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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1922, p. 12

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est uhi AT Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 19-20,9 1922 PROGRAMME_, FirstDay-Tuesday, Sept. 19 7 P. M. CITIZENS' NIGHT Ai exhibits ini main building and Poultry Build- ing open- .god Iighting. Band Concert by Bowmanviile Chamber of Commer ce Band in front of.Grand Stand., Moving picture show fromi stand and commun ity singing, also King- ston .Military College Cadets xvii give musical ride, dispiay of In- dian Tent peggiýng, horses jumping over men and through fire. Fancy riding and Jumping. This is the samie attrýaction as given this year at Co- bourgr Horse Show and Toronto Ex- hibition.. Admission 25c--Grand Stand Free Second Day Wednesday, September 20 All departrnents open-ali animais and ex- hibits must b.3 on grounds by one o'clock as judges will commfence their duties sharply at that hour. Sehool Children's Parade at 12.45 sharp. The directors offer two shields f or competition in this parade-one to room in Bowmarville Public Schools making best showing in parade-one to rural sehool, in Durham County. Uniformi'y of march in parade and general ap- pearance considered by judges. Ail chîidren in parade adrnittcd to grounds free. Apply to Sec- retary for full information. Lieut. Governor of Ontario lion. llarry Cockshutt, will officially open the< Fair -at 1 p. m. in main grand stand. BowTmanville Chamber of Commerce Band will give concert on grounds during the afternoon. SKingston Military College( A Band Concert under auspices of Bow-manville Band at To-wr H-all Square at,7.45 p. mh. Collect- ion in* aid of band funds. J. BAKER, R. F. AITCHISON, President. Secretay The N NEWCASTLE miss Nora Coleman is in Pm mises alome Howard visited Onto. Miss Edna Osborne visited i last week. Mrs. Ed. Hayes is sufering pendicitis. Mrs. Frank Gibson spent a in Toronto Mr. Jack Fligg was Up iror boro last week.- Mrs. J. Coulson is visiting W! ini Bowmanville. Mrs. F. W. Bowen recent]3 friends in Toronto. Mr. Norman Toms was du Oshawa for the week-end Mr. Arthur Gray, Oshawa,1 week-end with his parents. Mrs. Swackhammer Of Fartw ing witli Miss Nora-Coleman. Bey. H. S. Spence and Miss are guests at the Parsonage. Mr. Smith of Brighiton recert Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Lovekii Miss Minnie Selby and brot went to Toronto on Wednesdaý Mrs. E. Thackray and MIS Marks are visiting friends inC Mr. Voney Moore has retur two weeks' visit with frfends in Mrs. Jennings has been spe past week with lier daughter ville, Despîte the lieavy rain on there was a goodly turnout att Fair. Mr. A. A. Colwill leaves next a two weeks' judging tour of th F'airs. Mrs, Harvey Matcheti and Gladys, Oshawa, visited atN Matchett's. Mr. and Mrs. Hearn and Gladys of Montreal are vîsiting and Mrs. Frank Bone. Mr. Murray Eilbeck an.d M Thiomas were among the visitor awa Big Fair on Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh Gibson accompa Mrs. T. M. Gibson went to Park, Peterboro, for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lozier and famn cd down from Toronto on Stl were guess at Mrs. J. E. Mate Mr. and Mrs. H. MeMahon an aiso Mr. and Mrs. S. Johnson Renneth, Peterboro, spent the_ at Mrs. L. J. Parnelî's. Mrs. (Rev.) McEvoy and T4len who have heen visiting parents Dr. and Mrs. A. Farne past two months have returned home in Detroit. Magistrate Campbiell held Pol here on