, as supervisor. . .. Miss Vida Lang- miS, Osbawa, who bas just returned from her Western trip visited ber bro- ther, Mr. A. D.Langmaid . .. .Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Langmaid, Mr. Frank Pas- coe and Misses Elva and Ada Sunday- ed aI Mrs. W. J. Langmaids, Oshawa.. .Mrs. Ayleswortb, Newburg, la visît- ing Mrs. S. G. Chant. Plan now tebehoiluBowmanville, Dollar Day, September l6th. Nothing nicer or handie3, than a Ready-to-Wear Hat. See the new hats now at' Dingman & Edmond- stono's. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Fred Stevens la holidaylug at home .... Miss Kjathleen Shaw, Owen 1Souud, who has been visiting ber is- ter, Mrs. W H. Webb, left for' home on Tuesday .. .. Mr. Ross Stevens and Mies Ida Stevens, motored bo Simcoe. Thursday and visited frlends. .Cougrat- ulations te Mr. Eber Snowden on bis marriage Ibis week bo Miss Roua Jeweil, Tow .... Mr. aud Mrs. Truman Power visited ber mother lu town on--Sunday, wbo la under the Drs. care._Miss Vera Baker and friend, Peterboro, visil- ed ber sister, Mrs. L. C. Sno-wdeu on Monday .... Miss Vida Worden who bas been spendiug ber holldays with ber mother and brother, Mr. R. L. Wordeu, lefI lasI weok for ber scbool aI N,,ew Les- ard, New Ontario. 1 Plan now 10 ho In Bowmanville, Dollar Day, Septomber 161h. If you want a nice ready-to-wear hat for early f ail wear, get one now at Dingman & Edmondstone's. WOLEN'S NAMES ON THE VOTERS' LIST NEXT YEAR Recent arnendinents to the assess- met and votera' act of Ontario wili Lplace women on an equaiity with mnen on and after Jan. lot, 1928. That la to say when the voters' list »are printed next year the women's narnes wiii appear as well as those of the men so that when election tume comes around in January, 1924, the women will be able to vote in the varlous inunicipalities for the election of controllers, aldermen, reeves or couaciliora with theresuit 1that the present number of voters will be doubled. The changes will give the wives of property owners and tenants alike t&e rivilege of rvoting and in cases where the wives are registered owners or, tenants, their husbando wlll have lîke privil- egea. lIn some localities it has been thlought the act wouid become effect- Ive in 1928, go that women would 1'. +1his --'k+ew l misakn.Whn h as NOTICE 0F THE REGISTRATION 0F BY.LAW NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a By-baw was passeS by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the To-wn- sblp 9,f Dalinglon on the 26th day of ALugu 1922, provldIng for the issue of deeutuýrea te the amount of $3,000.00 for E thepurpose of paying for repaireanad, additions 10 sehool building anS extens - Ion of site of school grounds for S. S. NO. 6, of the Township of Darlington, anS *hn CuiLL . 'ý am re*N istere In th _________ IRegistry Office for the Reglstny Division * of thie West Rldlng of the Counîy of Plan now 10 ho lu Bowmaavllbe Dunbam'ou the 61k day of September, Dollar Day, September 16th. ' 9z2. Any motion ho Quasb or set aside the Ready-to-wear hata in ail the new- some on auy part Ibeneof mueI ho mode est styles now await your inspection wtintbree monthsa f ton the firaI publi- cainof Ibis Notice anS canuot ho mode at Dungman & Edmondstone's. thereafler. Messrs. Gordon and Jack Piekell, DateS Ibis 61k day of. September, 1922. Detroit, Mich., visited their sister,________W.__R.__________________ Mrs. L. J. Brooks. Messrs. John Hellyar and Norman Williams and Miss Hlellyar and Musa TENDERSWANTED George spent the' week-end with friends at Warkworth. Excavotlug anS bock filllng for Water Main on Duke Street, Bowmanvllle, Police Magistrate W. H. Floyd, in fnom Nelson Street ho Base bine. passing sentence, of $250 and $16 SoaloS tenders wlll ho redoiveS up to coat onthe areake of he olfSeptember 91b, 1922, as the office of the Club, Cobourg, for a breach of the Lowest or any leader not neceseaanly Ontario Temperance Act, strongly accepteS, P. F. Newhouse, condemmed the so-cafled "Smart 1- Town Engineer. Set" of Cobourg, who defled the law. ___________ The 0. T. A. gives a man the right to have al ho wants in hie private CRAWFORD PEACHES READY residence, but not in a public place. He could not underitand ladies danc- The Crawford varielles of poaches, vin oun menwit a ful-the best for preservlng, are now ig wt on e with a fu ready. Finest preservIng pluma will whiekey and tobacco breath and a sti11 ho obtaluable for a short tîme. flask in their hip pocket. These Bonloît pears are also nîoviug lu good youn me wer blçkgurdsand quantities. The seoson for Ibis pear youg ren ereblakgurds and la short so buy now. The mark of should be removed froni society. the Niagara Penlusula Growera, Lita- They were whiskey hoge and the Ied, Grimsby, Ont., sanda for care- community was better wihot ully pocked, oveuly gradeS fruit. them" .-Cobourg Post. _______________ ÇAnARE Boies ORaiu sAEigra. Aounty A. E. Jenninga, Hampton, phono 350-22. ain R ller , be utifu sin ers85-Il CREAM WICKER BABY CARRIAGE' -Roversible goar, lu good condition. Apply to Mrs. Fred Reid, Welllngtou-st., Bowmanville. 36- 1 t LADY'S CRESCENTr BICYCLE-In good nunning onder, new front wboel, price $1500. Apply bo D. J. Gîbson, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. 36-If FOR SALE-A few choice 12 weeka' olS cockerels, Penne astrain, pices rag- iug fnom $125 ho $250. J. W. Moorey, R. R. 6, Bowmaaville. 35-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225: Mebaugblin 1917, $300; Chevrolel 1920, $375; Oveland 85-4, $450. Apply 10 A. W, Pickard, Phone 185, Bowmanville. HONEY FOR, SALE--GooS quality dloyen extra boney, con ho secured aI village stores iu Doliaglon on aI Apainy, R. J .Smith, Eniniakillen, phono 211r24. HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE-O hole,, complote witb roservoir anS woter front, only useS one winter, replaceS wlth elect- rie stove. Inspection moy he maSe at F C0. Pethlck's Barber Shop. 25-t Gre'iat 1 1. ý . 1- -- 1 222 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. A. Simnick anS family wish to thank their frienda anS the Voterons for their kinduesa and sympatby Suriugi their bereavement.1 Men's Ail Wool Green or Brown Men's and Boys' ranges, Preparations For Bg Fal Business- AT McMURTRY'S & CO'S WEST END HOUSE, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH AND 9TH These prices tell the story. Further comment is unnecessary-but shop early w~~hen assortment is best. Watch our advt next week for Dollar Day Specials MEN'S FURNISHING AT GREAT BARGAINS Funeral from family residence, King St., to-day (Thursday), at 2.30 p. m. JACOB I-At Oshawa, September 3rd,i Auguet Jacobi in bis 63rd year. SI M NICK-Tu Bowmnville, Sept. 2nd, Arthur Simuiok, In his 49th year. TUCKER-In Orono, August 31, Min- nie A. Scott, beloved wlf e of M. M. Tuck- er M. D. AVERY-In Burketon, Septembor lot, Sarah, widow of the late Arthur Avery, in her 82nd year. FENN ELL-At the family rosidence, 125 Qneen Street North, Kitchener, Aug. 30, John Feuneli aged M5 years. B R ENT-On August 14, at Regina, Sask., 1H. Alvin Brout, beloved son of W. H. and M. A. Brout, Uxbridge. WlILSO N-At Port Hope Hospital, August 23rd, John R. Wilson, of Boston, Mass. eldest son of the late J. S. Wil- son, Pierrytowu, aged 69. COX.--In Oshawa Hospital, September 5, 1922 William B. Cox, aged 54 years. Son of the laIe David Cox, Bowmanville. Funeral from his late 'residence, Doar- born Ave., Oshawa, on Thursday, Sept. 71k to Bowxnanville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM CULLEY-In beloved remombranceo f our dear littie daughter, Noreen Isobel, who was called .to the fold, September il, 1921. Eyes tearfully achiug and fond hearts nigh breakiug O'er the lose of our dear littho Isobel, fair, Like a star of the rioýrnlug our firesido adornlng,. For eight short- sweet. months sho fill- ed us with cheer. Like the rarest of IlIllos, as fair and as fragile, As If sculptored In iax, in her casket she lay,. Aud we knew as wo gazed on her sweet baby countouance, 'Twas a spirit too fragile for a body of elay. Loviugly romemhered hy Father, Mother, Sisters and Brothers. A