BEES FOR SALE colonies pure leather- colored Italian" season's honey crop, about slxty Scomplete with sections and foun- a1so about 60 extracting supers ,d frames, 1 extractor 32 inch, Gould, 4 framie reversable storage and strainer, liand or power, 1 uncapping can and knif e, 25 9s wax, about 200 101b. pale. W. T. Smnvmmmnville, phone 364. RADIO L. J. Clayton cf the Bungalow an- rounces that he has taken the sale's dis- tribution for Durham County for several of the best known and most reputable lunes cf Radio Receiving sets and Radio apparatus. Fu detalis will appear in s later issue. No need of buying Radio equipment out of town. HiWarmful Ra y Are you aware that al artificial light contains certain rays which are very injurlous to the eyes? You should consuit our Optometrist regarding the onditions> under which you are working and have him advise you as to what is best. lis teclinîcal know- ledge of light and its effeet on the eyes will en- able him to advise ,you, and, if necessary, to select the proper lens for the protection of your eye- sight. Consuit our Optometrist, R. M. Mitchell. H1e knows. "Have your eyes examined". RXM Mitchell & Co. Druggists Optonietrists Phone 92 Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 21, 1922. Chesterfield and 2 chairs for $125 Mr. Leon Dumas, Oshawa, spenti during sale atF. F. Morris Co's., the week-end at home. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE 13 lbs. St. Lawrence Sugar for VanCamp's assorted Soups, 2 tins $1.00 at McMurtry & Co's., this week 33e at McMurtry & Co's. Mrs. R. S. Virtue, Oshawa, visîted Mr. Geo. Dumas and daughter of Miss Gladys Westaway,- Oshawa, hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Boston, Mass., are guests of bis spent the week-end at home. Johnston. brother, Mr. R. Dumas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Brimacombe are Mrs. Geo. Meirose, Listowel, was Mvore chances to save money this visiting friends in Toronto. recent guest of ber sister, Mrs. à Friday and Saturday at McMurtry Miss Gladys MeBride, Port Hope, J. Lord. & Co's& See advt. for prices. visited with Mrs. Fred Baker. Mrs. Robt. Hicks and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McQueen and Miss E. M. Werry, Tyrone, spent Detroit, bas been visiting at Messrs. Miss Gertrude, Mimico, visited witb Sunday at Rev. E. A . Tonkin's. M. and H. Jamiesonys. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Scugog- Miss Laura Brimacombe spent How do you spend the weekly st. Sunday with friends at Oshawa. wage? McMurtry & Co. ask this Special assortment of hand drawyn Mr F.AnN catevsid quetio inther avt.thi wek, voile blouses for suits now on dis- mrs. W, C. Allin, Division-st., on Miss Eleanor Boyce, Courtice, and play at Coucb, Johnston & Cryder- ýSaturday. Miss M. Mildred Lawrie are attend- man's Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frice have ing Faculty cf Education in Toronto. Methodist Ladies' Aid will hold been visiting friends in Ingersoli Messrs. Leonard and Ernest Bot-itheir annual bazaar and supper on and Peterbero. teil and Mr. Ferry cf Toronto, wereý Tuesday, November 7th. Particu- Miss Grace Kirk, Midland, is vis- Sunday guests at Mr. Thos. Bot- lars Iter. itîng bier aunt and uncle, Mr. and trells.Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allun and Mr. Mrs. J. J. Lord. Mr. and Mis. -Hector Lithgow,!and Mrs. A. M. Hardy visited the Mr. Parnell MeMann, Toronto, Toronto, spent the week-end witb Misses Allia and Mr. John Allun, spent the week-end with bis mnother, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Campbell, "Raby Newcastle, on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Baker. Head". Miss Jennie Merchant, A. T. C. M., Miss Mary Brunt, Oshawa, Miss Mr. W. Clemens Percy cf the h as been apoinited on the teachîng Fiera Brunt, Enniskillen, vîsited witb Standard Bank, Newtonvîlle, bas.staff at the Ontario Ladies' College, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker. been transferred to, the branch at Wbitby.MisEmro adMs.L G Newburg. MË mesnadMs .G Mrs E.W. unde ad dugbers Messrs. E. McGovern, Robt. Ham- Eastman attended the Brodie-Wade Dors.andWidl andOsbaaviteds ilton, H. G. Tburston, Toronto, and, weddîng in Toronto on