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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1922, p. 8

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AT BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, and Wednesday Sept. 19-20, 19212 PROGRAMME First Day-Tuesday, Sept. 19 7 P. M. CITIZENS' NIGHT Ail exhibits ini main building and Poultry Build- ing open-,-gcod Iighting. Band Concert by Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce Band in front of Grand Stand. Moving picture show from stand and corm unity singing, also'King- ston Military .College Cadets wi11 gzv musical ride, display of In- dian Tent pegging, horses jumping over men and through fire. Fancy ridixjg anid jumiping. This is the-same aittra-ctiDn as given this year at Co- bour-ÏHIorse Show and Toronto Ex- hibition. Admission 25c--Grand Stand Free Second Day Wednesday, Septem ber 20 AI! departmients open-ail animais and ex- hibits must b,3 on grounds by one o'clock as judges ý0will eornmence their duties sharply at that hour. School Children's Parade at 12.45 sharp. The directors offer two shields for competition in this parade-one to, room in Bowmanville Public Sehools making best showing in parade-one to rural school in Durham County. Unifornïity of mardi in parade and general ap- pearance considered by judges. Al chidren in parade admittcd to grounds free.- Apply to Sec- retary for fulil Information. SLie-ut. Governor of Ontario Hon. Harry Cockshutt, will officially open the Fair at 1 p. m. in main grand stand. Bo-wmanville Chamber of Commerce Band will Çgive concert on grounds .during the afternoon. ~ ingston Military College V n-Cadets A Band Concert under auspices of Bowmanville Band at Town Hall Square at 7.45 p.m Colleet- ion in aid of band, funds. 'J. BAKER, R. F. AITCHISON, President. Secretary BUILDERS' ATTENTION!1 Se are prepared to do all kindu of The u ~ w ae I ndiepge nden c oncrete, plastering and brick work. __________________________________________________________________________Specialists in cernent finishg in ail THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1922 isatisfact~sion t:sfurnj e nd PetrgMtn-s & N, ousnvI NEWCASTLE ENFIELD Mr. Robert Gibson has retumned to Tor- Mrs. Johnston, Mms. Harding, Mr. and onto. Mrs. Short, Seagrave, Miss Irene Ashton, Miss Doris Spencer is visiting friends and Mr. Elmo Ashton Toronto, at Mr. in Toronto. Fred T. Ashton's; Miss Myrtie Hobbs, Mastr Bail ilso is ome Toronto, at Mr. John Holbbs'; Mr. and MaserBn l ilsn s hmefrom Mr,. John Ormiston, OshaWýa, at Mr. W. visiting Oshawa friends. J. Ormistons; Mr and Mms. Walter Mrs. J. C. Hancock and family went Chapman, Oshawa, at Mr. Geo. Ormi- to Toronto on Tuesday. stons; Mrs. G. Simpson is visiting Miss Grace Culley, Toronto, was guest around Ottawa; Those attending Toronto at Mrs. Frank Bennett's. Fair recently Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr.Clrene lli vsitd riedsinMr. Wmn. and Misses Ituby and Ray Mr. larnceAlu viite frend inMr. and Mrs. Russel Ormiston have been Toronto over the holiday. Smith, Messrs. Geo. and'Harold Ormi- M. and Mrs. Harvey Britton motored ston, Messrs. L. C. and Wallace Pascoe. to Toronto on Lahor Day, .... Mr. and Mrs. Rtussel Ormiston have Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Best, Toronto, fleen visiting at Bethesda .. .. Mr. Fred visited at Mrs. B. Moise's. Mountjoy has rented his farm to Mr. Izarness. Miss B. Sargent, Peterboro, Mr. Percy Tuff, Toronto, is visiting his commenced teachîng here on Thursday. aunt, Mrs Frank Branton. . Ladies of the Enfield Methodist Miss Muriel Bradley is visiting friends Church met at the home of Mrs. Frank in Rochester and New York. 