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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1922, p. 1

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~talte Vol LÀVIII, M. A. J AMES & SONS, Publishers. .BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, SEPT. 21, 1922 $2.OO a Year In Advance 5c a Copv. P% THE STORE 0F QUALITY The Charm of the New FALL STYLES Here are the new Auturnn Models in attractive aszerbly-and whetber you corne to select or sirnply to see you will be welcorne. Whether you corne to-day-or to-mor- row-or any day now-you will find new aprlto admire-new styles to inter. est you-new values to attract-courteous service to appreciate. New Fali Suits that 'wouid seem to be a wardrobe in thernselves, $15.00 ta $40.00. New Dresses that are lovely-some for their simplicity-others for beauty of the extra adornment, $15.00 to $50.00 New Coats and Wraps-Every one of them with a "graceful air"-and they are a' whole host in assortment, from $20.00 to $90.00 New Blouses-Everything y ou might ask for in rnaterials-colors-designs---and effets-is answered in the new season's collection, $2.50 ta $11.00 Other wear for women f or the new season-ineludes emart slrts-charmIng sweaters-silken hose-fabric--gloves- corsets and -brassieres. NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN__ ___ We have a splendid display of Suits and Overcoats f or Men and Boys, very reasonably priced. Couch, Johnston & Crydernian Bowmanville Phone 104 LilUitea ~.Ii noticed merce' . - ~ ---- ---- - *courtes -Durgin' s Shoe Repair Shop, King St. W., (two doors east of Statesman Office,) Bowmaavillc, wherc yau ,ena get first clasasioe rcpairing and prompt service. Keep tic soles and Iccîes in go)d repair and you protect tic wholc sice. H . C. DJurgin Baudmaster Clamber Baud Commerce A New Department We are enlarging 'our display of Chinaware. A new shîplmentthis week and more to come. You willbe pleased if you înspeet our stock. W. 1T. Allen "'Big 20" Bookstore Bowmanvîlle -I JUST AMONG OURSELVES "SAYING GOOD-BYE" MERCHANTS AND CUSTOMERS LADIES' CANADIAN CLUB Ve desire to sincerely thank mer- Young People Take Farewell of P_________HDOLA DY The first, regular meeting for the ts and ail others who helped to Their O",. Missionary. Miss Mamie DeýMay, Part Hope, seasoný of the Women's Cariadian ýe Dollar Day such a gratifying ass Itmeat agre4 aoun Abut 00 owmnvile istict Captures "The Mysterious Miss Club was held on Monday after- ork for us but it was done cheer- young people met in King-st. Meth- Dla. on etme 8 ntePrs in Hall. Mrs. Fowler, the Club's dele- y to help give our good old town odist Schoolroom, Oshawa, on Fr1- Bowmanville mnerchants who co- gate to the Convention of the Asso- siness boost and it is exceeding- day evening and enjoyed a social operated with TIhe James Papers ia ciation of Canadian Clubs held in Latîfying to the members of our hour with Rev. Geo. W. Sparling, B. putting on Dollar Day last Satur- Hamilton, September llth and 12th, Sand office staff to receive so A., wife and daughters Margaret an d day are unanimous la their opin- gave a very interesting report of ýy complimentary and apprecia- Dorothy of West China, ions that it is a splendid idea and the proceedings., expressions from our advertisers, The tables were prettily decorat- proved a huge success in every par-, Among the many good spezeches to leara from buyers that they ed la red, white and blue with bou- ticular. The hundreds of custom-J there were two outstanding addres- real bargains as advertised in quets of choice flowers and baskets ers who patronized the Dollar Day ses, one ýby Mrs. Williams, Winni- Dollar Day issue. of- fruit "id choice vîands provided stores are also very enthusiastic over peg, dealing with the very effect- * * *by the young people, a very appeziz- this great buying event which en- ive progress made by the Good Films large number 'of persons-maIe ing spread was served by King-st. abled them to make purchases of Committee. in 'connection wîth mov- female, adults afld young folks young people, After ail appetites, many articles at a very great sav- ing pictures in Manitoba. They a whole lot of fun in their en- had been satisfied a social hour of ing. 