Tuesday. beripretsr and Mrma shawa J. sTe. L. Crate, Oshawa, were Sundayl Mr. L. S. Dumas bas returned 'Bragg and attended the Fair. getat r.GN.usos. from a pleasant visit with bis sister, Mr Fed Mson Davnpot, Iwa, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allun visitedIMrs. James Milligan, North Bay. representing Thbe Travellers Insur- lercn and rstFrn Aen Newcaste Messrs. Chas. Bagneil and 'Win. ance Company of Hartford, Connect- eieenl n atne NwateMilis are in Detroit, Mich., attendiag icu, i vsitngat r. . Bon-and Orono School Fairs and Oshawa Supreme Grand Lodge, 1. O. O. F. saîî's. The first meeting of White Shield Mrs. J. N. Lawrie spent the week- SpRev.G. W.dSarling, B. A., Mrs. Club will ho beld in the Bungalow Phro bernrother e Mrive D.n Mo- Spalin an dagIler~ Margaret at 730 p. m on Tuesday, September anoterltisinT- and Dorothy, St. Mary's, were recent 126. Members kindly remember to no guests cf Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slmn rn hi aetmny Misses A. and G. Mortimer, Win- Church-st.bngterttmoy. nipeg, Man., are spendiag a few Plae yurordr erl fo a ea When you buy a McClary Sun- weeks with their cousins, Mr. and coat. We now have a grand dîspelyi shine Furnace remember it is backed Mrs. H. Holwell. cf Hudson and Electrie Seal Coats, by the largest stove and furnace Messis. Thos. Bottrell & Son made plain and fur trimmed-tbe finest' factory in the British Empr.6 nrisc*olrya eebr money can buy. Couch, Johaston &, Greenaway & Elliott, local agents. Fair and won 59 prizes-28 firsts, 24 Cryderman LtUI Mrs. Geo. H. Bickell bas retur-seodan7thrs Mrs Ja. , Pillpsand îitîeed from visiting bier brother and s5"5 Mrs. James Courtice accompanied son, John Hickman cf New York ters in London, Ont. She was by ber sister, Mrs. S. Harris, Osh- City, gave bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. ileased to see ber former pastor r iiigtersseMs M. A. JTames, a great surprise on Re.JhFGrutanooharh w ler at Moorefield . Monday at 2.00 p. m. by arriving for! preach. Prof. John Squair, M. A., Toronto, a visit at the old home and te attend i Large Bananas 30c, juicy 'sweet who bas been visiting old frîends in Bowmanville Fair. j oranges 3 5c dozen this week at Me- 1 Clarke and Darlington, gave us a Norman Flintoif, 48 years old, ýa Murtry & Co's. j friendly caîl on Saturday. farmer cf Taunton, was fatally in- Bowmanville Women's InstitutelMsJae ymnaddugtr jured early Monday morning wben will meet on Friday, September 29, Ms ae ema n agtr he f ehl down the cellar stairs cf bis at the home cf Mrs.Frn Ok Misses Rhea, Violet and Doris, have home, bis bead striking the concrete- King-st. E. Rally Dyee gonetrsîeiTrno. M. floor, causing a fracture cf the skulll member be present and Day-evan- Beyman bas been a very active and and lmot istan deth.othe. B redy fr bing an-valued member cf the Methodist asd beesn snd th mner t and wiBe rc ortsRoll Call. Church in the Ladies' Aid cf wbich Mrs. L. R. Bilkey cf Toronto, who Ladies', Women's and Girls' new she was President and the Misses basben pedin te umer ati Fal n itrca embroidered, Deyman have rendered valuable as+ Port Bowmanville and in town left stitched, fur trimmed, witb or witb- sistance in the Sunday School Or- on Tuesday, evening to vioit ber sons out fur collar, also famous Bur- chestra and helped many societies in in the city. She enjoyed meeting1 berry Ceats are included in our their musical programs by their in- many od friends whom she knew beautiful display cf coats just re- struilental music. They are a in town wben ber late busband, the ceived. An early inspection invit-Ivery popular and capable musical Rev. R. A. Bilkey, was Rector 'of St.j ed. Couch, Johnston & Cryder- trio and will be very greatly missed John's Church. mian Ltd. i in musical circles.11 ma Ltd 1 nmsclcrls Coingi ____I C ing! Our Furniture Sal1e is J ust What We Expected. Fromn the very start we made many sales and mgde pleased buyers. We are deiighted with our, first few days' sales, So many have expressed themselves as having been just waiting for the, opportunity this spe- cial sale off ers, Our stock is being much reduced but we have a great many bargains yet to offer. Feit Mattresses at $9.50. We have sold