'Gilbert and re-organized the Ladies Aid. Mr. and Mms. Charles Cowan motor- Officers are: President-Mrs. Frank Gil- ed to Torýonto on Labor Day. bert; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Leslie Pascoe; Mr. d. atcettis njoinga hli-Secretay-Mrs. Eluier Bi adleyAsistant Ma rpEd Matchet is renceig ol-Secretary Mrs. Edwin Ormiston; Treas- day np ownthe t. awrnce urer-Mrs. Bert Ferguson; Pianist-Mrs. Mr. Francis Liddle, Sudbury, spent the Fred Smith; Assistant Pianist-Mrs. holiday at Mrs. T. M. Gihson's. Russell Ormiston. Meetings will be held Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson and first Wednesday of, each montb at 2.30 family visited ln Toronto recently. p.. m. Next meeting at Mrs. Russell Or- 1: mistons on Oc:oher 4. Every lady inp Messrs. Fred Lake and Robert Walton the communîty *welcome. motored to Toronto for the holiday. Plan nowe to be in Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Montgomery Dollar Day, September lth. and daughter Betty visited in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Graham and sons Alfred and Stanley, went to Toronto on Tuesday. DRIGO Mrs. Nelson Reynolds and son How- DRIGO ard, Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Joli. Mrs. Albert Knight and Miss Mary 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill and family, Hume, town, were holiday visitors ati Kingston, are visiting Mrs. John Robin- Mr. W. H. Woods' .... Among those son. Mr. Charles Warren who visited Mrs.- who attended Toronto Exhibition- E Bonathan, has gone to Swift Cur- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symons, Mr. ent. W. H. Wood, Mr. Gordon VanCamp.. Druggist Anderson made a huýiness. . Miss Lillian Short, Oshawa, visit- trip to Toronto the latter part of the e e rteM.BaeSot week. e e rteM.BaeSot Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith and fam- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cory ,Oshawa, ily motored to Toronto and spent a, few visited his aunt, Mrs. E. J. Burk, fisys.1 and other friends.... Miss Margaret Rev. E. B. and Mrs, Ccoke are home Grant, Town, visited with Miss Glad- from a visit with hier people in Union-ys owe...r.adMs Wm ville. y ony..M.adMs m Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Best, New Tor- Taylor and daughter Doris, Mr. Asai onto, are in town guests of Miss Sara Pearce and son Henry, Cherrywood, Moise. visited at Mrs. E. J. Burk's and Mr. Mr. 1Wmn. Oaks, a former resident here, Blake Short's. now of Windsor, is enewing acquaint- Ea Mllnr Opigs tDn- ances. Fl ilnr pnnsa ig Mr. Hector Melson and sister Edna of man & Edmonstone's on Friday and Crooked Creek, visited Mrs. J. C. Han- Saturday, Sept. 15 and 16. cock on Sunday.1 Mm. Frank O'Neil has gone to Mus- .EEEE koka where hoe is now employed as Sea- EEEE plane mechanie. Congratulations are in order with Mr. Visitors: Mr. Eimer Rundle and friend and Mrs. Frank Eranton on the arrival of Toronto, at Mr. A. E. Rundies; Mr. of a fine haby girl. and Mrs:* Otis Woreen, Toron .o, with his Mr. James Smith and family enjoyed a niother at Mr. Friink Rundies; Messrs. motor trip fo Toronto, Niagara Fais, Cordon and John Pickell with their par- Buffalo and' other points. ents for a few days; Mrs, Stevenson and Mr. D. J. Gibson is at Peterboro thîs Louise, Oshawa, with Mrs. R. E. Os- weekjuding ornin the field crop comn- borne;Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penfound, Lind- weekjudîng ornsay, at his mothers.... .The girls cf D. petition in that county. Class enjoyed a picnic at Mr. W. E. Mrs. -E. _G. Gray paid a visît to hier Courtices Grove .... .Gel ready for Raily Toronto frienfis and help swell the at- Sunday, September 24th. Mr. F. W. tendance at the big fair. Langford, General Secretary of Sunda.v Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley and Miss Schoo&s, is expected to take ail services F..rguson have returned home after vis- for the day ..Mrs. F. W. Rundie is the iting friends in Smithfield. champion speller of the Ladies' Class.. Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Douglas and son. .Mrs .A. F. Rundle is visiting hier sis- Walter, Cobalt, are withlisprn, ter in Cleveland, Ohio... Miss Dorothy Mr, and Mms. John hogls. prns Boyce and Miss Lyla Osborne have re- Douglas.sumed teaching duties ln Trenton and Mme. (Bey.) G. Shearer and family, Toronto mespectively...-.Mr. 'and Mrs. C. Weyburn, Sask., recently visited hier Osborne andi son were recent guests at cousin, Mrs. W. N. Buckley. the Parsonage. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Moffatt, Oshawa, Plan now to be in'Bowmanville, and Mm. and Mrs. A. Reeler, Port Hope, Dollar Day, Speber lth. Sundayed at Mr Chas. Wilsqn's. Mr. George Lumsden has movefi bis Smoked or pickled pienie Hams, family here from Trenton and le occupy- regular 30e lb.,, this week only 25e ing Mr. Parker's bouse, Emily-st.. lb. G. A. Edmondstone. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler and daughter__________ Diana, Toronto, visited wltb bier par-1 ents, Mr. andi Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Messrs. George Gray, Franik Bennett, KNA Frank Branton and Roht. Gray motor- KNA e(d to Toronto on Tuesday to see the Ex. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Austin and tbmee Mr. Perey Gilroy will teach aî sons, Wesleyville, and Mr. Richard Bee, school in Windsor, Nova Scotia... Toronto, were Sunday guests at Mrs. B. Rev. Alfred E. Black, B. A., of Hum-1 Moises. Mr. ,Oswald Brancb is in the villagebercrest Methodist Church, Toronto, xith is wood sawing outfit, belping our recently vsited Mr. J. Stewart. He villagers fortify theim homes against the was accomipantied by Mrs. Black and1 fuel shortage. yug o on n lob r n Mme. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke will receive yonsonJhadalob r n on Wednesday, Sept. 13 from 4 to 6 and Ms W. Miller. . .. Mr. Perey Far'- from 8 to 10. In the evening Pastor row is threshing on the Sixth Line Cooke will receive with ber. with his decker outfit and doing good Mm. and Mrs. Samuel Riekard, Mr .....MJmsAdnhsbe Norman Rickard and Mm. and Mrs. Geo. wr ..M.JmsAdnhsbe Jamieson motored to Toronto on Tues- given the contract by Clarke Towný day and took in tbe ig Exhibition. ship Council for the metal work on Miss K. Wilson and Miss E. Dawson, the memorial gates at the cemetery Toronto, Mm. C. W. Wilson and sister ...Mis aroe Wnan ilI Freeda, Mr. Ray Cohbledick, Oshawa,- Ms a;re ann wl spent the week-end at Mr. Chas. Wil- teach Beeeh Hill, School, Hope Tp. son's. and Miss Lois Smith a school inSt The lake front stilI bolds a -big at- Catherines....... Miss Irma White, traction for ail classes and almost night- Eiabtvle istdhruce r ly there is a big gatbeming of soine sort'Eiabtvle iitdhruee'M or otber to he found enjoying the cool John Hery.... Last Sunday the pul- lako breeze. pit of the United Chuvch was occu-s Master Fred Thomas was among the pied hy Rev, John C. Wilson, the olds visitors to attend the big Ex and Fredr has bad a very busy time eversince ti-y- man eloquent of the Bay of Quintea ing to explain the midway mysteries to Conference. It is now sixty threeq bis juvenile companions. years since hie preached in the aid Dr. and Mrs. Haffner, Mrs. R. Turner temperance hall here as a boy, nine- andi Mrs. Bradford Kay bave returned teen