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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Sep 1922, p. 8

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An 'Early Start Everything points -to good business this Eall. Already wehave noticeda steady increase in our business this mionth. Local merchants in other uines of business are enjoying the same experience Buy In Bowmanville We' are doing our part to make it both a pleasure and profit to "Buy in Bowmanville", Without in any way boasting, we feel we are in a posiion to 'serve you best' when you are lookin g around for. Gifts That Last Sucli as Silverware, Flatware, Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Cut Glass, China, and rnany othcer articles taken from our large and at- tractive stock. ALEX "ELLIO'eT Diamonds and Jewelry Bowmanville Buy Less Coal Keep Warmer Doesn't seem possible, but it is IF you use "Do Your Own" WEATHER STRIPPING E4sy ýto put on doors or windows-and not expensive, either, Cail and see for yourself. Mason & DaIe's Hardware Phone 145 Bownianville Before Buying FURvýNITfïURE SEE OUR DISPLAY AND GET OUR PRICES WILLIAMS & CANN Undertaker & Embalmer Bo'wmanvilie Furnitur, Dealer Ontaro One Deivery Daily Give us a trial-yvou'Il get better meats and better service at the right price. Our prices are reasonable and the cuts so j tender and full of fiavor. Phone your order in afternoon and it wll be delivered by 8.30 next morning. G. A. Edmonïdstone One Joor'east of F. F. Morris.Co. Phone ,21 Bowmanville 'I The 1Newvcia,ýt1e Iridept=ândient rFHURSDAY, SEPTEVIBER 21, 1922. NE WCASTLE NEWCCASTLE Mr. Frank Branton, jr.. is indis- Miss Ed-na Hall, Toronto, is guest posed. at Mis. J. A. Smith's. Mr. Jake Monis was home for the Mr. Volney Moore left on Monday week-end. last to attend Normal School in Tor- Mr. Alden Gibson was home over onto. the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ryan, Tor- Miss Janie Singer bas returned onto, are visiting with lier parents, home fromn Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thomas. Mrs. Glendenning is-visiting with1 Mrs. Matthew Brown, Walton Cot- fîiends in Bowmanville. tage, had a grand display of colored homeovertheweekend. wasasters at the School Faîr-some quite Mi. Arthur Nichols, Oshawa, a equal t those seen at the Toronto homeoverthe eek-nd.Exhibition. Mi. Wellington Brunt bas invested One of our newer citizens, Mr. ln a fine McLaughlin car. Sherlock, bas been spending botb Miss Gladys Bradley is visiting time and money hii good measure 'in witb friends in Hampton. improving his niewly acquired home R. Walton and Cecil Cowan vis- on Benver-st. His new fence to the ited Toronto on Tuesday last. noîth completes the generalplan and Mrs. J. Honeywell, Orono, spent Mr. >Sheriock should be complimented the week-end at Mrs. G. Gray's. on his rare,' artistie taste and good Miss, Grace McDonald Timmins, isjudgment shown in this particular rî1enewing old acquaintances in town. masterpiece of craftsmanship. Miss Alice lli, Kingston, was a Several fîom bere attended the, guest at Mis. Johný Robinson's îast District meeting at Oshawa to heari week.the farewell addîesses of Rev. Geo. week.W. Spaîling, B. A., Missionaîy toý Mis. Murdock, Bowmanville, spent China, of the Bowmanville District' the week-end with the Misses Wi- Epworth League. It is just fifteen mot's. years sînce at a 'large. gathering of Miss Muriel Andrews, Toronto, ministers, missionaîy woirkers, and was