'have what is known as the "White ror to capture "The Mysterious real pleasure was spent witb a round The publishers of The James Pap- List" which includes every film ,Dollar" on Saturday. Many of speeches that would have done ers who were responsible for inaug- tbougbt worthy to be shown. ted in early to win the Ten Dol credit to any young f olks' gather- urating Býowmanville's First Dollar Bishop De Pencier in a stirriag and kept it up to the end 8.17 ing. Day, are naturally greatly ple-ased address spoke of the Canadianiza- i.wben she was captured. Only Rev. &. C. Moore, Bowmanville, witb the unqualified success of their tion of the immigrants flocking ia- persons in town knew, we be- Chairman of the District, was Master efforts. Merchants and cÎizens to,,-Canada. No more should be aI- and tey wouldn't tell or give of Ceremnonies, and after extending have been very generous in their lowed to enter this country than this lightest bint. The- office bands greetings said it was not necessary praise If The Canadian Statesman country can properly' assimilate. aplied witb all kinds of quest- to eat and drink to extol the spirit and The Bowmaneille News wbich "My Creed", hie said, is that the ia- Is she young? Does she wear of good fellowship for it already gave this great buying event such corners should be wbite, sbould be ne bat? Is bier home bere? Is prevailed in a very bîgb degree wide spread puhlicity. Christian, and should be British. a girl or woman? Is she taîl among the workers and bie felt nîll Local Scotland-Yarders had a Aay ladies desiring to ' become slim or short and stout? Do were specially privileged in having great time tryîng to win the $10,00 members of the Canadian Club *for us a little bint. Won't you, Rev. Mr. Sparliag and family pres- reward for the capture of "The Mys- the first time should make applica- se? No, it cannot be done-it ent to say good-bye. terlous Miss Dollar". Men, women tion for membership immediately týo ln't be fair. Ia fact we have lieslghes ieawh se s. Rev. G. R. Clare, President of Bay and children entered into the excit- either Mrs, F. Manning, Recordîng *of* Quinte Conference, was doubly ing chase and althougli Miss Dollar Secretary or Miss Mabel K. Smith, desretosaytaseera cn-pleased to lie preseat to see the in- was shopping from 9.30 a. m. she Corresponding Secretary. e dsir tosaytoeveal on-terest the Leagues bave taken in the was not captured tili 3.17 in the af- itors and others that we regret occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Sparlirig ternoon. icb a they do that their articles were our visible expression of our The lucky captor was littie Miss BRIGHT LIFE CLOSED not appeared earllier. One Of love for missions. Their letters Mamnie DeMay of Port Hope, il preaewsptoupes is te deido e re a great stimulus to the young years of age, who with hier mother Miss Jennie McClung, Bowmanville. )oplarnewpaprs s t deidepeople and lie trusted they migbt and sister came up from the hilîside to leave out. For intance, on- long be spared to labor in the far- town to participate la Dollar Uny There passed to rest on Tuesday, st week with a 12-page issue we away field. and spead the week-end at Mr. as. September 12, after a long affliction d to publisb from 8 to 10 col-s sextra. Imagine our disap- Mayor H. L. 'Quinn, Superintend- Infantine's. Miss DeMay flrst sight- patiently borne, Miss Jennie Mc- tment after effiting some left ent of Bowmaniville Methodist Sua- ed the Mysterious Lady leaviag Ia- Clung, daugbter of the late William articles and writîag several day School, was pleased to have a faatiae's Fruit Store and goiag to McC'iuag and Mrs. McClung, On- rs to find that the advertisers part. He felt Mr. Sparlig was the Elliot's Jewelry shýop. From there tario-st. space provided but actually erit on this occasion "lie was check- & Crydermaa's and McMurtry & bilious rheumatic fever and since Led out about five columns of ing up" to kaow wbe.re bie stood. He Co's, thea to W. T. Ailea's Book- 1 that time bas been more or less an gôod live news and other read- had givea new inspiration to the store where she approached 'Miss jiavaiid. Duriag the iast two years natter already in type. IfI youager people and lbe was pleaàed Dollar in the proper manner and nf-,Ishe bas been unable to go out and isa't enough to try the patienceta hear of bis success. ter a few questions, was accompaaied for maay moaths not able to leave zy ediitor, we wonder wa Mr. Elgin Taylor, Presideat of the to The Statesman Office where she hier bed. No murmur or comriiaiat d. SI, our readers wiii under- District League, pledged the sym received the $10,00 reward. passed bier lips and lher sweet put- 1that editors bave their own pathy, prayers, support of the whole The Mysterlous Miss Dollar was ience and faith were a benediction iar troubles, aad the advertis- district and wished tbem the best of Mrs. V. R. Oliver of Liberty Place to ail who visited bier. She we solicitor is responsible for very'health, safe voyage and a harvest of a Bowmaaville girl, being the eldest bora in l3owmaaville and lived here' rof tbem-a constant coaflict' souis. daugbter, of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ed- aIll ber life. As long as- she was en the business office and the Mr.