years old and is still a wonder- home to New «York after spending a very pleasant holiday bere with their parents, fully well preserve.d man and pceach- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck. ed a sermon on Sunday that was Mm. E. C. Moise bas severed counec- much apreciated. H1e represented the tion witb Thomson Knitting Co. to the Lord's Day Alac. H a n great loss to tbe Athietie Clubs cf the AlinebH n n Hosiery Town, as "Shin"' is recognized tertained at dinner hy our venerable as one of the best hall and hockey ply- friend Mr. Neil Stewart and as Mr.1 ers in the Central Ontario League. Wilson and he were neighbors a Big Jack Robinson and Fred Rowe boy 8n dlaim to have established a record for by n young men a mutuallyj hresbing, wben tbey threshed 253 bush- pleasant time Was speijý recaUling els of barley in 55 minutes at M. Sam- old days. Mr. Wilson ïs a na tive uel Rickards. Now l9t's hear from Canadian and Mr. Stewart camer Matt. Aldmed, Geo. Ovens or any other9 fellow who can beat this record. with his peopie to this country whens Mrs. Mina Lumsden, living at Pene- two years old and has heen couse-t tang, is to become a resident of, New- quently a resident of Clarke Tp. for castle, having purcbased Mrs. Hlerb. Henning's residence North Beaver-st. eighty-eight years .... Following en- Ail congratulate beron securing this de- trauce pupils are 'attending Orono sirable i esidence and. beartily welcome School-Fred, Thompson, Mary hiem back to the olfi home town.f Mrs. Annahella Erskine Hendmy andi Cooper, Edna Glroy, Leonora Corn-( Mm. John Hendry, St. Cloud, Mline., werel iSh, Dorothy Henry. Alex. Hoy in-3 ouietly married in Buffalo, on Augzustitends .qto epntepr Biness Colleg1 24-tTON FA nCOM .BowM. D.,C. M HAMPON 1MEDICAL Epworth League meeting lagt week ALFE ANO B .DC was in charge. of First Vice-President, RE Miss Norah Horn. Scripture Lesson Graduate of Trinity University, aima wàs reand in unison ana the topIe was of Royal College Physicians, Edin- W , resntedýbyMiss Frances Clat- Worthy. Mrs. H. Smyth and Miss Lot- burg,. Specialty-Diseases of wom- tie Rorn sang a duet. After a season en and children. Offic-Parker's of-prayer in which several of the Leag- Block, Newcastle. uers took part, Miss Ruth Johns gave a [short reading and meeting closed with the benediction. League this week wifl J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. be held on Thursday evening il being Honor graduate of Trinity University, Floral Night. Everyone corne and Fellow of Trinity Medical College, bring fiowers. Plan now to be in Bowmanville, Licentiate of the State University of Dollar Day, September 16th.' New York, Matriculate of the Post- Smoked or pickled picnic Harns, Graduate Medical School and Hos- regular 30e lb., this week only 25e Pital of New York and Fellow of the lb. G. A. Edmondstone. Toronto Academy oif Medicine. Office __________-Mrs. McNaughton'ý Reidence, Newcastle . Hours-8 ta 10 a. mn., 1 to-3 . rn- i..- _ 1SOLINA Miss Nora Werry bas returned to St. Cathemines te mesumne duty in Mm. T Frank WrightsÈ Business College as teacher in the Shorthand Branch. .Miss Margaret McKessock and hem brother, Alan, are attending Bowmanville Higb School .. . .Quite a number of Darling- tomians are attending Toronto Ex.. Mr and Mms. Frank Weetlake attend- ed the funeral of bier aunt,Ms.Aey at Burketon on Sunday.. Mr. ev Amnot is building a new stable and bamuý -raised on Tuesday ....Their many friends bereahout off or heamty congratu- lations to Mm. and Mms. Poster M. Snowden on their marriage. . .. Sorry te leamu that Mms. E, Black le ill. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mme. John B3aker and family at Oshawa; Mr. anîd Mme. H. Hardy and Russel at Mm. Thos. E. Hardy's, Whitby; Mm. Gordon Hardy, Cambray, with bis brothers; Mm. sud Mme W Warnem and daugbter, Hastings, at. Mm, H. E. Tink's; Mm. and Mme. H. E. Tink at Port Ferry; Mm. and Mme. W. N. Pascoe and Cocul at Brooklu; Mme. Grills Toronto, at Mm. W. H. West- lake's; Mme. Douglas McLaughlin sud childmeu, Oshawa, at Mm. A. L. Pascoe's; Mme. John Reynolds home fmom Guelphý and Cbemmywood; Mms. Sonley, Crystal City Man., Mme. Domeas A. Kesuer, Sal- ida, Colorado, U. S. A,, Mme. T. J. Spalding, Aumora, ditor and Mrs. M. A.; James and Mm, Norman S. B. James, Bowmanville, at Mm. A. L. Pascoose; Mm. W. Burden, Lindsay, at Mm C.A. ulanchard's; Misses Hlelen sud Muriel Baker at Grm'andpa Braga's, Bowman- ville; Mm. and Mme. Sam Brooks, Osh- awa, at Mm. W. VanNeet's; Mrs, J. Richie, Peterbomo, at Reeve Baker's; Miss Lyda Taylor is at Toronto; Mm.! and Mme. Ed. Dean, Omono, at Mm. W. T. Taylom's; Mm. and Mrs. Clame Thomas sud daughtem Marjory,. Orillia, at Mm. Harmy Argue's; Mm. Bradley at Mm. J. J. Brown's; Miss Bemnice Wemmy, Ked-' mon, Mm. and Mme. W. £harles Wemmy sud Miss Audrey, Oshawa, at Mm. A. L. Pascoo's. Plan now to ho in Bowmanville, Dollar Day, SeptemberlGtb. TYRON E Visitors: Mm. anid Mme. Fred Moore,j Providence, Mme. G. Scott and dangbter, Oshawa, Miss Pheobe Lako, Newcastle, at Mm. Levi Skinner's; 'Mm. sud Mms. ,Russel Ormiston, Enfield, at Miss E. M., Wemmys; Miss Hazel Wermy with Oshawa friende; Mme. C. Richards sud bon, Miss Lois lRichrds,' Oshawa, at Mm. T. H. Richards'; Mm. Bruce Honeywell with his aunt, Mms. W, R. Clemnens; Mm. sud Mme. Rarmy Pbilp, Nestieton, Mm. and Mme. Smith, Oliver and Bohbie, Blackstock, Mme. Mahood, Blackstock, Mr.. sud Mme. Douglas, Toronto, at Mm. J. H. Mutton's;' Mm. Ted Moses, Grandj Rapide, Micb., at Mm. W. H. Moore's; Miss Margaret Moore, Oshawa, at hem father's; Mm. sudý Mme. James Curtis, Hampton, at Mm. J.! H. Mutton's; Mme. H. J. Werry, Miss Aima, Enuiekillen, Mr. aud Mms.Elil Wight, Mme. S. Rundie. Bowmauvilie, Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Enuiekîllen, at Miss E. M. Werry's; Miss Bditb Smith, Miss Eiva Virtue, Bowmanville. at Mme. Viola Smitb's... Mm. aud Mms. Mon, Mm. sud Mme. Brown, Betbauy, Bey. S. W Dean, B A., Toronto, were guoste at the Par- souage over the week-end ....Mm. sud Mme. Jas. Oke and Marjemie vieited at hem mother's, Mme. J. Branton, aise Mise Greta Oke, BoWmauville .... Scbool me- opeued ou Tuesday, Sept. 5, witb Miss Mahel Wight again lu charge.... .League ou Tbumsday was lu charge cf the Junior League. Readings weme givon by EMir Goodman, Fiera McRoherts, Laverne Burgess, Rev W. T. Wickett, piano solo hy re Godman.H..-arveet Home services weme held on Sunday, the cbumcb boin crowded at ho h services, at whicb Bey. S. W. Dean, Tôrouto, gave very in- terestiug addmesses. Iu the morning hie spoke on Tithiug-Malachi 3:10; in tire eveuîug ou Thauksgiving. The chumch was suitably decorated for the occasion sud mucb credit le due te the members cf the Bible clasesu ad ethers who were not mombers for the 'way lu wbich the churcb sud pulpîit were armauged for this special occasion. The choir alec de- serves much credit for the splendid music, the antheme helng well reudered as was aise the selection by the maie quartette. Plan now te he lu Bowmanville, Dollar Day, Septeinher lSth. ENNISKILLEN Mm. C. W. Smith, Miss Smith sud Nurse Lillie Smith, Whitby, Mm. sud Mm. R. 11. Downey, Peterbomo, Mm. sud Mme. E. V. Hoar sud, baby Charles, Betheeda, weme meceut gueste cf Mm. aud Mms. J. J. Smith. Mr. Smith thougb 89 yeame of age is quite smart sud on- joyed the motor ride