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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1922, p. 7

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Cream Wanted! Prices of Cream are high. We pay Good Prices for Good Cream. We Want Yours' If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone call or write us. Orono Creamierwy Co., lA Wise Builde r USES THE BEST MATERIALS Rogers Cernent makes the best loundation. Ontario Pine-B. C. Fir-and Quebec Spruce make the best superstructure. 1B. C. Cedar Shingles or Vulcanite Roofing make the best covering. B eaver Brand Hardwood Flooring is more dur- able and sanitary,'than any other, therefore it is the best fiooring. Beaver Board Plain or Beaver Board Grained make handsome walls and ceiling. Pine Doors, Sash and inside trim make the best finish. The Peope's Fuel and Lumber Depot is the best place to buy. Prices reasonable and a square deail for every- bodyl and sec us. MeClellan & Co., Limited KCing St. East Bowmanvilo Office Phonoe 15 Houa, Phono. 228, 274, 218 WYHEN You, require a'roof, the measurement VVwill be in squares (100 square feet). A basis for analysîs of the costs of Brantford Asphalt Siates is given below: i -IN'ITIJ4L COSTSOF DMATEIALS-nBr=nffed Asrihalt Siatea are £sometimea hlgher in initial ceaI for tbe mateial. -I'AILS REQURE- k8hfr.tj bhall ';!tes reuire ONLY 684 2 n el. tur.B.~t.Aph:t C' b Siaes reqire ONLY ~-CST ~ L.Y1~G-rsc"'od ~~i m lah las qre four on ~>on ehî rcq-3ozonly oe scz.iu ihaidlin&, ooe operation lu cig-Lodvfdul sater, erc 8 x ~incl's-Cut eassi,, fit e.iîiy, fit oi250.cs Q1 'à Ç.iirC î..«i-,d suciaccs. iou Save 30 te 50 Per cent. in layng. - ,111 A -NO P..L, i OR STAIN RQIE-h surface of Brantford Ashait Siates la ho natî,re'o - "t ro'rg, reen and red, sfadeable, alwayn attrac: , , ' nouoîet n te produce artiltia effecis, no llquid -ozÀtt alctamla-eaat 6-SýAVINGCOF M, URArWT ý - .r.o~'d Aoot Slateaare classed asunon-combusthble liy £"i-,o oce ceadirect aavlng of frezu 10 le 20 per c-1 o p- la i effecied. In certain locaities dci'cg$seftbi tndaslMist5Pamr ounder zomo roof materials bolut S l iatea are fie-resitant sud are immaune rom apeçialrpi os 6EPAfl1S-rOFi lb. they are Il:d nrai tiýA touched. -Drettord Asil 5iaît.s de not con. aspi!i. ttck or rot. Comple.protocrti" and pc.msrrt îetect on are built nto lBrant- ford Aaplt l S-uc' Yýocfs. Compare these roof costs vith those of any Cther roofing material; it is your mone y you are spending andyou want value for it-then buy Dislîb d uderBrantford Roofing Trade Marko, ejeoe riant « Roïl Dealers. Stock carried, La ordtlnrni.h.d., servrendered by our dealer Brantford Rooffing C:X Lfimited HE4» DONTICE andFCTORY Brantford - Canada qd5 M.sa Tîwnzto mmtwfr a«aifxand W!nnIPeg Sold By MASON & DALE h BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 7th, 1922. ORONO From The News. Miss Emmil, Grafton, was a guest at Mrs. Walsh's. Miss Gladys Richards was home over the week-end.- Mrs. McRae and son John have returned from Montreal. Miss Mildred Winter, Newburg, is1 guestof Mrs. R. H. Brown. Miss Kathleen Staples is spending a week with frîends in Toronto. Mr. F. M. McDowall is at bis nap-1 bew's, Mr. Richard H. Brown. Mr. James Hallett, Toronto, visit- ed bis sister, Miss Caissie Hallatt. Mr. \Alex. Rae, Port Hope, visited his old'friand, Mr. F. W. Williamson. Mr. John H. Morris and Dr. Col- ville have tbair radio sets installed. Mrs. W. H. Barrett is at Weston witb bier son, Arthur, who is very Ml. Miss Kate Williamson and cousin, Miss Lillian Cutteil, were home ra- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sisson and daughtar Marjorie bave returnad to the city. Dr. J. B. Tucker, Hazenrnore, Sa., is home on account of the illness of bis mothar. Mr. Jobn W. Maxwell spent a day with bis sister, on his return home to Cbicago, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Garry and family, Hamilton, are at bis father's, Mr. William Gerry. Mr'. and Mrs. Ritz and-son Edgar, of Kitchener, Ont., are visiting býer sister, Mrs. Yonker. Mis. (Rev.) George Shearer, Wey- bura, Sask., and daughters are visit- ing Mrs. Adolpb Hanry. Mr. W. N. Martyn is building a new residence on Victoria St-a frame two story building. Mrs. T. H. Powers and daughter, Miss Helen, are witb uncle Sim~on at Mr. A. A. Powers in the city. Mr. Art Tennant's tbresbîng en- gine broke tbrougb the bridge north of Stapleton's, former Staîker farm. -Mr. M. S. Tuear bas resumed §tudy at tbe Royal Collega of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. This is bis final year. Misses Gladys Robbins and Leone Davey were bostessas at a "corn roast" on grounds of Mr. A. Robbins, Laskard. Ail mothers can put away, anxiety re- garding their suffering cbildren wben they have Mther Graves' Worm Exter-ý minator to give relief. Its aff ects are sure and iasting. Mr.