Tuesday îo hear a case less driving preferred by Chief against F. Scutliorp of Port H, hearing the evidence which chiefly toelie that defendantÉ auto thro Newcastle without Il ran into and damaged the traf at the corner -of King and Miil fendant was fined $8.00 and cosi Rey. J. C. Wilson, a once pas-,or 'of the Methodist Chur( but now retired and living in T( renewing old acquaintances and the pulpit of the Methodist CI Stinday evening. He delivere his old trne sermons whichw enjoyed hy Ihose present. Re Spence who is spending a few town occupied a seat on the, and assisted in the service. Th- 0115 friends of these two popt earnest expounders of the gos thoroughly delighted at liaving portunity of again hearing thei ENFIELD Nothing nicels or handier thr-,i a -iReady-to-Wear Hat. Sec the le ~.. t ~ KVisitors: Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpsou, hats now at Dingman & Edrriond- Vc e ý t 4 c 42 ý i îe r Detroit, at Mr. John Simpso's; Misa e EM.Werry, Tyrone, at Mr. Russell stone's. Ormiston's; Mrs Nelson Smithi and Mr. J. Smitli, Ennlskillen, at Mr. Edwin Or- BIDR'ATNIN mnistou's; Mr. Herb. Ashiton has been BIDR'ATNIN THUR DAYSEPT MBER 14, 922visitlng in Toronto; Mcs. Jas. Stark re- cently vislted at Toronto and Niagara. Weaerpretadaikndo? - . J '~ - -~-- - --- concrets, piastering and brick work. OIN its branches. Estimates furnishedan )or liealth. Mrs. Bonneil is visiting witli relatives The organ recitai by Mr. B. L. Wright_____ satisfaction guaranteed. i inTo-l Toronto. of Toronto, ia St. Georges Church on PtrMri os Mrs. Austin Campbell and two children Friday night, Setemplier 1, proved a rich; THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, SEP- 24-t Elgîn-st. N.. Bowmanvill. n Toronto returued ta Toronto on Tuesday. treat to ail music loyers, wlia availed TEMBER 28th and 29th Misses Breen who have been spending tliemselves of the opportunity aifliearing1 AGNIEARCLUA frma-the summer at the Lake ceturned ta the this gifted and spirîtually impressivo or- ENIE GIULUA cit ouTueday ganist, one time organiat of one of the FAIR MEDICAL iewdas Anuberatendd lie coa-ras gratcît curcesof liste. ng -1d The management beliv Live ALFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. fe aswhich waseld atne th aecon Friay Mr. Wriglit was assisted in puttiug on a ý Stck ake the best outside attrac- Graduate of Trinity Universitam hih as hld a theLake n Frday ullovoinga sacred programn, pleasing, ityCfl. niPeter- evening and spent a most enjoyable uplifting and inspiring, by the choir ofition anti have increaseti the prem- af Royal College Physicians, Edin- oyening. the churcli in which Miss H. Mason, Miss' iums anti atteti more classes. Horse burg. Specialty-Diseases of wom- itli. irienfis Mc. and Mrs. Roy Douglas aud sou,, Gladys Jackson, Mc. W. J -S.» Rickardi whi have been isiting witli bis parents -aud Mr. Howard Cooke also sang, and Races, Baby Show, Stock !Parade, en anti chiltiren, Office-Parker's Mc. aud Mca. J. Douglas, have returned by Miss Vera Gilmore of the Canadian evening attractions. General aad- Block, Newcastle. y visited to their home Lu Cobalt., Academy ai Music, soprano; and Mrs.'imission 25c. Senti forpîel Mrs. R. E-Braslof Birdsall, Rice WiA tadursAsinCaCmpbel, a ito trcin.J .BUTLER, M . .M owu iroin Lake wasala recent visitor at Mrs. WmidM.cotat.Mn.B .orpie i .A .1. .M MeItoh's ad t.-olnelEvretiasite the choir in the hymus and C. A. Chapman, Adolph Henry, Honor graduate of Tinity Univez3ity, spent the Birdaall. aud wif e and little daughter tatec President. See'y.