down. Mm. John A. Hoigate, Bowmseville, will teach the Aduit Bible Leseon Sunday ne.. .... An iutemestiug miesionsry pro- gram wae given on Sunday st by the senior Pmimnamy Clase consietîng of recita- tions hy Muriel Moore, Willie Wallace sud a meading hy Miss Marlon Orchard; vocal fluet hy Annie Oke sund Doris Griffin. Lahor Day visitors: Mm. andi Mme. Neil A. Camupbell anîd faiy, Oshawva, at hem father's, Mm. C. Stewart; Mies Gertrude Oke, Bowmanville, at Mm. Wesley Oke's; Mies Wiuuie Ashton, Toronto, at Mm. E. Bowmanville, Mr. sud Mme. Wes. Wot- C. Aebtou'e; Mise Lavemne Griffun, ton, Peterbomo, at Mm. W. Gmiffiu's; Mm. sud Mme. Tbeo Siemon sud Master John spent a few days lu Toronto st week;- Quite a number from our bumg have at- tendefi Toronto Exhibition.... Rey. G. T. McKeuzie visitefi relatives in Western Ontario st week. .Mm. and Mme. Nathan Byers are visltiug lu Toronto. (Received toc late for st weok.) Visitors: Mm. O. Byems at bis father's, Mr. N. Byers; Mm. John.Meteaif sud: sons WIlI sud Otis, Bowmanville, Mm.' aud Mme. Aberuethy sud Mm. sud Mme. Bruce Meteaif, Buwuîaîîvlle, were re- cent guoste at Mm. Charles Stewamt'e;: Mm. sud Mme. Fred Tamblyn, Omone, at Mme. H .J. Wemry'e; Mm. sud Mjs. Arn- brese Neshltt, Oshawa, sud Mr. ilnd Mme.1 Stanley Preston, Orillia, at Mme. T. Gilders'; Mies Rets Ashton, Scugog le-' landl, at borne; Mm. sud Mme. Kenneth Mascu, Toronto, at Mm. John McGill'e; Mm. sud Mme. Tbeo Siemon sud Master: John, Mm. Cocil Siemon sud Misses Vers' sud Rilda Siernen, Haydon, scount Sun- day witb frieude at Mount Albert; Mm. sud Mme. Byron Nesbltt sud farnily, Mm. Fred Cowiing sud eblîdren at Mm. Jas. Pamm's; Mm. sud Mme. James Parr cf 'or village bave the deep eympatby cf the commnuuity lu the loss hy death cf their daugbtem, Mme. Fred Cewllng, who passefi away after a short illuess leav- iug besides hem husbaud two esmaîl chiidren. Mm. Cowling sud ebldren aI- se bave our deepeet eympathy lu their, esad bemeavement. . ..Mm. sud Mme. Sidney Trewln sud farnlly attended the Taylor plente at Lakte Scugog on Satumday, Plan now te be lu Bowrnauvllle, Dollar Day, September lGth. The Canadian dollar is once- 'gain at par on New York Markýt-the 1first time in seven years. This fav- .orable condition is due ta Canada's 1greatly improved trade. COAL Owing to, the strike it in impossible to get immediate delivery, but I have a suffi- cient'quantity on order- to take care, of ail my custom- ers. Make sure of your next winter's coal. by booking your order erJy Geo. Jamieson! Newcastle ~r You Are Invited Mu.-J loyers are cordially invited to visit the Dominion Piano Comp- any's exhibit at the Toronto Fair. First- exhibit to the Ieft of the main ertrance ,'to the Manufacturers' Building. F. J. Mitchell% Sales Agent Cail and see' our samples of hardwood flooring. WM. JAMIESON, Hardware Store' Newcastle, IFý IT'S GROCERIES WE HAVE IT. More than that-we have the best, quality, fresh, and at the right price. We're busy, but can do more, R, WALTON Grocer Newcastle Britlt-on's Bread Quality'Supreme, Service Unsur-passed, Delivered fresh daily BR EAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confect ionery and Fresh Fruits H.,S.BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electrie Toaster Stove Just the thing for llght cooking or heating' purposes. 'Wil toast and bake at the same time. Element is ihade of very best, resistance wire ob- tainable and is guaranteed for one year. Not expensive either: Blue Steel Finish $2.00 Aluminum Finish $2.50 Altuminum Finish with Toaster $4.50 Aluminum Oven $15-50 H.C.BONATAN 'i e f D. M., and bY aPPointm-3nt.

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