CONCESSION TO HOME INVESTORS In offerlug 10 ronow the five and a- haîf per cent. Canadian Government bonds maturing December lst at the samne rate of interest as Io carrled by the n1aturiug bonds, and e'allowlng a bonus of one month's interest, the Min- Istor of Finance Is making a mater iai concession to the Canadian Investor, as Ibis rate ls higher than was palS on the receut Canadian loan In New York. The blgh class of tho securlty, which je the very best that eau ho offered ln Can- ada, and the liberal rate of luterest should lead to large luvestmeut In theso Canadîan bonds. Attention Is dIrected 10 the official advertisomenî glvlng do- tails. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of the flnest building lots In Bowmanville are being offered for sale at real bar- gains, situated at the east end of Lovers Lane on Liberty-st., 40 ft. front by 125 feet deep, bandy connection to town sewer and water. Âpply to Norman S. B. James at Statesman Offlce, Bowmanvlle. GROCERIES AT AP-PEALING PRICES SeedIc,-s or Seeded Raisins 25c per lb 10 lb.. Granulated Sugar, St. Lawrence for .83c Eclipme Pastry Flour, 24 lb. bag 90c Certo for preserving, bottle 35c 4 Stringed Brooms, 45e each Comfort, Surprise, Crold or Sun Light Soap, 7 Bars for 49c X-Ray Stove Polish 5c per tin Gold Dust Washing Powder, 3 paýckages for 20c 37 irch Chîn 40c yard, Curtain Scrii fancy, 5 inch TaffE sehool hair ri The balance andl print dri 42 inch Cir< 60e for M APHONE 83 Cashmere Socks iii Heather Mixture at 48c per pair Caps, a few broken To Clear at 69c We have a number of Men's Combina- tions in summer weight in both Bal- briggan or Athletic, To Clear at $1.19 per suit or 2 Suits for $$2.00O Men',s Heavy Brown or Black* Work Boots, Very Special at $4.48 pair Black Ceylon Tea in bulk 40c lb Pure White Clover Honey in sections, 28c each. Porç à, Beans, in large tins, 2 for 25c T.& B Smoking Tobacco in plugs, old price 110c each Tip Top Salmon, taîl tins 2 for 35c Large Turnips, fine cookers, 3 for 10c Get in line for large ripe bananas at 30c per dozen DRY GOODS AT TEMPTING VALUES îtin alshades, Regular '72 inch, Regunlar 75e ad Sale Price 35c yd Sale Price 59c yd .m in cream, white and,1 Faricy Crepe in ail shades, suitable for Very Special at -19c yd Kirnonas, Regular 45e yd, Special 39c etaRibonsuitblefor Children's Dresses in Chambray viA Mt Ron, ysueitable29for Gingham, from 7 to 14 years, [bbo, Vry Secil 29 ydWhile they last $1.29 jach of our Ladies' Gingham Pure Linen Crash Towelling, Regular ,esses, ail to go at $1.95 ea 35e yard for 29c yct cular Pillow Cotton, Reg. A large range of Plain Sateen, Regular 45c per yard up to 50e yd, Sale Price 25c ydl [cm urtry &Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 7th, 1922. RADIO b. J. Clayhon of the Bungalow on- BIRTHSnounees that ho bas taken the sale's dis- BIRTHStribution for Durbam County for sevenali of the beat known and moat noputable ADAMS-In Hoydon, on Saturday, linos 0f Radio Receiving sets anS Radio Aug. 26, ho Mn. anS Mrs. Zack Adams, apparatus. Full Setals wîll appeor lu a (noe Margaret ElfonS), a sou. ROSa later issue. No noed of buying Radio Alymer. (Premaluro.> oquipment ont of town. MARRIAGES LOST & FOUND. HENDRY-HENDRY-In Buffalo, New STILSON WRENCH-18 luches long, York, Auguat 29, Annabella E.Frskine lost in Bowmanville on Friday, August Ileudny, Newcastle, Ontario, 1 John lIth . Fiader oplease beave oh States. Ilendry, St. ClouS, Minesota, . S. A. mn Office and redoive reward. 16-If ROSE-WORDEN-AI the Methodiat MONEY LOST-Tu Bowmanville, on Parsonage, Bowmanvîlle, on Thunsday, Moaday, Auguat 21sh, a Ton Dollar Bll Auguat 31: by Rex. S. C. Moore, B. A., by a dolivery boy wbo eau iii off orS thel B. D., Horny Alexander Rose of Southb bas. PinSon will pleaso retun 1 Boy, Prince Edward County, anS Helen Stalesman O 1ffice anS nec eivo rewarS. Ida Worden, second Saugbîer of Mn. SWATA-aeo om rm Chas. Worden and the loto Mns. Wordon SWATA-aeo 0m rm of Ogema, Sask. Ises loI 7, con. 2, Darliugtoa, on or about LAWSON-",HETHERINCTON-AI îbJiAugSust 201h, a Yorkshire Sow. Owner ymay have same by proviug property anS home of the bride's parents, on Monday paying expenses. C. A. Wlght, R. R. 4, Septomber 4, by Rex. P. M. Lamb, M. A., Bownîauville, phone 142-21. 