i Il IL ney aliments the way 1 dld. They 41 firItain 8treet, Torontologpid hwtatabuneso alv.; easy te buy, but bard te east," fine insurance bas neyer been unduly -T. A. Brwn, 415 Dorchester st. 1. - profitable iu Canada, sud in erder te Ask you neareat drugglst for .A.- H Pay lossas under theïr policies tha arie lu tablet tern, or send ljc to r-1LI.E D cempanies "must continue te colleet Dr. Plerce's Labonatory lu Bridge- the necassary prmrnurs, sud any, [I Datbed at Ottawa, 8lth August, 1922. wiue rg futrie e ton tradi cpk. s d e mity at haf the, ates w ic b ex- v r l t e t o n t e . m e i c a l d v i c .P e r i e n i l a s s o w n t e b e n e c s s a r y li ng gg f*g T he On1y Way- To Test Tea is to Taste it.- yBOWMANVILLE, SEPT, 21, 1922, BACON TYPE OF HOG TO BREED The latest set of long life mIles' T reat Y our * Liver Fair y OBN Large White Yorkshire Suite Engliah nanied Mme. Boucher, now 101 ORONOMarke. cors fom ranie, wepe ta woan A disordered liver throws the whole hard, eno lavifeaaveop towu (From The News) A brief history and a statement friends if they wish to live long. Help system wrong and affects the health Wolverhampton Lodge meets Sept. of.the points of merit of a breed of Mme. Boucher, who still works with you geerlly Bechm' Pus ct i-25, quarterly night. swine which has long been popular hier three daughters, whose combined your genrall. Becha 's illsactdi-Mrs. C. Crawford, London, is guest for the uniformity of bacon produc- ages total 220 years, bas retained al ivr rectly on the liver, cleanse and at Mr. J. N. Powers'. tion are given in the Annual of the lier faculties. She rends without stegte testm ch eglteteMr. W. J. Martyn ils making good National Pig Breeders' Association glasses and is flot deaf. stregthe th sto achreglatetheprogress with bis new residence. of Great Britain. As the article act bowels, remove ail impurities from Prof. John Squair of Torno shows the care with whch the bmeed Blessing on thee, ittle ýdame- rig t .w~ ystm, nd akeyoufi bas been bred to give the points Bareback girl with knees the samne. rg thes e ,admk ofi and well, called oni frieuds i towf recently. wbich suit the special demand for a Wih thy rolled-down silken bose YS Rev. J. W. Rae preached in the. bongsided bacon type e.n Egand and And thy short, transparent clothea; You can have a healthy body, strong Methodist Church Sunday evefling. Scotlaud as against t a tumpy With thy red lips, reddened, more, nerou sstmbrghteys ndclarMisa Jane Cascadden is home af- "Lard types" of the United States,' Sreared with lipstick fmom the store1 Ta e co e io n if yourgt ye ndcla ter a visit with relatives at Toronto. it will be read with profit by Cana- With thy make Up on thy face, ,f a e co plexon i youMm. and Mrs. N. Harris enjoyed a dian producers who wisb to kuow And thy ýbebbed hair's jaunty grace,1 visit with Mrs. Frank Hall, Janetville the why and wherefore of what, la Fmom my heart I give thee joy- 1 mRally Day in Methodiat Sunday being urged as ail important in our Glad that 1 was boru a boy.0 S School, September 24th. An inter- Canadien tra«e-"nameîli, the faclt m~~~~r ~~~~ ~that the ouly possible expansion on _______________ esting program. our hog industry cani come through B e e c h a in ~~~~Mr. Frank L. Gibson, Toronto, li larger exporta of bacon to the, Brit- ASpro col at bis sister's, Mrs. S. D. Yeo, An- ish market. ASpro ccl B ~ etioch,and with other friinds. '"The Large White, wbich la stili L IT eveywereI 25-4 pilaOrono District Veteraus Club will stili frequently known as the Large in boxhe. lre0c9 il meet lu Orono