-K. C. Watson, President of sali'. So acted bier part sa well that able she was aiways fouad in hler 'la stff ~ icoeStLeauesad tat hi aithougli visiting most of tbe Dollar place in the Methodist Church and *ia stff im*-S eau* ad h* Day stores and caaversiag witb anysbe always took a very active inter- splndi gtheingwa ofgrat sig- citizeas wbo were lookiag for 'Miss! est in ail that pertaiaed to* both ce more evideace- was put bc- nificance and wisbed our missionaries Dollar' she was succes 1sful la evading churcli and Suaday School, à.few persons ln a fly sheet tbat great success. before captured tili 8.17 p. m. * The funeral on Thursday after- Brideavor to carry into realiza- I Mr. W. R. Courtice was delighted Dolr ay asaoerpoffnonwscdctdbbr so, bthe wish of The Chamber of to say a few words. One writer had Dohatotrepey adsaag th pays ta; Rev. 5. Coored sited by i rev.to Lerce~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ asepesdl eou1si hr a ohm rfriaavrtise la The James Papers, and W. H. Spargo. The bearers, chosen ometîme ago that a dollar day',field la the heart of God. The home ýv yhref eeMsr.W .Tp it oni la this towa as had been people would be thinking and pray- it pays ta read the advertîsemeats. syoersF. JweHreeMessrs. W. B. Tap- in several other towns la On- iag for their missionaries. I ws s on . . oe, John C uheyand C ,,was nat accordiag to the wisb- an honor to us ta bave them as aur W. F. Dale. .a coterie of fellow citizens. represeatatives. He closed by rend- THE EDITOR TALKS Th lrl1frig ee vr ,green-eyed monster, jealousy, ing a very fittiag hyma. hetfuloraluofings nywre very ctive and the wee bammer be- Mr. Gummow, Superiatendeat of Have you 1922 Victory Bonds? bautifupracyudingmanymwp~athsn çnocking as it oft bas done be- King-st Sunday Sdbool, spoke of the We are iaformed that the returasfaaed spry rm syptiza an it. k Th fCamer -o om- sterling work of Rev, Sparling in received ta date by the Department Besides bier mother sbe eave.s ad t. he hamer f Cin-China, backed by the Sunday Scbools of Finance. Ottawa, indicate a very two brothers, Mr. Fred W. eMc- awas mentioaed as a matter of and Leagues, He was proud of him general acceptance of the proposais Cluag of New York City, and Mr. sy. It is not necessary for and wished hlm Godspeed. foiý the conversion of 1922 Victory Chas. A. McCiuag of Toronto. aomesyo Papr t akthoegisOr iss Mabel L. Wight, President of Bonds into new bonds bearing 51/2 Amoag relatives present fronm out ss isbi enaugh and aur firm Tyrone League, felt this gatlierng~ interest and ruaaing for a furtber of towa were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. enougli ta manage any enter was a real inspiration and wisbed period of, five ar tea years, as desired. A. McClung and famîly, Mrs. A. A. f this character and we prîde tbem success, Many bolders wauid like ta take up Powers, Mr. D. G. M. Gjalbraitb, Tor- Ives that we bave the coafld- Mr. F. J. Grat, Tencher of the, casidierably more of tbe aew bonds onta; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown Mr. of the pubic. The business Alui Bible Class, Hampton, felt it. than tbey have ofthe maturiag is- and Mrs, John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. and women, too, have never anoortsuptRe.pr-u, but this is nat permitted as cash Rd. Brown. Orono; Mrs. A. V. ý,eid, us wea e popoed ay ro- in is ork un aded aaysubscrîptions are not being invited at Clarke; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cale, la in the interest of Bowman -7e spaken of keepiag aur mission- this time. It is open, of course, for Betbesda - Mrs. Wm. Carscadder, Mr. We shall endeavor ta re- r.ry's picture la aur churches beside sudh persans ta add ta their holdings Harper and Miss Nellie Carscaý den, sly maintain that confidence by Wesley and others, bie coukd tell Of 1922--boads by purchasing tbem, Keadal. ahl of aur patrons and sup- wbere la some bouses the photo also la the market or from holders who Sneesmab i etf- h sa square clealinl every la- had an bonored place. require the cash and then ta sur- i oterewho ba been ber coforat ,and furtber we are williag Rev. Thos. Wallace, pastar of render tbem for new bonds. It is and devated companion througliail ve and !et live" and mind aur Newtonville Metbodist Churcli, said known that this is being done, and these years of affliction. 