loads of our special feit mattress at $9.50 ail sizes. Special in Reed Furniture. ( This -week we are making extra special reductions on ail REED FURNITURE. Soid Oak Dining Room Suite $100,00 I A special this week. juat frdim the factory a solid oak DINING ROOM SUITE, Louis XVI Design. Regular $150.00 for $100.00 4 Piece Living Roomn Suite $75.0o ONE LIVING ROOM SUITE, settee, rocker and arm chair, fumed oak, uphol- stered in tapestry, and a 42 inch table, regular price $110.00 for $75.00 Advantage of Shopping Early à) As these special prices only last until September 3th., do not delay making your purchases and then be disappointed. Saturday night several persons phoned after reaching home to secure articles they had seen during the day oniy to find arice in question were sold. SHOP EARLY. F. F.e MORRIS Co., and Orono, BIRTHS B EA L-In Orono, September 6,, te Mr. Alfred Beal, a son,> (Roy Grant). HI LL-At Bowmanville Hospital, Sept. 18, te Mr. and Mis. Albert i71s, a son, M UTTON-In Bowmanville, September 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mutton, a daughter. LIN DSAY-At 48 Matilda-st., Toronto, August 23, to Mr. and Mrs, Gavin Lind- shy, (nec Olive Lambert), a daughter, (Catherine Rose.) MARRIAGES BRODIE-WADE-On Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 104 Durne-st. Toronto, by Rev. By- ron Stauffer, Pheobe Leona, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. R. S. Wade, to John Bacon Brodie, B. A., son cf Mr. and Mrs. J. Brodie, Grant-st., Toronto. DEATHS, BEDWIN-In Clarke, Sept. 12, Mary Elizabeth Bedwin, aged 2 years and 2 months. 9MITH-In Danlington, Sept. 18, Maud Alice Tnewin, beloved wife of Mr. Fred L. Smith, aged 45 years. COOPER-.In Whitby, Sept. 2, Janet Hislop, widow cf tbe late John Cooper,» in ber 74th year. Sister cf Mr. Wm. Hislop, Bcwmanville. SINCLAIR-Accidently drowned la Lake Scugog on Saturday, Sept. 16, Dan- iel Sinclair, Lindsay. Brother cf Mrs. Fred J. Mitchell, Eowmanville. EEDY-In St. Manys. Sept. 17, Sarabi Ellen, beloved wif e cf John W. Eedy, Publishen cf The Journal-Argus, St. Marys. BRITTAIN-Suddenly at Piedmont, California, on Monday, Sept. 11, J. C. Brittain, eldest son cf the late Joseph Brittain and brother cf Mrs. J. W. Alex- ander, Bowmianville, aged 54 years. IN MEMORIAM In kind and loving memony cf Mr. John Lambert, who departed this lifO September 19, 1920. Rest in peace your cares are ended, Rest la peace your work is done. You are gone wbene those who loved you. Soon are comning one by one. WIfe and Daughters. TO LEI FARMI FOR RENT-112 acres gooG land and baildings, iýMmedlate possession Apply J. C. Montgomery, Oshawa. 15-c LOST & FOUND. FUR FOUND ON FAIR DAY-Ap'ply at Statesman Office. LOST-From truca returning from Port Hope to Toronto Saturday afternoon, via Kingston Road, sqtiare cupboard box containlng ladys silk dness and grey suit dress 'ani qoat. Substantial re- ward. Mrs. H. ,S. White, 130 Roxhor- cugh Street West, Toronto. 38-1 WANTED FARM WANTED-About 25 acres near Bowmanville preferred. Apply N. A. Drawer B, Bcwmanville. 27-t GOOD GENERAL SERVANT-Gocd wages. Apply to Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, Wellington-st., Bowmanville. 38-2 ROOMS WANTED-At once by man- ried couple, for light housekeeplng, part- ly fui-nished. Apply at Statesman Office. 28-tf WANTED-Experienced sewing ma- chine openators for trimming depart. mentà. Apply Empînyment Manage General Motors of Canada, Oshawa. 27-i ORGANIST WANTED-For Newcastle Methodist Church, Duties to begin Oct, lst. State salary expected. Apply te, H. R. Pearce, Secnetary TrusteeBod Newcastle. Bo1rd, WANTED-A capable housekeeper, about 40 o r45 yeans cf age, must be a good plain cook and capable, for a mld- dle-aged couple. Only a small home, with every convenience. Terms moder- ate, but work light. Apply Whitby, Box 279. 88-1 .WANTED-We need tbree men who will visualize with us the opportunity to serve la a useful capaclty, and who will welcome BIG PAY and PROMO- TION la a large International Organiza- tion, MEN who caa train for Executive Positions, and supply highest references. 25 years of age, MARRIED PREFERRED L. R. Steel Service Corporation, Llmîted, Oshawa. 86-3 ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-A gocd ycung Holstein cow. Apply A. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- manville. 37-3w CANARIES FOR SALE-Hartz Mount- an Rollers, beautiful singens. Apply A. E. Jennîngs, Hampton, phone 350-22. 35-t AUTO FOR SALE-1918 Maxwell Car, first class mechanical shape, appearance good.Apply te J. Hateîy, Central Garage, Bowmanville. 37-tf. FOR SALE-10 hives Itallan Bees. Ap- ply te Harry Brock, Llberty-st, North, phone 95r2, Bowmanville. 88-1* FOR SALE-A few cholce 12 weeks' old cockerels, Ferris strain, prices rang- ing from $125 te $250. J. W. Moorey, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 25-tf CARS FOR SALE-Maxwell 1916, $225; McLaughlln 1917, $300; Chevrolet 1920, $375; Overland 85-4, $450. Apply te A. W. Pîckard, Phone 185, Bowmanville. HON Ev FOR ZALE--Good quality clover extra honey, caa he secured at village stores la Darlington or at Apairy. R. J .Smith, Ennlsklllen, phone 211r24. FOR SALE-i Parleur Heater, stove board, and 30 length stove, pipis, cern- plete foiz five dollars. 1 chlld's crlb, and bedroomn rug. Apply 21 Carlsle Ave, l3owmanvllle. 37-2w5 FURNITLJRE FOR SALE--ýBi.droom Suite, quartered oak, cost $100, will take ,$50; Side Bloard, 3 quartered eut eak, cost $65, wlll take $85; Parler Suite, T-;OWN PROP-ERTIES FOR SALE-", Medium slaed brick residence, hot air heating, bath and elcctrlty, amali gar- den, garage and poultry bouse, ment de- sirablY lecated, wlthln three minute@ walk fPetOfce. Aloo, a beautlfully locat- ed building lot. These properties are the mont reasonablyprlced of any on the market. Ap-ply Box 519. BowmanvlIe, le-tr Mr. F. H. Bounsali is confined to his home due to a fail from a step, ladder. Miss Daisy C. Culley is taking a course in the Canada Business -Col-i lege, Oshawa. Mrs. L. Winkworth and son of Vandorf1, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mr.s. John Bottrell. 1Mr. Chas. H. Franklin, Detroit, Mich., is enjoying a' visit among bis old friends in Bowmanville. Mrs, V. L. Jones and Mrs. W. J. CulIley, Miss Elsie and Master John' CuIley recently visited in Toronto. Mr. Harvey Mingeaud of the Royal Bank, Port-au-Prince, Hayti, after three years' absence fia holidaying with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Mingeaud. PAINTING,PAPER HANGING ETC PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE-. I wisb to announce te the people Beaver Lodge, No. 358, L. T. B., cf Bowmanville and vicinity that 1 will conduet a series, of Euchre part- ani prepared to continue the work les, starting Friday, September 29th cf the late W. H. Fraser. Ail or- Sat 8 p. m. to be- held ia A. O. F. Hall, dors for painting, decorating, kal- over McMurtry's & Co's. Store. Good soming, etc., will receive prompt and prizes an& refresbments s-erved, careful attention. Phone 83j, Evorybody welcome. Admission Jas. H. Abernethy, Odell-st., Bow- 25e., 38-2i manville. 87-tf The S'hop That Leadsi Q uite iThe LatestThn When it cornes to Haberdashery you wll find it here, but there are always plenty of conser- vative styles that men of quiet tastes favor, OUR FURNISHINGS FOR MEN' always prove satisfactory in variety, quality, style and price. Corne in and let us show you our stock and tell you our prices. p Gj. N. THamURlçSTO""N Bowmanville's Up-to-date Haberdashery and Fur Shop. Don't Compromnise With Your Stomnach' We're mighty careful in the selection of our Groceries, and see to, it in every instance that ail Can.ned Goods, Vegetables, etc., are fresh and wholesome. It's a big satisfaction knowing that your ownm judgment is backed by our careful choosing-and our pricles are always as low as the market allows. C.%M.&CWKER & SON BUTCHERS and GROCERS BOWMAN VILLE ruit &Onmntal Trees Ph one No. 7 Bowmanvîlle i 'T-' Rev. L. S. Wight Tweed, has been calling on old friends here. Mrs. Murray of Kansas, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. B. Pinch. music Mr. T. W. Stanley will resurne teach- ing again on Fricly, September lst, For terms, etc., phone 12-r3. Reta R. Cole A. TF. C. M., F. C. C.M., Teacher cf Voice Culture, Sight Sing- ing, Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for aIl grades of examinations. Class opens Sept. llth.* Studio, King-st. West, Bowmanville. 35-4w* Phone 57.