Armouries on Thurs- White Yorkshire can claim diret_ inbx«SC-0pil day, October 5th at 8.30 p. m. descent from the native piga of that _______________________________________and Mrs. E. ýCobett, Perytowu, vis- "The development of the modemn Yonge and Charles Sts., Toronto. ited their 'cousin, M rs. Ed. Cobble- breed is a trimph lu the art of selec- la well known throughout Canada W )D'S PMOSPMODINE' POEMS 0F LOVE dick. tien, It was developed and im- OD The Great English Preparation. Mrs. Charles Sturge s and son, pr v d i te frt in an e b ct- or h h ga e w rk It c ure ~Tones and irivigorates the whole Let me corne lu where you it weep- Mm. Chauncey Sturgesa of Syracuse, tagera in Yorkshire prebably cy f training are unsurpassed and nrod es. sed for sNervBous îng-aye, N. Y., are vislting hiem sîster, Mrs. S. judicious croasing with the Chinese every graduate this year bas Din lityM end Brfor ry e e h av o aycî oCuti.strain in order to couuiteract the or- ply secured employmtent. De eb~,i lossfentr alp iai on rderortelti ee M.adMr.GrePaiat iginal coarsenesa and slow maturing ~ frorctlge td the Hat ailng emry ce $2 péebox, ,Weep with YOU attendiug TorontoFaimmotored here PnatureofeninpYokdstie,.wsa et dite a it. for $5.C SoId by alldruggists, or mai!ed in plin whose love for a visit with bier aunt, Mrs. I. T. favg-bteeicculutorkhre asn etaamitdatay ie pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphWt mailed 1 have kuowu nothiug of._______Cbapman. faoie ocuain aogt detheW.J LITPicpl ere.TNE WOOD MEDICINE CO..TORONTo,omT. working classes about the iddeo .J LITPicpl The little arma that slowly, Slowly Opeations are beginuiug te speed the nineteenth century sud was stim- - oosed u on the Forest Station. Within the ulatd by opttosa ilg Thandpesuern you r usedth next few weeks 500,000 seedlings shows, which were held principAlly GSl etei L'uult e repnjiU Tokiss-ds yuc ars-ach badsIare expected te be placed. for piga and vegetables.th A arofé,rength-e. ,; nykM.reed S. Wood kis-sch acemiug tns Ie "The bacon properties of the Nou>is teideal Nreo. 2,re$3 tiNo. 51ebx MyI eZwe)wt;yu yillage te take up teamiug, sud wi.1l modemn breed are responsible for its time ta astart N% d y ai d; No.s3, e ox. Pai not wld Ite oreside iu the Jaynes eidence, pur-. popularity, and, lu the chief bacon repaid on rPCCli,5tof rrc. Fi wua eo ervice-sycae rr M.FakHl.producing celutries of the world the BU NES CH O 0 am lot.MEdICIE e., B ethe fr, tatwud b Dr. J. B. Edmison, Toronto, Dr. Large White breed bas had ne little EeyYugrjnadwra THECOO MEICIE C., etwen he ear, tat oul beRalpb Edmison, Montreal, sud Mr. share in moulding the types of animi- EvTouleuVeng man anwomha TORiNONT N7 corforting- R. J. Edmison, Peterboro, recently ais aised for bacon purpeses. This knowledge of typewriting,, short- But ah! se sadder than youraelves arn visited their brother, Rev. A. K. Ed- laCnpiuulytecael Dn.hnd haw bSins hode.inTOe Imiaou. mark. ELENha rSchdoolsin5,00 Fr TUC ntBY Who have ne child to die. over te Pro Eya ___________ _____ Worms in childreu womk bavoc. s ensfrornailoet r- No ew cE7 r'- These pesta attack the tender liuing etartt asy tmn' $end for baud. -- e , utyu ag P-r' ý'ýaof the intestines sud, if left te pur- Last week three cows were killed book now, £IenleellyC~~tifzisue their ravages undisturbeil, wîll by autos on Provincial Highway be- P. Mdisâ,, GAet Prhuei>al Muie c'medy utmtl efrt the, wl, be- tween Coîborne sud Brighton. One ÉIe YErt'S ieahtes and oieaky.' cause these worms are of the book had its leg breken whiie being led by BE$ IKA-en' .l"r -5 