-Treas. Feliaw of Trinity Medcal Coliege, Mca, Robert Mclntosli's. Copper Beach Camp closed for the 38-2w Licentiate of the 'state University of s i viit- Dr. and Mrs. Walton Bah aud family season on Friday, Soptember 8th. AI- NwMtiuaeo h ot retundt ad og o h ek together some 300 girls from TorontoaewYark, Mtiuaeo h ot ýwi iÎ ed nd Hris here ntr te Mc.and Iand sanie froni Oshawa have enjoyed ~Graduate Medical Schooi anti Hoa- CSpneMca. Albert Bail aud son Ernest of froni one to three weeks of ideal camp 1-1% IE 4 ia o e or niFilwo h Revestok Manr, Hpe.lii e bere this summer, Previous ta hiecr N.A. 1 cA AdptaofNwYran el fth tly visitedBeoskeMoHp.te departure, Miss Dora Lafiamme, the la- Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office n.Mr. sud Mca. Allan Poster ai Cleve- defatigable camp director, accompanLed, -Mrs. McNaughton'ý Résidence, thrCîland, 0., have licou visiting duringth by Misa Violet Walters and Miss Dorothy 0F THE REGISTRATION OF BV-LAW Newcastle. Haurs-8 ta 10 a. Ms., 1 )te alpast week with relatives in'town, the Martin went on a littie excursion to Co- _____ ay last. former with bis brother, Mc. Wellington bourg and thence to Rochester aud back ta 3 D. m., anti by appasinment. Ss Gussie Foster and the latter witli Mrs. Robt. via one of the big ferry lioas. Missi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a___________________ Ottawa. McIntosh, Webbi, camp physical director, for the Bty-Law was passed hy the Municipal irnod from The niatb annual rural school fair of summer, whom the girls held ia unaîîoy- Cotiacil ai the Corporation ai the Town- In te cty.1ýocasle nd SuthClake as elded admiration, returnefi ta the Cty the'slip of Daclingtan on the 26tli day of endn the iyh'ewcte naynderSoutheClavrwseldr is ftewe;MssMdeMngm uut 92,poigfrteiseo iBel-cumatances. Aiter a five weeks' dcouth, ery, camp assistant, leit on Thucsday debentures ta the arnounit ai $3,000.00 for C A r i Bele-the moraing dawaed, with thunder andtinitendiag ta take a short holiday witli the purpase ai payîng for repairs aud ligbtaiug, andi black amnons looking Miss Beyccait, dowa through the Thous- additions to scliaol building and extens- snk ti ri Monday clauds, which soon began to pour their sud Islands, sud on Fciday Miss La- ion ai site af school groundis for S. S. No. Owing to thestkeià the Sclioal cefceshing contents upon the tbirsty land. flammne, with lier mnother and Miss Fran- 6, of thte Township ai Darliagton, and Nevertheless, Mr. F. C. Paterson, Ag- cs ndM . roby the camp cusine that sudh By-Law was registerefi in the, impossiblet e m eit ýt week foc ricultural Bepreseatative, and his helpers direct or and daughter Hua, liade iacewell Registry Office for the Registry Division ie Eastern got the big teat up La the ramn, the more to Copper Beach, until another season of the West Biding ai the Cauuty oif veaturesome sud nearby young exhibi- fu and t floe cs ity hell oouawtthie Drhmonte22 fSepteniber, Qelivenr, btIhv u tocs rougit l ther shw atif. i t ndfo ner oith e ldenitryi teDurinio he6hda u hv sfi Jaugliter, tosbougloc theiala hweaad ud , byaud the good wishes oi their manyl Any motion ta quasli or set aside thecient quantity on order to Mrcs. J. E. thad'clck ve r eitalileseiitindaite r ieuds. -sainie arany part thereai must lie made, daulie, muyof heexihtaluseverl iticin titrsinontlis aiter the first puli- taecare of ail my custom- cation ai tofstNotice auJ cannrtiniade daigtliMc classes, though