(Rev.) MeClinchia and sons, Malcolm and Kaunatb, Irvington, N.- J. ma&fe a short visit witb bier cous- in, Mr. Len Gamsby.11 Mr. W. H. BaIl, Cleveland, 0., former residant of Leskard, visited Mr. T. H. Powers-- and old friends. Will laft Leskard 33 yaars ago. Choked for Air -Soe little irritant becomes lodged lu the bronchial . tubes, others gathar, and the awfut choking of asthma rSt. Nothing offers Quite such quick and positive relief as Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Asthma Remody. The healing, sootbing smoke or vapor pane- trates, clears the passages and gives un- told relief. It has hehind it years of suc- cess. It is the sure rernedy for every suf rer. Mr. A. Arthur Gibson lias sold a younig Holstein bull, brotber to A. J. Tamblyn's Canadian champion beif- ar, to H. P. Sbarp of Graftou, N. B. Messrs. Russel and Lysia Lowery bave rentad from S. M. Billings wbat is known as tha Tyraman f arm at Kirb.y, tenanted by Mr. Thos. JTarness. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Rae, Richmond, ,md., motored bere ou thair way to Kawartha Lakes to visit bis brother, Rev. J. W. Rae and f amily at thair summaer cottage. Its Qoality Slis It-The fact tha t 50 many tbousands cf intelligent people continue to use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul speaks volumes for its healing effi- ciency. Ever since it was firet introduc- ed it has growa steadily in public favor, owing to its manifold usofuiness in re- lievaing and healing sickness. As a specific for cuts, burus, scalds, and var- ioua iniammatory pains its record is ha- yond reproach. Great crowd in town Saturday evening, tbe open air baud concert being tbe attraction. The boys put Up a splendid programn under the direction of Mr. A. J. Knox. Out of a large fiock of baens own- ed by Mr. Lou Buckley, on tbe farm, 4tb concession, only about f ourteeni are left, tbe chieken theives havingý raidad the roost oua nigbt racently. Many infants are infested by- wormsl i d amoun ts t o 13 ln yield of grain, 13 iu yiald of straw, and 3 lu weigbl, of grain par maasuraed bushal. Il will, tharafora, ba saoei that the win- tar wbeat rasuits a. the Collage are considerably aboya ha average this saason. The wintar crop through- out Ontario this year is, in mosst dis- tricts, a battar than average crop. The most prominant variatias of winter wbeat in Ontario- at the pre- sent time are the Dawson's Golden STÂRK VILLE Mr. Lloyd Hallowell is holidaying lu the city and vising the Exhibition .... Miss Stewart took her entrance ciass on a motor trip to Cobourg. The trip was eajoyad by ail and ail tisanked thair teacher for her kindness .. . .Miss Ber- niece Payne, Lake Shore, has been visit- lng her cousin, Miss Beatrice Souch.. *..Mr. Jackson of Rendai presided at the organ last Sunday... .Mr. Richard Rai- lowell took iu the exhibition iu Toronto and reports a good fair. He aiso visit- ed other places of interest.... .Mr. S. G. Halloweii motored te the city to visit the fair. Miss Norma and Beuiah HIal- lowell accompaniad hlm home..,. Holi- days are over and the f ail work begins.. .Rev. J. C. Wilson of Toronto, preach- ed, an able service Sonday on Sabbathi observanceu. He piated out Gud'sI promise of puaishment to those who break Ris law or command te keep the Sabbath. Mr. Wilson said too many broke the Sabbath by joy riding on the Lord's~ day whicb we are commanded tol keep-the misuse of the motor car., Mr.1 Wilson is an able speaker, a wonderfui memory and good voice for a man of bis years. NE WTON VILLE Visitors at home for Labor Day: Miss Allia Nesbîtt of Toronto; Banker James Nesitt of Peterboro; Wm. Itaudall of Oshawa; Jas. Bsatt and Harold Payne of the Provincial Telephone gang and Willard Lapp of Toronto .... Rev. Thos, Wallace and family are visiting friands at Sydney ... . Mr. Wm. Nawbigging of Toronto, motored down ou Labor Day accompanîed by his sister ud a friand. Returning they were accompanied by his two brothers Donald sud Murray who have beau spending their holidays here and their graudmother Mrs. Wood.. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Giover and son Jack have raturnad from vîsiting friandsI la the wst... .Miss Gertie Martin bas securad the sebool at Weicome and Miss Ruby Lancaster the ouea t Wesley- ville.... .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laing of Efdmonton, Alta., who hava beau visit- ing bis brothors lef t for home on Mon- day morning. Thoy were accompanied, as far as Niagara Falls by Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Laing.... Mn. James Nesbitt bas improved the appearance of bis residence by baving a spacions porch addod and now contrctor 'Biton is completlug the job by giving the wbola a cent cf paint ...Charles MeMullen cf Newcastle, la lu charge cf business at the Standard Bank aud Harny Lana will have a mucb naeded reat for two weeks ...Harold Smith of Toronto motored down on Sun- dlay and raturned on ouday accempanied by bis ftbor, Mr. Wm. R. Smith.. Our scooc will net re-open this week as Mn, Edward Mitchell, the teachar, feal froru the roof cf a barn on bis farm wbich ha was having sbingled during the bolidaya. We hope -that . Mr. Mitchell will soon recover from the affects of bis fali.. Mn. Wm. Tbompson cf Chicago, wbo bas beau spouding bis vacation witb relatives laft on Tuasday meruing aud will take lu Terote's Big Ex. on bis wv homo.FIriday nighlt the many friands of Mr, aud Mrs. Allan Martin held a miscellaneous sbower for them at the home of bis fathar, Mn. Robert Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Gili and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barrett and son Jack;-Mr. and Mrs. W.- A. Layton and family of Orono, Mrs. C. Kyle of Rochester, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrett's, Penryn Farm.-Port Hope Guide. Strength Strength of muscle does not inI- dicate strength of nerves. On this account many people who look healthy enough suifer from nervous troubles and cannet understand what is ailing themn. Sleeplessness and irritability are among the early symptoms. Indigestion and tired feelings soon follow. SRead this letter- front an On- tario man: Mr. W. L Gregory, Charles St. E., Ingersoll, Ont., writes: 1 had been troubled for quite a wh;ie with indigestion. At times there would ha a twitching of the nerves of MY stomach; and I aiso found il diffi- -cuit ro get a good night's sleep. I amn a moulder, and owing to the natu re of niy work my system hecame run-down. Il took a treatment of Dr. l2hase's Nerv Food, and fossnd great benefit f rom zhis medicine. They did me a great deal of good. I have not heen hothered at al with indigestion since, and can sleep much Ltter. -I have recommended Dr. Chases Nerve Food to many of my friends, as 1 think it splendid for any- one run-down and needing a tonic.- Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, ail dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto The Exchange of VictoryBonds Toedesirous of tiking odvantsade of the privilege Sof exchangi hirraturmýr.g ictory Bonds, for the Snew issue are invited to haind the-,rn in at any one Sof our branches. We vW'il gladIy sec to all necessary TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Bowmanville Branch, - H. W. Lapp, Manager lackstock Branch, - - E. A.* Preston, Manager Newcastle and Newtonville Branches J. Scott Montgomery, Manager P1-LOW POINTS? YES! BARGAIN PRICES? YES! Clearing out Plowt Points while they last the foi lomng prices: NS 1 Natonral, Maple Leaf, others. Imperial,, Sylvester, Champion, Crown, Kidd, Kangaroo and many- 55c EACH SOLES 50c EACH Buy now before they ahl go at these prices. Mason & Daie's Hardware Phone 145 BIG Bowmanville SUCCESS. OUR WEEK-END SPECIALS PROVING VERY POPULAR Here's a f ew of the bargains for this week: LUXUJRIA TEA-It is delicious, try a package to- day, 33e and 40e packages GUNN'.9 PORK SAUSAGES-in cans, for pic- flics 30e CHOCOLATES-Very choice assortment, 35e lb. e try a pound for the holiday. Potatoes 90 LB BAG 90ce SALVIN AShv'edded Soap, 2 cans for 25c PEERLESýS Td.ILET SOAP-Hard water soap, great success, 2 cakes 25c. IVORY SOAP-Toilet Hand size, 6 cakes 25c. We Deliver Goods Without Extra Cost C.M.CA WKER al'& SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS 'BOWMANVILLE An important farm deal of inter- est to farmers generally, took place last week, when Wilbur Lane, of the second concession of Ops Township, purchased one of the finest farms in the County of Victoria, namely, tlie f arm of Mr. Albert D. Webster, lot 15, Con. 7, Mariposa, adjoining Mar- iposa