a week-end visitor at Mis. Frank Leaguers in this village, Mr. Spar- Gibson's. ling accompanied by bis young bride, Mis. W. T. Lockhart and Miss, bade his first f arewell to this district Ethel Lockbait are visiting friends ito take up fris woîk in China. Among in the city.1 those who attended the meeting at Mrs.A. row, Pot Hpe as Oshawa weîe Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mi. Men is A. Brwn, Pir otHoebas. Fred Graham, Mi. Herbert Hancock, beehsBriteg.ih e mter is rs. B., Moise, Mis. W. H. Penîce, Thos Barie. Misses Lillian and Eva Coiwill and Mi. PercyBrîadbury, Brantford, . R. Pearce. spend the week in town a guest 0of Newcstle Union Sehool is gettîng Mis. McLnughlin. underway for the faîl and winteî Miss Margaret Lake, Toronto, terni athletically as well as acaem-1 spent the week-end with bier mother, îcally. The boys of the High. School Mis. Frank Gibson. and Senior Room of the Publici Miss Claudie Papineau, Toronto, School have oîganized a sports club is visiting witbh ler parents, Mi. and ith Princiapi C. F. Cannon of tbe Mis. E. Papineau. I Ibic ýSchbol as President; Geo. Mis. Woodcock. Oshawa, is spend- IFenning as Vice-Piesident and F. ing a few days witb bier Bagte,1ennett, Secretary-Treasuîer. It is Mis. Wmn. Jamieson. duhe, the intention of the club to immed- J. Anderson Smith Co. are increas- itl neti vle-aloti ing their staff in order that they May and commence pînctice 'at once. keepup itb hei ordrs.The girls have also foîmed an at- keepup wth heirordes. eltic association under the super- Mis. T. W. Bonnell bas îetuînedivi.,Çon of Miss Sanderson,,H. S. As- home from Toronto wheîe she bas sistant teacher ,and with the assist- been visiting witb bier daughters. lance of Mi. Herbert Hancock, em- Mi. and Mis. Ed, Britton, Toron-;ployed by the Board of Education, to, are spending a week in town, are getting things ini readiness for guests of Mi. and Mis, John Douglas. a season of basket hall. The offi-î Mrs. Hughi Gibson and Mis. T. M. 1cors are: Miss Nellie Thomas, Piesi- 1 Gibson have returned home after a'dent; Miss Irene Rinch, Vice-Prei-j visit with friends in Cbemong Park. dent; Miss Bernice Couch, Secretaîy Mis. Frank Bone entertained a and. Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Treas- number of bier fîiends on Monday urer. evenîng and a most enjoyble time- A serlous auto accident happeaedi \vas spent.by ail present. ý on Mill.,st. sciuth, Friday night and Mr. and Mis. Sam Stewart, Moi- the occupants of both cars were pret- ris Plains, New Jersey, are visiting ty well shaken up, one car being com-, bier parents, Mi. and Mis. D. j., pleteily demolisbed.. It appears Gibson. "Hazel Dell Faim". 1 Robt Walton and Aif. Sima weîe Wbile Mi. Carl Seiby bad bis' dîiving noîth and when opposite hore ted n te MthoistChuchFred Cowan's noticed another car sheds on Tuesday afteînoon some cmn ot n'xetdî ops low 'sneak thief stole bis wbip. cm in the regular way but wben alnost opposite car No. 2 drivea by Cecil The sympatby of the entire C oI'Fwaa trîed to, tura into the cross munity is extended to Mi. and Mis. street the other car had reached Chas. Bedwîn in their bour of soir. that point but appaîently he mis- îow owixng to the death of their lit-! judged the distance for la making tie daugbteî Mary.1 the tuin bie bit Bob's car almost aide Mi. and Mis. J. C. Hancock re- on tbrowing it on ita side in the tuîned home fîom Saskatchewan on ditch and completely demolisbing it Monday