small in nunibers b eing ctenref tr. oie n ano emd o îhM1ý f uaifocmi good quality particularlyTYRONE afte s6tidy iSptme, 192. inl regard ta apples, peara, bakiag, sew- TRN ae hs6hda fSpebr 921ens. Miss Bena iug, flowecs and vegetable. Thcee 8 6-3 W. R. Aluln, Clerk. M k ueo or nx Ss to Osli- daicy caives and 2 bacon pigs were, Mr. aud Mrs. W. B. Williams aud aesr f yu nx sbowa aud tliece were just two con- j sous Boss aud Lamne, BowmnIlemc. te's col y ooî testants ia the driviug clasa. Major- and Mrs. Fred Thompsou and babo, Osb J.vv order eanl ere ane y General John Hughes judged the school awa, Mr. Jas. Woods,.Lidsa, owere J.Woun y.le ily mog ar- adeoo, i s Ma re Scby tach art.2adSuiitb, ues ofwM r.ane, weo e-endrdr ary Ho1TT awacded firs' honore to Port Granby Skinner.... Misses Elva Virtue and Edith Newcastle e . Ja n e o iuday and ta Lake Shore. No. 2, Mc. Alanu Martin, guests ai Mrs. J. W. Virtue . .. .Bev. JAmà* Lcctt's. tes cher; sud ird ta Newcastle Sohool E. Beokel, Bctbauy, atteuded Long Sauît Generai' Insurance Agent mfml,2nd and .rd roomas. Mr. C., F. Cannon Anniversary Mouday.. Mc. and M N . a Xi J m ewsle week- end cooni won first ln uhvsical culture ex- fieuds .. Lt.-Col. W. Farrell will niake plissioner, etc.Ne csl ecises sud Miss Seîhys achool, second. great improvemeuts lu the Wecry resi- dagtrMaster Harvard Elliot, Port Granby, douce receutly acquiced .. . . Ms. Garuet daugliter captucefi the ced rilibon for driviug, sudj Mahood has returued home fron Cad- wtlirTom Brown with lis uoay, the liglit hue mus ia improved bealth. .Mi heoa ____________________________________ d o therpa aeby..oo.o i MissW Wl W ~ WW ~ ~W d oherslnfor second. Prîze List will sp-j Coloelias heen visitiug Mca. W. W, Tamn- I lice Court ;e of cace- ,f Jackson -ope aiter appeared drove is iglts and Lffic Signal 1Sts, De- sts. a popular reh here, oronto, is d occupied Mhurch on d one ai vas mucli 0ev. H. S. w days in ,platierni îe nunier- )ular aud )spel were gthe op- uni. Newcastle is fast becoming a briglit star on the Social Horizon, the iatest event being a monster Cocu Roast and dance at Newcastle-on-the-Lake, on Friday evening lant. Jack Smith was the Grand Director of ceremonies and discharged lis duties just like they do in Sbotiand. Ho was ahly assîsted by a host of willing helpers, chef among whom was inimitable "Happy Jack", who is right at home behind a big cob of corn. Tom was chef Chef and cor- tainly made a good joli of it and the general feeling was that 'there were a lot of good f ellows in Kingston. We have beený unable to find out the quant- ity of corn that was consumed but "Gen- eral Jackson" informas us that lie neyer had sucli a feefi in lis life. The crowd was large and the evening fine 50 every- thing went fie with one exception, but as that was oi a somewliat private nature we refrain from making ît pub- lic but any one that feels interestefi can get the desired information on appli- cation to Arthur between the hours of 4 to 5 a. in. Royal, Theatre BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY Vesta Dana in '1THE FOURTEENTH LOVER" Christie Comedy "IN FOR LIFE" FRIDAY-SATURDAY Jack Hoit ln "THE CALL 0F THE NORTH" Johnny Jones in'n "Edgar's Sunday Court" COMING SEPTEMBER 25-26 The Great Stage Success "'TURN TO THE RIGHT" With Alice Terry WEEK SEPTEMBER 18-23 MONDAY-TUESDAY May McAvoy in "A HOMESPUN VAMP" Round two of "THE LEATHER PUSHERS" WEDNESDAY SPECIAL FAIR NIGHfT PROGRAM Frank Mayo in "THE MAN WHO MARRIED HIS OWN WIFE" First episode