CeanClea andL'eniby.variety dhteing te sud feed upen its owuer, Mr. John McCacken, andý W tetr..e azEveCai5r Boo. ; bthe inteior surfaces. Miller's W orm tw e puebred Holteins, belongig Enrno i'eemey 1. ~~aA Oio irol. Lic~,Powders wiîî net onîy extermînate te Mr. A. Leslie, were kîlled eut- - .these womn, of wbatevem variety, right and a third had its borna knock- but will serve te repair the injumy ed off wben atruck by an auto as they have doue. they were beiug drives acroas the AS A subacription list is new open. at foad just after niilkiug, the car be- SUCH J. E. Rickard's for the new baud- ing damaged considerably. ý1 stand. AIl who apreciate a good î baud drop lu sud state the amount THIS_____j..? you wish te contribute. the case of the egularly licensed sud! Misa Cora M. Jervis, assistant old-fashioned companias, should be Two Months Could NotTurn in Bed. - Principal of Orono Continuation ~aie eycmflybfr e Lyda E Pikha's egeabl Coi~ IEAJTY0F HE KIN School last year is uew principal of ing adopted. f bnarldefeoevr oa BancroftContinuation ýSchool at a Our advice is te stick te the cern- pondFiaIy-R~tre HaIh sp~sanaîebyl. seo!D amraon$70,0.panies doing business lu the mgular' Caê81tetPimDples,blackheade Mm. F. W. Williamson announcaswsunrGoamntlcsaai eattie, Washington. -,Ibad drag- Irritation and eozema disappear ,teeggmnto i let aga-wu asbtnilGoennn e ging pains firat sud could net stand on the ekin la left soft, smooth àud veivety er, Wînuifred, te Mr. Henry Yen-potwse olcslugdtia Ail dealers, or Bdoinonants& csd bard tiuies are wortb a hundmed my fetthe I ad îmîedTorno S a~es &ro, ker, son of Mr. sud Mms. Henry cnsoute'dollar, as the sense ofi chilis sud fever sud mention tbis per Yonber, East Zora, marriage te take scrt n h nun ec f.10 sh isi yplace qui.etly lu October.seuiyudtaeung pceo such ains u myMind which, corne fromn the possas- Bsîo il Klers -10ê right sidesud a liard E uenlysd Etmal tl sien of such policiis 'are of more lump thereIcud Good.-The cowning proparyoeueunethntesvigo e per Packet-at ail Druggists, neiunmyofl Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 is that it dollars lu preinuums. GoesadGnrlSoe bed ud culd lotcan ha used intemually fer many cern- sleep. 1 was this w yPlaints as well as externally. For for over twe montha, Ma l--soeathroat, croup, wbooping cougb,' trying eveything pains in the cheat, colic sud maniy tI yitr brought ui m are unsumpassad. A hottle of it me aboteoLya v costa littie sud theme is ne bas lunaa- , . --- .M L E. Pinkhami's Vege-AN ways haviug it st baud. table Cer nd. 1 took it reguariy un- precious eakffb.Abuidng ele- - Editor sud Mms. S. Cuttel sud Mr. tii aIl the hard paiin had lef me sud 1I un essam tal factOrsI Floyd Cuttel bave eturned frmr was able te ha up aud te do my work termtrti hog h igr again. The bard lump left mi aide aud of grwto taevery chIl. Dtictotor nthrougllsean iagaran I feal splendid in aIl ways. 0nW ofya ruauy women it bas helped, "-Mrs. G.. S tt'sF ISd through New York State te Syra- RICHARSONICou n IFI cuse, wbare tbey speut a few days. RCASO,4640 Orcas St, Seattie, 8th.io It was a very enjoyabie trip. Wasiu ton t e ood to ic of pt~ s M .,-R. Z. Hall, M iss M innie Hall B This la anethEýr case wher-e Lydia E. valu. to children It eud Mrs. C. G. Armstrong are ou a Pinkhar's Vegtabla Comnpouud j n~tpu h auuyRvr hyT o dr an oe ol m" adfale.buil& homth and Pro- toek boat at Toronto, going via Ro- If rou re slfeiug rompain ne- moos Vthester, Tbousaud Islansdansd Mon- If yu ae sffeing rompai, nr. Mtesgrothltreal, sud returned by rail te