Genuine Leow PieSale. September l4th to 3Othe We are endeavoring to give the residents of Bowmanvîlle and Durham an unusual opportunity of supp!ying their needs in Furniture, whether it be for a %ingIe piece to furnishing yourhoa oplete at prices which are ridiculously Iow. The price of every article or suite will be m'arked down regardless of costs by a.Yellow'Sales Ticket and should ensure a quiêksae We have no old stock to offer. Ail new goods from the best f actories and'every article just as represented. Don't wait until the sale is over and then regret that yov wil hv to pay more after the sale to procure similar goods. Corne in the first days of the Sale when the choice is 0good and make your selection and have prompt delîvery. Below we quote a f ew prices and show designs, but cor-ne to our stores and see the real goods and compare Our prices as ail uines flot shown on this bihl are reduced as well. Brass Beds Brnss Beds similar to cut 410 or 416 f or - $22.00 Brass Beds regular $36 and $38 for $30.00 Brass Beds as low as $14.95 A go od strong continuous post bed (pure white), complete with a good spring $14.00 Pv DINING ROOM SUITES, Large Solid Wainut Dining Poom Suite, very special Queen Ana design. See this to appreciate same, Regular $*750.00, Sale Price $500.00 Large Solid Quartered Oak Diring Room Suite in English brown wax finish, buffet, table, china cabinet and leather seat diners. Very choice large suite. Was $500.00, Sale Price $350.00 Very special suite in selected walnut, Queer. Aun style, buffet, china cabinet, pedestal table and diners. Regular price $525.00, Sale Price $350-,00 Beautiful Solid Walnut Dining Room Suite, Queen Ann, buffet, china cabinet, table 6 legs, diners.- Regular $475.00, Sale Price $325.00 QalDiinRo~LRi±ElgIihbonwa iii omplete with china cabinet. Wa's $28U.OC, Sale Price $200.00 A splendid golden oak suite, good design and finish, pedestal table, regular $200.00, Sale Price $150.00 Special. designed suite s in funied oak. Buffet, table and din ers, were $15H.00, Sale Price $125.00 Some of the 5mai1 Lines We Stock. -Ail Reduced 1For The Sale Pictures in ail sizes and styles, trays, electrie lamps, curates, foot stools, statuary, floor brushes and carpet sweepers, curtain poles, brass rods, window shades, mirrors, stools '24 inch to 30 inch, paper racks, dlock shelves, pillow sham holders, floor wax and furniture polish, smoker sets, medicine cab- inets, sewing baskets, screens, costumers, book en.ds, ladders. N.umerous other things just what you want and at a price that will suit every purchaser. Reed Furniture Chairs and Rockers sold in pairs or separately. Cozy styles for comfort and beauty to meet every need and àui t. every taste. Over 50 to choose from. DESKS Quarter-cut oak desk in golden finish, $34 for $27.00 Desk in walnut finish, regular $20, for $16.00 Fumed oak desk $16.50 for $13.50 Utility Boxes Red Cedar polished $17 for $14.25 Matting covered chest $11.00 for $8.75 One Chesterfie,d Sute, chesterficld 78 inches long, ti nesuhotrd Globe-Wernicke Book Cases Golden or fumed oak, ail sizes. Fumed oak pedestal, square style, beautifully designed, regular $15 for $10.00 This solid' quartered oak pedestal, golden finishi,r-egu- qâr~80Tr ny $20 1t1111! Y l.T~ ree, -pieces, upholstered