If you cannot have the best, make Rendors of The James Papers are' the best of what you have. învited when tboy receive letters from former residents of the town or1 Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.- their neighborhood to send us anyý When one is a sufferer from muscu- sentence or pnragraph bearing on old lar rheumatism he cannot do better times or new conditions that they than to have the region rubbed with would like to see in print. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Let the Protoct the chiid from the ravages rubbing be brisk and continue untîl of worms by using Mother Graves' oase is socured. There is more vir- Worm Extorminator. It is a stand- tue in a bottie of it than can be fuliy aird remedy, and years of use have, estimated. enhanced its reputation. DOLLAR DAY BoÀwmanville is a healthy town-also costs, less to live here than many other places3. If you are looking for a town hoiy-e step in and see us Dollar Day. J. J. MASON & SON Rea Etae ndInsurance Bowmanviile We gladly join with other mer- chants to make this Dollar Day the biggest avent la the history of Bow-1 manville.1 With every 60c purcbase we wîli give n big 10e cake of toilet sonp. With eveiry $1,00 purchase we wîll give 2 cakes of the' famous 15e Lamon Sonp. If your purchases exceed $3.00 wo will give a pair of best quality lenses or a pair of best Gold Filled Frames worth from $1.50 to $3.00 according to sîze of your purchasa. Above purchasos are for any goods ia our store at our regular prîces. SOME SPECIALS 14k Gold Fountain Pons $1.00 Vacuum Botties, keep liquids hot or cold n whoie day $1.19 $1.50 Motor Car Polish $1.10 15c flair Nets, 12 for $1.10 10e Olive Toilet Sonp, 16 cakes $1.00 flot Water Botties, guaranteed 2 yoars $1.19 5 x 7 Photo Enlargements, 4 for $1 Castilo Soap, 20 cakes for $1.00 This soap wiil last twice as long as fresh castile, It bas been "aged" f or 2 years and gives splendid lather. - $1.25 Ivory Photo Frames, 2 $1.50 Gilltte Razors $1.00 Chamois for your car rcduced to MISS L. BOUNSALL Specialist on muscles of the eyes and chilldron's eye troubles. Graduated Ophthalmic Coilege J. H. H. JURY .Doctor of Optomef-ry Gratuate of New York, Chi- cago, Toronto and Detroit Optical Colleges. Jiury &Lovel Electrical Appliances and Fixtures Greatly Reduced For Dollar Day We are g!-ad to co-operate with the other merchants in giv- ing some real genuine bargains for Dollar Day. Màrk you, these prices are for one day only-Saturday, Septexnber l6th. Chafing Dish, Regular $15.00 Fans, Regular $15,00 Fans, Regular $32.00 flot Plates, Regular $8,50 Bed Warmers, Regular $6.50 fleaters, Regular $7,50 Circulating Water Hleaters, Reg. $35.00 3 lbs. Irons, Reglar $6.50 Coffee Percolator, Reguiar $17.00 Coffee Percolator, Regular $15.00 Toasters, Regular $8.00 Toaster Stoves, Regular $7,00 Vacuum Cleaner, Euerka, Reg. $57 Vibrator, Regular $20.00, Wasbing Machine, Regular $175.00 Washing Machine, Regular $150,00 Shades, Regular 60e Shades, Regular 50e Portable Lamps, from $5,00 to $20.00 Al Fixtures Reduced 20% from $ D«y OnIy $12,00 $ Day Ouly $12,00 $ Day Oxiîy $28.00 $ Day Onîy $7.00 $ Day Only $4.50 $ Day OnIy $5,50 $ Day Only $30.00 $ Day Only $5,00 $ Day Only $15,00 $ Day OnIy $12.50 $ Day Onîy 87.00 $ Day OnIy $5.75 $ Day Only $48.00 $ Day OnIy $15.00 $ Day Onîy 8150.00 $ Day Only $138.00 $ Day Only 30c $ Day Oniy 25e $ Day Only $3 to 88.50 Regular Prce. FIXTURES 20% OFF Ail fuxtures will be reduced 20%7 below regular prices for Dollar D ay only. TH~~ Hyr OS O Bowmanville i 1- i III this grea test Dollar Day Sale. Share the bý These prices need no further introduction: LAD)IES' DEPT. Ladies' Silk flose, regular $1,45, $ Day $1.00 Ladies' Silk Lisle flose, $ Day 2 pair for $1,00 Cildren's Black Ribbed Cotton flose, black or brown, fast col- ors, $ Day 4 pair for $1.00 Ladies' Walsts, al ilk Trico- lette, hand-embroidered and beaded, also Bilk blouses Iaclud- ed in the lot, ail colore, $ Day $2.75 each Ladies' Voile Waists, $ Day $1 Georgette Crepe Waists, beauti.. fuily embroidered and beaded, you must sec these to appreciate their value, worth up to ý$650, $ Day Only' $3,93 Skirts, White Poplin and repp, $ Day $1.00 Ail Wool Plaid and Serge Skirts, pleated or tailored, reg. $5,50, $ Day $3.95' Another line of taiiored skit at 182.95 Only Ladies' Corsets, ail sizes, $ Day $1.00 Ladies' Dresses, Tricotine, Serge and silk, etc., ail sizes,', iatest styles, reg. $9.75 to $27.50, $ Day Only 20 % Off Ladies' Homespun Suite, em- broiderecf, very new and dres- sy , reg. $17,50, $ Day $14.00 Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, $ Day each 81.00 Cildren's Creepers, siz% 1 only, $ Day 2 pair for $1.00 Cildren's Dresses,- speciai $ Day 81.00 YARD GOODS Turkish Towelling, extra beavy, -reg. 32e yd,, $ Day 4 yds for $1 Craabi Rolier Toweiiing, $ Day 7 yards for'8.0 floneycomb Towelling, and red or bine cbecked tea toweiling, $Dey 5 yards for$10 Gcod Quaiity ChIatz on $ Day Only 4 yardâ for $1.00 Pnints and Ginghams, good quai- ity, assorted patterné, $ Day 5 yards for 81.00 Steamloom, splendid for under- wear,, $ Day 6 yards for 81.00 10 yards of Factory Cotton on $ý Day for $1,00 Only 10 yards to a customer. Bull Bleached Sheeting, 2 yards wide, regular 60c yard, $ Day 2 yards for $1.00 Circulai' Pillow Cotton, reg. 60e yard, $ Day 2 yards for 81.00 DOMINION 0F CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATuRING 1sT DECEmBE, 1922. TEFBANKOF MONTREA, under authority *of the inster of Finance, is prepared to effect, wlthout charge, exchange of the above bonds for 5Syear 5 2% Bonds Maturing lst Novemiber, 1927, or 10 year 5ff% Bonds Maturing lst Novemnber, 1932. PLL PARTICULARS are obt-dnable upon appli- cation to any branch of the Bank of Montreal in jargaîns--tLere is no surer, better plan of saving money. MEN'S AND BOYS' DEPT. Men's Pure WoQi Puilovere, al colors, reg. $4.50 to $5,50, e Day $3.75 Men'a, and Boys' Cape, up to$2 .$ Day 10 Other, go od caps from $2,50 to $3.50, $ Day $2.00 Boys' Shirt Waists, $ Day 2 for' $1,00 Men's' Suite, Navy Biue Serges, bIne stnipe, green, grey, browa mixtures, worsteds, reg. $17,50 to $35.00, $ Day 20 % Off Boys' two-piece suits, just the tbiag for good bard school wear, ail sizes, $ Day $5.95 Kbaki, bine chambray anid blackc and white work r>irts, $s Day for $1.00 Men's Fine Negligee Shirts, $ Day for $1,00 Men's black and brown cotton sooke, $ Day 4 pair for $1.00 Men'e heavy work socks, $ Day 3 pair for $1.00 Men's siik socks, black, grey or brown, $ Day 2 pair for $1,00 Men's work pants, $2,75 for $3.50 for $5.75 for $2.90 $4.50 BOOTS AND SHOES M en's fine boots, black -or brown reg. $5.75 and $6.00, $- Day 84.50 M'. Work Boots, reg. $4.75, $Day $3.60 Running Sboes, for men_. gi.rî, and boys, broken siseo, $ Day 81.00 Ladies' patent or black or brown kid, button or buekies, reg,. $4.75 to $5.75, $ Day 83.85 'Girls' ShoÊs, il to 2, reg. $4,00, $ Day $2.95 Growîing Girls' Shoos, 2%~ to 7, reg. $4,50 to $5,50, $ Day 83.65 Girls' or Boys' Shoes, 8 to 10%, reg $2-.75, $ Day $1.95 Boys' Sehool Boots, zizes 1 te 5, reg. 3.50 to 4.00, $ Day $2.93 Youtbs' Boots, il to 13%., $3 to $3.50, $ Day $2.60 addîional, reductions for $ Day you may be assured our prices are lowest. A. DILLICK 'j &,Canada. 'I Tidal ave of Econ my Sweeps Through Dilli*ck' s Store Bringing, low prices lower and tossing spiendl lots of new and highly desirable clothing into BIRD OR CAT AND INSECT- WHICH?' By J. H. H. Jury. flore and there ail over Canadai and the U. S. A. there are private' individunîs who are trying to cro- ate interest in the protection of our song birds; but untîl work is under-1 taken ia a public, systematic wny, no~ grant resuits can be expected. Those wjio have made carefui in- vestigations, have estimated that in Canada and the U. S. A. over n bil-e lion dollars worth of fruit and grain is destroyed by iasects evory year. Ia addition to this over eight million dollars a year is spent in spraying mnatorial, etc., to proteet crops from the destructive work of the varions kinds of inseets, Every farmer is fully awara of the tremendous loss, Few farmors and townspeopie realize the extent to which song birds] protoct crops from ravages of these iasects, and are therefore indiffer-1 ont. Nature bas gîvon us birds ns a naturni combative force ngainst in- seet 1f e. Some years ago the Ag- ricuitural Dept. of U. S. stnted that "By f ar the most efficient nid, in contr'Mling the Coddling Motb are the Birds". Goverament reports al- so state