Station. The price was a re- cord one for Victoria County, name- ly $160 per acre for the 125-acre farm, or $20,000. A uperior School! Yoage and Charles Sts,, Toronto. Is well known throughout Canada for high grade work. Its coursesI of training are unsuipassed and every graduate this year has promptly secured employment. Write for our catalogue. Stud- ents admitted at any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION OF BY LAW Notice is hereby given that a By Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bow- manville on the lith day of June, 1922, provîding for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $6,500.00 for the purpose, to make certain alterations in the in- terior accomodation of the High School and to instai a iow pressure steamn heat- ing system as weli as a, system of ven- tilation, and that soch By Law was reg- gistered in the Regîstry Office of the West Riding of lDurham on the third day of Juiy, 1922. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof mnust be made withia three months after the first pub- lication of this notice and cannot ha made thereafter, Dated the 19th day of August 1922. 25-3 John Lyle, Clark, Chi ropractic (Spinal Adjustmonts) Remove the Cause of Disease without Medicine or Knif e. Chir- opractors have rernarkable suc- coma in removing the cause of Appendicitis, Deafness, Asthma, Rheumatiam, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constipation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach and Kldney Troubles, Nervousness in many forms respond readily to Chiro, -practic. Examination Free at Office. DR. S. M. JONES. 86 Simco, St. N. Oshawa Phono 224. And you've got to keep within it, yoü'l1 want to know more about our new CW Battery (Wood Separator). Quality plates-select- ed cedar woôd separa- tors -best grade of workmanship and ma- terial. Sizes to fit al cars. Corne in and ask Squestions. Price: for 6-volt, 11 -plate, $2 Ontario Battery Çook's Qon t Compoun& I .A safe, reifable s'egulatin.g I 'Yned inè. Sold in îhrea de- I - grecs n 01 egt-N 1, 1, I No. 2, $3; No. 3, ý55Per box. I Sold by ail drugeisis. or sent ree amphlet. Address: TE COOK MEDICINE CO.j Perfect Jellies and Jams (rom any fruit IT is the proportion of pec- tin present which makes some fruits good jelly or jam makers and others flot so. Certo enables you to supply the precise quantity of pec- tin required for perfect re- suits with any fruit. is pectin, and pectin is the natural element in fruits which makes jelly "jell." By supplying the correct amount of pectin by means of Certo, the jellifying point is reached bY one minute of boil- ing instead of 20 or 30 minutes. The delicate fruit 1 ' flavor is not boiled ý away but saved. -And you get 50% more jelly or jam from the same amount of fruit. -Jellies and jama you will be proud of. A pure-fruit product-ab- solutely free from gelatine or preservative.c Free Recipe Book with every bottle. At your Grocer's. How to make deicious Grape Jelly 4 cups (2 lbs.> Juice from Cooked Fruit. 8 ieveied cups (3% lbs.) Sugar. 1 bottie (scant cup) Certo. 'Use fuiiy ripened fruit. Stem and crush thoroughly about 2%/ quarts or 3 lbs. Add 12 cup w'ater, stir until boiling, and simmer 10 minutes in saucePan with close-fit- ting cever. Place fruit in jeily bag and squeeze out juice. Measure Csugar and juice into large sauce- pan, stir and bring to a boil. At once add- Certo, stirring constantly. continue te stir and bring again ta a bard boll over the hottest flre for one-half minute, stirring con- tinually. Remove from fire. le' stand 1 minute, skim, and pour quiekly. Douglas Packsng Co., Ltd.. Cobourg Selling Agents: W. G. Patrick & Co., Limited, Toronto and, Montreal 27 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES an ny te best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no cemetery caretakerti as agents prefarring to oeil my own goods thus savlng the purchasý-r the agant's commission. A catil soliclted. F. 1H. Proprietor. Phione 326W BOUNSALL BowmainvIlle. Bo0X 94 The Double Track Route-' between Toronto Detroit Unexcelled dînî'ng caràr setvfc Sleeping carsn on night trains amâ -aror cars on the prenclpal day =,in* Pull information from any Grand' *V'runk Ticket Agent or C. EC. Hor nn -District Parnienget Agent, Toronto. J. H. IH. JURY, Agust Phone 78 Ba~I Clean to handie. SoId by ë4' Druàggists, Grcers and General Stores - j il £ I 'I Il il b-l

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