and wvere accompanîed by as well as damaging the car bie was bis sister Miss Hancock, who we are'driving which belonged to Mr. Lew. pleased to bear is mucb impîoved in Paînieil. Fortunately the occu- healtb. Ipants of both cars escaped serious Rev. G. R. and Mis. Claie, Tweed,1 injuries and afteî "fiist aid" was ad- spent a few days in town and theïi mînistered by Nuise OJrskin, *Vbeyî aumerous friends were pleased to weeal opoce oe i meet thém once more. Rev. G. R's. with the exception of Aif. Sims weîe sbadow does not giow less nor bis able to attend to business on Mon- handsbake îess vigorous.i day morning. Aif. received n nastyI toeut la bis foýot wbich severed an ai- Mr. D. J, Galbraith sbipped to teiy and bas since been using cars of bis beef cattle to the Toi-; crutches. onto market last week.< We notice by tbe Market Reports the follýowinÈ-4 Oui Methodist, Church in the past, morning tbat bis sales topped the two weeks has been greatly cbeered 1 market but this was only "according and blessed by the presence in ouir to Hoyle" as Newcastle always fuin- midst and in the pulpit on Sundays ishes the best. of several honored and esteemed former pastors as well as by an in- Oui citizens were treated to a real' terchange of work wben on Sunday good game. of basebaîl on Monday morning the lOth inst., Rev. W. T. afternoon between the Bowmanville Wickett of Tyrone, pîeacbed an elo- Central Ontario League teamn and quent sermon bere whilst the pastor oui own home brews. The visitois Rev.- E. B. Cooke was conducting came out on tbe long end of a' 6-3 anniversaîy services on the Tyrone score, batteries were Newcastle E. Circuit. On. each of the two Sua- Moise P. and R. Walton C, Bow- days the congregation had a trinity manville McMurtry P. and Bates C. of preachers and a thrill of pleasure' Mis. Arthur Kilpatîick was taken and memoiies rich in sympathy and seriously ill last week and was re- fellowship ian tbrew the pews as moved to, Bowmaaville Hospitali former pastors conducted the ser- wbere it was found aecessary to per- vice, led in prayer or pîeacbed the form an operation wbich was ac- Word., A week ago Sunday as bas téomplished on Monday. We are already been referîed to, Rev. Mi. pleased to learn that latest reports Wickett pe7eached in the moning are quito favorable, and that 8he and Rev. J. C. Wilson, now of Toi- will soon be fully restored to bier onto, in tbe evening, tbe service be- 'usual good healtb. ing conducted by Rev. H. S. Spence, Rev.Petr Adisn, aforer op-wbo with bis sister was visiting at Rev.Petr Adisn, aforer op-the Parsonage. ular and well beloved pastor of tbe, Metbodîst Cbuich bore, now îetiîedi Sunday last Rev. E. B. Cooke, CHANGES IN SCHOOL STAFF Several new names appear on thiel - teacbing staff of both, Newcastleý Iigb -and Public ýSchools. Miss'. Sanderson replaces Miss Turabuil, 1 late Iigh Scbool assistant, On the1' Public Scbool staff, Miss Hazel Bar- cor 9I rie assumîes charge of tne juvenilo ;SP class and Mi. Cannon replaces Pria- ifs NEWCASTLE SCHOOL FAIR cipal J. W. Bradley, lately resigned sal ________and wbo bas ably filled this position Complet. Officiai Prize List. for over twenty years. It would, 24 indeed, ho difficult to reader 'to Mi. - r Marquis Wbept-Will Lake. Bradley any expression of sufficient Do. Shoaf-Willie Lako, Abert approciation for bis services, not on- Pearce, Laide Bulis. ly as a teacer and principal but also A] Oats, O. A. C. 72-McBurnoy for 'bis qualities as a good citizen, Gr Couch. wbo tbrougb bis own exanrple and in- of Do Sheaf-McBurney Coucb.