36-2 iRector of St. Cutbot's Cbuncb, Toron- to, uncle of the bride, Mn. John Birnîll Lawson, St. Caîberines, anS Geraldine, only daugbter of Mr. anS Mns. RobI. PROPERTY FOR SALE foîeneinglon, Danlington. SNOWOEN-LANGMAID-In Bundas FOR SALE-Brick cottage conîalnlng 6 Street MeîboSist Church, bondon, at rooma, furnace anS eledtric lights. HorS high noon, SaturSay, September 2, by anS soft water Ia house, good gardonaSd Rev. John Garbutî, Poster Moîhorali fruit Irees. Apply to J. Westaway, Queen SaowSoa, eldeat son of Mn. anS Mns. Street, Bowmanvllle. 12-tf Richard Snowdon, Oshawa, anSdHilda Bessie, youagest Saugbten ýof Mn. anS FOR SALE-bol about 1fifty feet front- Mrs. J. G. Langmaid, "'Meadow Flots", age aI corner of Centre, and Concession Darligton.Sîreets, containiag good barn, eaally con- Daringon.vertibleo mb bouse. Apply Bruce I-on- JAMES-TOLMIE--At Lighnabnuaich, eywell, 60 Duke-st., Toronto, or tlb- Southampton, Septembor 5, by the fatber phono 194-2. 22-tf of the bride, assisteS by Rex. A. McFan- FRSL-h .R lmn am lane Baiiel, ad 11v. . M.Boye, ocated at Tyrone, Ont., contalniug onel Southampton, Marjory Gordon, Saugbt- hundred and fifty-four acres, about 20 on of Mn. and Mns. J. C. Tolmie, 10 Wil- acres orchard, nino bearing. Ploughing liam Orool Haîmilton James of the Do- possession Ibis FoU. Apply Bruce Honiey- minion Bank, Montreal, son of Mn. T. weiI, 60 Duke Street, Toronto, or tlb- R. James, Cambray, Ontario. phone 194-2. Bowmanvllle, 52-tf FISSETTE--iAMOS-On Tbursday, TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE- Augual 31, 1922, aI "Ingleside" the home Medium aizeS brick residence, bot air of Mn. anS Mrs. Poui Tnobilcock, BOW- heating, bath anS electrlclty, amail gar- mauvîlle. hy Rex. S. C. Moore, B. A., don, garage anS poultry bouse, moat do- B. D., Miaule G. Amos, -widow of the sinahly locateS, witbln three minutes walk bate T. A. Amos, M. D., Exeher. Ontario, of tPost Office. Also, a beautifully local- anS daughter of the loto Robent Sin- ed building lot. These properties are clair. Bowmanville, to Mn. Thomas Fis- the moat reaaonably pnîced of auy on the sotte, Brantford, Ontario. market. Apply Box 519, BowmanvIle - - _____________.---- DEAT14S ARTICLES FOR SALE CAN N-Ia Bowmanville, on Tuesday, - r9 years.l-(-nAe.1 AAIS O Ar-ýnr7 n, MOVED TO KING STREET Citizens will please not e that I have removed my boot and shoe re- pair business to King St. West, 2 doors east of The Stateanian Office. Bring your boots or shoes to my shop and have them repaired prompt-, ly and satîsfactorily, 1 H. C. Durgin. 1,,Don' Ra ddy & Co's. FaIl 3M linery penings, Friday and Saturday, Setemnber 8th and 9th. TO LET FARM FOR RENT-112- acres good land and baildings, immediate possession. Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-tt BEES FOR SALE 20 colonies pure leather colored Italian Bees, season's honey crop, about sixty supers complote with sections and foun- dations, also about 60 extracting superu and framnes, 1 extractor 32 inch, Gould, 4 framne reversable storage and, strainer hand or power, 1 uncapping can and knif e, 25 lbs. wax, about 200 101b. palîs. W. T. Symons, Bowmanville, phono 864- Men's Overalîs in strpe or plain blue, Lennox Make To Clear at $1.75 Men's Blue Chambray Work Shirts, made by Kitchen Shirt Co. and are guaranteed to give satisfaction $1.50 Men's and Boys' iRubber Belts in Grey, Brown or Black at 50c each Men's Work Socks in natural colored cotton or medium weight wool, 3 pair for $1.0 The Shop That Leads' A SPOT LIGHT would reveal -no fflaws in the haberdashery of men who corne to us for HIGH CLAS'S MEN'S FURNISHINGS You cari be sure of'correct apparel and just the, right haberdashery if you keep in toucli with our up-to-date, stock. Cail And See Our Newest Goods G. . TURSON, Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdasheryI and Fur Shop.