of The Greatest Chapter. Play ever made "ROBINSON CRUSOE Cha~rles Chaplin in «"SHOULDER ARMS" ADMISSION: WednesdaY Night 25e and 15c. Show at 7 and 9 p. M. Dollar Djay Values This will be our second~ Annual Dollar Day Sale. The last time it went oier big-it celebrated our 24th aliniversary-a quarter of a century in the DryGoods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear busines-ever studying textures, ever buying advance styles. We neyer have handled merchandîse commonly known as "junk". We keep the best at m6derate prices. We stand behind every- tEîng we sell. It pays ta deal at Mason's. HERE IS A FEW DOLLAR DAY SPECIALS 40 Only, Lidies' flouse Dresses, cleveifly designed in Ging.- ham,chambray and print, were as high as $4.50, $ Day while they last $1.00 each 516 Only, Children's Ail Wool Sweater Coats, sizes 2 ta 8 years, in white, mauve, pink, red and blue, $ Day $1.00 ea ' Ladies Fal! weight Vests, sizes 36 ta 40, only a f ew dozen, $Day 4 for $1.00 One only, boit of Towelling, good quality, extra weight, ( 6 yakds for $1.00 Ladieis' Kayser Silk Gkwves, double points, fine heavy silk t> very durable,$15 value,$ Day $1.00 Children's Black anti White Drawers, sizes 2 ta 10 years, exceptianal fine value, 4 pairs f or $1 Children's Black anti White Mercerized Lisle Hose, sizes 4 to 10, suliced tocs ,and heels, exceptionally fine value. $ Day, 2 pairs for $1.00 Prints, light andi dark, 27 inches wide, guaranteed fast colors, , 5c value, $ Day 4 yards for $1.00 Chlidren"s Print and Chintz Dresses, well made, many pretty patterns, sizes 3 to 12 years, $ Day $1.00 each Ladies' Chamaisette Glaves, in swede, grey, mode and black, $ Day price $1.00 pair Ladies' Blaek and White Silk Hase, goo~d quality, sizes 8 1/ ta 10, $1.25 value, $ Day $1.00, White Saxany Flannelette, 27 inches >wide, fine texture, $ Doy, 5 yards for $1.00 Unbleachecl Cotton, free from filling of any kind, closely woven, exceptional value, $ Day, 5 yards for $1.00 Sweater' Wool, the ever popular 4-ply Victoria Knitting Wool, lna a! shades, special $ Day, 6 halls for $1.00 Ladies', Misses' Brassieres in pink andi white, sizes 32 ta 44, reg. 75e value, $ Day 2 for $1.00 Ladies Black and Brown Cashmere Hase,' spliced heel tac, 75c value, $ Day1 2 pr for $100 Ladies cotton night dresses, draw string on ne.ck, short or long seeves, $1.50 value, $ Day $1. 00 Space will nat permit giving complete ilist of $ Day Bargains here. Be sure ta visit.aur store if interesteti in Dry Goodg or Ladies' Readý, ta Wear. S. W asn&Son'Hs SPEI~UAL'I UtIS WEIEK1 AT WALTON'S GROCERY THIS IS PEACH WEEK. Orden this week and get best quality and low- est pnices, 75c and 90c the basket. Raisins, fnesh in .............20c lb Cocoa, very nounishing ....15c lb Campbell's Soups, ail kinds 15c Can R.WALTOUNý. Grocer Newcastle Hardwood Fbon ilg Cal and see our samples_ of hardwood flooring. WM. JAMIESON Hardware Store Newcastle. Britton' s Bread Quality Supreme, Service Unsurpassed, Delivered fresh daily1 BREAD, BUNS, RAISIN LOAVES Choice Groceries, Confectionery and Fresh Fruits H., S. BRITTON Baker & Grocer Newcastle Electric Toaster Stove Just the thing for light cooking or heating purposes.. Will toast and bake at the same time. Element is made of very best resistance wire ob- tainable and is guaranteed for one year. Not exp ensive either: Blue Steel Finish $2.00 Aluminum Finish $2.50 Aluminum Finish with Toaster $4.50 Aluminum Oven $5.50 H.C. BOU-àLNTATH1 AN

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