ý fluence, bas probably done more bu Barley, 0. A. C. 21-Brie Clarke, than anyone else in Newcastle for on Frank Barley. the making of good citizens from the BIq Do. Sheaf-Erie Clarke. rising and sometimes indifferent gen- Sweet Coin, Golden Bantam- oration, by instilling into them those George Walton, Bail Walkey, Rosa essentials possessed by those wbo are H Gibbs. ýa credit to their home communîty in Fe Field Peas, Arthur-Howard El- paîticular,' and thoeir country at Li( liott. large, lis abilîty togother witb bis Ne L Gardon Peas, Thomas Laxton- winning personality bave won hlm Gr Mae Clarke. hosts of friends bere and it is a weljl pil Potatoes, Green Mountain-Richl- known fact that the pupils looked Tc 1 id Cowan, Amelia Honeywell, Eaîl forward to tbe time wben tbey would 1Waikey, Richard Ellis, Raymond come under bis tutolage and regret- Ne Gibbs, Jack Elliott, ted it wben tbey were promoted. For te Potatoos, Irisb Cobbler-Kennetb many years Mi. Bradley bas been- Wilson, Winnifred Lancaster, Law- dlosl lidwtSuay cho renc Ganes Ros Jnes Arhurwork and with every movement that Lockhart, Murray Butler. had for its aim, the making of dlean, Mangels, Yellow Leviathan-Dav- on mahd. Togbilgt id Lockhart, Oswald Wragg, Jack young li,maoode. Tihougbis alirgt Holmes, Tom Brown. ewoul sý hin moewcasgtly, in areîg Boo ets, Detroit Bark Red-Ruby pu lea tha Necaste, we are- Nichols, Nettie Caswell, Billie Row- rou4 to breacn toinendte e-rin land, Norma Elliott, Marion Rinch. omn" orh e nd cotinue e carry- Carrots, Chanttnay-Maretta o"fr h enftofoicomn. Law, Fred Butler, Clarence Gaines itcil_______ John Iendry, Gladys Shaw, Hildý, Rowland. Have you been in te 500 the groat ta' Parsnips HIollow Crown-Frances bargains in fuiniture? Btter do Elliott, Ruth Gibbs, Dorothy Rick- so to-day. F. F. Morris Co. er aid. __________________ Onions-Maîy Lockhait, Fred Thomas, Carnet Caswell, Stanley - T T D 1w Graham, Wilbert Grahami, Ruth Han- ýe VV W .Dradley, w cock. y Sweet Peas-Marion Rincb. Newcastle 1 AafrsNOleao Anderson, Mary Insrne gn AdarNetieCaswell, Gladys Shaw, General nuacAgt jTucker Coucb. In Clerk of 2nd Division Court, Comn- Phox-Mae Clarke, Ruthb a2 isoeec cock, Clarice Caswell, Ruth Gibbs. ~15ifOec Cockeîel-Ainley Butler, Gordon Ketchum, Dorothy Rickard, Marettai Law, Rosa Joness. Pullet-Goidon Ketcbum, Ainleyý Butler, Dorotby Rickard, Maretta SPEA Law, Rosa Jones«SPEl1AL Pen-Fîed Thomas, Gordon Ket-ý chum. Rosa Jones.A 'lTATTC T Caîf, Dairy Ieifer-Geo. Brad- 1A.TI W VV .L1TJ iIk) .' ley, Albert Pearce, Basil* Wilson, jHI ISPA Pr. Bacon llogs-Frank Gay. T I SPA McIntosh Appies-Evelyn Rick-i aid, Dorotby Riekard, Iiwvin' Colwill, Betty Carrod, Alfred Gaîrod, Mai-ý Order this week and get ion Rinch. est prices, 75c and 90c the1 Spy Apples-B-velyn Rickard, Dor-ý [othy Riekard. Wilbert Graham, Jacký Raisins, fresh in... ýHleAudrey Maguire, riCo- Aple-JcklrinCo ;Cocoa v-ýery nourishi 1Snow A Wiîbeît kHoimes, Char- Cm bllsSupa lsThackeray, WletGrabam, Gair- a pelsSu ,a net Caswell. King Apples-Evelyn Riekard, lML .D)oiothy Riekard. R A Collection Apples-Evelyn Rick-, nid. Dorothy Rickard, Roy Jones,! ýlack Holmes, Norman Heard. 1 Grocer Pears, Dessert-Tom Brown, El-, eanor Anderson, Charles Tbackeray,' Mary Lockbart, Marion Rinch, Ii-,' _________________ win Coiwili, White Bread, 2 boaves-Norma, Eliiott, Tueker Coucb. Tea Biscuits-Hilda Rowland, El-ý eanor Anderson, Tueker Couch. i castor, Blanche Sbaw, Norma-Blliott,lH Tucker Coucb, Rae Clarke, Minnie' Pegrce.