vis- vousnssansd are always tirad; if you Set wu.msl, ' it Mr. Geo. Armstrong at Moutreal, are lew apiited and good for nothinz, 'Aud then te Ottawa for a f ewý dayS taire Lydia E. Pinkham'B eetbé te Wailsan, 5 viip e r censs Compound. You inay net oniy mlieve aht ha Filsudsvn. wt M the prasent distress, but prevent the Like s Gip at the Tbroat. Fer a zu or T b e disease that is net classad, as fatal e thame is pmbsýbly noue wbich causes fl ~<îmore terrible suffaing, than aatbma. Tii. iducs aretii.Bioo Filtrs- @UreHeedsh. h~) ~cornes exbausted and finaily, thougb sudIh97adM t 'Meidnysareth BlodFîler - f ea u pa dd i 2 îlz the attack psses,ils left lu unceasing sudi 197adM W When they Weaken and, Stop aUp, rkýU 9 O vwn t dmead of treun Dr. J. D. Kel- the Systemn Becomes Overloaded ---stop Metl of W90 logg's Astbrna Rernedy is a weuder- with Urlc Acid - z u eeilaet.I m daey Nla ar Fil, n-"I have used go a~fI re a il a e t. t in e itl aa als, ODr. eree edcne ....1krelieves the restricted air passages be l ai of Dr Pierc 's med einefias thousand s c5 n testify. It la soid C NE S O and ake restby deniers eveyw bere. them a bot The Anuric Tab- STC T PnAlM ZN!STER OF FINANCE offéesto holders lets are the great- SIKT RE N>J fdsebnsw.dsr .cniu hf estcee a .onan/TSTE CMPAIE Makers of McClaiys ecr Range ~ London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., llamiItQn, Galgary, Saskatoon "rhClea W,"and Edmonton 58 of FVeV Year r BOnds rig 1st December, 1922. PROPOSALS Holde-ra of the imaturing bonds who wish ta availE themelves of this conversion privilege' should take thoir bonda AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, BUT NOT l LATER THAN SEPÉE1MER 3Oth, ta a Branch of amy Chartered Bank in Canada and rceive in exchange am officiai r.cclpt for the bonds surrendered, containing OR man wdetaklng to deliver the correspondinjK bonds of the new imse. Maodm of maturlng fully registered bonds, interest psyable by, choque from Ottawa, will receive their *S Decetnber 1, Interest choque as usuel. Holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the Iast unmatured Coupon beforo surrendering the bond îtself for conversion purpomes The surrendered bonds wiIll h forwarded by banks to the Minister of Finance at Ottawa, where they wilI bo exchanged, for bonds of the new issue, in fully là registered, or coupon regîstered or coupon hoarer form carrying Intereat payable lst May and let Noverpber *M of each-year of the duration of thet ban, the first interest payrnient accruing and payable lst May' 1923. Bonds of the new issue will ho sent ta the banks for delivery nediately after the receipt of the surrendered, bonds. The bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposai will ho paîd, off in cash on la the lst December, 1922. W. S. FIELDING, Minister of Finance. Natural Leaf Green Tes, is proP. revelation ýto those who have 'l usera of japans. I TRY IT-YOU WILL LIHL Essentially Different/ T IHERE are two most important things about any Electric Range-the cooking element and the oven. Everything else is of lesser importance. And in McCiary's Electric Range both these points are diff erent and superior. The Cooking Elements are protected. The heating coils being embedded in tough porcelain, are protected from spilled food and other damnage. They heat as quiclrly and remain hot niuch longer than any other kind. The Seamess Oven-of welded steel, porcelain enamneled with r-,inderl cqrers is sanitary and easily kept dlean., It ope- ates like a freless cooker, b ecause when once heated it stays heated until the baking la done.