that 50 to 60% of the larvoe of these insocts are destroyed by birds. A single song bird bas heen known to consume 10000 tree lice la a single day. 500 mosquitoos have been found in, the crop of a sngle aight hnwk, 60 grnsshoppers la an- other, It is the opinion of. mnny wbo have made a careful study of the question that if an e quai amouat of time and money, that are now spont yearly on insecticides were devoted to en- couragiag and protecting our insect ioving song birds, mucb more bene- ficial results wouid foliow. But how? There are severai reasons wby our song birds are not as pientiful as f ormeriy. lst. The Common flouse Spar- 'row-This aggressive, noisyý, dirty chattering pest is fast diving our benutiful, peaceful song birds f rom both town and, country. In some localitias' premiums are offered for the heads of the bouse sparrow, for if nlowed to muitiply as tbey have la recent yenrs, they wiil certainly drive ail our song birds away.' They eanabe destroyed la the sum- mer season by Spnrrow Traps, but a more speedy way is for whoie com-i munities to appoint "A Sparrow Week" la mid-winte~r wben ail other birds have migrnted and by using poisoaed grain the country couki soon be rid of a large perceatage of the sparrows. 2ad. Perhnps a stili greator source of destruction to birds is the "Cat". No onelik&-s a cnt; or any other do- mestic pet more thnn the wvýriter; but when it becomes a question of song birds, or cnt, give me the Birds. 1 If you will keep a careful watchý on your pet cnt you wili flnd that it will catch neither mice or rats if it can get birds to feed on. E.dward H. Forbush, State Ornl- thoiogist of Mass., is quoted as sny- ing that ho knows of cases where cats have killed from 7 to 10 birds a day, If dogs are taxed and do little or no hnrm, why not tax cats? A Chicago llealth officer snys that, 90% of the cats have tuberculosis.1 llundreds of thoaisands of cats are' killed ia American cities, every yearý by order of the Henlth Dept. aIf any reader thinks he or she has1 kili birds, ail we ask is that, a care- fui watch be kept on the cat for one week. We will ieave the decîs-; ion with the ownor of the cnt. If aay rendors care to know somie- thing about the best methods of protecting- song birds and eacourng- iag them to build nests around their homes, I wiil be glad to render nny assistance I can. In many towns and cities, Bird Clubs have been formed whîch have become very'use- fui to -the communities, and vory en- joyable to those who join and attendi the meetings. - It is really nstonishing how quick-' ly we become interested ia the com- j mon things around us when we once begin to think about them. The wonderfui vnrîety of birds, flowers, trees, shrubs, etc., will repay us for any tîme spent on them, and an oc-1 casional evening during the comiagl winter if devoted to subi ects of thisi kind would do much to develop a community spirit,and croate a desire on the part of our young people to make Bowrnanville a beauty spot that wouid not only be a pleasure to ourselves, but an attraction oot siders. Miss Mabel Wright, D)omestic Science Teacher in Victoria, B. C.,1 a former teacher at Tyrone, who hbas returned from. a trip to England, Scotland, France, Belgium and Ger-> many, Austria and Switzerland witbl a number of other teachers, visitedi her aunts ia Pickering enroute home I to the Coast. She bas had a most deligbtful trip. 1Same may be said of Life and ahl other Unes of Insurance. Be wise and invest your Dollar in Insurance and get the Biggest Value. J. J. Mason &Son Insurance and Real Estate Bowmfanvilleý Dollar Day 0f a Il the good values which. will be given by Bowvranville business men, we can say confident- ly that for every Dollar invested with us for Insur- ance, the assured receives greater value than in any other line. Just Think-For One Dollar you purchase from $100.00 to $200.00 protection for 3 years against fire and lighting. J sn't it wonderful, For a very fe~w Dollars, our companies will pDay Ial! damages that may be caused by your auto; up to $20,000.00. Auto accidents are happening every day with I drivers, just as experienced and careful as you. Why run your own risks? 1 lh kl 1 E , , Dry Goods, Clothing, 1, Bocts & Shoeâ Opposite Thos. Tod's Bakery