______ Chocolate Cake-Veima Brown, Tuckeî Coucb, Norma Eliiott, Gi ad-! ys Shaw- Eleanor Anderson, Minniel Penice. Cail and see our samp] -Apple Pie-Dunreath Dudley, Hilda Rowland, Norma Eiliott, Tuck-' floorîng. oer Coucb, Bbeanor Anderson. El Sebool Luncb-Tucker Couch l ennor Anderson. Fudge, Hom-nade-Mary Adair,' Bleanor Anderson, Hlilda Rowland, Winnified Lancaster, Tuer Couch, M .JA Marion Rincb.i Kitchen Apion, -Machine Made- l Hardware Store îTueker Coueh, Gladys Shaw, Nollieý Garrod.1 Guest Towel, hand made-Tuekerý Couch. Doilie, ombroidered-Cladys Shaw Piece of elotb, sbowing patchingý -Mae Clarke, Tueker Coueh, Elean-1 or Anderson, Nellie Garrod.e Daining on Stocking-Tuckeî . Couch, Bleanor Anderson.1 -i1 1 1Knited Men',s Socks-Tuckor r t o l . Coucb. 1Wooden Stirîîng Spoon-Harward, Elliott, McBuîney Coueh, Weatol Striner. 1 Quality Supreme, Service Ui Woodon Mallet-Willîo McEach- oran, Ernest Pearce, Lawrence Gaines; fresh dai Douglas Wright, Alfred Garrod. 1 ,Collection Fuingus Diseases of' BREAD, BUNS, R Coucb, Ai- CoiceGroceries, Confectioî Collection Noxious Weeds-Tuck-' or Couch, Bleanor Anderson. 1 Collection Pasture Plats-Tuck-, - - Wo oer Couch. i Collection Injurions Insect- H .X0 S Tueker Couch, McBuîney Couch. Du1 m Cuny a-Glds Bkr&Goe Tbaaksgiving Day, Monday, No- ember 6tb. BUILDERS' ATTENTION!I We are prepared to do ail kindii et oncrete, plastering and brick work. ,ecialists in cernent finiahng ina ail i branches. Estimatea furniahed and tisfaction guaranteed. Peter Martîn & Som, 4-t Elgin-at. N.. Bowmaivle MEDICAL ,LFRED FARNCOMB, M. D., C. M. 'aduato of Trinity Uaiversity, algo fRoyal College Physicians, Edin. .rg. Specialty-Diseases of worn- aand children. Office-Parker'. lock, Newcastle. J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. oio graduato of Trinity Univer aity, ellow of Trinity hedwal Coîlege,. icentiate of the State Uaiversity of ýw York, Matriculate of the Peut- raduate Medical Schoel and Ho,- tal of New York and Fellow of the oronte Academy of Medicine. Offie Mis. McNaughtonz ReËidence, ewcastle. louis-S te 10 a. m., 1 3 1). m., and by appoiatment. Owinig to the strike it is3 mpossible to get immediate .livery, but, I have a suffi- ient.quantity on order to ike care of all my custom- 'S. -Make sure of your next Tinter's coal, by booking our order early. Jeo. Jamieson Newcastle LIS WIEEK ZH WEEK best quality and low- basket. .........20c b ng ....15e lb ,kinds 15c Can Newc.astle Blue Steel Finish Aluminum Finish Aluminum Finish w Toaster Aluminum Oven IIESON Newcastle Bread rnsurpassed, Delivered lily ZAISIN LOAVES Siery and Fresh Fruits âter Stove t cooking or heating bake at the same time. ýst resistance wire ob- for one year. Not $2.00 $2.50 witli $4.50 $5.50 r «Q I sof hardwood TTO Newcastle LAST CALL FOR PEACHES This la your lat opportunity te get the finest varieties of Niagara Pen- insula Peaches for preseîving or table use. Tihe best pluma for pre- serving, Damsons and Green Gagea, are almoat flnished also. If You have not preserved any of this sens- on's unusually high quality fruit do so now. Prices are very reasonable. Look for the mark of the Niagara Peninaula Growers, Limîted on con- tainers. It stands for carefully packed, evenly graded fruit. He C. BONATHAN I j' îl . > ýl rr ,:)les

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