'No one )usiaess. three tbings n good after-diaaer it is perfectiylegitimate, tao. iwill miss Jennie as she will. speaker sbould pôssess, ta "speak ap, CARD 0F THANKS stand up and shut Up" and every ____ BYTERY HEARS REPORTS speech sbouid bave a begianing and TROEMs i._cln eîe o an eadiag and the end sbould not be tTYRONElMrs.eWm, McCluan dei s t presentiag of reports from far from the beginaiag. He bad Dr. Wm. Honeywell, Ceballos, takahbrfred adnrg~ir I wo utened he enealspent 16 years la tbe East end, Of Cuba, bas bee sig iSsister a 0o their very great kiadness and ibly of the Presbyterian this Conference but on comiag here law,'Mrs. W. R. Clemens . ... Dr. yvmat by te d er at ber ber h nCanada, held recently la lie bad found the aneof Rev. Fred BrueBarrie, wsreceatge gt envem ent y teadeaorth fe r cpg, was one of the chief items Spariag to be very dear ta the of bis cousin, Mrs. W. R. Cýlemens. beu.a lwr eevddrn h siess before the Whitby Pres- hearts of the yaung people. ,..Mr. R. S. McLaughlin and Misses yeaiflflrs be s even 111 th 7at its regular meeting in Rev. E. B. -Cooke, Newcastle, wbo Isabel, HIlda and- Eleanor, Oshawa, maay ersehabenil ia Presbyteriaa ýChurcli. Rev. is also a new-coîher ta this District,> visited Col. L. T. McLaughlia on Yuic, Oshawa, reported for the expressed bis.piensure and interest Sunday .... Mr. and Mrs. Harry Net- IT'S THE TALK 0F THE TOINN ;rinl delegates, wbule Mr. W. ln the gatherig nd believed ail tleton (nec Ethel Colemn of Wood--____ rruthers, Bownaville, and Mr. were workiag with the thougbt of stock), recently visited Mrs. L. J. F. F. Morris Co's. low price fur- àdcliffe. Brookla, spoke for eventide of 11f e. Goodman. 1aiture snle is away ta a good c tart, Hers wbo atteaded. Those Rev, G. T. McKenzie, Eaaiskiilen,, Diaiag Room Suite as iaw as $65 the business for the first weelr le- it at the Presbytery meeting: thouglit the workers of the District during sale. F. F. Marris Ca, ing far beyoad expeetations. Llany A. MacD. Haig, Asbburn; J. werc loyal and feit the responsibiiity have been very candid la expre- -ions .scr, Columbus; D. W. Best, fspotn u isoayi of genuine bar'gains obtaiaed. Some ýanvîle;HJ.F. SCHOOLDunNOTESa.have braught ia mail order cuta- iJ. W. Rue, Orono; P. F. ________ NTESlagues ta compare prices, and mn ni- er, Pickering; J. T. Hall, Part Rev. W. W. Jones. B. D., District ;E. Turkington, Whitby; and Secretary of Religions Education,. Bowmaaville High Schaol will bold most every case Morris' prices bas e, Oshawa. The eiders pres- said there wcre many places tînt its annual fleld-day, on Friday, Sept. been lower. are: Messrs. J. C. Young, Osh- would bave iiked the bonor of baviag 22ad., ut the Agricaltural Park. If you are la need of furniture A. R. MeDon-ald, Utica; W. this farewcil service, The Place of Sports .beginning att 1.30 sharp yobud vi orsl fte op- He Booli; . eny O- isios el vta pac i teEverybady welcome. portunity of pntranizing thi greut !e, rooila A.Heny, r- issins elda vtalplae l ti sale. It's impossible ta make a pur- ind J. G. Waddell, Port Perry, heurts of aur Leaguers and Sunday The Iater-School Meet beee chase witbout saviag money. Every- r. Charles F. McGillivray, Scbool workers and bie expressed Bowmanviile, Oshaw~a and Wbitby, thiag reduced la price from a kit- r. their good wishcs ln a tangible f ormn will lie beld ut Ale xadra Park, Osh- chycart oi uat~nn chckfo_ al -t _ ve -$00tabee--apeeorth R. 11Mcau .la he sale continso Seplntember PRESE Thc several Assemi Church Winnip of busi bytery Oshawi Gea. Y ministe H. Car W. Ra thc ci presea' Rcvs.. R. Fra Bowma burton; Gardiag Perry; G. Yuli cnt wei awa; A Radclif] oua; ai and Di Whitby An Ul are nol TheatrE a reni on Mor 25 and ta the cd a re New Y( commer and m( are blei Wheu domlesti witb se, miomeni in tiec ariens; situgtie: FALL.F00 TWEAR Stylish Serviceable Shoes Nothing, has been overlooked in -our endeavor to have tl'"e best for the money in footwear. Every departmnent from infants to grown ups is comn- plete. Men's Shoes in brogue. or plain styles, oxfords or boots, Ladies' in patent leather, brown and black caif in oxfords or straps, also high shoes. Qenuine welts for chidren from infants to misses. Prices very reasonable. Men's Brown Boots, $6.50 to $9.50 Men's Black Boots, $5,00. to $9.50 Women's Shoes., high oDr low, at prices rang- ing from $3.75 to $11 Children 's as kow as $2.00 As high as $5.50 A visit to our store will convince you that quality is excellent and prices very reasonable, We sell for cash and save you money. -# W. Cla ude Ives Cash Shoe Store bu tVI $2. - 00 a Year In Advance - 5c a Copy. N , ss e 1

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